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  azrael said:
Let me clarify myself, he must like cable cars from San Francisco, CA, USA. Cuz that would be the 2nd time he's used them.

I'm not denying that they could be imaged from the San Francisco trams, but merely pointing out that Japan has a lot of trams in operation, some of them with similar designs.



Mind you, it could all be an injoke or something else to tie into Macross Dynamite.


The new colony ships definately look Megaroad-y mixed with Gundam colonies. So far I definately like them. Character designs look a bit standard, I definately need to see them in motion. And that Vaklyrie picture is definately too long quality to judge. Hand drawn would be better, but it may just be intro CG, with in show fighters being hand drawn (ala 7 & Dynamite).

  eugimon said:
Exactly, the OVA's are short, of course they're going to deal with one event. The difference is HOW they deal with the event. In Plus, you see Isamu , Guld and Myung actually struggle with their shared past and how it affects their current lives. You actually see the consequences of how each, individually, chose to deal with a traumatic event and the steps they each take in their own ways to deal with it. I hardly see how that can be described as shallow characterization.

Because the entire crux of their conflict revolves A: Guld being whacko, B: Isamu running away instead of actually dealing, & C: Myung freaking out because the other two freaked out.

And to call Isamu and Basara the same character is pretty off. Isamu may not care about what people think of him, but it's pretty obvious by the end of the OVA that it's nothing more than an act. A way for for him to protect himself from becoming emotionally attached to others, so that he won't be betrayed again. And even at the height of his acting out, he rarely tries to push his beliefs on others, instead it's more of a casual disregard and recklessness. Basara on the other hand, shoves his beliefs down other people's throats and has no motivations other than the infantile truism: war is bad, my singing can stop it!

"War is bad, my flying can stop it" is no better. But let's compare. Besides which, Isamu was never betrayed, that was Guld, he wasn't protecting himself, he was just running so he wouldn't have to deal with the reprocussiosn of what happened.

Basara: Passion for singing above all else.

Isamu: Passion for flying above all else.

Basara: Considered reckless for entering battelfields & singing regardless of what's going on.

Isamu: Considered reckless for entering battlefields & showing off regardless of what's going on.

Basara: Doesn't try to push his beliefs on others, but doesn't let others push his beliefs.

Isamu: Doesn't try to push his beliefs on others, but doesn't let others push his beliefs.

Basara: Puts love interests second to his grander purpose.

Isamu: Puts love interests second to his grander purpose.

Basara: Puts his purpose above petty things like military protocol (buffing the soulless Jamming Birds to continue singing his way).

Isamu: Puts his purpose above petty things like mlitary protocol (stealing YF-19 to take out the ghost)

Basara: Pissed off Gamlin because of his way of thinking, but eventually turned him around into a friend.

Isamu: Pissed off Guld because of his way of thinking, but eventually turned him (back) into a friend.

Basara: Doesn't really change much because he knew he was right to begin with.

Isamu: Doesn't really change much because he knew he was right to begin with.

As for Zero, zero showed a clash of cultures and philosophies. If juxtaposed hard and soft, flexible and rigid, moral objectivity and a subjective world view. The characters each came into it, having their personalities shaped by one moral and ethical code or another and their interactions were driven by it. They struggled with how reality and situations challenged their world views. Again, Zero has people actually reacting and coming to grips with what is happening in their lives.

And 7 doesn't how?

The most you can say about 7 was they were fighting some space monster... but their core beliefs, their motivations are never challenged, other then they all come around to Basra's War is Bad mantra. And yes, I understand that this was a central theme of SDF:M, but 7 does it in such a childish and black and white way. There's none of the moral ambiguity, the personal struggle that was seen in SDF:M that makes for good drama.

Life isn't always about moral ambiguity, nor is fiction. Sometimes one person is right, and everyone has to come around. That's what was interesting, & somewhat unique about 7. Instead of the hero having to go on a learning journey to find the answer to save everyone, it was everyone else who had to do it. The hero wasn't flawed, brooding, or troubled, he had his sh!t together from the get go.

  sketchley said:
I'm not denying that they could be imaged from the San Francisco trams, but merely pointing out that Japan has a lot of trams in operation, some of them with similar designs.



Mind you, it could all be an injoke or something else to tie into Macross Dynamite.

More than likely it's the Frisco connection that has precedent here. Wasn't there a similar allusion with a radio station name in DYRL? Some San Fran radio station just randomly had its name plastered on of of the billboards inside Macross City in DYRL.

Posted (edited)

What a pity guys! Due to the lack of any valuable mecha picture, people started to talk about cable cars... :rolleyes:

Sometimes it's just like a punishment to be a mecha fan :lol:

Edited by charger69

There will be plenty of mecha talk soon enough. And hopefully a blue-ray re-release of DYRL to coincide with the series premier. At which point hopefully BV will slap some subtitles on it, and release it over here!

  charger69 said:
What a pity guys! Due to the lack of any valuable mecha picture, people started to talk about cable cars... :rolleyes:

Sometimes it's just like a punishment to be a mecha fan :lol:

See my post on page 12. I posted some theories about the new VF, but yeah then people started talking about Trams AKA streetcars.....yawn (sorry guys, cable cars are something else entirely).

See pic below for what a cable car is.




I stand corrected, but I still call them trams!

Calling them cable cars must be an American thing, as I've never heard of them being called cable cars before. Everybody I know calls them trams.

Anyway, let's get back to discussing the new show, new mecha and new characters, not fecking cable cars/streetcars/trams etc.



Little to say as of yet, but i like the name Macross: Frontier if thats what they go with.

And Keith: i always read it that Guld and Myune had been together and she got upset about soemthing he had done. Isamu was the best buddy and third friend and she went to him for comfort. Guld bursts in on them and thinks somnething is happening that wasnt, smacks Isamu and Myune around (And debateably tries to rape her) in a fit of rage. He then runs and apprently rewrites history in his mind to think Isamu had hurt Myune. Isamu and Myune knew he couldnt helpo it and both left so that he wouldnt be reminded of the horrible things he had done.

In all the times i have seen mac Plus thats always what I had thought happened.

Posted (edited)

Kawamori spent a lot of time in SF, he did put references to San Francisco in other works (yes, the radio station bumper sticker). If anyone has the Animeigo set of Macross lying around I think there's a good paragraph of Kawamori's love for SF in the notes.

Edited by jenius
  Graham said:
Calling them cable cars must be an American thing, as I've never heard of them being called cable cars before. Everybody I know calls them trams.

Maybe in San Francisco or on the west coast but not the east coast where I am from. Spent 5 years in New York and 3 years in Washington DC and have not heard people call these "cable cars". But then again, those two cities don't have "cable cars" or "trams" to boast of so things could be different.

Anyway, different countries or cities have different names for the same thing, for example:

1. apartments, flats, lofts, etc.

2. subway, metro, underground, MTRs, etc.

By the way, I wouldn't quote Wikipedia as the primary source of authority. They were found to have been wrong or in this case, "not complete" in many ways.

  Scream Man said:
Little to say as of yet, but i like the name Macross: Frontier if thats what they go with.

And Keith: i always read it that Guld and Myune had been together and she got upset about soemthing he had done. Isamu was the best buddy and third friend and she went to him for comfort. Guld bursts in on them and thinks somnething is happening that wasnt, smacks Isamu and Myune around (And debateably tries to rape her) in a fit of rage. He then runs and apprently rewrites history in his mind to think Isamu had hurt Myune. Isamu and Myune knew he couldnt helpo it and both left so that he wouldnt be reminded of the horrible things he had done.

In all the times i have seen mac Plus thats always what I had thought happened.

Watch again. The 3 of them hung out together since childhood. Both Isamu & Guld "liked" Myung, but Myung eventually chose Isamu. Guld walked in on them, flipped out, "toe" up the place, and blacked out. Next day Isamu took off & joined the U.N. Spacy, Myung moved away (to earth or another colony) after feeling jilted by Isamu, & Guld held a grudge against Isamu for what he percieved as Isamu attacking Myung, since he couldn't cope with being rejected, and held that grudge for years.

  Keith said:
Both Isamu & Guld "liked" Myung, but Myung eventually chose Isamu.

That sort of reminded me... how come it's always the "pure blood" human who gets the girl? Wouldn't it be interesting to see a "half-human half-Gentradi" be the hero who survives at the end?

How about a short OVA series (a "gai-den" so to speak) depicting a Gentradi soldier who gets exposure to Macross (SDF-1) during the great battle, and who decides to join U.N. Spacy? If you want it long, you can start off with him or her learning about "culture" (or protoculture) and messing things up along the way. Or you can just skip to the end and let him or her be the hero (or the heroine) and gets the girl (or boy)...


Because Exedor's singing & dancing ruined it for every Zetnradi male in existence, now none of them will ever get laid...ever!

Posted (edited)

Apparently the anime will be directed by a person who has directed an anime (which i've not heard before) called Black Heaven.


The plot is sorta like Macross 7.....sorta.



And oh, i blame san francisco for calling them cable cars because a local restaurant here opened and called itself The Cable Car with it as a logo....and some girl had a very heated argument with me that they were supposed to be called trams. Who'd have known we were both right? Sheesh.

Edited by wolfx
  VF5SS said:
Ichiro Itano is the one behind the amazing fight choreography in Macross.

Actually that WAS Kawamori...

That was his first foray into directing since no one could really get what he was getting at when he described how the Valks would dog fight. The missile choreography is Itano, but the dog fights are all Kawamori.


With the exception of Yoko Kanno and Kawamori himself, the previous works of others involved in Macross F are worrying. By all accounts a crappy director and a crappy writer.

Not to mention that the creepy losers over at Heisei Democracy are excited about it... which isn't a good sign.

Posted (edited)

Well the colony ships do look cool and much more plausible than the fanciful City 7 (loved the design, but it did seem like it took anime magic to build it). Although the screenshot could be similar to the Mac 7 shot where it showed all the City class colony ships in Earth orbit, eventhough only 1 was assigned to a colony fleet.

Sketchly makes a plausible point in that the civilian populations could be separated into several ships to avoid the "all your eggs in one basket" situation the City 5 civilians faced.

The variable fighter could simply be a civilian owned craft similar to what was established in the Mac 7 shows. Millia was able to keep her VF-1 and we know that the VF-1C were in production for a time. So who is to say that there weren't VF-5000-C's built for that same purpose? Cutting edge military hardware would be reserved for the military and older tech would be sold to colony worlds, but obsolete designs and technologies would be available to civilian factories like we see today.

I would be surprised if the line fighter of 2070 would be a throw back to an obsolete design when the cutting edge of tech of technology 23 years earlier was the VF-19 & VF-22!

Although, I do find it amusing that the idol is yet again a girl in some measure of Chinese heritage (Minmei Lin, Shery Li(?))....

Actually from this account, (I used a translation program, so I am not sure), but it appears as though Kawamori himself introduced the preview clip.


Edited by Zinjo
  yellowlightman said:
With the exception of Yoko Kanno and Kawamori himself, the previous works of others involved in Macross F are worrying. By all accounts a crappy director and a crappy writer.

Are there two different staff lists out there or something? Because the one I've seen was far better than I ever expected.

To have a creative guy behind some of the bigger hits of the last couple of years, including some mecha shows is a long way from a bad thing in my mind.

Not to mention that the creepy losers over at Heisei Democracy are excited about it... which isn't a good sign.

People in glass houses...

Posted (edited)
  Zinjo said:
Although, I do find it amusing that the idol is yet again a girl in some measure of Chinese heritage (Minmei Lin, Shery Li(?))....

LOL, maybe there is some mistake in my early post.



I think the green haired girl is Ranca Lee(ランカ・リー). Maybe she has Chinese lineage.

Becuase she's dressed in Chinese Traditional Style Dress.

But she is not Galaxy Idol, it is Shery(雪露,シェリル)!!

So, there are two girls, Galaxy Idol Shery and Megumi's Ranca!!

Ranca Lee?

Lynn Minmay?

Daughter or granddaughter??


Edited by kresphy
  kresphy said:
Ranca Lee?

Lynn Minmay?

Daughter or granddaughter??


Minmay had no children before she left Earth, and the entire crew and civilian population aboard Megaroad-01 was lost in deep space.

  Keith said:
Watch again. The 3 of them hung out together since childhood. Both Isamu & Guld "liked" Myung, but Myung eventually chose Isamu. Guld walked in on them, flipped out, "toe" up the place, and blacked out. Next day Isamu took off & joined the U.N. Spacy, Myung moved away (to earth or another colony) after feeling jilted by Isamu, & Guld held a grudge against Isamu for what he percieved as Isamu attacking Myung, since he couldn't cope with being rejected, and held that grudge for years.

See, I didnt read it liek that. i can buy everythign up to after Guld blacked out. But then i think Isamu and myune left because they had agreed never to let him know whjat had happened, because he meant so much to them. When the three of them meet up on Star Hill, and meyune steps between them, she gives this pleading look to Isamu, which to bme always seemed to be a plea from her along the lines of "Isamu, Don't do this, you know what it will do to him." then we see Isamu with a look of "Oh RIGHT, we cant fight coz he'll go crazy..." look on his face. i think in Gulds mind Isamu left out of shame for what he did to Myune, and Myune just wanted to be away from where it had happend.

back to Froniter (which is as good a name as any for now), I have faith that we'll have a good setries. I personally enjoyed Mac ), and while 7 is a bit annoying in its length if nothing else, it doesnt bother me as much as it does others. So i have hope :)

  Duke Togo said:
Minmay had no children before she left Earth, and the entire crew and civilian population aboard Megaroad-01 was lost in deep space.


It is only a JOKE



  VF5SS said:
Ichiro Itano is the one behind the amazing fight choreography in Macross.

Is he on board for this project too??

One other thing, this will be an OVA series or a normal 20+ episode series? Hope it's the former (M7 fights can’t compare to those in M+ and M0).

I read in this thread that the animation looked like Aquarion. If they mean like the first episode, then that’s good (it looked like OVA level animation). The quality went down after that.

  Zinjo said:
Well the colony ships do look cool and much more plausible than the fanciful City 7 (loved the design, but it did seem like it took anime magic to build it). Although the screenshot could be similar to the Mac 7 shot where it showed all the City class colony ships in Earth orbit, eventhough only 1 was assigned to a colony fleet.

Sketchly makes a plausible point in that the civilian populations could be separated into several ships to avoid the "all your eggs in one basket" situation the City 5 civilians faced.

The variable fighter could simply be a civilian owned craft similar to what was established in the Mac 7 shows. Millia was able to keep her VF-1 and we know that the VF-1C were in production for a time. So who is to say that there weren't VF-5000-C's built for that same purpose? Cutting edge military hardware would be reserved for the military and older tech would be sold to colony worlds, but obsolete designs and technologies would be available to civilian factories like we see today.

I would be surprised if the line fighter of 2070 would be a throw back to an obsolete design when the cutting edge of tech of technology 23 years earlier was the VF-19 & VF-22!

Although, I do find it amusing that the idol is yet again a girl in some measure of Chinese heritage (Minmei Lin, Shery Li(?))....

Actually from this account, (I used a translation program, so I am not sure), but it appears as though Kawamori himself introduced the preview clip.


Actually some fleets did have more than 1 City Section, and it's VT-1C.

  wolfx said:
Apparently the anime will be directed by a person who has directed an anime (which i've not heard before) called Black Heaven.

Black Heaven was awesome. :) They've showed it on AXN and Animax before.


from that pic the character design looks similar to macross zero's characters

  Zinjo said:
Actually that WAS Kawamori...

That was his first foray into directing since no one could really get what he was getting at when he described how the Valks would dog fight. The missile choreography is Itano, but the dog fights are all Kawamori.

Zinjo nailed this one. That is definitely Kawamori. You can tell from watching Kawamori's other work and seeing similarities in the action. Watch Cowboy Bebop (which credits Kawamori as Stage Settings) and you'll note right away a Macross-ish feel to the space battle sequences.

  Scream Man said:
See, I didnt read it liek that. i can buy everythign up to after Guld blacked out. But then i think Isamu and myune left because they had agreed never to let him know whjat had happened, because he meant so much to them. When the three of them meet up on Star Hill, and meyune steps between them, she gives this pleading look to Isamu, which to bme always seemed to be a plea from her along the lines of "Isamu, Don't do this, you know what it will do to him." then we see Isamu with a look of "Oh RIGHT, we cant fight coz he'll go crazy..." look on his face. i think in Gulds mind Isamu left out of shame for what he did to Myune, and Myune just wanted to be away from where it had happend.

Myung didn't agree to anything, which is why she had such a hard on against Isamu. She felt completely abandoned, Isamu made the decision to leave himself. Looking at that scene on Star Hill, it's far more apparent that Myung's straight up pissed off that Isamu was with another girl, than him fighting Guld. Hell, that scene would have played out pretty similarly had Guld not even been there (sans fight of course).

back to Froniter (which is as good a name as any for now), I have faith that we'll have a good setries. I personally enjoyed Mac ), and while 7 is a bit annoying in its length if nothing else, it doesnt bother me as much as it does others. So i have hope :)

Strangely enough, I just picked up Black Heaven on sale, so it's as good as anytime to see the style of the new director.


Re: Cable Cars.

A Tram or street car can be powered by many things - electricity, diesel even horses. San Francisco street cars are called Cable cars because there are pulled by clamping onto a moving cable that runs underneath the street. So they are like the gondola lift that Graham pictured but the cable is buried in the ground.

Their battloid mode is not as good their gerwalk.


According to ANN, this is the additional credits from the concert:

Series Script Editor: Hiroyuki Yoshino

Music: Yoko Kanno

Character Designer: Mikan Ehime, Yûichi Takahashi

Production: Satelight

Director: Yasuhito Kikuchi

Executive Director: Shoji Kawamori

Kikuchi is also listed as the director of Saint Seiya, and Gunbuster for those of you who care.

Still waiting for a video....


Hmm, from the looks of the character designer(s) chosen, Kawamori wants to get a little more ecchi this time. Gainax crossover staff is also a good sign.

  azrael said:
Kikuchi is also listed as the director of Saint Seiya, and Gunbuster for those of you who care.

He's only credited as animator for Gunbuster.

I wish they kept ol' Mikimoto around for this one. I can't really take anything seriously as Macross without his beautiful designs.

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