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Only 6-12? What was the disease that Robin Williams had in that awful Jack movie again? :p Or better yet, maybe we could sue them for discrimination. This is pure ageism--those little brats are getting preferential treatment. It's kind of ironic though, since the movie is rated PG-13. :rolleyes:

My figures:

Gung Ho: http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGrhxrJn7ooKp

Night Viper: http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGgy1kdQdGfd8

Scarlett: http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGvQhJIoY9TL/

Stalker: http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGgL/pBOe2hOZ

And everyone's favorite, Capt. Grid-Iron: http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGkYB8EBllwRj :lol:


Target has pegs and signs for new stuff. What's "Figure A" vs "Figure B"? Same price, but there's fewer pegs for B, and they have "vertically larger" space.

  David Hingtgen said:
There's a "design your own figure" contest at the official movie site----grand prize is to actually have the figure made, using your headsculpt! Only open to ages 6 to 12 though. :p Which is really weird when you think about it, since the figures use existing parts for the bodies, and there's no 8-year-old Joes...

thats pretty nifty. Who remembers Steel Brigade where you sent in a Q&A and they created a file card just for you but the figure wore a full face helmet so it could technically have been you!

Posted (edited)

well, the movie figures are out down here....at between 16-18 Aussie a figure.

to give u an idea, thats roughly $13-15 USD each. is that really what these little things cost now?!

Edited by Scream Man
  David Hingtgen said:
There's a "design your own figure" contest at the official movie site----grand prize is to actually have the figure made, using your headsculpt! Only open to ages 6 to 12 though. :p Which is really weird when you think about it, since the figures use existing parts for the bodies, and there's no 8-year-old Joes...

You can save what you make though---I quickly made this, it's basically armored Scarlett with Helix's head, in Techno-Viper colors. (since I'm still waiting for a 25th Techno-Viper) http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGpj3gdZhUksa

Thats funny. We should send in a headsculpt of Christian Bale. He loves figurines based on him.....


  Vermillion21 said:
new GI Joe ROC toys are supposed to hit US retail on July 6th ...

Since I work for Target now, I helped to set up an ROC display end-cap on July 4th after we closed. I feel like a part of history in the making! J/K...

Anyway, the figures look ok I guess-I'm a vehicle guy. However in regards to the vehicles I was largely unimpressed. That $40 Night Raven is a sorry replacement for the original, and that $100 mobile command center pile-0-plastic is a joke.

Anyone pick any of this stuff up yet?


How come Hasbro never commissioned anyone to make a G.I. Joe real-time strategy game to compete with Command & Conquer? That would've been a better idea than this crappy live-action film.


The new figs do have Joe and Cobra-specific stands (look underneath). While it's nice Cobra finally got a 2-peg stand, it's almost useless---the pegs are quite far apart.

  areaseven said:
How come Hasbro never commissioned anyone to make a G.I. Joe real-time strategy game to compete with Command & Conquer? That would've been a better idea than this crappy live-action film.
Now they can do both. Although, I doubt they will.

Got the Night Raven, it should have been $20-25. It's about the size of the Conquest. I see it more as a escort for the vintage Night Raven, or M.A.R.S.' version of the MIG-21, a cheap jet sold to countries who want something fast, simple, and capable of defending borders.

It is small. Don't set yourself up for disappointment by expecting a replacement for the original Raven, this by far, isn't it. At best it's an escort fighter. Even if the wheels are retooled to roll, and if it is repainted, I don't think I'll be buying another one. Add to the fact, my Stratoviper has some funky hips that don't like staying in position.

I like the sculpt of the plane, and like how it doesn't have the problems of the Thunderwing; tiny wings, HUGE cockpit, et al. It's just too small.

The best vehicle in the line is the Steel Crusher so far. The gunship isn't bad. Night Raven....only buy it if you are okay with everything I said above.


I'd love a new Nitro/Moto-Viper, but I see little/no homage to the original in the new one. Silver visor? Pads? Two-tone blue?

From pics I've seen, the 2 shades of blue are so close I don't even see it as intentional---I have Cobra troopers with more variation in shades of blue just between their arms and torso.

The originals really had kind of a "Motorcycle driver" thing going on---these look much more like lackey troopers.


I picked up the first wave Snake Eyes and Stormshadow 3.75" figures. Stormshadow looks like a decent representation of his movie self. Snake Eyes...not so much.

The 12" figures of these guys was also available, but I passed. Normally, I'll snatch up anything ninja related. But it seems the small figures are much better-looking.


Yup, the original Motor-Viper color scheme was hella tight. The light-blue/dark-blue scheme and the whole look of uniform just meshes well together.

Personally, I think I'm gonna go into hibernation until the original 25th/Modern era line comes back to the forefront. . .Someone wake me when Hasbro makes a Covergirl in her original outfit or her Devil's Due get-up.

From pics I've seen, the 2 shades of blue are so close I don't even see it as intentional---I have Cobra troopers with more variation in shades of blue just between their arms and torso.
Didn't even notice there were 2 shades. I always thought mine was in just one blue.
I picked up the first wave Snake Eyes and Stormshadow 3.75" figures. Stormshadow looks like a decent representation of his movie self. Snake Eyes...not so much.
Snake Eyes is still worth picking up, his range of motion is excellent, very easy to have 2 hands holding the swords. His bandolier sword holder is inadequate, so I use his backpack to hold his katana, the funny thing is, there are slots for 2 swords but only 1 sword is included.
  MilSpex said:
I don`t want to see the pics bad enough to register on hisstank. Can you rehost them for here please?

I think its lame that you're basically forced to register just to see pics of toys that will eventually be all over the net anyways.

That being said, I'll take vintage Night Raven over any of the new crap coming out lately. And the new movie looks terrible. The final deciding straw was the fact they changed Baronesses origin to be from Canada.



??? It's the 11th. All 3 local Wal-Marts have no figs or vehicles. Also, Target/TRU have not restocked since the 4th.

Did find an "exclusive"??? Firefly at TRU. Had a "Heroes" something sticker on it. Doesn't use the Beachhead mold, I recognized the arms as being those from the upcoming Target lavender-green AVAC (the ones with the shoulder armor, not the bicep patch). Neon green goggles. Pretty neat, and I still don't have a Firefly at all, but I've just never been a big fan of the character.

::edit:: Here it is: http://generalsjoes.com/wp-content/gallery...exc/firefly.jpg What mold are the lower legs from? Reminds me of WWI US doughboy look.

Found this Barbecue too: http://generalsjoes.com/wp-content/gallery...xc/barbecue.jpg


I picked up both Snake Eyes and the Stormshadow. Pretty good articulation. I like the G36 with the trenchcoat version. Bit disapointed in some of the weapons, though. Stormshadow is a good articulated sculpt but not sure I like the design.


I just saw the latest trailer for this, and I have to say that my opinion of this is slowly edging upwards. Then again, considering the rock-bottom level it started at, there really wasn't any other direction to go... :)


The comic adaption finished this week. The pacing felt better than Bayformers 2. It pretty much sets up another movie so don't expect much of a conclusion. In fact, I felt a little let down at the end because it's just one big setup. Anyways, that's my $0.02 on the comic adaption. Your mileage may vary with the movie compared to the comic adaption.

  azrael said:
It pretty much sets up another movie so don't expect much of a conclusion. In fact, I felt a little let down at the end because it's just one big setup.

How is that different from any movie that comes out these days? Every movie exec drawing a salary is slobbering over the franchise-ability.

  CoryHolmes said:
How is that different from any movie that comes out these days? Every movie exec drawing a salary is slobbering over the franchise-ability.

It didn't feel like an "ending". The adaption also skipped over most of the ending fight. But as I said, that was the comic adaption. Your mileage with the movie may vary compared to the comic adaption.


I too saw the trailer and was pleasantly surprised. Mind you, I still don't like those special suits they've got for GI Joe, but the Ninja scenes look great, as do Cobra. I'll probably go see this.

I STILL haven't gone to see ROTF. I hate the toys and am sore at Hasbro. That and my girlfriend insisted we go see Bruno instead, which was educational, but the concept is kind of worn out by now...

anyways... GI Joe might actually be good.

In a...er...kind'a sorta way...

I also looked at pictures of the toys. Not sure I like what they've done to Cobra Commander. In fact, all of the masks and uniforms look too fluid and CGI rendered... actually - heck... it almost looks like they decided to cover them up in all that armor so that they could then get away with the classic GI Joe visuals (lots of people shooting high caliber weapons and nobody even getting a scratch:) ) ....

I dunno... it certainly has cheesy posters. But then again, so did Transformers... I'm trying to put myself in the mentality of fifties SCI-FI horror/camp on a summer afternoon or something...

Will probably waddle my way into the cinema to see both of these eventually...


  VFTF1 said:
I too saw the trailer and was pleasantly surprised. Mind you, I still don't like those special suits they've got for GI Joe, but the Ninja scenes look great, as do Cobra. I'll probably go see this.

I STILL haven't gone to see ROTF. I hate the toys and am sore at Hasbro. That and my girlfriend insisted we go see Bruno instead, which was educational, but the concept is kind of worn out by now...

anyways... GI Joe might actually be good.

In a...er...kind'a sorta way...

I also looked at pictures of the toys. Not sure I like what they've done to Cobra Commander. In fact, all of the masks and uniforms look too fluid and CGI rendered... actually - heck... it almost looks like they decided to cover them up in all that armor so that they could then get away with the classic GI Joe visuals (lots of people shooting high caliber weapons and nobody even getting a scratch:) ) ....

I dunno... it certainly has cheesy posters. But then again, so did Transformers... I'm trying to put myself in the mentality of fifties SCI-FI horror/camp on a summer afternoon or something...

Will probably waddle my way into the cinema to see both of these eventually...


Well, I got a 2 for 1 offer - I watch RotF and the trailer happened to be GI Joe - RoC. And I actually liked the trailer more than the RotF movie, well, except for the Megan Fox bit, and the BigFoot RC Decepticon. :lol:

I guess the same caution applies to both movies: Leave your brain at the door, and enjoy the CGI fireworks. ^_^


I dunno, I guess I just can't get over how cheesy the suit things look. All the scenes of them putting on the suits in the trailer are 100% Iron Man ripoff, and then there's that scene where they're in the street jumping to miss the missiles that not only looks like cheesy CGI, but was much more interesting when I saw the scene the first time in Transformers. The movie looks like 100% cheese. Some of the more recent trailers have been better but not much. I'll probably see it, but only because Transformers 2 gave me motion sickness.

Vostok 7

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