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Wiseman Set To Direct 'Escape From New York' Remake

Filmmaker Len Wiseman is in negotiations to direct the remake of cult classic Escape From New York. Actor Gerard Butler has already signed up to star in the update of director John Carpenter's futuristic action film as anti-hero Snake Plissken, a part made famous by Kurt Russell in the 1981 original and its 1996 sequel Escape From LA. Wiseman most recently directed this year's Live Free Or Die Hard.


will we see gerard butler screaming I AM SNAAAAAAKE! :lol:


I'd say Kurt Russell has an argument if Gerard Butler can't do a decent "American Accent". It sounds weird but I agree with Russell... Plisken is the quintessential American criminal. Half Cowboy, half gangster and all attitude.

Posted (edited)

I like Gerard Butler, but Kurt Russel's Plisken is a very specific type of character. The original Carpenter film had a certain noir-esque feel to it and a VERY cynical ending. INCREDIBLY cynical! I really don't think Wiseman is a good idea for something like this and I really question the motives of the studio doing a remake of this film. The cynism, so strong in the original, is a ripe target for studio interference. This is doubly so given today's social/political climate. Live Free Or Die Hard was quite the work of jingoism entertainment and McClane was turned into the typical unstoppable hero-force. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but that's NOT Escape From New York...not with any amount of spin.

Edited by Mr March
  Necron_99 said:
When will these stupid remakes end? :angry:

When people stop going to the theaters to see them. Who is the more stupid, the remake itself, the studios that, having run out of original ideas and averse to taking financial risks with unknown/untested properties, keep pumping out regurgitated dreck, or the masses who pluck down money in droves to watch this stuff?

  mechaninac said:
When people stop going to the theaters to see them. Who is the more stupid, the remake itself, the studios that, having run out of original ideas and averse to taking financial risks with unknown/untested properties, keep pumping out regurgitated dreck, or the masses who pluck down money in droves to watch this stuff?

Is there an 'all of the above' box I can check? :lol:


Meanwhile, plenty of great, or at least very enjoyable, movies bomb horribly in theatres, many great writers and directors are out of work, and even more fantastic projects never even get off the ground.


Insert-your-title-here Hollywood drivel: "Does this mean I'm popular?"

Hollywood Studio Exec: "You're better than popular, you're pure lowest-common-denominator."

Insert-your-title-here Hollywood drivel: "Yeay! I'm popular!"



Damn, I was hoping that Escape from Earth wouldn't drop off the face of the earth... :( I was looking forward to seeing Kurt Russel play Snake one more time. Oh well... Maybe he'll play Big Boss in the MGS movie. :p:lol: I wonder what John Carpenter thinks about this.


I just had a thought about casting Gerard Butler as Snake: could this be similar to when they cast Daniel Craig as Bond? We were all in an uproar over it and we all did a 180 when Casino Royale came out. Hmmm...


That was casting a Brit as a Brit, this is casting a Brit as a hard boiled American super criminal.

PLUS this movie does not need to be remade. The original is perfectly fine. Count me among those who wanted to see Russell in "Escape from Earth". Snake Plisken IS Kurt Russell and vice versa to me.

Next thing you know they are going to remake Big Trouble in Little China and put Tobey Mcguire in the Kurt Russell role.


oh hells no. :mellow:

  JsARCLIGHT said:
That was casting a Brit as a Brit, this is casting a Brit as a hard boiled American super criminal.

PLUS this movie does not need to be remade. The original is perfectly fine. Count me among those who wanted to see Russell in "Escape from Earth". Snake Plisken IS Kurt Russell and vice versa to me.

Next thing you know they are going to remake Big Trouble in Little China and put Tobey Mcguire in the Kurt Russell role.

stop giving them ideas!


I agree that this isn't looking good. If they must remake films, why not something that would, oh, I don't know, benefit from being remade? Not something already damn near perfect.

I never saw Live Free or Die Hard, so I can't comment on the director (my sister hated it though). I loved 300, but I side with what's been said here. Russell is Plisken, end of story.

Besides, didn't they already remake "Escape from New York". A little fake sequel called "Escape From LA".

  JsARCLIGHT said:
Next thing you know they are going to remake Big Trouble in Little China and put Tobey Mcguire in the Kurt Russell role.

Dude, don't give Hollywood any ideas ....

:lol: :lol: :lol:


While they're at it, why don't they remake Alien, Robocop, Dr. Strangelove, Predator, Dirty Harry, and Blade Runner? I'm being sarcastic by the way ;) . I was going to add Evil Dead to that, but it's already being remade according to imdb. :p

  Sumdumgai said:
While they're at it, why don't they remake Alien, Robocop, Dr. Strangelove, Predator, Dirty Harry, and Blade Runner?

I think they should re-make Star Wars ep IV to VI.

Casting :

Luke Skywalker : Daniel Radcliffe

Han Solo : Orlando Bloom

Darth Vader : Eddie Murphy

Boba Fett : Johnny Depp

Princess Leia : Jessica Alba!


Kurt Russell as Big Boss would be so unbelievabl awesome....how is the Metal Gear movie going anyway?

And say what you will about Escape From L.A., but it still had a totally Pliskin ending.

  meh_cd said:
This remake will only be made worse by the fact that Snake can't land his glider on top of the World Trade Center.

Couldn't agree more. One of the signature sequences from the original.

  Retracting Head Ter Ter said:
I can imagine Johnny Depp making a brilliant David Lo Pan though.

To paraphrase from above:

James Hong IS David Lo Pan and vice versa to me…

Posted (edited)
  Sumdumgai said:
While they're at it, why don't they remake Alien :p

Uh oh, I'm gonna get lynched for this: I was thinking about a remake of the Cameron sequel Aliens just a few weeks back and was tossing around ideas in my head for the cast. I was thinking Sarah Clarke (Nina Myers from "24") as Ripley, Michelle Rodriguez (Ana-Lucia Cortez from "Lost") as Vasquez and although he's probably too high profile and expensive now, Edward Norton ala American History X would make a perfect Corporal Hicks :)

Of course, this is just day dreaming. I wouldn't want modern Hollywood anywhere near an Aliens remake. The chances of it sucking hard is just too great to risk it :)

Edited by Mr March

Or they could just bring back Michael Biehn as Hicks, who is much older than he was supposed to be originally. :p Although I doubt he'd do it. I'm glad he turned down Alien 3. I was thinking for Vasquez the other actress in the first Resident Evil, the one that wasn't Milla Jovovich and played a tough character.

Edward Norton is an awesome actor.

AVP is all you need to think of to know how an Aliens remake would be. :p

So I wonder with the new Escape movie, who will fill the role of the President and take over for Donald Pleasence. Malcolm McDowell? Since he's going to be Dr. Loomis in the new Halloween movie.

  Keith said:
Kurt Russell as Big Boss would be so unbelievabl awesome....how is the Metal Gear movie going anyway?

And say what you will about Escape From L.A., but it still had a totally Pliskin ending.

I agree on both ends. The ending was the best part of the film. "Welcome to the Human Race..."

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