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Posted (edited)

Have i mentioned i want fan service in this new series ala or not as bad ala Ikki Tousen. :p :P :p

I keep remembering Sylvie's boob wobble in Macross II when they were trying to rescue Ishtar. :lol:

There have been plenty of fan service moments in all of Macross (M7 i will watch soon).

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

If it's good, with cool, attractive female characters, I'll be looking forward to doujinshi by some good artists. :) Although I think I'll be disappointed. :(

Some fan service is nice. Emillia. :D


Yeah, we like never get any doujinshi for Macross (any of the series).

I feel pissed off how stuff like One Piece and other more advertised series get an overflow of fan stories/comics n stuff.


Are they still planning to show a trailer on August 18th?

  UN Spacy said:
Are they still planning to show a trailer on August 18th?

That what we hear. A preview (read trailer) will premiere at the 25th anniversary concert on August 18th. The lead actress/new singer will also debut at the concert.

Posted (edited)

Last update:

Aug.6, 2007

13:52(Japan Standard Time)


Aug.6, 2007

Mrs. Mari(Minmay voice) have traffic accident...

The news from Mari's personal homepage:



Aug. 5th, Mari and her friend have a traffic accident. In luck, they are OK~~~ (because she can write Blog ^^)

By her Blog, her shoulder and the head be hurt. And now, there is headache, she wait for diagnoses report...

I hope this accident won't influence 25th Concert.

Good luck~~~

Edited by kresphy

Socal traffic is worse than the Bay Area.

To quote Rodney Dangerfiled they've got NO RESPECT I TELL YA...NO RESPECT.

  UN Spacy said:
Socal traffic is worse than the Bay Area.

To quote Rodney Dangerfiled they've got NO RESPECT I TELL YA...NO RESPECT.

I so strongly disagree! I cannot stand bay area drivers. :angry::lol::lol::lol:


She even mentioned bad LA drivers at the con.

It's true. Every time I visit I forget about how bad it is.

It is your change signal. Use it for before you change lanes to give the person behind you a clue that your are going to change lanes.

  Roy Focker said:
She even mentioned bad LA drivers at the con.

It's true. Every time I visit I forget about how bad it is.

It is your change signal. Use it for before you change lanes to give the person behind you a clue that your are going to change lanes.

screw that! Once we turn that signal on, we'll never make it to the other lane... all the a-holes will speed up and make sure you don't cut in front of them. you take your chances sucka!!!


all still endlessly preferable to the bay area drivers who drive abreast each other, all at 10 mph below the speed limit and who come to a screeching halt in the middle of the 880 so they can make their exit, which is, oh, two lanes over.

  kresphy said:
Aug. 5th, Mari and her friend have a traffic accident. In luck, they are OK~~~ (because she can write Blog ^^)

By her Blog, her shoulder and the head be hurt. And now, there is headache, she wait for diagnoses report...

I hope this accident won't influence 25th Concert.

Good luck~~~

Ouch. I hope it's nothing terribly serious, though the fact that she's able to write after it is a very good sign. It sounds, according to Babelfish, at least, that the other driver may have been a drunken driver. (And don't get me started on the subject of drunken drivers -- my feeling is if someone gets behind the wheel blowing more than .08, it ought to be an automatic attempted manslaughter charge.) Either way, though, I know for a fact that people here in LA County can drive like maniacs given half a provocation.

Mari-san: Hayaku naorimasu-ne! :)


Damn that sucks, poor Mari!

I hate socal traffic. No one ever uses their turn signal. Or they use it only when they're cutting in front of you and slamming their brakes. Then again, I'm glad I never had to drive in France. They're a bunch of f@cking maniacs! And they drive slow compared to the psychos in Germany, from what I've heard.

I hope that Mari makes a quick recovery.


I can vouch for the crazy drivers in Europe, I was in Pompei when I had my first taste of "their skills".

Our taxi driver was quite Han Solo-ish getting us to our destination. What a wild ride THAT was.


So can someone summerise what we actually no for sure? Theres a voice actress who is a singer, and people keep referring to as Minmei. Thats all I know so far

  Scream Man said:
So can someone summerise what we actually no for sure? Theres a voice actress who is a singer, and people keep referring to as Minmei. Thats all I know so far

They do?

If that is indeed the truth, then the speculation about "restarting" SDFM is true, however there have been a lot of rumors floating around, so we'll see what official word is given.

  UN Spacy said:
I can vouch for the crazy drivers in Europe, I was in Pompei when I had my first taste of "their skills".

Our taxi driver was quite Han Solo-ish getting us to our destination. What a wild ride THAT was.

Ah ah ah...... The americans are so slow ^_^ with the cars.....

You.. Know... We are not crazy.... we drive with normal speed ( for us ).... And when i went in USA... I found that American was very very very ( ZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzz ) slow. When I take my car.. I drive at 93 - 94 MPh And in France the speed limit on motorway is about 80 MPh.... and, when I went to Mauritius Island, I found that people are nuts... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  Scream Man said:
So can someone summerise what we actually no for sure? Theres a voice actress who is a singer, and people keep referring to as Minmei. Thats all I know so far

Are you sure you're not conflating two different facts?

1) That Mari Iijima (barring any complications from the auto accident) is going to be performing Minmay's songs at the 25th anniversary concert


2) That they're introducing a new voice actress for the new series

I've not seen from what limited sources I can find that the new actress has been referred to as Minmay. This isn't ruling out a "Zachary Quinto ia the new Spock, here's Leonard Nimoy to pass on the torch"-style announcement at the concert, but I just don't see any evidence to support it yet.

  Pat Payne said:
1) That Mari Iijima (barring any complications from the auto accident) is going to be performing Minmay's songs at the 25th anniversary concert


2) That they're introducing a new voice actress for the new series

We have seen pre-production lineart but at this point, it is still really too early to tell since it was pre-production lineart. The working title of the new series is "Macross 25".

  Scream Man said:
Theres a voice actress who is a singer, and people keep referring to as Minmei.

Ummm, no. However it may be in reference to the fact that the new VA/singer could be an unknown (to which Ms. Ijima was). However, the audition for the roll indicated that being tied to any particular studio would not impact the final decision. So there is the possibility that the finalist is a known individual.


Yeah, I'm really hungry for some confirmed facts about the series too. I'm really hoping the 25th Anniversary concert sheds some light on what's going on with Macross 25. We don't need much; just some basic information would be very encouraging.


He may be confusing the name of the concert with the debut singer.

The Firebomber meets Minmay is in reference to Hummingbird playing in a concert with Mari.

Posted (edited)

Last update:

Aug.8, 2007

16:59(Japan Standard Time)


Aug.8, 2007

By Mari Blog, Aug. 8th...



You supporters who don't speak Japanese

must have been wondering what has happened to me.

I was in a pretty awful car crash on Sunday.

I stepped out for a few minutes to have lunch

with a friend and this happened

almost right after I left home.

Long story short,

in front of Beverly Center shopping mall,

while our car was stopped,

we were hit hard by another car from behind,

and that was the worst crash

I've ever been in.

I went to see a doctor today, and he told me

it will take about 1 month for me to feel better.

(I have a so called whiplash injury.)

I have to take a few medications for now

including steroid).

I'm still planing to go to Japan and do my shows,

but I might have to take it easy a bit.

Maybe... Mari's health problem is bad now.

So, by her Doctor's advice, she will shorten Concert time.(コンサートの時間が少し短くなるかもしれません。これはドクターからのアドバイスでした。)

Edited by kresphy

Damn that sucks. I hate tailgaters. And yes, I am assuming some @ss was tailgating and was talking on their cell phone, then went boom.

I hope Mari heals up alright and doesn't worsen her neck injury.

we were hit hard by another car from behind,

and that was the worst crash

I've ever been in.

Has Mari been in a lot of car crashes? I've only been in 2 in 40 years!

I hope she can make the concert.

Posted (edited)
I was in a pretty awful car crash on Sunday.

I stepped out for a few minutes to have lunch

with a friend and this happened

almost right after I left home.

Long story short,

in front of Beverly Center shopping mall,

while our car was stopped,

we were hit hard by another car from behind,

and that was the worst crash

I've ever been in.

I feel for her. I was in a crash on Jefferson Blvd a week ago (fortunately it was a minor fender-bender and not the pretty sizable collision she was hit with) and it scared the living daylights out of me. I hope that her injuries are restricted to just whiplash (although it seems that the medico she went to is confident that it is). And if the doc tells her to take it easy while performing on the 18th, she takes it easy. Simple as that. Career cannot trump health, because if she loses her health, so goes the career.

Given that, I say again: Get well soon, Mari-san! :)

As for the accident: LA drivers. Gotta love 'em. Mostly, because you can't have the majority of them involuntarily committed. I completely agree, Sumdumgai, that probably a cell-phone was to blame, from the sound of it. I have lost count of the people on LA County roads who do stupid-ass things or who just plain are not paying attention to the road because they're yakking on those stupid boxes that AT&SprinTmobixtel have said we all desperately need to have (sorry about the small rant, but cell phones are a pet peeve of mine). It sounds like (admittedly, we're only getting her side of the story) she wasn't at fault, and that perhaps the other driver was also going way too fast (Being stopped, she was presumably at an intersection, and so the damage was a bit major for someone going the appropriate speed/slowing down correctly and just taking too long to stop) and was distracted. I hope she sues the other driver down to parade rest!

Edited by Pat Payne
Posted (edited)

Not to ressurect a debate from the other 25th Anniversary thread, but I just have to say, after seeing this review for Patlabor the Movie from Bandai Visual Japan, I stand corrected about the likelihood of a hypothetical Japanese domestic Macross 25 DVD release carrying an English dub.

Edited by Pat Payne

Cool steroids now Mari can fight A1 in a death match!

In my neck of the woods. They all slow down to 10 mph under the speed limit when they approach every intersection. The light is green. The path is clear but they slow down.


Last update:

Aug.9, 2007

2:56(Japan Standard Time)


Aug.9, 2007

The news from Macross Official Website:


The 25th Anniversary T-Shirt will be sold on Live Day.

There are only 500 suits, limitation suits!!

And... only sales on Live Day!

The others news are old info, e.g.

Macross 25th anniversary surface VF-1S&YF-19:



Macross SDF-1:



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