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25th YF-19 & VF-1S, hawt or nawt?  

133 members have voted

  1. 1. Ok be honest now... ok

    • Both, i'm a limited edition whore. See ya on Evilbay in 3 years suckas!
    • YF-19 for sure, dodging the VF-1S.
    • VF-1S all the way, but not worrying about the 19.
    • I like both, but prefer to spend my money on Nora's SV-51 coming soon enough.. let alone the 21 next year.. 0_o
    • These 25th anni's suck! Too much bling bling for my liking! >_<

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Polly Polly Polly.

[small rant]

I look at it this way, I may have missed the Low-Vis1 1/48 VF-1A but who's to say they won't re-invent the 1/60 VF-1's

in the future? If this is what might happen then i couldn't give a stuff about the one off 1/48 line, I have all my preferred

'canon' Valks with FP's/GBP's and one for a custom scheme and that's enough from someone like me.

So i guess i haven't really missed anything with hoping they will do a perfect transformation line of VF-1's in 1/60 scale.

But now that nightmareB4macross is full on doing what we have always wanted and even putting it to Yamato

for a possible official line?? (awesome!) now i'm liking the 1/48 line better.

Sigh, anyways this is about the 25th Anniversary Valks. Choose wisely!


I'm getting neither. It's not because I don't like them, I think they both look really good. But, I have enough 1/48 VF-1s, and I decided to pick up the YF-19 FD FP set, while I wait for a 19 Low Vis or Stealth.

Won't be getting the SV-51 unless it's done with Dobber's Scheme. ;) 21 is definitely in my crosshairs. Another valkyrie I've wanted over a decade for.

Posted (edited)
  eugimon said:
I'm getting both, but not as an ebay whore. I honestly like both designs.

I guess i should've added that as a poll option. :wacko:

I obviously voted for the 19 alone. I love this scheme.

If we get Super Nova Schemes and Low-Vis '1' (deffinently getting that one), i may crumble and sell mine for mega bucks.

But if this is the only black scheme out there, and then they try and make the stealth i'll dodge it most probably and settle

for the bling. I really like the gold trim. FP's look great on the 25th 19 too!

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

I'm getting both... but I won't be preordering them or buying them within a month of their release. Much like the LV1, I'll wait until they go on sale for $100 for the VF-1 and $140 for the YF-19, then I'll scoop them up.

  jenius said:
I'm getting both... but I won't be preordering them or buying them within a month of their release. Much like the LV1, I'll wait until they go on sale for $100 for the VF-1 and $140 for the YF-19, then I'll scoop them up.

You reckon that will happen? You mean 2nd hand (MIB if your lucky) right?

  jenius said:
Well, just look at the LV2 right now or the first edition YF-19. It's not too hard to come by those dirt cheap brand new.

I think the limited release and commemerative nature of these valks will mean speculators will snatch these up.

Posted (edited)
Well, just look at the LV2 right now or the first edition YF-19. It's not too hard to come by those dirt cheap brand new.

cool, fair enough. :D But this 19 can't be comparable as the Low-Vis 2, that scheme is nothing imo to this scheme of the 19.

And the 1st Edition 19 had all the 1st edition flaws. This one should 'atleast have 99% flaws fixed.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
I think the limited release and commemerative nature of these valks will mean speculators will snatch these up.

It's a gamble of sorts, and if I get a ridiculous bonus I may just buy them at release, but the LV1 was limited and floundered for a while. Many people may have witnessed the value rise of the LV1 and be determined not to let that happen again but I think the luke warm response to the colors chosen should lead to a short-term excess of supply.


I'm getting the VF-1S for sure. If jenius's guess is right and these do get really cheap later on after their initial release, I might just pick up the 19 and maybe even a second 1S.


I think both look aaaaamazing, but my wife wont let me buy more than one... unless i find a way to sneak one in, its gonna be the yf-19 as i dont have one, and was waiting for the black scheme. Mind you, the vf-1s looks really good in my opinion. Only flaw with these seems to be the tampoo "25th aniversery".


I'll get both ...

the 19 in a black outfit is just too gorgeous...

And I can't wait to display the Anniversary one equipped with Stealth FastPacks right next to my SuperStealth ... could lead to a wonderful Diorama with space background ...


A case of both will do. I won't bother selling in the future, toys are luxury items, not investments as some people make them out to be.


I'm still thinking...

Yes I want the 19 ... But i'm not convinced by this schem..... I know these "25th annyversary" are tampoo anf I'm affraid that too bad because it's look like advertising's toy....

I'm still thinking about a 19... I make my decision this week...


i'd vote but you left out one option...

on the fence until i know what limited means

we still have no confirmation how limited its going to be?, how many are they making?, what are the production numbers?

we still have no confirmation how limited its going to be?, how many are they making?, what are the production numbers?

Great point, remember when the Mass Production valk was supposedly "limited." What a crock of BS that was!


I early birded the 1S just because my only 1:48 is a 1J Stealth and I figured getting the 1S at the early bird price would be a good deal. I'm not exactly enthusiastic about the paint scheme and general aesthetic - but what they hey - it'll be interesting and I'll have a 1:48 1S for Christmas.



I'm getting the 1s just for the color-matched black head for the stealth lol. Then I guess I'll get Brasso, take off all the gold and make a black custom of something :p

Oh.. prolly will just pick up another 1S just for keeps :p


I will give up my money now as opposed to ebay in the future.

At least I am in the country to get this "limited" release as opposed to LV-1.

To be honest hope that they bomb so I can pick up a second set cheep and strip off the gold paint and put red visors in the heads.


still on the fence on these if the paint scheme had been enigma i'd have been all over these but just black with gold lettering doesnt sell it for me

maybe i'll get them but i'm in no rush. theres the YF21 to consider and thats what I really want right now

Posted (edited)

I won't be buying those. I don't like them, but that's just me, and besides I already own a VF-1S and a YF-19. No need for me to get more.

EDIT: Spelling.

Edited by Lonewolf

Im not really impressed with these, the scheme seems like an afterthought like "Hey, the 25th anniversary is coming up, lets just repaint the VF-1S and YF-19 black with gold trim, tampo some words on and make them limited edition....we are going to make MILLIONS (manical laughter in the background)!" B)) Ill save my money for something better.

  jenius said:
Great point, remember when the Mass Production valk was supposedly "limited." What a crock of BS that was!

You mean the 1/60 version right

Well, think again about the limited LV

I'm thinking these will be normal production runs, but unlike any others I sincerely doubt we'll see a rerelease

  jenius said:
Great point, remember when the Mass Production valk was supposedly "limited." What a crock of BS that was!

well, the only valk that was specifically called "limited edition" so far has remained such.

  eugimon said:
well, the only valk that was specifically called "limited edition" so far has remained such.

Before the 1/48 CF was released they were advertised as being limited. But nothing was printed on the box to say otherwise. But so far only one production run has been done. So it may very well still be limited.

Yamato may very well inform the public that the 25th Anniversary will be limited and not put it on the box again. But since it is a 25th Anniversary, I would probably think it would be limited and not be release in future years as it doesn't make sense to re-release products with 25th anniversary when its the 26th anniversary. However what they may do is that they may release versions without the 25th anniversary marking and maybe even the gold trim as regular production in future if the 25th anniversary does well.

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