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  sqidd said:
Thats so he doesn't get hit by a car while Trick or Treating :p

Did you see that Dan Akryoid (spelling?) bit on saturday night live, where he is selling these horrible and dangerous Halloween costumes? I forget the punchlines but I do remember that it was funny. Anyway, your post reminded me of that. . .

  miriya said:
Did you see that Dan Akryoid (spelling?) bit on saturday night live, where he is selling these horrible and dangerous Halloween costumes? I forget the punchlines but I do remember that it was funny. Anyway, your post reminded me of that. . .

I have never seen that episode, I would like to though. It sounds funny.

The white stripes reminded me of my snowmobile gear. It's all black and has white reflective stripes so I can be seen by other snowmobiles easier at night. The mind quickly jumped to all the kids I see nowadays that their parents make them go trick or Treating with reflective safety gear on. Poor kids, they could have just dressed up as crossing guards :blink:


I like the white stripes. It looks like a magpie with a demon vision, kind of appropriate. I actually hate the gold, it kind of reminds me of old granny with gold tooth.....

  miriya said:
I like this with white stripes and red visor.
  warpaint22 said:
Should the name on the 19 read "Excalibur" as in king arthurs sword not "Excaliver", if so thats a bad spelling mistake, and I can't even spell.

Yeah it should

  warpaint22 said:
Should the name on the 19 read "Excalibur" as in king arthurs sword not "Excaliver", if so thats a bad spelling mistake, and I can't even spell.

  big F said:
Yeah it should

No, no, no... you've got it all wrong. English Literature has it all wrong. Every publication, movie, TV program and theater piece that references Arthurian legend has it all wrong. :ph34r::p

  mechaninac said:
No, no, no... you've got it all wrong. English Literature has it all wrong. Every publication, movie, TV program and theater piece that references Arthurian legend has it all wrong. :ph34r::p

Don't you mean Arzurian legend? :p


It was the sword thrown at him by a tart in the lake. :p

I'm just glad they dropped their original 25th Anniversary paint scheme. It was like Angel Birds gone horribly wrong.


bleh, now i'm on the "As far as i'm concerned the 25th Anni special is the Movie Version 1/5000 SDF-1" boat. :p

And of course, the unknown Minmay figure... why isn't there any info yet???


I've been itching to know more about the Minmay figure. They should do like they did on the Animal Girls Lynx figures and allow for removeable clothes. :p:D:lol:


My friend who visited Tokyo Hobby Show yesterday gave me an advertizement of SDF-1 "movie-color."

This time I prepared bigger scan.


It read that the release date is late Jan, 2008.

I will also go to Tokyo and visit the Show on Sunday.

If possible I will visit Kaiyodo and buy Revoltech VF-1S, too...

  big F said:

"Ma kuu osss"


Hey don't knock the Maaaaakuuuuuossss!

  Lonely Soldier Boy said:
It has a nice paintjob. I skiped the "shiny" one without regret, but now I wonder if should order this.

I hate the 1st release they did of the SDF-1, so glad i didn't cave! 2nd release is beautiful.


I never got to see one in the flesh so to speak but im liking the movie one.

Hopefully it will be more available than the last one. Just how big is 1/5000 anyhow ?

  • 3 weeks later...

Scanned and searched but doesn't seem to be here.. If this is a repost, mods please feel free to merge or nuke.

I was scanning through HLJ items and came across these, due in December. Images are from HLJ but hosted on my own account..

VF-1S: http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00066


VF-19: http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00065


Personally? I don't really dig the black, and the gold letterings/ highlights really kill it for me. The VF-19 is much nice than the VF-1S though.


I'm going after the YF-19 variant, namely due to the black color. Much easier to modify the scheme than the very bright Macross Plus scheme. I don't like the eye lens color, but that's easy to rectify.

The VF-1S really needed a green eye lens also. The model kit version had a built up example with a purplish scheme. I wonder how that would have looked with the 1/48 Yammie.


The VF-1S looks great! Plan on getting it or a Millia VF-1J when funds allow it. Thinking about the YF-21 in a black color scheme like this makes my mouth water, though maybe with silver highlights instead of gold. I sure hope Yamato does a good job with it (and the VF-11B when they get around to making it, maybe a VF-4 and 17 while their at it!)


... i just finished watching Smokey and the Bandit 1 just then, and the image posted of the Bandit's Firebird in relation to the 25th YF-19 scheme has got me wanting to do an actual custom of the Firebiord scheme. :lol: Totally would rock! Love the smokey/bandit movies.


Hey guys...

I could not help but notice the "25th Anniversary" description being prominently plastered on the ... well... 25th Anniversary Valks. Are those stickers or are they permanently painted onto the Valks?


  aezonrath said:
permanent?? hmm...

I was hoping that it was a sticker since i feel that it looks kind of tacky too. :)

Tacky.....Slightly.....but IT IS a 25th anni. and that is why they made it that way is so EVERYONE KNOWS that particular one is the 25th anni. Valk.


  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Well about the YF-19.... Maybe I want to cancel my order.... Because i think this is only a YF-19 with black color and tampoo 25 th annyversary.... not terrible for a new schem.. I prefer to wait a true new schem.... What about you ?? what do you think really about this YF-19 ?? Is it really beautifull ? I need yours opinions about this toy.. I'm not convinced... But i'm not sure....

Edited by odr78

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