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Yeah, I plan on getting those too. :) (I'm going to make a pretty big order from them soon--those, the Movie Ironhide set, some Cobra sigils, Decepticon and miniature insignia, maybe anime Onslaught)

Unrelated rant: Why does everywhere say G1 Octane is a 767? He's not. At all. He's a twin-engined 747. Much like a Cobra Rattler is a three-engined A-10. May not exist in real-life, but that's certainly what they are.


I don't know what the new one is. Doesn't strike me as being especially C-130-ish as often reported. The original art made him CLEARLY an A-10: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e219/Foo...23/DSC00033.jpg

But note that the photo next to that art is entirely different--an A400M (with altered tailplane location). Was he changed at some point? Jetfire replacing him?

I don't know what the new one is. Doesn't strike me as being especially C-130-ish as often reported. The original art made him CLEARLY an A-10: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e219/Foo...23/DSC00033.jpg

Oh god! The robot artwork in that is very reminiscent of an Energon aerialbot retool! Ugh, I am glad they did not go that route, that mold is okay, but with added parts to make it a triple changer, I think it would have sucked.


Lots more pics of Voyager (definitely) Blitzwing:


I keep thinking--if only he had his intake shutters, he'd look a lot better in jet mode. The line art clearly has it, and a simple 180-degree flipping cover could have had it "swap" from jet intake to chest-mounted missile launchers in robot mode. But as it is, that part is "robot mode only" for appearance, and there's not even an indentation---he has no intakes at all.


Lovin the fig... but either Blitz's really big, or Lockdown's REALLY small... I love everything I've seen from this line so far except the between-character scale.

Lots more pics of Voyager (definitely) Blitzwing:

Eh. Looks like that's as good as jet mode's going to get. The tank treads and larger undercarriage just kill it for me.


I still don't think we've seen a properly transformed one. He's got a LOT of joints. And there's always the possibility of "official instructions don't match the designer's obvious intent"---there could easily be a better way. Or not.

Regardless, robot mode rocks so much he's a must-buy for me anyways. (And I'm usually not big on robot modes) Also, TF:A Blitzwing has the "BW" effect for me, which hasn't happened in a long time--the actual CHARACTER is a big factor in my purchase decision, not purely the engineering/aesthetics of the toy. Blitzwing has quickly grown on me. I must take back what I said earlier---the fact that he's 3 subtle variations of "a stereotypical German" is actually very interesting, and props to the voice actor(Bumblebee's IIRC) for making 3 distinct, yet subtle variations. Turned out better than if he was 3 completely different personalities/voices. More like 3 different aspects of the same person.

Also, TF:A Blitzwing has the "BW" effect for me, which hasn't happened in a long time

Same here man, which is the reason I want Prime, Blitzwing, Megatron, Starscream and Ratchet, and don't feel the need yet for Bumblebee and Prowl.

I am a sucker for all things transforming F-14, so I am buying Blitzwing. I am just surprised his undercarriage is worse than movie Starscream. I wish it matched the concept art better. If anything, it looks lot better than the one in the TV animation, because that thing lacks the horizontal stabilizers and looks like a box with wings.

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