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  cube said:
my clear mirage just showed up today and it's AWESOME! Even the box is straight G1 quality, and the figure feels pretty solid and looks great. One of the forearms is a little loose, and won't hold the gun straight out, and the thighs want to slide back down into the calf part, but those problems can both be fixed with a dash of glue or nail polish if needed. The way I've got it "posed" now, it really doesn't make a difference though.

Stickers are nice quality too.

Quality wise, I wouldn't consider this to be any more of a knockoff than the e-hobby recolors.

Thanks for the feedback and great review cube!! Mucho appreciated mate.

Looks like I'll have to save some cash for ghost mirage ....


Posted (edited)
  sh002 said:
does it really matter how accurate movie prime's head is in that toy? his body is like 25% accurate and his legs are short, starscream looks horrible, and megatron's toy from far away looks like a predator. not to mention some of the other toys. bring on classics or other non-movie stuff a little quicker.
Yeah, it does, because Leader Prime's head was one of the more inaccurate parts on him. Well, Leader Prime was designed to stay in truck mode accurately (to date, the Leader class toy has the most accurate truck mode of the transforming Prime toys), as well as try to get the transformation sequence as close to the CG version as they could do with what they had (the main difference is the arms don't form the engines and hood). Voyager class Prime was more accurate in proportions (well, from the front), but had a made up sequence and is not quite as well designed a toy. The Leader Prime toy is pretty accurate and is undoubtably one of the best Optimus Prime toys ever made.

The Classics-looking line will be called Universe, and it will probably be around the second half of 2008 along side Animated.

  eugimon said:
here's your "meh". I liked the Prime toy, but not enough to buy it again... and this is the version they should have released in the first place.
Well, Hasbro is in the business of doing things cost-effectively the first time around to maximize profits and recoup the initial expenses on design, construction and production. Then they can come back later with the toys paid for and the hindsight of knowing the accurate depictions and redo them.

Another thing is... it's a movie. The movie production and post-production progresses until the movie is released. Hasbro had 'lock-in' the designs in early 2006 so they would have enough time to design, build and make the toys, that's why the toys all look like the concept art and not the final CG in most cases.

  Black Valkyrie said:
Speaking of TF the movie, how did it do in Japan ?
It made about 40 million, I believe, so it did okay*. The movie toyline contributed to TakaraTomy making double the usual profits of the quarter. Before release, industry commentators had expected the movie toyline to do poorly for TakaraTomy because movie toylines historically did badly in Japan. The current G1 Encore reissue lineup is made up of characters who appeared in the movie (Blackout was originally going to be Soundwave), and the special exclusive repaints of G1 Ironhide and G1 Ratchet are based upon their Movie colourschemes.

So expect TakaraTomy to flog the movie themes pretty hard.

*For some reason the local distributor in Japan removed all traces of the Transformer characters for the movie poster over there, leaving just the humans.

  Metal_Massacre_79 said:
I wonder if they are more hard core about it in Japan than we are in the states. The ultra fans here want Bay's head mounted above a mantle. Any idea if the response in Japan was positive or negative?
The Japanese Transformers fanbase is not as large or quite as diverse as the US fanbase, owing to Takara having less continuities and media that TF has appeared in and a series of marketing disasters by Takara since their ham-fisted attempt to make Beast Wars a comedy series. As a consequence, Beast Wars is not as revered in Japan as it is in the US. Of course, the fact that Transformers is just another robot show in a nation of robot shows doesn't help TF there.

As for reaction, I'm not sure, but there is one thing to consider - historically, American/Western-written Transformers fiction has gone down better with Japanese fans and the japanese public than any of the Japanese-written Transformer fictions. This might be why Takara is gradually incorporating the US fictions and concepts into it's own continuities.

US 'Ultra fans' who wanted Bay's head are merely people who take Transformers (or just G1) way too seriously.

Edited by Fit For Natalie
  Fit For Natalie said:
*For some reason the local distributor in Japan removed all traces of the Transformer characters for the movie poster over there, leaving just the humans.

Truth in advertising laws. :D

Posted (edited)

is that why leader class prime is packaged in robot mode and not truck mode to show how accurate the truck is? :lol: the robot body is not accurate in its parts, shape, proportions, etc compared to the actual design. the small diecast metal movie prime figure is more accurate. ok now defend starscream's toy design.

Edited by sh002

Far as I can tell, the only defense for the movie toys is that Hasbro took impossible designs, and payed homage to them with decently built toys.


ok sorry. i didn't know hasbro stated those were the reasons why some of the toys were designed that way.

  promethuem5 said:
Far as I can tell, the only defense for the movie toys is that Hasbro took impossible designs, and payed homage to them with decently built toys.

More like had to design toys based on movie designs that were not even finished yet in order to have the toys be on shelves 1 month before the movie's release. Add onto the fact that Takara had difficulty engineering the movie toys.


All I care about is tht we got movie toys. and a large abundince of them at that.

Now though, I just want the line to end until 09 and for the mean time start shoveling out classics and animated.

  promethuem5 said:
Far as I can tell, the only defense for the movie toys is that Hasbro took impossible designs, and payed homage to them with decently built toys.

Very, very well put dude! I completely agree ...


i have yet to see one TF movie toy that looks like it did in the movie. i know its impossible but usually they get it somewhat close to what we see but nothing i've seen is even remotely accurate. the only thing they got right was vehicle mode while robot mode leaves a lot to be desired. i'll stick with the MP toys that interest me. now wheres my MP soundwave!

  Fit For Natalie said:
It made about 40 million, I believe, so it did okay*. The movie toyline contributed to TakaraTomy making double the usual profits of the quarter. Before release, industry commentators had expected the movie toyline to do poorly for TakaraTomy because movie toylines historically did badly in Japan. The current G1 Encore reissue lineup is made up of characters who appeared in the movie (Blackout was originally going to be Soundwave), and the special exclusive repaints of G1 Ironhide and G1 Ratchet are based upon their Movie colourschemes.

It was number 7 movie in japan with 34 million, compared to the number 1 movie: Pirates of the Carribean, which made 91 million. The pokemon movie was number 5 at 42 milliion. So, "okay" is about the best you can say of it's performance.


if anyone is looking for deluxe 08 camaro bumblebee mosc, i have one for sale in the for sale section.

  sh002 said:
is that why leader class prime is packaged in robot mode and not truck mode to show how accurate the truck is? :lol: the robot body is not accurate in its parts, shape, proportions, etc compared to the actual design. the small diecast metal movie prime figure is more accurate. ok now defend starscream's toy design.
Because since Cybertron, Hasbro adopted what Takara does and sells the large hero (or villian) toys by how big their robot mode is, instead of packing them as compact-looking vehicles in rather small boxes. A big robot in a tall box looks more like it's worth your money than the varyingly sized vehicles.

  eugimon said:
It was number 7 movie in japan with 34 million, compared to the number 1 movie: Pirates of the Carribean, which made 91 million. The pokemon movie was number 5 at 42 milliion. So, "okay" is about the best you can say of it's performance.
Then again, it is Japan. They're about the only robot loving country that doesn't seem to like Transformers (TF Movie did very well in China and South Korea, apparently). One of the problems is the long standing perception (helped by YEARS of mismanagement and poor marketing decisions by Takara) that it's a second-rate comedy based* kids show, if people know about Transformers at all. And as I stated earlier, the local distributor appeared to concentrate advertising on the human cast rather than the robots.

*You should have seen how they utterly butchered Beast Wars. Horrible... simply horrible. No wonder Beast Wars lacks respect over there.

i know its impossible but usually they get it somewhat close to what we see but nothing i've seen is even remotely accurate.

Because designs on the toys had to start by late 2005/early 2006, and the movie character designs were not finalized until possibly earlier this year. The character designs changed a LOT. In this year alone, Prime had big changes made to the months prior to movie premiere. Its not how Hasbro usually does it where they design the toys first, and the production studios base the designs off of the toys for tv/movie use. It was the other way around this time. Possibly the same reason Takara had trouble this time around too.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Because designs on the toys had to start by late 2005/early 2006, and the movie character designs were not finalized until possibly earlier this year. The character designs changed a LOT. In this year alone, Prime had big changes made to the months prior to movie premiere. Its not how Hasbro usually does it where they design the toys first, and the production studios base the designs off of the toys for tv/movie use. It was the other way around this time. Possibly the same reason Takara had trouble this time around too.

Well, BB was a 2008 camero, and primes design I don't think can change that much for the next movie. Hopefully the next round of toys for the 2nd movie will be more accurate. I don't see why takara is wasting their time on those protoform things. I'd rather them make more accurate movie toys.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Because designs on the toys had to start by late 2005/early 2006, and the movie character designs were not finalized until possibly earlier this year. The character designs changed a LOT. In this year alone, Prime had big changes made to the months prior to movie premiere. Its not how Hasbro usually does it where they design the toys first, and the production studios base the designs off of the toys for tv/movie use. It was the other way around this time. Possibly the same reason Takara had trouble this time around too.

okay that makes sense. i was looking at the pics of the toys on the other page was like what in the world? i guess they'll get things right if/when the next movie drops.

not that i plan on collect these toys, but i can see them being worth quite a bit when the 5-10 year olds of today grow up to be our age. just something to think about.


It's hard to say... we've never had a situation like this with TFs where a certain group of the toys were from this one big release... in 86 the movie figs were all characters that then starred in the third season of the cartoon, so there was enough material to get enough people into each character and sort of balance it out I guess?

In other news, I went and watched the first three eps of G1 for the first time since I was little and managed to see G2 on the TV, and then watched the 86 movie for the first time in a while and just dorkgasmed all over again... I had forgotten that the 86 movie is my favorite animated film of pretty much all time. Now, I really want a Cyclonus fig, but they are all so expensive on eBay...


I know I'm a little behind, but I just got Spotlight: Ramjet today. While some characters are true to their G1 looks, I've noticed some characters in the IDW series with Classics designs, and some all-new modernized designs (like Jazz and Prowl as a current model Porsche and 350Z, and the Seekers as F-22s). I would LOVE to see new Classics/Universe figures with those updated models.

Speaking of IDW, I noticed they reprinted Dreamwave's War Within series as a new TPB. Does anyone know, did they actually finish it this time?


Personally, I'd skip Cyclonus. It's just not a very good toy. I mean, I was a HUGE Cyclonus fan, he was a present for my 7th? birthday. And I remember thinking he just wasn't as cool as I'd hoped. And that was as a child.

Frankly, he has a minicon/gobot transformation, and a fairly sucky robot mode.

  mikeszekely said:
I know I'm a little behind, but I just got Spotlight: Ramjet today. While some characters are true to their G1 looks, I've noticed some characters in the IDW series with Classics designs, and some all-new modernized designs (like Jazz and Prowl as a current model Porsche and 350Z, and the Seekers as F-22s). I would LOVE to see new Classics/Universe figures with those updated models.

Speaking of IDW, I noticed they reprinted Dreamwave's War Within series as a new TPB. Does anyone know, did they actually finish it this time?

I had heard rumors that they were going to finish the rest of War Within, but I haven't seen anything confirmed from IDW. I too would also like to see toys of the IDW version of Transformers. I really like how Furman has set up the IDW Transformers universe.

  Smiley424 said:
I had heard rumors that they were going to finish the rest of War Within, but I haven't seen anything confirmed from IDW. I too would also like to see toys of the IDW version of Transformers. I really like how Furman has set up the IDW Transformers universe.

Y'know, I really had my doubts about IDW. While Furman did write some interesting stories for both Marvel UK and Dreamwave, Marvel still had its share of cheesy stories and Dreamwave was a little disorganized the way it picked up some of the Marvel background while disregarding even more. And Infiltration was a little dull, while Hearts of Steel was a little dumb. But the Spotlights have been fantastic, and Stormbringer and Escalation erased any doubts Infiltration created in Furman's TF relaunch. I'd pretty much given up on comic books, but I'm buying the IDW trades as they come out.


I would also love to see some figs of the current IDW designs... those F-22 Seekers are like Transformers design porn.

Personally, I'd skip Cyclonus. It's just not a very good toy. I mean, I was a HUGE Cyclonus fan, he was a present for my 7th? birthday. And I remember thinking he just wasn't as cool as I'd hoped. And that was as a child.

Frankly, he has a minicon/gobot transformation, and a fairly sucky robot mode.

Funny you should say that... aside from the figure's kinda goofy head, I really like him for some reason... it's a surprisingly well articulated G1 figure as well... and I really love the jet design.

  David Hingtgen said:
Personally, I'd skip Cyclonus. It's just not a very good toy. I mean, I was a HUGE Cyclonus fan, he was a present for my 7th? birthday. And I remember thinking he just wasn't as cool as I'd hoped. And that was as a child.

Frankly, he has a minicon/gobot transformation, and a fairly sucky robot mode.

I was really hoping he'd be one of the ones chosen for a Classics upgrade. The G1 toy does not do the cartoon model justice. Only way I'd be willing to buy/own that mold was if a KO company made a WST scale figure of it. It'd be easier to forgive how off it looks if it were really small. There's always the Jizaitoys custom here, but it's in short supply and goes for a pretty penny. Someone at HasbroTakaraTomy really needs to hire that guy.

At least they're promising to do Galvatron in the upcoming Classics line.


How many of the Jizaitoys Cyclonus customs were made? My jaw drops every time I see that thing.

As for the G1 toy, I never owned one but I had a friend with one and I coveted the hell out of it. I've always meant to get one but the price is never right. I second the idea of a WST KO of one, that would be killer. Someone twist Justitoys arm! They need a project after the Dinobots. :)


I'm game for any WST fig that comes out... I can't wait to get all the Dinobots once the last one is released...

I'd love to get that custom Cyclonus as well... anyone know when it was available and how many were mad?

  eriku said:
How many of the Jizaitoys Cyclonus customs were made? My jaw drops every time I see that thing.

As for the G1 toy, I never owned one but I had a friend with one and I coveted the hell out of it. I've always meant to get one but the price is never right. I second the idea of a WST KO of one, that would be killer. Someone twist Justitoys arm! They need a project after the Dinobots. :)

I'm not sure how many were made. I remember the one ebay auction description I read saying that it was available only as a kit at one convention in Japan, so I'd imagine that'd be anywhere from a couple hundred to maybe a thousand max. I think that auction was at about $200 when I stopped paying attention to it.

The Titanium Scourge turned out very nice, imo. He really needs a counterpart. Heck, there's even Quintessons of every type coming out(see here). And with a Galvatron coming out, we need a Cyclonus so we can recreate the scene where Cyclonus and Scourge trick Galvatron into psychotherapy on psychotherapy planet.

  Fit For Natalie said:
Anybody see the Transformers Animated 3 min preview yesterday?

Watched it last night and I actually quite enjoyed it. For some reason it gave me a "cartoon from the 80's" vibe. Not the look, obviously, but it seemed to have a little bit of spirit that most new cartoons lack. I look forward to downloading future episodes (I don't have cable TV).

And of course I'm looking forward to the toys. I was checking out the review and pics of Lockdown over at TFW2005 and DANG that guy is tall! Looks really fantastic, too. Very different design aesthetics, but I'm digging it. Not sure if it'll have the long-term appeal that G1 and Classics do, but for now they look like a load of fun.


I agree that the pacing of the story is a bit slow, but it seems to be building into something grand and I'm just here along for the ride. Some of the Spotlights were good and some were whatever for me but I didn't start picking them up until the Soundwave issue. I did get a chance to read the first trade that collected the Spotlight issues, liked the Shockwave and Hot Rod stories but didn't care for the Nightbeat and Ultra Magnus ones.

  mikeszekely said:
Y'know, I really had my doubts about IDW. While Furman did write some interesting stories for both Marvel UK and Dreamwave, Marvel still had its share of cheesy stories and Dreamwave was a little disorganized the way it picked up some of the Marvel background while disregarding even more. And Infiltration was a little dull, while Hearts of Steel was a little dumb. But the Spotlights have been fantastic, and Stormbringer and Escalation erased any doubts Infiltration created in Furman's TF relaunch. I'd pretty much given up on comic books, but I'm buying the IDW trades as they come out.
  Smiley424 said:
I agree that the pacing of the story is a bit slow, but it seems to be building into something grand and I'm just here along for the ride. Some of the Spotlights were good and some were whatever for me but I didn't start picking them up until the Soundwave issue. I did get a chance to read the first trade that collected the Spotlight issues, liked the Shockwave and Hot Rod stories but didn't care for the Nightbeat and Ultra Magnus ones.

Prime's and Galvatron's are both really good too, and Kup's was certainly different. The art in Ramjet's was gorgeous; I really like how Robby Musso's art manages to be really detailed while retaining an animated feel. IDW's putting out a second TPB with the Soundwave, Kup, Galvatron, Prime, and Ramjet's Spotlights in February.

  Fit For Natalie said:
Anybody see the Transformers Animated 3 min preview yesterday?

Watched it. Love it. Episode listings at Cartoon Network's site look great. Lots of great characters showing up it looks like.

Sad that I have to wait till JUNE for what look like some great and well designed toys.


I have the Galvatron Spotlight and it's pretty rad... I'll have to pick up some more of the IDW sutff once they release more trades...

I had not realized how much taller MP Megs is than MP Convoy either...

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