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70 members have voted

  1. 1. I'm with..

    • The Galactic Empire
    • The Rebel Alliance/Republic

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  eugimon said:
typical of the rebel terrorists. First they steal the shields from hard working empire fighter pilots thanks to their shady association with non humans and then they go about touting their so called technological superiority!

Well if the empire wasn't a bunch of specist prigs, they could deal with aliens too and have sheilds. ;)


Bah, the noble Galactic Empire is above dealing with those filthy flea ridden bothans. Besides, they shed so much, it would have taken the entire length of the insurgency just to get that wet bothan smell out of the shield generators.


Vote the Imperials for the Star Destroyer.

I have played both X-wing and Tie Fighters game, and IMO the X-wing missions is all about kidnapping and terrorism while the Empire mission is to bring order to the galaxy :lol: .

Posted (edited)
  Roy Focker said:
Here's an idea of mine every other week or a famous feud will be selected and you vote for the side you would take.

I have been thinking about Star Wars recently. If given a choice I sided with the Empire. Sure they are the bad guys but is the other choice that great?

Star Wars is basically a fairy tale. The wars took place a long time ago. In the opening crawl it makes clear that the Galactic Empire is an Evil One. Didn't the Rebels win? Isn't it just natural for the victor's version of the story to be passed along? If the Empire won then the Rebels would be labeled as Evil. Here is one of the evil acts of the Rebels that just makes me want to side with the Empire.

The Republic/Rebel Alliance make friends are primative aliens. The Empire does not and for good reason. Take a look at some of these "friends".

Ewoks. Christ sake the Ewoks are friends with Wilford Brimley. If he's their friend than the Ewoks are or friend of mine.

And by blowing up the Death Star the Rebel Alliance wiped their scourge from the face of the universe. See here.

Gungans. The Republic's Senate allowed them in it and with Jar Jar as their representative. Excuse me? The day Jar Jar is allowed to have a say in how my galaxy is the day I move to another one.

Hey the Empire is just the republic with a stronger executive. And who made their executive stronger? Why Jar Jar Binks! Ergo the Empire is the creation of Jar Jar. The day the galaxy is ruled by an organization created by Jar Jar Binks is the day I move to another one.

Wookies. Common traits, prone to violence and oh yeah they wear no pants. You just know Chewbacca here is walking around with poo stuck on his fur rubbing his ass up on everything. Even worst has got to be those giant boners. Pardon me but couldn't the wookie wear pants in the company of others?

Would you rather have Storm Troopers enforcing the iron will of the Emperor over you or Chewbacca dragging his ass on your carpet?

Sure you say that here on your safe message board in a Galaxy far far away, but dude they can rip your arms out of their sockets! Who's going to tell them to put some pants on to their face? You?

Do you want to work for Jar Jar and save the Ewoks while you've got no arms?

Edited by Nied

I'd have to pick the rebels... I'm not a big fan of a powerful centralized government. Then you have the whole enslaving, correllians only, facist vibe they have going on. I'd rather fight for freedom than just be another faceless cog in the machine.

  Mr March said:
Wow. The spin doctors of the empire are even better than the ones we have today :)

Alderan was the victim of a random meteorite storm. The Death Star is just a dooms day myth cooked up by anti-empire hippies. And there was no Jedi holocaust, they just moved to another Galaxy far far away….

Posted (edited)
  GobotFool said:
Alderan was the victim of a random meteorite storm. The Death Star is just a dooms day myth cooked up by anti-empire hippies. And there was no Jedi holocaust, they just moved to another Galaxy far far away….

Living in spin! And Darth Vader hates black people. Kanye West told me so :):lol:

Edited by Mr March
Posted (edited)
  Mr March said:
Living in spin! And Darth Vader hates black people. Kanye West told me so :):lol:

a common misconception, the truth is alderaan had been scheduled to be demolished to make way for an intergalactic superhighway off ramp. The few squatters who remained on the planet had been warned repeatedly of the construction plans, yet the terrorist leader leia organa continued to rile up the indginant and prop them up with wild claims of creating community gardens and a learning and rehabilitation center for aging clones.

Edited by eugimon
Posted (edited)
  eugimon said:
a common misconception, the truth is alderaan had been scheduled to be demolished to make way for an intergalactic superhighway off ramp.

Darn those rebels! always in the way of progress!!! Look who makes up their ranks, backwater ignorant water farmers who wants to convert everyone to Jedism.

Edited by GobotFool

We were lead to believe Alderaan was innocent and that is from a liar.

LEIA: No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons.

When pressed she gave Dantooine as the Rebel base. A lie. Also a lie that Alderaan was peaceful with no weapons. What about that Rebel Blockcase runner. The so called consular ship? Leia representing Alderaan has a ship full of weapons and she sure look like she knows how to handle a blaster. How do you get guns and learn to shoot them on a peaceful planet with no weapons? It's impossible. She's lying and using cover of a diplomatic mission to carry out a Rebellion against the legal government. Yeah sure Alderaan was peaceful. That source is highly questionable.


Yeah pedo-jedi I've never heard that statement before... :rolleyes:

The galaxy was pretty much built up as it was, the Empire just added alittle more to it by putting non-humans to work. They didn't handle corruption like the Hutts any better than the Republic did. And they got owned by Ewoks. AND THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE HELL AN ALUMINIUM FALCON IS!


Let's also not forget the reason why the rebel terrorists are forced to associate with non human species... instead of hiring legal union human citizens, they try to save a few bucks by running slave labor factories on backwater planets.

and lets not kid ourselves, there were plenty of civilian non combatants on both death stars when the terrorists struck without warning. Did they take into consideration the thousands of union plumbers, contractors, electricians and sanitary workers? No, these honest, hardworking citizens of the Galactic Empire were happily doing their jobs, doing their little part to ensure peace and order for the entire galaxy when some religious fanatic went and blew up the reactor.

Let me also add that the Death Star was a fantastic civil engineering project that single handedly created new jobs all accross the economic strata, from miners and freight workers, to engineers and construction workers. This great civil project brought on by the magnanimous and benevolent Emperor was a gracious and grand gesture that brought the economy of the Galaxy out of a dreadful repression brought on by years of warfare. Warfare fought mainly by the religious fanatics the Jedi, against a hapless alien species, all because the jedi didn't like their economic policies.

Posted (edited)
  eugimon said:
and lets not kid ourselves, there were plenty of civilian non combatants on both death stars when the terrorists struck without warning. Did they take into consideration the thousands of union plumbers, contractors, electricians and sanitary workers? No, these honest, hardworking citizens of the Galactic Empire were happily doing their jobs, doing their little part to ensure peace and order for the entire galaxy when some religious fanatic went and blew up the reactor.

Lets not forget that Han was a smuggler, who delt in something called spice that the hutts were selling. The dude was a drug dealer, so not only do the rebels employ Jedihadist bent on some kind of holy war against the Empire, they also employ Drug dealers!!! Also, while the emperor and vader art siths, they had no interest in forcing anyone else into their religion, there were no government funded sith indoctrination centers, while the jedi had an entire jedi brainwashin... I... erm mean academy, which they forced kids to attend, taking them from their familes whether they wanted to or not.

Edited by GobotFool

The rebel terrorist group claims to be equal opportunity, but let's face the truth. Whenever there's a perilous mission where someone is likely to be killed, who do they send? Non-humans, in particular bothans. And most of their jedihadist leaders are human, with the token trophy non-human general like Akbar. The rebel terrorists are composed of pedophiles, drug dealers, assassins, thieves, murderers, con-men, and hardcore fanatics of an ancient religion that preaches genocide upon their enemy the sith.

Under the empire, overall crime rates dropped and there was peace in the galaxy. Then rebel terrorist propaganda spread tales of widespread discontent, to attempt to brainwash the contented population to their diabolic cause!

  Wes said:
And they got owned by Ewoks.


You just can't put your trust on a goverment that gets ass kicked by little fuzy bears with spears.

  Twoducks said:

You just can't put your trust on a goverment that gets ass kicked by little fuzy bears with spears.

And as a token of gratitude, the Alliance showers the little bears with Death Star fragment and sold their remains as stuffed animals :lol:

  Morpheus said:
And as a token of gratitude, the Alliance showers the little bears with Death Star fragment and sold their remains as stuffed animals :lol:


  Morpheus said:
And as a token of gratitude, the Alliance showers the little bears with Death Star fragment and sold their remains as stuffed animals :lol:

Oh damn, that is the funniest thing I've heard all afternoon!!!


I have to worry about a government that names its battle station the Death Star.

"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer. . ."

"where are the transmissions you intercepted? What have you done with those plans?"


Ah, see, more propoganda... it's not the Death Star, it's the DEATH star: Dear Empreror's Ambulatory Terrestrial Habitat Star. It's just an unfortunate accident that the acronym spells out something "dark and evil" sounding. Another ploy by the rebels to turn a wonderful civil works project into something evil and menacing.

  eugimon said:
Ah, see, more propoganda... it's not the Death Star, it's the DEATH star: Dear Empreror's Ambulatory Terrestrial Habitat Star. It's just an unfortunate accident that the acronym spells out something "dark and evil" sounding. Another ploy by the rebels to turn a wonderful civil works project into something evil and menacing.

Yeah, the world is just full of those. Like ASS-1 :)


Wow... I'm tempted to pick the Empire just because of the relative intelligence of their supporters. Convincing arguments, the empire is good for the economy (see death star), doesn't force its religion on anyone (see jedi), and aren't working with criminals and poo bearing rugs (Solo and the Wookie).

Nicely put.


I've never questioned the righteousness of the Rebels until now. Empire for me.

  Twoducks said:

You just can't put your trust on a goverment that gets ass kicked by little fuzy bears with spears.

Rebel propaganda. The final battle didn't really happen at Endor, and it wasn't ewoks they were up against. It was at Kashyyk, and it was against those giant poo covered walking rugs that like to tear limbs off and hit people with them.

The rebel terrorists will try to convince anyone of anything! :p

Besides look at Leia. She's obviously a drug addict, hooked on Solo's smuggled goods. She became totally wasted after hooking up with that drug dealer!

It's also unfortunate that STAR Destroyers are named so, a name widely abused by the rebel terrorists. They're actually Space Trash and Rubbish Destroyers. Keeping your galaxy clean of space litter and rubbish.

The stormtroopers did an excellent job at apprehending Princess Leia aboard the terrorist blockade runner (diplomatic mission, no weapons, yeah right), and stopping her crew of violent thugs. Over the DEATH Star, imperial pilots took down x-wing after x-wing after x-wing, with no shields at that.

  Sumdumgai said:
Besides look at Leia. She's obviously a drug addict, hooked on Solo's smuggled goods. She became totally wasted after hooking up with that drug dealer.

well put... besides, has anyone looked at Leia lately? Sure, she was a glamour girl with the drug runner, but look at the level she stooped to get her fix. Dressed up like a sl*t for that criminal Hutt, and after that, well, let's just say she's let herself go. (and she didn't go to Hawaii, if you get my drift)

  kalvasflam said:
Wow... I'm tempted to pick the Empire just because of the relative intelligence of their supporters. Convincing arguments, the empire is good for the economy (see death star), doesn't force its religion on anyone (see jedi), and aren't working with criminals and poo bearing rugs (Solo and the Wookie).

Nicely put.

Even the Devil can quote scripture.

  Hurin said:
Even the Devil can quote scripture.

and here we see the sort of religious rhetoric the jedi-o-facists will use to scare you into following their cause, ladies and gentlemen! Don't give in to their campaign of fear!


Also let us not forget that the Jedi employ mind control techniques. I bet Obiwan brainwashed that stormtooper garrison, tricking them into killing the jawas and Owen and Buru. Think about it, Owen saw Obiwan for what he was, a crazy old wizard, wouldn't let luke go anywhere near him to follow him on some damn foolish crusade like his father did.


Sadly, this sounds like your average English Literature course at your average university.

  Hurin said:
Sadly, this sounds like your average English Literature course at your average university.

I really hope your not taking this debate seriously. This is all in good fun.


Did you ever think about the motives of the Rebel's greatest hero Luke Skywalker? First he can't wait to go the the academy. Talking to Obi-Wan he says, "It's not that I like the Empire! It hate it!" Funny he hates the Empire but wants to go to their public schools? Luke is on Tatoonie the Empire's influence there is very small. I bet Uncle Owen doesn't even pays taxes. I doubt the Empire even charges him any tax but they still will take Luke's appilcation. If accepted you know Luke is going to get some good scholarships and grants. Luke still hates them for that. Then there is his motives of joining the Alliance in the first place to save Leia. The sister he wants to screw. There's your hero, a incest loving bum who doesn't pay taxes.

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