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Revy Revoltech Mod/Pics.


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So i just thought to myself, self, drill a hole in the back of her head and give her some more hair in a pony tail.

Ok Self! Cool idea. And now she looks like this. (more pics coming, some didn't come out good enough coz of bad light).

I also need to mod her a bit more so the hair sticks in better, but meh i'm happy with it for now. I like it!






Enjoying a cold pre-mixed 7 percenter rum and cola! :D Ani't she a babe.

more pics later! This one i will mod into a blondey. I have a mint one that i will keep as a brunette/standard.

And i have another one coming in the next week or so that i will do as another colour... maybe white, or red.

Not sure, but i love Revy Revoltech! <3 <3 <3

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
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bike?? droooollllllllll what scale? Last night before i went to bed i checked all the 1/60 scales in HLJ.com's stocks.

I spose what scale would we need to have a bike for a Revy?

I classify Revy as perfect macross 1/60 just coz she is pretty much the same size as Yamato's Millia/Q-Rau 1/60.

Post your stuff with Revy guys! I am waiting my Revoltech 1J so she can grab the Gunpod and have at it.

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HAHAHAH these pics are awesome!!!!!!! Great work everyone! Let this thread nevah die!

Eriku you right! She looks brilliant on a bike!

I need to ask this though, what the HELL is he going to do with his shooting missile action missile he has in his left hand?

Can anyone help me with what scale Acree would be at? That's almost perfect Revy scale. :o

Love these pics! Revy makes EVERYTHING look good.

Wolfx... of course i am! :p

UN Spacy, is that the same type of beverage our REvy's are downing???? :o Maybe a little longer than mine.

... posted these pics before, but i can't remember when/where that was. RevyonRevy.



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Anyone know how a Revy figure would look in a Yamato Garland?

I know how the garlands have been plagued with problems, but could this new factory version be up to scratch?

I really want a Garland, but only if my Revy can fit in one! :D

I like this colour version. Hell yeah.

Hold... wow this is nicer... but 1/5? http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT34538

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Anyone know how a Revy figure would look in a Yamato Garland?

I know how the garlands have been plagued with problems, but could this new factory version be up to scratch?

I really want a Garland, but only if my Revy can fit in one! :D

I like this colour version. Hell yeah.

Hold... wow this is nicer... but 1/5? http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT34538

Wow! Proto Garland is up for pre-order already? I'm getting that one fo sho! B))

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again I hold you responsible for enabling my toy addiction! After looking at your pics of Revy for several months now in looking at MW collections, and then seeing this thread, I finally ordered one from HLJ yesterday. The funny thing is that, also because of you :lol:(heehehe) , having more than one, I thought, "I really need to order more than one so that I can pose a few of them in awesome poses". Thankfully I did not listen to myself there but I have a feeling that once I get it I will want another. Anyway thanks again :rolleyes:

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