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"Justice League" To Be Motion Capture?

By Garth FranklinThursday August 23rd 2007 12:13am One of the biggest problems of doing a "Justice League" movie is not only the casting issues, but the expense of doing such a project.

A new report from IESB.Net however indicates that the problem may be solved quite easily - by making the film a CG motion capture project (ala "The Polar Express," "Beowulf").

The site says that Imageworks are apparently in the running to provide services on the film, competing with R&H and possibly WETA for the project.

This is good news - it allows the studio to proceed with filming on the project pre-strike as most of the work will be post-filming, it overcomes many budgeting issues as story options are practically unlimited, and rumors of George Miller's involvement also make more sense.

It also allows the studio's separate live action franchises to move forward without any confusion or detrimental impact - good news since its been confirmed that neither Christian Bale or Brandon Routh would've participated in a live-action 'League' flick.

Ryan Reynolds reluctantly admitted that he's still interested in playing "The Flash," the question is will he be a part of this, Shawn Levy's live-action "Flash" film or both.

If true, production would begin early next year for release likely in 2010.



Well, I'm all for CGI superheroes, I just hope it's not done by the company that did polar exress and beowulf... I find their animation to be really subpar and that they rely too heavily on scanning and motion capture.


A live-action JLA movie would've been "interesting"(um, Legends of the Super-Heroes or unaired JLA pilot anyone) but this is better in the long run. The animators will be free to create the perfect super-hero action flick with no huge budget restraints.

  eugimon said:
Well, I'm all for CGI superheroes, I just hope it's not done by the company that did polar exress and beowulf... I find their animation to be really subpar and that they rely too heavily on scanning and motion capture.

While the company has its faults, there are a lot of us that worked really hard on those films putting in long hours to make something fun, imaginative and magical. Its a developing technology. Give it a chance. Negativity and gross assumptions like yours aren't needed when theres a few of us that worked on those films that visit this board. Could you produce something better and show the world how they're subpar? Go for it. In the meantime, check your negativity at the door.

  Fatalist said:
While the company has its faults, there are a lot of us that worked really hard on those films putting in long hours to make something fun, imaginative and magical. Its a developing technology. Give it a chance. Negativity and gross assumptions like yours aren't needed when theres a few of us that worked on those films that visit this board. Could you produce something better and show the world how they're subpar? Go for it. In the meantime, check your negativity at the door.

sorry if I hurt your feelings,I'm sure that you work very hard and are talented in whatever it is you do. But as a paying consumer, I'm entitled to my subjective opinions. Just like I'm sure you have when it comes to any other goods or service... like say a car. I'm sure you have opinions on whether a kia is better or worse than a bmw, yet i'm equally sure you lack the knowledge and equipment necessary to produce any sort of automobile. Does your lack of ability to produce a comparable work prohibit you from voicing your opinion?

I also don't recall if you've similarly rebuked other board members who have created whole threads on the relative suckiness of hollywood movies. Are you singling me out because I happen to not like a movie you've worked on?

  eugimon said:
sorry if I hurt your feelings,I'm sure that you work very hard and are talented in whatever it is you do. But as a paying consumer, I'm entitled to my subjective opinions. Just like I'm sure you have when it comes to any other goods or service... like say a car. I'm sure you have opinions on whether a kia is better or worse than a bmw, yet i'm equally sure you lack the knowledge and equipment necessary to produce any sort of automobile. Does your lack of ability to produce a comparable work prohibit you from voicing your opinion?

I also don't recall if you've similarly rebuked other board members who have created whole threads on the relative suckiness of hollywood movies. Are you singling me out because I happen to not like a movie you've worked on?

Well you're calling this company's "animation" subpar, yet they've gotten an Academy Award for Spidey 2, and have been nominated for Monster House, Superman and Narnia? And to top it all off, Beo isnt even out yet and you're already assuming the animations going to suck, based on a trailer? Please, you're basing your entire argument soley on ONE movie, that being Polar Express. Which, if you've read anything on it at all was the FIRST iteration of this technology.

So sit back, relax, and go play with your broken VF-0.


Personally I'd like a CG JLA movie. Hey, it solves the Wonder Woman casting problem. Make her "inhumanly perfect" and be done with it. Or just make her look like Lynda Carter did 30 years ago. :)


Good to hear. Some things just can't be done live action. I'm glad that they've finally figured that one out with the Dr. Seuss properties (though I still disagree with taking a 10-20 page book and making a 2 hour movie out of it) like Horton Hears a Who. Big budget CGI would make a great JLA movie.

  Fatalist said:
Well you're calling this company's "animation" subpar, yet they've gotten an Academy Award for Spidey 2, and have been nominated for Monster House, Superman and Narnia? And to top it all off, Beo isnt even out yet and you're already assuming the animations going to suck, based on a trailer? Please, you're basing your entire argument soley on ONE movie, that being Polar Express. Which, if you've read anything on it at all was the FIRST iteration of this technology.

So sit back, relax, and go play with your broken VF-0.

so... it's okay to talk crap about movies you haven't worked on. That's what all I'm hearing from you. Because I sure as hell don't see you jumping around in the thread bashing the shadow chronicles, or the thread about the suckiest hollywood movies ever, or the thread about how hollywood sucks. And where were you in the Transformers sucks podcast thread? I bet michael bay and ILM worked real hard on that movie as well. I'm sure all those people work just as hard as you do. i'm sure they're all as emotionally invested as you are, it doesn't mean that as consumers, we can't have our own opinions on what we like and dislike.

And I didn't use the word "suck." That's your word, not mine. I just stated that I would prefer if not be from your studio, that I think that there's too much attention/reliance on the motion capture and not enough on the animation.

And well, the beowulf trailer did have some pretty stilted animation, I'm not the only person to think so. Aren't trailers put out so that audiences can form an opinion about a movie? to decide whether they like it or not? And forgive me if I'm wrong, but imageworks hasn't done any other photorealism 100% CGI movies other than polar express and beowulf, so what else do I have to form an opinion on?

So why don't YOU prove me wrong, show me how much your technology and artistry has improved, you guys are the ones asking for my money. If beowulf has the greatest CGI character animation since, I dunno, golum or whatever, than I'll be happy to congratulate you and your company for the fine work you've done.

  eugimon said:
so... it's okay to talk crap about movies you haven't worked on. That's what all I'm hearing from you. Because I sure as hell don't see you jumping around in the thread bashing the shadow chronicles, or the thread about the suckiest hollywood movies ever, or the thread about how hollywood sucks. And where were you in the Transformers sucks podcast thread? I bet michael bay and ILM worked real hard on that movie as well. I'm sure all those people work just as hard as you do. i'm sure they're all as emotionally invested as you are, it doesn't mean that as consumers, we can't have our own opinions on what we like and dislike.

And I didn't use the word "suck." That's your word, not mine. I just stated that I would prefer if not be from your studio, that I think that there's too much attention/reliance on the motion capture and not enough on the animation.

And well, the beowulf trailer did have some pretty stilted animation, I'm not the only person to think so. Aren't trailers put out so that audiences can form an opinion about a movie? to decide whether they like it or not? And forgive me if I'm wrong, but imageworks hasn't done any other photorealism 100% CGI movies other than polar express and beowulf, so what else do I have to form an opinion on?

So why don't YOU prove me wrong, show me how much your technology and artistry has improved, you guys are the ones asking for my money. If beowulf has the greatest CGI character animation since, I dunno, golum or whatever, than I'll be happy to congratulate you and your company for the fine work you've done.

I didn't post in the other threads because I know when to keep my opinion to myself. I have a great respect for ANY animator in the industry. Openly calling out a certain company and saying the things you said is negative and uncalled for. Plain and simple. I don't mean to be cliche here, but "Opinions are like @$$holes..........". Its just up to us to know when to voice them, and do it correctly.

  Fatalist said:
I didn't post in the other threads because I know when to keep my opinion to myself. I have a great respect for ANY animator in the industry. Openly calling out a certain company and saying the things you said is negative and uncalled for. Plain and simple. I don't mean to be cliche here, but "Opinions are like @$$holes..........". Its just up to us to know when to voice them, and do it correctly.

again, did I use any inflamatory or degrading words? Did I call you names or use childish taunts or insults? No, I simply stated my preference that it not be imageworks and gave the reasons why. I could understand your response if my post were something along the lines of:

First! it better not be those hacks who did polar express to suck becuase they are teh suck! They couldn't animate their way out of a wet paper bag if their mommies were calling them home to eat cookies. Their FAT mommies.

Which I did not.

And I'm sorry, but far worse things have been said on this board, about various groups in the industry... notably in the various transformers movies threads and the robotech shadow threads without a word from you in their defense.


Hey, it's an industry where we have to get used to criticism, and even benefit from it as it is rare when criticism is entirely without merit.

That said, I do hope this movie doesn't rely too much on mo-cap. It's a useful tool, but not something to depend upon almost exclusively, especially when the project is more stylized. Exaggeration and style are a part of what makes it all work and blend together, and when companies forget that the end result tends to uffer issues very similar to those rotoscoped 2D animation suffered in addition to the issues of "uncanney valley" that CG work faces.

Additionally, I do hope they are not planning to pursue the "photo real CGI" angle. That almost never ends well, except when used as a visual effects aid to live action using live actors.


This also solves the batman and superman casting issues seeing as how christian bale already said he has no involvement with the project, and they haven't approached brandon routh either. But non the less ryan reynolds as flash in any medium other than the JLA/ JLU cartoon (because michael rosenbaum was great there) would be great.

On to the other issue in this thread, you two need to chill. As someone else in the industry criticizm is bound to happen. Understandably you placed a lot of hard work into your films but people will hate. There is nothing wrong with either of you or your work. This is not the place where we need to be defensive and hostile. I love the forums like no other and yes at times it does suck from negativity but none the less it is still a great place. Fatalist so one or a few don't like your work, who cares, and eguimon is entitled to his opinion you just shouldn't take it to heart. In the long run when you get criticizm like this you should prove him wrong instead of feeling like he is attacking you.....

Now back on to the thread, soooooo........ who else would you guys like to see superhero wise in this movie. Who is your perfect JLA lineup for the big screen?


I'd like to see a Green Lantern character in there. Hal Jordan, specifically, but hey, I'm not too picky.

Since they're going animated, I can think of a couple VAs I'd like to see attached, but neither of them are all that likely. Big movie productions tend to look towards big name actors over voice actors too often, and the skill sets are not identical. Still, I'd love to see Mark Hamill in there somewhere. Paul Giamatti, too. He's been popping up in plenty of movies lately, too.


The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of a CGI JLA... i like routh's superman, but he doesn't strike me as having the sort of leadership charsima needed to lead earth's heroes. I also agree with Radd in that I hope it's not a photorealistic movie, i think moving away from that frees animators and even the audience to be able to accept exagerated physiques and super powers much more readily than if they were seeing a guy in a muscle suit.

as for a lineup:




martian manhunter

green lantern (scott alan or john stewart, yeah I know alan isn't part of the jla but I just like the old man)


In my opinion, I don't need the Big 3 in the JLA (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman) but I'm fine with it if they are. I feel that the JLA should always have the following 3 characters:

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan prefered)


Martian Manhunter

  • 1 month later...

is this the live action JLA movie that i read about in ew? it will have superman, batman, wonder woman, green lantern, flash, and martian manhunter. there were talks of jessica biel to play wonder woman.


Just about every "hot young actress" in Hollywood has at some point been rumored to play Wonderwoman. Though IMHO none of the ones named would be a good choice.

  David Hingtgen said:
Just about every "hot young actress" in Hollywood has at some point been rumored to play Wonderwoman. Though IMHO none of the ones named would be a good choice.

Exactly. That's why either Aria Giovanni, Tera Patrick or Veronica Zemanova should play WW.

  • 4 weeks later...

So I guess this chick Teresa Palmer landed the Wonder Woman role. She's only 5' 5" (nothing that forced perspective or big boots can't help)


I heard Mary Elizabeth Winstead auditioned, I would have preferred her, she's cute as hell and taller (5' 8"), but I haven't seen any of Tersa Palmers work so who knows.


I always hoped that Morena Baccarin would get the role. WW was supposed to be an imposing goddess who could go toe to toe with superman, not some scrawny little waifish slip of a girl.


Back when Whedon was in charge of the Wonder Woman flim i was hoping he was going to cast her too sinced they had both worked together on Firefly/ Serentity. She is beautiful and i can see her going toe to toe with people. She would have been perfect albiet a little short.

  kanedaestes said:
Back when Whedon was in charge of the Wonder Woman flim i was hoping he was going to cast her too sinced they had both worked together on Firefly/ Serentity. She is beautiful and i can see her going toe to toe with people. She would have been perfect albiet a little short.

she's 5'7", still better than that other chick and yeah, she's beautiful and she looks like she belongs in the mediterranean area.


Teresa Palmer better get a physical trainer fast. I'm a little tired of seeing waifish supermodel cuties being casted to portray physically powerful heroines. I still say Lucy Lawless would have been great, even if she's a little older than what Hollywood tends to go for. She was even Wonder Woman's voice actress in one of the animated features. At least Palmer's more of a classical beauty, and has features that vaguely resemble Linda Carter. I'm just glad they didn't go with the gal for Lost, or worse, Jessica Alba.

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