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I've been hedging back & forth on whether or not to pre- order it, but finaly decided after watching the trailor on the Mospeada set again to go ahead with it (plus it looks like Arcadia was pushed back to the end of next month anyway).

Unfortunately, I probably won't actually "have it" until the end of next week the way DVDplanet has been shipping lately, but I am anxious to see the series in its proper form. Hell, I never did bother to watch all the way through the robotech version, but it has to be better than that!


I''m interested, but not interested enough to spend the money on it right now, you know? I didn't care much for the version of it in Robotech, so I'm a little curious to see the original. From what I've heard though, it'd be a lot better if it hadn't been cancelled half way through.

I hoping after this ADV might release some other obscure 80's anime. Dorvack, Dougram, etc.


I'm really interested in checking it out. Actually over the past year I've been far more interested in the original series that made up Robotech then Robotech itself. Guess my taste are changing, I'm actually glad to be honest. Less stress and frustration trying to make sense of things and how things are run. So glad I decided to pick up Macross 7, which I'm crazy about now. As for Southern Cross I really hope that the translation is good and the quality of the video is good. I still need to pick up Mospeada. :( So many things I want to get and so little money. Anyone know how much it's going to price?


I'll get it sometime next year. There's just so much right now I need to buy and I can't spend the rent on all this. I got Mospeada. Mospeada looks beautiful, even with the blue tint and "Stig". I skimmed around Mospeada because I have most of it on the Perfect Collection tapes and I've seen it before but I'll watch it all later. Southern Cross would just be put next in the queue. At the moment I'm trying to finish watching Tenchi Muyo OVA (yes, I never got around to watching it all, but I'm halfway through the box set now), so I've been watching Tenchi every night this week, and then I need to finish watching Nadia, and I also keep up with Ultra Maniac (Triad). I'm getting Optimus Prime. Marmalade Boy on R1 DVD in April 2004.thumbs-up.gif


Strongly in the "Hmm...I wouldn't mind it" zone, but the expense of importing and shipping and exchange rates mean I'm not desperately stumbling over myself to buy it.



I'd like to have it, but funds are drying up. And we're entering the merry season of buying pretty soon, too. I might just sneak it in somewhere... :rolleyes:


I'm not buying it. Never been a fan.

My interest in 80's mech anime is at an all time low. That's probably why I sold Mospeada after watching it through once.

  yellowlightman said:
I''m interested, but not interested enough to spend the money on it right now, you know? I didn't care much for the version of it in Robotech, so I'm a little curious to see the original. From what I've heard though, it'd be a lot better if it hadn't been cancelled half way through.

That's exactly how I feel.


I had the originals fansubbed on VHS years and years ago. I plan to buy the new set and see the show without the "bargain basement" subs. I have always liked the original SDC: Southern Cross more than it's Robotech counterpart and I'll be another one of those voices telling people to give it a chance if you have never seen the original.

Remember, it is the most heavily edited of the three Robotech parts and just because "you have seen Robotech Masters" does not really mean you have seen SDC: Southern Cross. The price is about the only thing that will keep most people away so I'd say rent it if you have the option... if you can't rent then maybee someone will let you borrow their set.

  yellowlightman said:
I''m interested, but not interested enough to spend the money on it right now, you know? I didn't care much for the version of it in Robotech, so I'm a little curious to see the original. From what I've heard though, it'd be a lot better if it hadn't been cancelled half way through.

I hoping after this ADV might release some other obscure 80's anime. Dorvack, Dougram, etc.

Yellow, from what I heard, Robotech really mangled this story.

Does anybody know for sure if Best Buy is going to pick this title up? I saw no mentionof it on the preorders on their website


I think ya have to order it individually...not sure.

As for mangling the story...Robotech has alot of the elements from SC (more than people like to admit or can imagine). However, yes..the storyline is VERY different...chief reason being that SC takes place on a planet called Glorie in the Epsilon Eridani star system...not on Earth.

:ph34r: Long time no see. =P But I'm sure I'll pick this one up, just becuase I have watched my Macross, and Mospeada DVD's way too much recently and need a short break. :blink:
  1st Border Red Devil said:
As for mangling the story...Robotech has alot of the elements from SC (more than people like to admit or can imagine). However, yes..the storyline is VERY different...chief reason being that SC takes place on a planet called Glorie in the Epsilon Eridani star system...not on Earth.

I'll admit that the eventual revelation that Glorie had once been inhabited by human colonists long ago was pretty interesting. And the original "We're all going to turn into Zor" ending would have definitely been a downer. But it's still not enough to make me run out and buy SC. I'd maybe rent it, if I found it sitting on the the shelf at the video store. But I doubt that'll happen.


I don't understand why Netflix don't offer Macross and Mospeada if they domestic (U.S) release??? Anyway that's the only way I would watch it if the local video stores or a friend doesn't get it. If I had more dispensible income I'd probably get it.

Posted (edited)

I'm willing to pay $30-$50 to see it, whether through rental or by waiting for it to show up at discounters or on eBay (or in the For Sale forum here). ANN reports a SRP of $99.98.

Edit: But RT.com has it up for $79.99. I guess they changed their minds after that ANN report was released.

Edited by ewilen

Ordered mine from deepdiscountdvd.com they've got the best prices around + free shipping. They've shipped mine but it hasn't arrived yet. I'm really looking forward to it.


Thanks for the pointer, Legioss. It's still a little more than I'm willing to pay at the moment, but maybe I'll break down after I complete my SDF Macross collection (and finish watching them).


Right now I am planning on getting the set. I have one of the Perfect Collection tapes so I am interested in seeing the rest of the story (good day!). :)


Maybe just having watched Orguss last year has something to do with my interest in the series. The design style (character) seems similar, and the catchy theme (& promise of fanservice) just add to the deal.

I got it for $69.99 at dvdplanet, looks like it'll ship within the next day or so, & I should see it by tuesday/wednesday (hopefully) friday/sat at the lastest.

As for extra's, I think there should be a book of interviews & such much like the one included with Mospeada. The specific contents aren't known. Sketch/line are too should be incldued too. Guess I'll just have to tell everyone what I thought after :)

  Pat S said:
Whoa, the Mospeada DVD Set had a book of interviews?

:unsure: Well, yep! Interviews with twelve (actually 13 members in twelve interviews) of the staff that worked on Mospeada plus an additional four staff articles. Although, I am not sure they were done just for this set. I had heard they were ripped straight from the LD set. As to whether that is true or not...I have no idea. Still a nice little addition. Of course, it would have to been nice to see some additional line art. I'd even settle for better box art, but it is still a worthy buy! In case you were wondering, here are the names of the staff members that were interviewed:

Kazuya Maeda

Kyoutarou Kimura

Masatoshi Yui

Yasuhiro Tomita

Naoko Hasegawa

Kazuhiko Udagawa

Isao Kaneda

Shinji Aramaki & Hideki Kakinuma

Yoshitaka Amano

Yasunori Honda

Takeshi Miyao

Hiroshi Iwata

Does anyone have any confirmation of exactly what "extras" the SC box set is coming with? Also, is it just now shipping or should it already be on store shelves? It is a definite buy for me!


I think I and Ali Sama bought ours at the same time last night from DeepDiscountDVD. They still have it for $59.99 with free shipping... that is the cheapest I've seen it so far. There have also been two copies on eBay, one is still taking bids and the other sold for about $69.

  Pat S said:

Netflix does have Mospeada, I've watched the first 4 already.

hmmm... then there's a chance they'll have SC... cool!

  1st Border Red Devil said:
Yea...I was the first bidder on that set....didnt check back in time and saw that I got creamed.

Don't feel bad, I was bidding on it too but would not go above $45 until I saw how low it was going to be on other storefront sites.


Whats weird is that I was in Best Buy today, and they had Southern Cross and Genesis Climber in their anime section, but I never saw SDF there.....Why?

  yellowlightman said:
I''m interested, but not interested enough to spend the money on it right now, you know? I didn't care much for the version of it in Robotech, so I'm a little curious to see the original. From what I've heard though, it'd be a lot better if it hadn't been cancelled half way through.

I hoping after this ADV might release some other obscure 80's anime. Dorvack, Dougram, etc.

Dorvack!! I loved that series!!! I hope somebody release it sometime, it's really awesome!!! Ahh! the memories! Even the music was good!! And about southern Cross I'll pick it on the near future, It looks fine enough and we don't have to deal with any Robocrap sh..t


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