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LIVE ACTION ROBOTECH (WB gets the rights)

UN Spacy

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The part that kills me is that Mospeada would translate better to what the masses want now anyway.

Tranforming planes fighting gigantic legged pods with antenna guns? Not cinematic magic in Joe Sixpack's mind. Flying Robots fighting alien robots, now that 's transformers!

Then you have the transforming motorcycles, which amps up the coolness factor.

Macross is the better story, but even DYRL didn't attempt to try to re-tell the series in a 2 hour film...

With BigWest owning the intellectual property that Macross was based on, it could become problematic for WB to bring to the big screen... All they have to do is pull out the judgement they won in Japanese court and the cost of a Macross based film jumps considerably. B))

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Well...after puking blood at the idea of a Transformers movie and the new Transformers Animated series, and then finding myself actually liking both of those, very much so, I'm afraid to listen to any of my gut feelings on this one. Yay for more toys I guess?

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Looking at it now, I'd Swap in Eva Green instead of Millla Jovovich. And I'd swap out Gwyneth, but i'm not sure with who yet.

if this movie does get made, i'm really interested who ends up being cast versus what I came up with.

Nice casting!

The problem is that I think you just spent the first 100m :blink:

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I think we can all agree that the licensing issues essentially mean the Macross portion of Robotech will not be much like Macross at all. I don't think we need to worry about if the Regult has enough cool factor... the only things the aliens would likely have in common is their size. The humans may retain their names but I'm guessing we'll lose "Minmay" as a name also and I'd have to guess all the aliens would be due for new names as well (and I'll bet the term "Zentraedi" wouldn't exist either).

More realistically, I wonder how long we'll have to wait before determining this will never actually come out.

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This is what Azrael has been saying and he's right. The resemblance this Robotech movie will actually have to Macross is negligible. Going one step further, the resemblance of this film to the 85' Robotech edit is going to be fairly tenuous as well. I can envision all kinds of changes/adjustments/interference/meddling, just like the Transformers film. The film adaptation will likely deal strictly in theme and concept, like the vast majority of Hollywood live action versions. Everything else will be run through the "modern relevance" washing machine :)

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Yup, Yup and Yup the the last couple of post... we can all spectulate, battyulate and get ourselves into a near hypermental state, but seriously how long before we come to realise (2years down the line) that this movie will probably stay in development hell, i mean look at Indy 4 for gods sake! The Indy franchise had a MASSIVE following and that movie got stuck in hell for how many years? The reality of news like this is that its just a tidbit of news... nothing more... so what if it apparently has a producer/screenwiter/star/spideyblokeperson/bigstudio its still just q wee bit of news that will probably not come to any fruition for 3 or 4 years minimum. If i'm wrong, i'll eat my feathers!!!

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From the looks of many articles, they want to make this a franchise. Whether or not they get there, that's up in the air. WB will want to have something to compete with Dreamworks.

Licensing issues? I don't think we'll have an issue. They'll come up with new designs for everything. New VF-1, new SDF-1, new Alpha, Beta, Hovertanks, Cyclones, everything. Only in names and spirit will the animation and movie(s) be similar. They painted a Peterbilt with flames on it and called it "Optimus Prime", so it's not beyond the realm of thought that they'll design something new and call it a VF-1. If it ever reaches that stage, I'm sure everything will be redesigned. Whatever they abuse, they will abuse ROBOTECH. Drop any thought of Macross (Japan) from any train of thought.

More realistically, I wonder how long we'll have to wait before determining this will never actually come out.

Let's see what kind of franchise they want to pitch to WB...

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............. if it's anywhere near Transformers quality and absolutely NO "AMERICAN" cheese i think i will enjoy it.


lol chowyungskinny as Britney spears as Lord Boldoza. :lol:

Seriously, i'm gonna go alahahahh alahahahha muslim like on WBros and HG if they cheese this up.

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hmmm...I'm not a big fan of this Robotech movie for only two reason, people are gonna think Robotech is the true thing and the original Macross as some sort of rip-off...and if this thing turns out to be crap, people are gonna look at me funny for my macross collection! HAHAHA kidding

anyway! who knows, here's me being highly optimistic, they could keep the idea of alien spaceship crashing on earth, transforming plane, and giant space aliens, and will those 3 aspect, actually develop a complente non-macross related story that could be good war story....but I highly doubted...

of course, if they gave me 2+ hours of Megan Fox parading in tight jeans around an ugly ass VF-1, you won't see me complaining

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Just because it is Robotech doesn't mean they be flying Vertiechs and Tobey will Rick. He could be Scott on a cyclone. Tobey was in a hit franchise. All the mega hit properties from the 80s have been bought up. Natural others like Tobey wants to get a piece of the action. Robotech wasn't grabbed yet. If they actual do make this I could see it as the end of Robotech that we know. The Robotech cartoon saga and Shadow Chronics of Riddick will be pushed aside and ingored. HG will likely put all the focus on Tobey's Robotech.

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Four words: The Mathew Broderick Godzilla. :ph34r:

Yeah, and that was a entertainig movie. It wasn't the Godzilla I watched when I was a kid...but it didn't matter.

They didn't try and copy the old Godzilla though

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There is no way in HELL that the exact Robotech version we all know and loathe will be on the big screen but I will be giving it a try if it has three things: character development, transforming jets, and a focus on music. Honestly that's all I see staying the same. If they jettison all the musical aspects, I'm avoiding it like the plague. That was I found so fascinating about Macross. Not just cool mecha, but a study on how one culture can greatly effect another.

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If this is ever to be produced, which I'm pretty skeptical it will be, it will not have anything to do with the Macross Saga! IMO it'll be a continuation of the story instead of a re-telling. More likely 'New Generation' or a take on what is left of Earth after the invid leave, ala Shadow Chronicles. Maybe Admiral hunter after 25 long years on the SDF-3 will finally make it back to Earth.

As long as the CG doesn't look like a bad video game from the mid 90's and masterbation is not discussed, I'll probably see it.

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While out on a quick break from the office, a gem of an idea popped into my head...... what are peoples thoughts on a Macross live action series helmed by DAVID EICK and RONALD D. MOORE? (for those who dont know, they did the current re-imagining of Battlestar Galactica).

personally i think this, although it would likely never happen, would be the best and most awsome show of all time! think of the visual style... Huge spaceships a plenty, proper transforming mecha and nice speedy well cut battle scenes!

any thoughts? (I think this is the best idea i have thought of in years!)

(should this be in a new topic or elsewhere?)

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Well, I hope they base it off the Macross Saga if anything.

They can't legally do that. Even if they thought they had a chance, they wouldn't push it because any legal challenges could potentially stall any movie permanently.

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It won't really matter, toy-wise. Toynami will get the license, and thus the quality will be crap.

Let's be honest here: Based on their track record, Toynami would probably release the toys six months AFTER the movie has been released.

Back on topic, would it be a good thing or a bad thing to expose ol' Tobey to the original Macross TV series (or the original Mospeada series, assuming they go that route)?

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They can do what ever with the Tobotech movie, it ain't going to be Macross anyway.

But the bad news will be HG's wealth continues to grow, thus will never relinquish the Macross license back to BigWest, meaning, we will never see high quality Macross toy at a decent price oversea....

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