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Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone else out there feels like I do, Some what lost after watching Macross Zero. Though the animation and action sequences are amazing and even the music is pretty good. I just felt the story was very rushed and like X-files, way to many questions left unanswered.

the same way that they took Macross Plus and made new footage, extra dialog for it to tie up the loose ends. I feel that they should take a swing and do the same for Macross Zero. And no more reusing or repeating the same scenes to save time. Would be nice to get a better background on Shin, Roy, A better view of the Macross when it crashed. Lets meets the newly formed UN Spacy and Anti-UN forces. Was that the same City-Ship under the sea as we saw in DYRL ??

I don't mean to ramble. But it would just be such a great piece of Anime with such potential, to be completed. Make it a full and satisfying Film, not something that got rushed into production. And yes, how about a recap ending, instead of just Shin flying off into the sunset. What happens to Roy afterwards (Yes I know the TV series and DYRL) Show the Anti UN surrender, Explain why the VF-0 Phoenix was replaced, What happens Mao. you know, start a story and end it.

Let be honest, enough requests and interest. Big West, Bandai and Yamato will see the $$$ signs.

What do you guys & gals think?


The ending is a bit of a let down, but I don't know if there are enough loose ends to justify a "the movie" treatment like Macross Plus received.


Ummmm, nah.

Would be nice to get a better background on Shin, Roy,...

We already know the relevant stuff about Roy...What more could M0 add? Shin? Like what else do you want to know? His favorite food? :blink:

A better view of the Macross when it crashed.

And how does that play into M0's story?

Lets meets the newly formed UN Spacy and Anti-UN forces.

Oh heck no. Both sides are way too big.

What happens to Roy afterwards (Yes I know the TV series and DYRL)

He buries Aries and is reassigned to SDF-1???? The time between M0 and SDFM is pretty short (less than a year gap)


Show the Anti UN surrender

They surrendered?

Explain why the VF-0 was replaced

Because it was a testbed?


The VF-0 can be summed up as a stop-gap fighter. Since the VF-1's engines were not ready, they could not deploy the VF-1. So the VF-0 was introduced as a proof-concept of a combat-ready VF design. The VF-1 was being mass-produced at the time. The VF-0 was not intended to be a permanent solution to the UN's VF problem, but the UN wasn't going to let it go to waste so they used it to test (and combat-test) out everything that would be in at future designs.


Ah! run for the hills. A big screen version of Big Bird & the Tree Huggers :blink:

Let sleeping dogs (or in this case birds) lie.


I too agree that a movie is not warranted.. an extended special edition episodes would be good, but no movie. I think the Mac+ movie works, but i still prefer the oav.. a live action Mac+ movie, now thats a different story... (or thread lol)


I really love Macross Zero as it is. Some of the most gorgeous designs by kawamori IMO and really great animation with a meaningful story. I know that many people on the forums dislike the story and think that the points about modern civilization destroying native cultures is too "wussy" and just want more fighting. And to each their own but not everyone feels that way. One of the things I like about SDF Macross is that the story, along with having really cool fight scenes, has a message about getting beyond war, and finding peace. Call me a wussy or a peace loving hippy or whatever you want but I think that shoji Kawamori and the other creators of Macross were trying to get that point across. Sure I love the Mecha and the fight scenes too, they are beautiful works of art and it was the robots and explosions that got me into macross when I was a kid.

As far as Macross Zero goes, One of the problems with the story is that the translation into English is really bad (depending on what version you have). If you want the story to make more sense watch it with the ANBU subs. That helps a lot.

Personally I liked the Macross Plus OVA much better than the Movie which seemed rushed to me.

Still if they made a Macross Zero movie I would own it and probably love it but I do not think that it is necessary. What I do think is necessary is a proper english translation on DVD. It is a drag to have to torrent the ANBU subs. I would love to have Macross Zero in high quality DVD with the ANBU subs (make the font just a tad bigger) and even on HD or BlueRay too.

My four cents. . .


Count me in for a movie, I think it's a solid idea. What we have now are five episodes that feel very disjointed, adapting them into a movie might really help (or get so much worse it'd be the epitomy of suck). Thinking positive though, they could develop a flow that was sorely lacking in the episodes and maybe patch some of the big gaps a lot better. That said, it seems some of the reasoning for wanting a movie was because there's a feeling that M0 missed the mark and I'm not sure a movie would fix that.

Miriya, I think you're also missing your mark about the common criticisms of M0. It doesn't seem to me that people are upset because M0 wasn't mech porn enough as you allude to by saying people "just wanted more fighting." It seems to me that people were upset because M0 got really spiritual and that seemed to be moving away from the technological science fiction into this more nebulous science fantasy realm. Of course, that's a whole different can of worms.


I dont want a movie version of Mac0. I just want the episode that should have existed beween ep4 and ep5. That was my only problem with it, it felt like a standard 6 episode OVA that was cut to 5 after ep4 came out.

  RDClip said:
I dont want a movie version of Mac0. I just want the episode that should have existed beween ep4 and ep5. That was my only problem with it, it felt like a standard 6 episode OVA that was cut to 5 after ep4 came out.

Nothing wrong in between those episodes people were just complaining about the ending thats it.


Deadghost, are you saying you didn't perceive there to be an episode missing there too? Lots of people complain about the end but lots also complain about how jumpy the story is (ie. missing an episode).

  RDClip said:
I dont want a movie version of Mac0. I just want the episode that should have existed beween ep4 and ep5. That was my only problem with it, it felt like a standard 6 episode OVA that was cut to 5 after ep4 came out.

It's entirely possible, since that's how shows get cancelled in Japan. They don't abruptly end like here, they are given "notice" and are allowed to wrap up their stories within a certain period of time.

Mac Zero didn't do as well in Japan as expected, probably due to the unusual length of time between episodes.

We know SK can write a coherent story (Macross Plus) so if he had to abandon a chapter to finish the series he may have done just that in light of Big West pulling the plug on the poorly performing show.

I tend to believe Mac II was meant to be longer (because of the same story jumpiness) as indicated with Zero. Due to it's poor sales it was truncated (i.e. cancelled) as well.


Rather like a directors cut. AKA second try.

I would like to see a movie edition if it guts the last two episodes.

The ending of the OVA was horrid and get rid of the magic/mysticism.

But the way things work we will get more fruitiness and tree hugging.

Posted (edited)

I would like an epilogue, not a movie. (yes Episode 6).

Show the rebuilding hulk of the SDF. Show the crew (Global, Roy, Sammi) arriving to take up their posts. Show the ARMD launch ceremony. And yes, this is all because I want to see a new redone CG screen version of the Skull One VF-1S.

Besides, once the scene shifts away from Mystic Mumbo Island to South Ataria Island, we _should_ be done with the tree hugging.

Edited by Retracting Head Ter Ter

Well It looks like my posting definitely reached quite a few macross fans out there. Looks like everyone has their views as far as "well it wasn't my favorite, so what ever..." To more of my view point which is "lets go back and rework this puppy to its full potential" Either way Macross Zero as a whole is a good series, Could be better though. But lets face it, Anime in Japan is what Hollywood Movie making is here in the USA. When your funding gets dropped or cut, you make do with what you have. I always wondered why it was only 5 episodes long.

I just hope this new Macross series coming up is well funded, well written and a clear ending. So what ever your opinion is, Your entitled to it and please share it. We can only hope that MACROSS is here to stay for a very long time to come.

P.S. Haruhiko Mikimoto is still the best character designer out there, Hopefully Shoji K. and Him will patch things up and go to work again in the macross world.

  505thAirborne said:
P.S. Haruhiko Mikimoto is still the best character designer out there, Hopefully Shoji K. and Him will patch things up and go to work again in the macross world.

They were fighting?

The ARMD carriers launched from Apollo base on the moon where most of the space based capital ships were built if I recall correctly...


They could also try a bit better in reconciling the timeline and storyline with SDFM (TV series). Towards the last of the episodes of the TV series, there is a scene portraying Roy Fokker in South Atalia looking in awe at the VF-1, the fact that it is a variable fighter and living in what I wouldn't call fear but anxiety when he takes it off on a test flight. He meets up with Claudia the night before and confesses his feelings to her. Let's assume for the sake of argument that VF-1 predates VF-0 as some would argue... even then, it doesn't explain why Roy is on the aircraft carrier and falls in love with the blonde doctor (whatever her name was)... IMHO, I think Mac0 had a pretty good raw material to work with but little did it help in learning the background (or settei) of SDFM or telling its own story. The only connection I see between Mac0 and SDFM was a common character, Roy Fokker, and SK could have done a much better job of reconciling the two storylines.

  valkyrie13 said:
They could also try a bit better in reconciling the timeline and storyline with SDFM (TV series). Towards the last of the episodes of the TV series, there is a scene portraying Roy Fokker in South Atalia looking in awe at the VF-1, the fact that it is a variable fighter and living in what I wouldn't call fear but anxiety when he takes it off on a test flight.

Macross Zero is supposed to take place during that period when Claudia lost track of Roy.

He meets up with Claudia the night before and confesses his feelings to her. Let's assume for the sake of argument that VF-1 predates VF-0 as some would argue... even then, it doesn't explain why Roy is on the aircraft carrier and falls in love with the blonde doctor (whatever her name was)...

Actually Aegis was his Senpai. Despite the gropings, their relationship can be characterized in a student/ teacher way. And the VF-1 predates the VF-0 at best and is at worst a concurrent design. I think it makes sense for Roy to have been transferred to the Asuka II if he had accumulated so much experience as a part of the VF-X development program. For a skirmish involving Variable Fighters, Roy's the ace in the hole for the Asuka II. Also the existence of a limited production airplane is not unheard of in real life. McDonell produced only 62 FH-1 Phantoms, which is the predecessor of the well known FH-2 Banshee (895 planes built). So there's a parallel with the VF-0 and VF-1 with somewhere around 34+ VF-0s and hundreds of VF-1s.

  valkyrie13 said:
They could also try a bit better in reconciling the timeline and storyline with SDFM (TV series).

How so? Macross Zero is about a classified encounter with the AUN's variable fighter and an ancient alien artifact. The events of that incident were subsequently classified top secret for 50 years following it's conclusion.

  valkyrie13 said:
Towards the last of the episodes of the TV series, there is a scene portraying Roy Fokker in South Atalia looking in awe at the VF-1, the fact that it is a variable fighter and living in what I wouldn't call fear but anxiety when he takes it off on a test flight. He meets up with Claudia the night before and confesses his feelings to her.

As already stated months pass before the launch of the SDF-1, so it is entirely condeivable that Fokker could have been training pilots with his new combat experience with variable fighters.

  valkyrie13 said:
Let's assume for the sake of argument that VF-1 predates VF-0 as some would argue...

The fighters were contemporaries, one was a test bed for the technology the other was in production waiting for their powerplants to complete development.

  valkyrie13 said:
even then, it doesn't explain why Roy is on the aircraft carrier and falls in love with the blonde doctor (whatever her name was)...

Roy was a test pilot, why wouldn't he be assigned to a squadron testing variable fighter technology, which was the role the VF-0 was serving. Ares was Roy's old college flame. They rekindled their romance during the mission.

  valkyrie13 said:
IMHO, I think Mac0 had a pretty good raw material to work with but little did it help in learning the background (or settei) of SDFM or telling its own story. The only connection I see between Mac0 and SDFM was a common character, Roy Fokker, and SK could have done a much better job of reconciling the two storylines.

Macross Zero was a side story to Macross. It's purpose was to show that the AUN were an organized army in posession of

OTEC too and mankind's first encounter with a PC relic. It wasn't meant to set up SDFM...


in SDFM it is clearly stated how Roy get's all jumpy on the new OTEC developed fighter, and then dissapears from South Ataria Island for a few months, which would be the events of Macross Zero, and how when he comes back he comes to Claudia under the pouring rain and confides with her his true feelings, you could assume that the death of the blonde doctor gave Roy a wake up call and decided to turn to Claudia; and I could understand why they kept this Top Secret, I mean, the UN and the AUN got their asses handed out by a giant flower!! HAHAHA!!

anyway, back on topic, Macross Zero made some terrible jumps between episodes, things I didn't get from the jumping between episodes...

how did Nora find shin and Sara so quickly after they both ejected?

what the hell happened to Edgar?

how did those reinforcement got so quickly to Nora without the Asuka noticing them?

what the hell happened to Edgar?

in episode 3, after roy ejects the reactive armor, he shoots Ivanov and gets his gunpod and goes in pursuits of him, later we see roy refueling and getting a gunpod? why? he didn't lost his, and Ivanov comes out of nowhere fully loaded? when did he evade Roy and reloaded and got a new gunpod?

what the hell happened to Edgar?

other things like how we see Shin destroy every valk he uses and keeps getting a different one, but Nora lost her SV-51 and later got hers again?

what the hell happened with the cliffhanger of episode 4?? why so much drama, Sara screaming, the island getting napalmed and in episode 5 in 20sec we just get showned how they extracted the AFOS head and Shin, Roy and their dames getting heloed to the asuka... and did I mentioned Edgar?

oh man so many question... I'll stop now...

  Valkyrie addict said:
anyway, back on topic, Macross Zero made some terrible jumps between episodes, things I didn't get from the jumping between episodes...

Actually the topic is about a M0 movie possibility...but I'll humor you. :)

1. how did Nora find shin and Sara so quickly after they both ejected?

2. what the hell happened to Edgar?

3. how did those reinforcement got so quickly to Nora without the Asuka noticing them?

4. what the hell happened to Edgar?

5. in episode 3, after roy ejects the reactive armor, he shoots Ivanov and gets his gunpod and goes in pursuits of him, later we see roy refueling and getting a gunpod? why? he didn't lost his, and Ivanov comes out of nowhere fully loaded? when did he evade Roy and reloaded and got a new gunpod?

6. what the hell happened to Edgar?

7. other things like how we see Shin destroy every valk he uses and keeps getting a different one, but Nora lost her SV-51 and later got hers again?

8. what the hell happened with the cliffhanger of episode 4?? why so much drama, Sara screaming, the island getting napalmed and in episode 5 in 20sec we just get showned how they extracted the AFOS head and Shin, Roy and their dames getting heloed to the asuka... and did I mentioned Edgar?

1. With most of the islanders evacuated, that leaves....4 people besides the AUN plus 2 active distress beacons? Shin never did know when to keep his head down...

2. His luck finally ran out with that hot chick at the bar...there I said it. Everybody happy now?

3. Asuka II was being shot at....you think they have time to notice?

4. see #2.

5. Did it ever occur to you that the gunpod in question may be another gunpod? And you know...DD could have refueled and rearmed during that time, considering that an un-specified amount of time occured since the ejection beacons went off to the time they went dead (including the mentioning of the fact that the beacons went dead 30-minutes prior to that scene)...

6. see #4.

7. Nora's fighters were never damaged beyond repair like Shin...She lost an arm the first time and her plane was just on fire the second time. Not like the fire couldn't be put out...

8. You answered your own question.....as for Edgar...see #6.


Well, clearly there's been a lot of thought put into the timeline and storyline reconciliation by a lot of people, although it's not clear where it really came from, the series, fan interpretation or an interview with SK, etc. But what the heck, if it makes sense, I will buy it.

  valkyrie13 said:
Well, clearly there's been a lot of thought put into the timeline and storyline reconciliation by a lot of people, although it's not clear where it really came from, the series, fan interpretation or an interview with SK, etc. But what the heck, if it makes sense, I will buy it.

Much of it comes from the compendium and the show itself. Any interviews with SK about Mac Zero have yet to be translated as far as I know.

  ruskiiVFaussie said:
What i really want to know is, is what happened to Edgar?

Well after his disciplinary hearing for assaulting a catapult petty officer, he was reassigned, somewhere .... B))

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