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News from HissTank.com:

"It seems actor David Murray was unable to get his work VISA in time to start filming the Live Action G.I. Joe Film. Paramount Pictures has confirmed, the actor will no longer be in the film, instead they have given the role of Destro to Chris Eccleston.

Chris Eccleston has an extensive resume including TV series Heroes, Dr. Who, 28 Days Later and many other feature films."

So Doctor Who #10 = Destro in the GI Joe movie!


He's a little skinnier than would be ideal and he's got almost twenty years on Sienna Miller, but I dig the idea of Chris Eccleston as Destro. He's one of those actors who's easily more talented than the class of actor their relegated to and he can so easily play a bad guy who doesn't see himself as a bad guy and/or feels completely justified in his actions, which is perfect for Destro. Even his default accent wouldn't be too off for a Scotsman who travels (yes, don't let a Scot or a Lancashireman hear they could pass for one another, I know.... :p ).

If the rumor's true, the movie has earned a few more points in my book... still not sure it's total tally is positive, but if it isn't, it's getting close... certainly more than Transformers ever obtain for me.... now if we can only get them to drop the whole 'G.I.J.O.E.' aspect (as in it being an acronym). I don't mind it being a multinational group ala Rainbow Six, but if you're going to use the name 'G.I.Joe', just leave it as such and just claim its a carry over from when the team was established in America or something....


"I am now fully sonic'd up, Hawk - and nothing can stop me! HAHAHA!"

"I have to say, Destro, I'm not entirely certain about these new Cobra battle armours you've provided us with - they look like pepper pots, and its blasted creepy the way they keep going "EX-TERM-I-NATE! all the time... "

"I destroyed the banana plantation and built an arms factory there. I like guns. Full of iron." :)

  Roy Focker said:
If you hasn't seen Doctor Who. The actor might be best own here as the villian in Gone in Sixty Seconds.

No, he's by far better known as the Invisible Man in Hereoes. :)

  • 1 month later...

Lets see...

Hands properly proportioned - check

Lack of hot rod flames - check

Played by a real red-head - n/a

Come on MW....don't disappoint me. Does Snake-Eye's have an uneven temper to the blade? Is there too many or too few slots in his visor? Surely there's something about these pictures that rapes somebody's childhood.


For the most part I like it, but I've never been big on the medievil visor look, much prefer the original mask, and I don't care for the sculpted muscles either, more commando, less ninja for me, but overall not terrible.

  Chuey said:

Wow this looks great. For me, just upon seeing this pic it totally reminds of Snake-Eyes, but with an updated triwst (not overly exagerrated nor unrecognizable).

Great job and kudos to the costume designer. I hope they make a toy in this version. ^_^

  nightmareB4macross said:
Wow this looks great. For me, just upon seeing this pic it totally reminds of Snake-Eyes, but with an updated triwst (not overly exagerrated nor unrecognizable).

Great job and kudos to the costume designer. I hope they make a toy in this version. ^_^

It would take a real idiot to get Snake Eyes wrong.

Posted (edited)

I think it looks good except for the Arishikage symbol being on his uniform. In the old Marvel comics it was a tattoo on his forearm.

I hope he has his trademark uzi also.

Edited by chowyunskinny
  >EXO< said:
It would take a real idiot to get Snake Eyes wrong.

I would have preferred the the goggles or integrated sunglasses-look as opposed to the visor, but ok. Anybody notice the Arashikage-clan insignia on the right shoulder?

Come on MW....don't disappoint me. Does Snake-Eye's have an uneven temper to the blade? Is there too many or too few slots in his visor? Surely there's something about these pictures that rapes somebody's childhood.

Give it some time will ya...It's not like Bay-fomers where everything just looked wrong.


SE looks good for those PR photos. I know when I was a kid I liked that costume better then his original and as a popular one at that it looks pretty close to the cartoon. I was expecting him to be more a military uniform than this look and so far the producers look like they are at least trying the looks closer to the Sunbow cartoons than Transformers. Hope they leak out Cobra designs soon.

  azrael said:
I would have preferred the the goggles or integrated sunglasses-look as opposed to the visor, but ok. Anybody notice the Arashikage-clan insignia on the right shoulder?

I like both... maybe he gets to change it. but then again I dont have high hopes for this movie and have no plans to watch it.

  chowyunskinny said:
I think it looks good except for the Arishikage symbol being on his uniform. In the old Marvel comics it was a tattoo on his forearm.

I hope he has his trademark uzi also.

Depending on who draws Snake-Eyes, the symbol is both on his uniform and on his forearm as it is on Storm Shadow.




  Chuey said:
Depending on who draws Snake-Eyes, the symbol is both on his uniform and on his forearm as it is on Storm Shadow.




A friend of mine has the Arashikage Clan tattoo.


  areaseven said:
  gerwalk25 said:
  Chuey said:

Depending on who draws Snake-Eyes, the symbol is both on his uniform and on his forearm as it is on Storm Shadow.




A friend of mine has the Arashikage Clan tattoo.





I was going to add my own "quote the pictures and add a one word reply" but then I realized that I really didn't feel like spending the time to construct such a post, since MW won't allow me to simply reply to EXO's post and all the quotes it contains. So instead I'll just say stop.


While I have personally never really liked the "ninja" Snake Eyes (I prefer the "elite soldier / commando" Snake Eyes) I have to at least admit that that still of Park shows some adherance to pre-existing artwork. They did not pull the whole thing out of their ass like many movies like to do.

... also I thank everything holy that they did not choose to go with that early '90s "grey and blue with big orange goggles" paintball Snake Eyes costume. That thing just looks ten shades of stupid.

  bsu legato said:
Come on MW....don't disappoint me. Does Snake-Eye's have an uneven temper to the blade? Is there too many or too few slots in his visor? Surely there's something about these pictures that rapes somebody's childhood.

SMALL GUN! SMALL GUN!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gawd why the hell did they make that thing so small!?!?! I sure hope he doesn't use that lame-assed weapon in the film, because that's what will make or break it! I can't believe that they'd get everything else with the costume right and then give him this stupid small gun. What are those idiots thinking? This beats Vader's tiny hands in the prequels films or the VF-25's weak hands in Battroid mode for utter crapness! This film is going to suck soiled ass!

I'm totally going to see this opening night in my cosplay outfit.

There, happy now bsu? :)


I don't like how that first AICN shot of Snake Eyes makes it look like the vents are covering his mouth instead of his eyes. You can also add me to the list of people who prefer Commando Snake Eyes to Mystical Ninja Snake Eyes.


Snake-eyes looks sweet... to me there's no distinction between comando Snake-eyes and ninja snake-eyes they're the same character we just didn't learn about the Ninja stuff till later, but really I started reading the comics when that was already and important element so I'm used to it. I can't wait to see how Stormshadow looks.

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