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i have a couple of Terminators & a Crusader :ph34r:

i'm kinda in it for the models.

just had a few games with a friend, never been in an official game or tourney.

we were brought in by Dawn of War :lol:

yeah... i want that GW Baneblade too :wacko:


so whats the best army actually, i played the computer game, and necron is best so far, but they are super slow.

space marines is good, easy to beat up by the enemy. chaos is about the same, except if we talkking about their God.

don't talk about the green thingie creature, i hate them :) haha just me maybe...orc waghhhhh!

tau is good for far range battle, not close combat.

i think we need to come out w/ a topic that post all your army's picture here guys :)

  promethuem5 said:
I cannot figure it out... resin just DOESN'T cost that much. For the price of any of the really neat and large kits, I could instead get like 4 large garage kits of anime properties... wtf?

Well now, FW I can happily take a knock out of.

FW, the good news is that you really do pay for the artistic ability behind the realisation from art to resin; their work is very good and they got some good -- not great, but good -- casters there.

However, they aren't very efficient casters. In some cases, such as the IG Laser Destroyer I got a few years back, they cast the entire top AND front as a solid block of resin. It's the stupidest thing I've ever saw in resin casting, and to top it off, I knew I was paying for that stupidity.

As the kits get larger, the more resin you get. The biggest kits are actually more resin-efficient because they need not work with existing plastic kits (which is what the Laser Destroyer had to), but the sheer size of some of their work meant a LOT of resin.

Bear in mind they work roughly in 1/48 or 1/50 scale, and think of comparable plastic aircraft models. Now imagine the aircraft cast solidly (or mostly solidly) out of resin. That's about how they do it.

FW is great for detailing parts, but nowadays they are more into niche armies, which makes it a hideously expensive way to get into 40K. Not as if we aren't spending enough on it already, but FW really straps a booster rocket to the price and lights it with glee.


That's..... so.... stupid. I agree, they always have AMAZING looking stuff (I would still love to get some SM detail bits like shoulderpads and whatnot to finish off the BA figures I'm never going to play with) but it's all just so overpriced... and that resin in-efficiency kinda makes sense for the price rediculousness...

  Lynx7725 said:
Oh, then I suppose you would be quite happy to hear that they are selling a three-pack of those? :D



Hmm, I probably got this mixed up. My LGS store owner was going on about getting 3 Baneblades, I might have mixed it up and thought they are offering a 3-pack.

(They are offering a box with 10 Leman Russ, mind you.... )

Posted (edited)
  Lynx7725 said:
Hmm, I probably got this mixed up. My LGS store owner was going on about getting 3 Baneblades, I might have mixed it up and thought they are offering a 3-pack.

(They are offering a box with 10 Leman Russ, mind you.... )

I wonder if that is part of the new apocalypse thing that is going on.

Man I took a look at the new stuff for apocalypse, and wow, those are some huge box sets.

Edited by briscojr84
  briscojr84 said:
I wonder if that is part of the new apocalypse thing that is going on.

Man I took a look at the new stuff for apocalypse, and wow, those are some huge box sets.

The Baneblade came out because of Apocalypse, so yeah. BTW, it was my LGS owner who wanted a 3-pack, no such thing on offer, sorry.

Apocalypse boxes, yeah, some of them are quite worth the money. The Banies are one, but the triple Leman Russ and triple Basilisks are fairly good, and the many-crisis-suit box is another. Some good value there, but quite steep initial outlay.

  Lynx7725 said:
The Baneblade came out because of Apocalypse, so yeah. BTW, it was my LGS owner who wanted a 3-pack, no such thing on offer, sorry.

Apocalypse boxes, yeah, some of them are quite worth the money. The Banies are one, but the triple Leman Russ and triple Basilisks are fairly good, and the many-crisis-suit box is another. Some good value there, but quite steep initial outlay.

The space marine one is pretty good as well, it would definately set some-one up for a good starter with decent overall choices for their army.

  briscojr84 said:
The space marine one is pretty good as well, it would definately set some-one up for a good starter with decent overall choices for their army.

Space Marine? I'm not sure. A new player won't need so many, and an old player won't need it either. After so many years, I already have enough (assembled and unassembled) marines for a company, I don't really need another one.. and the Vindicator's not exactly something you need very many of.


I used to play the games a little, but we all tended to get tired of it about half way through. We started out w/ good ol' Rogue Trader, then followed through a couple of editions. We played Adeptus Titanicus and Space Marine more than the regular game. The original Battleship Gothic was pretty cool too - some awesome cap-ship designs for that one.

My guys were the Space Wolves, originally back when they were just gray with the little yellow & red logo. I mostly just enjoyed collecting and painting them. Still tempted to pick one up once in a while, but I don't have time for the hobbies much anymore. I think the designs were best about 10-12 years ago. Back when Jes Goodwin was still designing the Terminators and Eldar. The Tyranids were really kick-ass back then too. Since then, the Imperial stuff has gotten way too blocky for my taste.

  Lynx7725 said:
Space Marine? I'm not sure. A new player won't need so many, and an old player won't need it either. After so many years, I already have enough (assembled and unassembled) marines for a company, I don't really need another one.. and the Vindicator's not exactly something you need very many of.

It depends on how heavily the person wants to get into it, A command squad a full quota of troops, plenty of elite and heavy choices as well as transports, would allow for a pretty good mix.


In about the mid 90's I too bought a resin Baneblade & Basilisk in the same scale as the WH40k figures. They needed touchups, but turned out well (as I recall). Imperial Guard Armor + Space Marine Infantry = Fun back in the day.

I also remember in the Rogue Trader days the game's great strength and great weakness. It's strength was in the freedom we had in gameplay. Things weren't so rigid before "codexes" and players being overly restrictive with what you bring to the table, and how you made your forces look. But Rogue Trader's freedom was also it's great weakness, since some guys would take that freedom and really run with it :lol:

The Rogue Trader book did have some interesting pictures you don't see these days in WH40k. The one that stood out the most was artwork showing a section of Ultramarines patrolling through woods, hunting down some concealed enemy... wearing Blue-based tiger stripe camouflaged Power Armor. I loved it so much that I customized another Space Marine set and had another squad with big ass "heavy rifles" with a sort of Pea-Dot camo pattern (like the WWII Waffen SS camo). 1/35 scale models (figures, vehicles, etc) provided the bits to do it with. Naturally, this would never fly on table top games and the rules that were out at the time, in between the 2nd & 3rd edition timeframe. But it looked cool, especially if you put "terrain" on the figure bases.

I'm not certain about the rules these days, but the GW figures have been going up in price since the mid 90's, and have stayed high. Vehicles aren't too expensive, especially the plastic ones. Even more considering some of the intricate designs like the Eldar grav vehicles. But the figures is where GW kills your money, and it annoys me everytime I see it, even when I no longer play. It's annoying to see a small box for a single squad of Marines cost about $20-30U.S. these days, compared to the Rogue Trader and early 2nd Edition days. I could buy a box of 50 plastic Space Marines with tons of sprues with extra (that's right, extra) gear... there were more weapons than you actually needed to equip all 50. All for maybe $24-30U.S. back in the day.

50 space marines > 10 space marines

Especially when it came down to customizations for the same amount of money.

P.S. - I still remember seeing Cyclone, Lightning Claw, and Thunderhammer Terminators the first time when they were new and thinking, "What the hell are they?!?" I also remember seeing pictures of the "Deathwing Terminators" for the first time in the early 2nd Ed days, when the official scheme for the Dk.Angels was still black.


I still collect, but I don't play anymore. I just picked up the new Codex for Dark Angels and Black Templars and the new space marine terminator chaplain. I've been into 40k on and off since Rogue Trader also, still have the original hard back rule book, red compendium, and white dwarfs. I think its great how over the years they have taken the original artwork and models and woven them into the fluff for 40K back story, my favorite sci-fi universe by far. I played quite a bit a few years ago when the newer game rules first came out, now I just build customs and try to finish painting some squads. I love the modeling, but the painting takes forever.

I have built some large armies, but very little painted. They are made up of mostly metal models ranging from Rogue Trader to now. 5000pt point Dark Angels Army (they are the original black also), 2500pt World Eaters Army, 2500pt Daemonhunters / Imperial Guard Army and I was going to build a Black Templar army. I've only ever played Dark Angels though sadly.

  R_Deckard said:
I still collect, but I don't play anymore. I just picked up the new Codex for Dark Angels and Black Templars and the new space marine terminator chaplain. I've been into 40k on and off since Rogue Trader also, still have the original hard back rule book, red compendium, and white dwarfs. I think its great how over the years they have taken the original artwork and models and woven them into the fluff for 40K back story, my favorite sci-fi universe by far. I played quite a bit a few years ago when the newer game rules first came out, now I just build customs and try to finish painting some squads. I love the modeling, but the painting takes forever.

I have built some large armies, but very little painted. They are made up of mostly metal models ranging from Rogue Trader to now. 5000pt point Dark Angels Army (they are the original black also), 2500pt World Eaters Army, 2500pt Daemonhunters / Imperial Guard Army and I was going to build a Black Templar army. I've only ever played Dark Angels though sadly.

Why did they ever change the Dark Angels to green anyway.


Well since someone suggested we put up pics of our armies, there is the start of my Tau army, of the stuff I have I still need to finish a Devilfish, and two crisis suits.

I also still have to go back through and do touch up. Plus I'm not the greatest painter in the world.

What is done - http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Tau/IMG_0164.jpg

Standard Fire Warrior - http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Tau/IMG_0168.jpg

Fire Warrior Team Leader - http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Tau/IMG_0169.jpg

Piranha - http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Tau/IMG_0170.jpg

Stealth Suit w/Drone - http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Tau/IMG_0172.jpg


Crisis Suit - http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Tau/IMG_0174.jpg

Gun Drone - http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Tau/IMG_0175.jpg

Hammerhead - http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Tau/IMG_0176.jpg


I'll try to get new pics of my other armies up soon as well, also as soon as I find my front page disc again I'll reload it and upload a new page to my website with all of them on it, plus updated pics of my friends stuff, if any one else is interested let me know, it may take awhile since the disc is buried somewhere in parents basement and not here.

Posted (edited)
  briscojr84 said:
Why did they ever change the Dark Angels to green anyway.

I can't recall exactly the reasons, just some guesses.

"Fluffwise," it was at some point after the Horus Heresey when the Chapter was secretly making up for it's near treason to the Emperor.

As for official pictures and officially painted figures, you started seeing a few green Dark Angels in the mid-early 90's, but official chapter color plates still listed black. It was an interesting change and green DAs did really stand out from the mass of black. But they're so "ho hum" to me these days, so old school black DAs are something special to see.

Black Armor, red helmet stripes w/ black lines for veterans, yellow trim for NCOs.

Red or white Chapter emblems on shoulder pads.

Yellow eye lens

And I still remember the Sergeant, Vet Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, and Lt Commander shoulder pad designs from the Rogue Trader days. These days, it's either Captain or Chapter Commander, which is very limiting IMO.

I chose the Dark Angels back in the Rogue Trader era for several reasons.


Loved the emblem

They were the very first Space Marine Legion ever made in the First Founding, the first to serve the Emperor. They were the first of the Emperor's finest :ph34r:

Besides, Space Marines leading into the Heresey got the job done real well as far as conquest goes ^_^

Of all the armies I've seen on a gaming tabletop, my friend's Ultramarine army was ridiculously nice. He had far better modelling experience than I did, and it really showed. I loved blue and he made it striking, using a darker shade of it and avoiding the overly bright blue that some use.

Edited by Warmaker
  Warmaker said:
I can't recall exactly the reasons, just some guesses.

"Fluffwise," it was at some point after the Horus Heresey when the Chapter was secretly making up for it's near treason to the Emperor.

Cool thanks, I've been debating picking up a couple of WH40K novels for awhile, just not sure if they are any good, and other series I want to finish.

Anybody else have pics of their armies.


The new 'Horus Heresy' novels have been pretty good on the whole. Dan Abnett's Gaunt's Ghosts novels have always been entertaining.

BTW, anyone have any cool WH40K wallpapers? I was looking for one that had the Imperial Double Eagle.

  Isamu Atreides 86 said:
The new 'Horus Heresy' novels have been pretty good on the whole. Dan Abnett's Gaunt's Ghosts novels have always been entertaining.

BTW, anyone have any cool WH40K wallpapers? I was looking for one that had the Imperial Double Eagle.

I'll have to get a couple of these then.

Posted (edited)

Well maybe somebody will post after this, here is the start of my Space marines army, pretty much done on the marines themselves but I need to finish up the detail on the Land Raider, and repaint my two rhinos and razorback.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0178.jpg all the units.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0186.jpg commander.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0187.jpg cross section of marines.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0190.jpg bolter marine.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0191.jpg Marine w/Missile Launcher

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0193.jpg Marine w/flamer

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0194.jpg Sgt. w/Plasma Pistol

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0195.jpg Land Speeder Front View

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0196.jpg Land Speeder Top View

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0197.jpg 2 Rhinos and Razorback in old color scheme, need to repaint these.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0198.jpg 2 Rhinos and Razorback in old color scheme, front view.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0199.jpg Whirlwind.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0200.jpg Whirlwind.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0201.jpg Land Raider Front View, Still needs some work.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0202.jpg Land Raider Top View.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0203.jpg Land Raider Side View, Still needs some work.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0204.jpg Land Raider Side View.

http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/warhammer/Sp...es/IMG_0206.jpg Land Raider Interior.

Witch Hunter Canoness I was doing for some one else but they decided to not play anymore, I still need to do some touchup and battle scarring and then matte varnish it.


Somebody besides me has to have pictures of their armies?

Edited by briscojr84
  Lynx7725 said:
It isn't that I don't have pics -- hmm, actually I never went to take pics... -- but it's more that my painting skills had steadily decreased from lack of practice.

Nothing wrong with that, my painting skills are horrendous.

  • 9 years later...

maybe true-scale marines?

if that's the case I'll need to pick up a squad...


Yeah. True-scale Marines are now a thing. 

Posted (edited)

I didn't realize there was a 40K thread here.  I might as well post a video from my favorite 40K related fan series, If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device

Edited by Devil 505
  On 5/16/2017 at 7:19 PM, Devil 505 said:

I didn't realize there was a 40K thread here.  I might as well post my a video from my favorite 40K related fan series, If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device


This series is brillant. The amount of references from non-40k sources is just golden.

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