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Posted (edited)

Was walking around a local mall and there was this shop selling Lego, and for some odd reason, it had a 1:1 menacing T-800 endoskeleton on display in front of the store. It was HUGE and very real looking cept its eyes aren't glowing and there were some cables that didn't seem to be attached properly. It had a 40 watt plasma cannon. :p

It made me realise how HUEEGGG the T-600s are going to be because the T-800 itself was a 6 footer and was pretty huge despite how deceptively small it looks comparatively to the earlier models in that comparison chart.

Edited by wolfx
  Hikuro said:
I hope the game is good, I was pleasently surprised on Wolverine, so maybe this'll work?

It's a 4 hour long game. I have a bone to pick with short games like this... I just saw Gametrailer's Review and it looks like it still fell into the "movie-to-game adaptation syndrome" it seems...


Yeah I heard about that, atleast 5 hours including cut scenes, un impressive graphics, and pathetic AI enemies. The only thing I guess is good about the game is the storyline, but everything else leaves you going "WTF? 60 bucks for this?"

It's not even being recommended for a weekend rental...so yeah I guess I'll just have to pass on this. I hope Transformers does well.

Posted (edited)

I saw the TSalvation game at Best Buy today. All the alarms in my head went on, warning me of "Cheap Movie-To-Game" products. I've always been wary of games based off of movies. They usually tend to disappoint.

Also, something I was digging around for was the TSalvation soundtrack. I didn't find it on shelves today, but I looked online. I have the CD soundtracks for both T1 and T2 (and I prefer the original). I wanted to hear Salvation's take on Terminator, most especially the Terminator theme itself. Surprisingly, from what I've read online, there is NO version of the Terminator theme, period. No using of the original theme, no revision of said theme. It just isn't in the Soundtrack at all. Brad Fiedel's Terminator theme is one of the identifying marks of the franchise, and I'm disappointed that it isn't even present in the Soundtrack. Maybe it'll be in the movie itself? Hopefully, but something that is closely identified with the franchise not present at all in the title soundtrack is annoying.

It's like seeing a Star Wars or Star Trek show that doesn't use their trademark opening themes. Like watching a Superman movie without John William's theme for the superhero. Like watching an Indiana Jones movie without his title theme.

Edited by Warmaker

OUCH. :unsure:

Who ever thought in 2003 that we'd look back on Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines as the good old days?
  Warmaker said:
Early reviews are really, really split.

I was really hoping the reviews would be more positive. Granted its still early, but we all saw how strong Star Trek came out of the gate with the critics. Bad reviews won't stop me from seeing it, but it leaves me wondering if they missed an opportunity here.


But some of the negative ones have no idea what the hell they're reviewing, like this one:


However, at one point in the film, Skynet comes up with a new creation that has human skin and can speak, and the company calls it the ultimate infiltration machine.

But wait. All three previous "Terminator" villains looked human and were capable of speech. They could infiltrate human society, too. So how is this new model an advance? And if Skynet really wanted to infiltrate the human population, why would it keep manufacturing those monstrous-looking steel-skeleton robots? Question the story of "Terminator Salvation" in even a cursory way, and the edifice crumbles.


  Graham said:
Will wait for some reviews by our members here. I never trust reveiws by professional movie critics.


Should i use the same principle to not trust "professional toy critics" either? :lol:

Most of the negatives seem to be the movie lacks the "human touch" or whatever. I'd be pretty disappointed if that were true though because the plot object known as Marcus Wright has a tonne of potential human drama and I'd feel quite annoyed as well if they never used him as best they can.


Wow... that review was terrible. Did he even watch the other movies or did he just read a quick synopsis of each before writing up that dribble.

But some of the negative ones have no idea what the hell they're reviewing, like this one:


Wow k'mon, either he's pulling our leg or he's retarded to fullest degree. I don't know many people at all who have not seen Terminator, like 3 people in my life time have never seen it.

This guy has like totally stepped out and said "This movie sucks and I have no idea what I'm talking about!" hidden in his text.

Posted (edited)

I bit the bullet and went to a midnight screening. Here's my thoughts.

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All in all, I thought it was better than the third but nowhere near the first two movies. If you're a Terminator fan it's worth seeing at some point. In terms of movies in theaters now, it's nowhere near as good as Star Trek.

edit: thanks word filter

Edited by meh_cd
Posted (edited)

Eh, go and see it only because you're curious about it and you have to satisfy that curiousity. You know, there were a coupla' meatheads and their floosey next to me and they wouldn't stop talking, however instead of getting my face kicked in by saying something I found myself not blaming them one damn bit; this has to be the most uninteresting movie I've seen this side of the last Indiana movie.

I could pick this movie apart like a broken T-800, but I'm so worn out from boredom and yet another fine example of Christian Bale's wooden acting that I think I'll just go to bed...

Edited by myk
Posted (edited)

Just got back from seeing this movie...no review, just a possible spoiler alert....

I thought it was ok, it didn't mess up the time line or story I don't think. I hope this helps out the franchise and Sarah Connor Cronicles. Arnie, or at least the likeness of Arnie is in it, and probably my favorite part. They made him look exactly the way he did in T1....huge, with the longer 80's hair and everything. Couldn't have done it better. He may have been entirely CG, I could be wrong though. GnR music from T2 was nice to hear.

Edited by peter

I think it's stating the obvious but the people in charge are really really out of touch... giving Xmen to Ratner, Aliens to Paul WS Anderson and Terminator to McG. Giving Superman to Singer was probably an honest mistake but a huge costly one.

  >EXO< said:
I think it's stating the obvious but the people in charge are really really out of touch... giving Xmen to Ratner, Aliens to Paul WS Anderson and Terminator to McG. Giving Superman to Singer was probably an honest mistake but a huge costly one.

Makes you wonder sometimes, doesn't it?


I saw it...

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