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  ChrisG said:
I don't really see how a Macross movie will attract filmmakers with more "serious intentions" than Robotech, at least in America. To Hollywood, both stories are just about transforming planes blowing crap up. And even though Macross and Robotech's Macross Saga share mostly the same story, anyone who has seen the original Macross will probably agree that its depiction of characters and specific plot points is superior. However, those differences will probably be lost on a Hollywood studio, which is just seeing $$$$ from Transformers.

You also mentioned earlier your hope that Macross Plus would be the base of a live action movie, but I think that too would have problems. Macross Plus is frequently described as the "Top Gun of anime" (especially by Manga). I think a movie of Plus would be seen as exactly that by most people... a ripoff of Top Gun, but with transforming planes. Basically, as I said before, I think Macross is best suited in the anime world. Japanese studios probably don't have the capital to produce a big budget Macross, and American studios would most assuredly bastardize it into something like the Wing Commander movie to make it a summer popcorn movie.

As much as we disagreed on the Gunbuster debacle, I have to admit that you hit the nail on the head in your desciption of how this is getting made.

Four more pages to catch up on. I knew this would be the biggest thread of all.

  terry the lone wolf said:
This just in from G4 headlines: Production is due to start spring of 2008!

Without even any mention of cast, director, or even a final script? Wow, can you say "fast track?" I guess we can blame this on the success of The Transformers

  bsu legato said:
Without even any mention of cast, director, or even a final script? Wow, can you say "fast track?" I guess we can blame this on the success of The Transformers

heh, nowadays, a "final" script is whatever piece of the script they hand the actors 5 mins before shooting begins. I'm guessing they really want to strike while the movie going audience has transformers still on the mind.

  ChrisG said:
And even though Macross and Robotech's Macross Saga share mostly the same story, anyone who has seen the original Macross will probably agree that its depiction of characters and specific plot points is superior.

Actually, I have to disagree with you. Having seen both Robotech's First Generation and the original Macross how, I firmly believe that Robotech did a better job with the plot and characters, especially towards the end of the show.


really? I think that after watching the original things make more sense. I'm not saying that robotech is hard to follow. Looking only at the characters from SDF theres just more there in Macross that explains why things are happening.

Posted (edited)
  Mr March said:
This is what Azrael has been saying and he's right. The resemblance this Robotech movie will actually have to Macross is negligible. Going one step further, the resemblance of this film to the 85' Robotech edit is going to be fairly tenuous as well. I can envision all kinds of changes/adjustments/interference/meddling, just like the Transformers film. The film adaptation will likely deal strictly in theme and concept, like the vast majority of Hollywood live action versions. Everything else will be run through the "modern relevance" washing machine :)

Actually I was the first to truly state that, but who's counting? I'm sure if they do attempt to do a straight retelling, which they'd have to for the audience to understand the world, many changes would have to be made.


VF-1 based off modern fighter, like a Raptor, if based off existing designs at all. Remember the the VF-1 we love just happened to look like a F-14. So they might not bother.

Love triangle dumbed down to more common "difficult romance".

Culture shock more general or not used at all. Worst case scenerio is the Zentradi being defeated by a gung-ho Hikaru and Roy/Max (they mentioned two pilots) and the world being saved by your typical "american ass-whoopage".

If culture shock is used, Minmay will either be typical pop star, or misunderstood alt rocker. My money's on the latter if they play up the action and cater to young adult males as first option to an american audience would be akin to "Britney Spears/Christina Agulera saves the world". Not exactly kin to a shoot'em up mecha fest.

Solar System trip is debateable. It might be figured as taking too much screen time. If they use it, and they should, switch to final battle after Macross returns to Earth. Heck, you might have the whole Invid invasion waiting for them just to set up film two.

Zentradi probably obliterated entirely for that whole "Earthlings kick butt" feeling as Protoculture is a fuel source, not a link.

Now we'll actually see Global, Claudia, et al. die on screen, and the "Megalord" will actually exist this time. Though that's assuming they don't end the Macross segment at the final battle, which they most likely will.

Any other theories, Gentleman? ^_^

  Macross73 said:
really? I think that after watching the original things make more sense. I'm not saying that robotech is hard to follow. Looking only at the characters from SDF theres just more there in Macross that explains why things are happening.

Well, Robotech did have the "We'll explain everything that's transpired, transpiring, and going to transpire, right down to character's thoughts that even a monkey should've been able to read without it through omnipresent narration." Soyeah, if you couldn't follow Robotech, you're probably retarded. ^_^

Having seen both outside of the last six episodes of the Robotech version, I side with ChrisG. No talking down, no pointless exposition, and the characters have a lot more depth. Especially Roy. Rainy Night works so much better with Macross since it explains attributes deleted in Robotech.

Edited by Mercurial Morpheus

Oh Holy Floating Head, how have we offended thee? Forgive our media for its trustpasses, as we forgive you for Macross 7. :o

I don't even know how they'd set it up. Original Macross timeline, something after Mospeada(for like the 3rd time), is 1st Border Devil praying for the infinestimal chance it's Southern Cross based somewhere? I could see them doing anything with this movie, but it'd better not be kid-targeted, I wanna see blood. And so help me if they pull a Samus and make Millia blond I'll nuke California and be done with it (Jay Sherman - And nothing of value was lost! :) )


I tend to do much more reading and less posting on these boards, but I have to say that the idea of a live action Robotech movie is like a punch in the stomach. It's even more disturbing to read all of the members' posts over at Rt.com that are blindly celebrating the concept and eagerly awaiting this flick...Yikes...Transformers this is not...

Having finally been exposed to a majority of the Macross franchise in recent years, do I prefer the Macross series to Robotech? Yes, I suppose. Does Robotech still get the nod for giving my buddies and me something to look forward to after school (waaaaaay back in the day)? Of course! Do I feel like this movie (if made) will do more harm than good? Yeah...As harmful as any bad movie can be, anyway...

I hope I'm wrong. I'd like to be wrong. I wish them luck...If it is a success, I could see how there would be benefits for Macross and Robotech fans.

Posted (edited)
  CoryHolmes said:
Actually, I have to disagree with you. Having seen both Robotech's First Generation and the original Macross how, I firmly believe that Robotech did a better job with the plot and characters, especially towards the end of the show.

It's just too bad that you're wrong :)

Now for my inane cast listing choices:

-Exedor - Christopher Walken

-Roy - Bruce Cambpell

-Claudia - Tyra Banks

-Global - Kurt Russell

-Loli - Steve Buscemmi

-Max - (non suicidal) Owen Wilson

-Milia - Scarlet Johanson Liv Tyler

-Kakizaki - Henry Rollins

-Britai - Is that guy from the original Hills have Eyes sitll alive?

-Kaifun - Ben Afleck

-Misa - Naomi Watts

-Misa's Father - Harvey Keitel

-Kamjin - Jake Buessey

-Minmay's Aunt - Susan Sarandon

-Gorg Bodolza - William Shatner

-Laplamiz - Sarah Silverman

Edited by Keith
Posted (edited)

nice picks! my only suggestion would be "the rock" for kakizaki :p he could do that raised eye brow thing right before he dies.

Edited by eugimon
Posted (edited)
  Hiriyu said:
I theorize a complete and utter lack of Hikaru's magic bicycle.

More like the entire content of phantasm in general.

Oh, flying bicycle, we mourn for you and the Crash King...

Thinking about, how much you want to bet no Kaifun. That's a change I wouldn't mind.

Bruce Campbell as Roy. I could actually see that.

Edited by Mercurial Morpheus
Posted (edited)

i still like Ed Olmos as Gloval.

I'm starting to think that this wont be a retelling. it'll be a re-imagining for robotech.

A young man looking for adventure joins the air force and though his dad only has $4000

to spend they get a cruddy F-14 (unknown to them its a robot) leftover from an alien attack

thats hiding in used-jets junkyard....... He'll probably already know his love interest to be - Mindy

and then theres his Cousin Rex Falcon. an ace pilot... :wacko:

Edited by Macross73
Posted (edited)
  Mercurial Morpheus said:
More like the entire content of phantasm in general.

Oh, flying bicycle, we mourn for you and the Crash King...

Thinking about, how much you want to bet no Kaifun. That's a change I wouldn't mind.

Bruce Campbell as Roy. I could actually see that.

I'd pay good money to see Bruce Campbell grab a women & yell "Now watch jet jockey!" BTW. Does anyone else find it odd that the Yunes, who seem to have been involved in everything robotech for the past several years, are not mentioned anywhere in the HG staff?

Edited by Keith
  Mercurial Morpheus said:
More like the entire content of phantasm in general.

Actually, more like the magic of the entire series ^_^

...And I agree, Keith's casting has definite potential. Walken and Campell, great stuff.

  Macross73 said:
i still like Ed Olmos as Gloval.

I'm starting to think that this wont be a retelling. it'll be a re-imagining for robotech.

A young man looking for adventure joins the air force and though his dad only has $4000

to spend they get a cruddy F-14 (unknown to them its a robot) leftover from an alien attack

thats hiding in used-jets junkyard....... He'll probably already know his love interest to be - Mindy

and then theres his Cousin Rex Falcon. an ace pilot... :wacko:

Now that's more Megas XLR

Coop - Two bucks, huh? B))

  eugimon said:
heh, nowadays, a "final" script is whatever piece of the script they hand the actors 5 mins before shooting begins. I'm guessing they really want to strike while the movie going audience has transformers still on the mind.

But you can't hire actors without a screenplay. Most want to read it first before jumping on board.

Link for G4's comment about spring 2008? Cuz i don't see it.

  Mallet21 said:
Why couldn't Warner Bros purchase from Big West the rights to use Macross Saga designs ??

Time and money. Why do you want to waste time and money getting rights from the Japanese when the target audience is in the USA? And what if you get caught in the legal mess? Forget the old designs and just get your own crew to create something new.

  Mercurial Morpheus said:
Any other theories, Gentleman?

Nice to know there's actually someone here who's actually thinking how they are going to round down a 36-out-of-80-something episode TV series into 2 hour movie. :)

-Definitely agree that the VF-1 will look different. May share some qualities similar to the original, but it will be redesigned.

-Love Triangle...It will be simplified definitely. This will not feel like a chick-flick figuring out who will the guy go for.

-Culture shock...I agree. It will be downplayed. I would say they use music because it disrupts the alien systems or something to that effect. Seeing why the aliens react to people kissing or music coming out of an iPod take too long.

-Trip back from Pluto? Definitely agree. It's going to stay in-between Earth and the Hubble telescope.

At the core is Robotech, but everything around it will look and feel different.


Meh. Call me when they get this past the greenlight stage. Frankly I'm a little hopeful that this might help actually break the legal impasse we've had all these years. It's one thing for Big west to snub some small import company for some (in the grand scale of things) minor merch rights. It's quite another to snub one of the biggest studios and miss out on the next Transformers (I know I know but you know that's what every one involved is hoping it will be) and all the profits that come with it. Hopefully the combined legal muscle of WB and BW (heh) can work something out, and we can get legally sold Macross merch right here in the states as part of the deal.

  thegunny said:
Hope they use all the Macross songs and not just that crap that Minmay sings all the way through Robotech.

Hey MEMO1DOMINION ease up on the caps :unsure: you don't have to yell at everyone ;)

That's just Memo's style. :D

Posted (edited)
  Hiriyu said:
Not at all. That's the beautiful part.

So I guess WB will go along with the Alpha and armor bikes mech design?

They don't necessary have to produce the Macross saga... right?

Edited by ogami

My personal theory of Hollywood, Robots, and Violence.

The story will most likely start out like macross did, huge space ship, world war etc. etc. I can see them keeping the story the same up until the fold (if its there at all) they will probably end up at mars. Where they will have to get supplies because they left without having any, blow up the reactor and leave. Get back to earth, leave again (although if they put in parts of canada getting blown up im sure it will be memorable with american audiences). Earth fires the Big Ass Space Gun 1, then in a 30 minute montage they annihilate every corner of the earth. Then the Final battle of course in horrible detail. and it will all end with Toby standing in a little garden of flowers with a recked VF-1 in the back round saying something memorable and commenting on the tendencys of man to fight and flying off into the sunset.

More blowing poo up less love (unless theres a nude scene) is standard procedure.

  ogami said:
So I guess WB will go along with the Alpha and armor bikes mech design?

They don't necessary have to produce the Macross saga... right?

They don't have to (and probably wont) follow it verbatim.

  UN Spacy said:
Where's A7 when you need him?

If he doesn't handle casting I'll be extremely disappointed.

Well, since you asked...

The Macross Saga

Directed by John Leslie

Narrated by Howard Stern

Rick Hunter - Peter North

Lisa Hayes - Tera Patrick

Lynn Minmay - Sora Aoi

Roy Fokker - Rocco Siffredi

Max Sterling - Jay Ashley

Captain Gloval - Ron Jeremy

Breetai - Tyce Bune

Exedore - Sean Michaels

Claudia - Midori

Miriya - Aria Giovanni

Azonia - Jun Kusanagi

Kim - Sylvia Saint

Sammy - Flower Tucci

Vanessa - Stracy Stone

Dolza - Dave Cummings

Khyron - Rod Barry

The Robotech Masters

Directed by Buck Adams

Narrated by Larry Flynt

Dana Sterling - Raylene Richards

Bowie Grant - Lexington Steele

Zor Prime - Barrett Blade

Marie Crystal - Audrey Bitoni

Angelo Dante - Tom Byron

Nova Satori - Lexus Locklear

Musica - Sydney Moon

The New Generation

Directed by John Stagliano

Narrated by Bob Guccione

Scott Bernard - Brad Armstrong

Rook Bartley - Briana Banks

Annie LaBelle - Nikki Dial

Marlene - Veronika Zemanova

Sera - Jill Kelly

Lunk - Alex Sanders

Robotech II: The Sentinels

Directed by Bud Lee

Karen Penn - Stormy Daniels

Janice EM - Stephanie Swift

Invid Regis - Nina Hartley

Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles

Directed by John T. Bone

Narrated by Snoop Dogg

Marcus Rush - Mark Ashley

Maia Sterling - Sky Lopez

Janice - Danni Ashe

Vince Grant - Mark Davis

General Reinhardt - Paul Barresi

Posted (edited)
  ogami said:
So I guess WB will go along with the Alpha and armor bikes mech design?

They don't necessary have to produce the Macross saga... right?

WB isn't stupid enough to go out of the way in deciding to make this movie.

You guys have to know this is Warner Brother's not Harmony Gold, I think everyone's expectations are just too low. -_-

If they can make Transformer's look good then what's stopping them with Robotech?

Valkyries will actually look good this time. :)

Edited by Ishimaru

I had the chance to talk to Kevin McKeever tonight and here are some answers to some of the speculations brought up (or that have yet to be brought up).

1) The serious planning and negotiations for a possible live action Robotech movie have been going on at least as far back as 2004 (this is when Kevin started working for Harmony Gold). Obviously this was long before Transformers was released and became a big success.

2) I asked if that story from a year or so ago where this one company's website revealed that they were involved with the preproduction of a live Robotech movie (the information was pretty quickly taken down) had anything to do with this deal with Warner Brothers and Tobey's company. They are not part of the equation.

Kevin's going to be on Space Station Liberty this Sunday evening to discuss things in further detail.



As for those thinking that Toynami may end up making toys and stuff for the movie, I have little doubt that a bigger company will be involved in mass producing the toys and distributing them even if Toynami is involved in the design work. A similar arrangement was in thw works between Toynami and Mattel back in 2001, but that fell through and Toynami ended with the responsibility for all aspects of their merchandice.


A7 I dont even know who most of those people are, but based on the narrators i suspect u were pulling our legs...

me, Im hopeful. As sonmeone said, if it has a big spaceship, transforming jets, giants and music I'm in.

Little left to say till we see it.


It's an awesome assortment of porn stars for those that don't get the joke. No role for Justine Joli? She is an anime fan after all... ^_^

  Mercurial Morpheus said:
It's an awesome assortment of porn stars for those that don't get the joke. No role for Justine Joli? She is an anime fan after all... ^_^

sora aoi as minmei... she is trying to be a jpop singer now.

  areaseven said:
Well, since you asked...

The Macross Saga

Directed by John Leslie

Narrated by Howard Stern

Rick Hunter - Peter North

Lisa Hayes - Tera Patrick

Lynn Minmay - Sora Aoi

Roy Fokker - Rocco Siffredi

Max Sterling - Jay Ashley

Captain Gloval - Ron Jeremy

Breetai - Tyce Bune

Exedore - Sean Michaels

Claudia - Midori

Miriya - Aria Giovanni

Azonia - Jun Kusanagi

Kim - Sylvia Saint

Sammy - Flower Tucci

Vanessa - Stracy Stone

Dolza - Dave Cummings

Khyron - Rod Barry

The Robotech Masters

Directed by Buck Adams

Narrated by Larry Flynt

Dana Sterling - Raylene Richards

Bowie Grant - Lexington Steele

Zor Prime - Barrett Blade

Marie Crystal - Audrey Bitoni

Angelo Dante - Tom Byron

Nova Satori - Lexus Locklear

Musica - Sydney Moon

The New Generation

Directed by John Stagliano

Narrated by Bob Guccione

Scott Bernard - Brad Armstrong

Rook Bartley - Briana Banks

Annie LaBelle - Nikki Dial

Marlene - Veronika Zemanova

Sera - Jill Kelly

Lunk - Alex Sanders

Robotech II: The Sentinels

Directed by Bud Lee

Karen Penn - Stormy Daniels

Janice EM - Stephanie Swift

Invid Regis - Nina Hartley

Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles

Directed by John T. Bone

Narrated by Snoop Dogg

Marcus Rush - Mark Ashley

Maia Sterling - Sky Lopez

Janice - Danni Ashe

Vince Grant - Mark Davis

General Reinhardt - Paul Barresi

With a cast like this how could it lose..hahahahah but they would have to really call it Roblowtech as some love to refer to the show. I really don't know about this it just makes my mind boggle at how bad this could really be. One thing though, why except for the licence on the mechs but everybody keeps saying they have to update the VF-1 to something more modern like the F-22 raptor. I like to see the out come of an F-22 and VF-1 going head to head I beleave the VF-1 would sh@#t all over any modern fighter. IMO


Fully orchestrated: "WE WILL WIN" anyone? *grabs a hurl bag*

If they do decide to base this loosely on the Macross Saga (which I doubt they'll do, without editing things very heavily, due to legal issues) - I wouldn't mind that much. Seeing a live action VF-1S... wow.. I'm shivering already! This will be a strange "return" to my childhood. Robotech got me into Macross and since then I never looked back at Robotech.

Robotech's take on Protoculture is what killed the franchise for me. That... And the US Minmay..

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