Chindenathus Posted November 25, 2007 Posted November 25, 2007 Uxi said: How much does MP SS go for at Wal Mart? THey had several at Frank & Sons today ranging from 70 to 90. Takara Skywarp is 80-90 at the same Vendors. I buy frequently from these guys so would realistically be looking at 70 for Hasbro Starscrem and 75 or so for Skywarp... Also if someone could compare the QC and materials... I'm expecting the Hasbro to be cheaper and less (if any) die cast similar to the Prime/MP1... I definitely prefer the G1 colors (which I didn't get the Takara SS and I hate being a guinea pig for a first release) but Skywarp was my very first transformer back in the day.... Go with the MP Skywarp if you had to pick just one. Thus far it is the finest release using that tooling IMNSHO. That and Skywarp was my first Tf too, so I'm probably a bit biased.
Tober Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 There seem to be alot more reports of people breaking MP-3 SS and MP SS than MP-6 SW. I owm MP-3 and -6 and cant distinguish any difference in the plastic quality, but others seem to thisk that the SS toys are more brittle and prone to breakage. Personally I think MP-6 Skywarp is best. His black plastic is a bit too shiny but otherwise a great toy. I don't like the color of the green MP-3 or the black joints or scorch marks of MP SS.
David Hingtgen Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 Still waiting for a MP Thundercracker, but only if he's very G1-colored. And that means G1 toy dark *metallic* blue (best TF color ever), not dull pale blue. Anyways---finally found 08 movie BB.
promethuem5 Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 I've got one teensy stress mark on the wing joint of my MP SS, but I've been TFing it like crazy and playing with it, and as long as those areas are handled with care, I think it will be fine... I think the area is juts ever-so-much too tight there...
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 promethuem5 said: I've got one teensy stress mark on the wing joint of my MP SS, but I've been TFing it like crazy and playing with it, and as long as those areas are handled with care, I think it will be fine... I think the area is juts ever-so-much too tight there... People who trimmed the hinge area on the wings have reported no problems afterwards.
promethuem5 Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 Yeah, I saw one tutorial on that, but I'm at school and don't have access to a DREMEL so I'm a little unsure as to what to use...
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 promethuem5 said: Yeah, I saw one tutorial on that, but I'm at school and don't have access to a DREMEL so I'm a little unsure as to what to use... They just used an exacto knife to trim the hinge parts a bit.
Valkyrie Hunter D Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 After several transformations with WallyWorld SS, I'm not seeing any of those stress marks...yet. Going through the wasteland that was post-Black Friday in Target, I was able snag a lone Ironhide that was buried underneath a pile of the Fast Action Battlers. I scoffed at the "auto-morph" gimmick, but after seeing Ironhide's leg transformation with the swiveling panels, I can't help but be mystified like a kitten watching a dangling thread.
do not disturb Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 i got my WM SS today, thanks to chowser! i haven't had time to play with it yet but it looks pretty cool from what i can tell.
do not disturb Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 got around to messing with the SS last night and theres only 2 things that bother me... 1. the damn canopy doesn't close all the way, theres just a giant ass gap inbetween the canopy. 2. the airbrake part thingy doesn't sit flush in fighter mode. for $50 its a great toy and beats out a lot of the other $50 toys i've come across. for $100 its really not so great since i know theres better toys out there for $100.
bigkid24 Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Uxi said: How much does MP SS go for at Wal Mart? THey had several at Frank & Sons today ranging from 70 to 90. Takara Skywarp is 80-90 at the same Vendors. Wow, on 11/10 F&S vendors had them for $65....pretty much all of them.
Hikuro Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 wow everyone getting WM SS for different pices, lucky I live in a tax free state and paid 48.88 retail booya!. oh, there been a confirmed release date on he animated figures yet? Im rying to put in extra hours (now Im doing ridiculus hours) so I can grab ll the figures when released.
Valkyrie Hunter D Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 This might seem like old news to some, but does anyone have pics of the elusive Binaltech accessory packs on their TFs? I just learned about them from a fellow collector, and I don't think I've ever seen them. These packs contain swords and more importantly shoulder mounted missile launchers.
Tober Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 (edited) I do have 2 of those packs but I don't have a camera handy. They arn't official Hasbro/Takara products tho. This is a gallery of them. . Edited November 28, 2007 by Tober
Valkyrie Hunter D Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 Sweet, thanks Tober! Those launchers are exactly what I'm looking for to complete the look of what few BTs I have, and for unofficial accessories, they look quite nice. When I do track down a Hound, it'd be a damn shame for him to be without his signature shoulder weapon. Is it safe to assume that anyone looking for those packs are SOL?
Tober Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 (edited) I haven't seen them offered for a while. This is the guy I bought mine from, I got the gold and silver packs with the shipping cost halved: Thats only 2 months old so maybe send him an email asking if he expects to get any more in. The hinges on the launchers are a bit loose, which is to be expected really, but the detail is fine. EDIT: I'm not sure that the canons will work on Hound. I had them mounted on Impretzas. Edited November 28, 2007 by Tober
Hikuro Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 I'm kind of pissed as a fan now that I heard the animated toys are pushed back, not until spting but until june or even august. YOU FAIL HASBRO
Alpha OTS Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 Hikuro said: I'm kind of pissed as a fan now that I heard the animated toys are pushed back, not until spting but until june or even august. YOU FAIL HASBRO Not really surprising, imo. I'm sure the movie line's been very successful, and putting the animated out(media or toys) as soon as they were going to initially would have cut into some easy coast time with the movie line. We as fans hate it, but as a business model, it's the smart thing to do.
Alpha OTS Posted November 29, 2007 Posted November 29, 2007 I found the other new SWTF's today, the AT-AT and the Snowspeeder. I was picking these up regardless because I like the line, especially for the original trilogy figures. All of the AT-AT pictures that have been shown to date show the head flush with the body. Even the figure in package and advertised on the package show it this way. So I get it home, pull on the head just to see, and lo and behold, it does have a neck, and some articulation there to boot. I have no idea why it's not shown this way elsewhere.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted November 29, 2007 Posted November 29, 2007 I'm surprised Hasbro is holding off the animated figures for 6 months from tv premiere date. That sucks. Sure the movie line is successful, but if kids want the figures they see on TV, what are they going to do? Its almost like the demand this summer for movie figures, kids wanted them, but couldn't find them. Only in this case, they can't have them either way! Still wondering what the deal is. Now if they pushed back the cartoon for a few months it makes sense. Right now it doesn't. I hear the Commander Cody SWTF is pretty nice. I've seen it once, but held off on getting it. I do want to get a few though, to accompany the Death Star Vader once I buy it. I hear that, the ARC-170 and Cody are the best SWTFs. I wanted to buy the X wing Luke but every review I have read has said its atrocious and has so much lost potential. After seeing it in person and realizing its based off of the vintage stubby X wing mold, I held off. Does anyone here actually like that figure?
Metal_Massacre_79 Posted November 29, 2007 Posted November 29, 2007 Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said: Does anyone here actually like that figure? We got it for my son a couple years ago when he was on a SW and TF kick. I didn't like the figure. Too floppy and it just didn't fit together right. The wing mounted weapons fell off to easily as well.
eriku Posted November 29, 2007 Posted November 29, 2007 Alpha OTS said: I found the other new SWTF's today, the AT-AT and the Snowspeeder. I was picking these up regardless because I like the line, especially for the original trilogy figures. All of the AT-AT pictures that have been shown to date show the head flush with the body. Even the figure in package and advertised on the package show it this way. So I get it home, pull on the head just to see, and lo and behold, it does have a neck, and some articulation there to boot. I have no idea why it's not shown this way elsewhere. Great, thanks for forcing me to spend more money! I wasn't going to get this toy because it looked really lame with the head so close to the body, but now that I know it has a neck I'll have to pick it up. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan anymore, but I'm always a sucker for certain things, like AT-ATs. What do you think of the bot mode? Does it have good articulation?
Alpha OTS Posted November 29, 2007 Posted November 29, 2007 eriku said: Great, thanks for forcing me to spend more money! I wasn't going to get this toy because it looked really lame with the head so close to the body, but now that I know it has a neck I'll have to pick it up. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan anymore, but I'm always a sucker for certain things, like AT-ATs. What do you think of the bot mode? Does it have good articulation? Bot mode's the weakest part, just like all the other SWTFs. It does have decent articulation in both modes. Bot mode arms have all the essential joints, the bot head only turns from side to side. There's a waist swivel, but due to the way the parts fold up in back, it's difficult to use. Legs are the back legs from the At-At, but the legs are connected to the torso by a ball joint as are the feet to the ankles. So it has good articulation. The bot mode's major weakness are the legs because there's no transformation involved. If they would have at least made it so three of the four toes were retractable so there was a discernable foot "front", I think it would have helped quite a bit. As for the Luke X-wing, if you don't like the vehicle mode, there's little to recommend because, like all SWTF's, that's the best part of the figure. It's all downhill after that, and even before that, the vehicle mode has issues(poor weapon storage, no fixed "setting" for the foils to go to X mode). I like it because I like the line gimmick(small "accurate enough for me" vehicle modes, it transforms with pilot seats in both modes), but even with my bias there's no denying that it has problems. The arm articulation pretty much stinks because his shoulders are fixed in place. The ankles are going to be a problem in the future, they're pretty thin for the amount of stress you need to put on them, and I suspect we'll see plenty of broken ankle Luke's in future ebay auction lots. The snowspeeder's a far better Luke figure because of how solid it is in both modes, although it does have a huge backpack, but the more I play with it, the more I suspect this was intended as a Wedge Antilles or generic rebel figure due to the head sculpt and that the lightsaber seemed to be just thrown in as there's no storage for it and the instructions don't mention it.
ruskiiVFaussie Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 (edited) Got my SS pre-ordered from! Now we shall wait and see if this is the version we all hope for (accesoriesssssssssss) Edited November 30, 2007 by ruskiiVFaussie
Uxi Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 Is this going to be a Takara version of the US Masterpiece? Or just an import of the US version?
ruskiiVFaussie Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 (edited) By the time they confirm that i can easily can cancel my order if it's not the Takara version. Just like they released Kill Bill in japan, they released it with all the gore instead of the cut version like the US, any bet he'll get the cape and crown. Hope so! Where was the pics of the crown? I remember seeing it like last year ago wasn't it? Was there ever pic of the prototype with the cape? Edited November 30, 2007 by ruskiiVFaussie
ruskiiVFaussie Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 (edited) ... Just jokin. The images are when the first verson of SS was coming out... just found the saved pics on my hard drive. Edited November 30, 2007 by ruskiiVFaussie
UN Spacy Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 Revoltech Rodimus and Starscream are on the way. Thanks to the folks at ToysDaily for the SCOPEDA!
promethuem5 Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 I didn't bother with OP and Megs revys, but Starscream I could do, and Rodimus is rad... now I might have to go back and get the first two...
crasis Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 We SO need a Galvatron now! And Cyclonus! And Soundwave. And...
hutch Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 I would assume we'll get the rest of the original 3 seekers at this point, right? They did UM after Prime...
Twoducks Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 The SS Revy looks really nice: The neck is a bit long in that pic but on the unpainted SS behind it looks better. Comes with gun Megatron too, nice.
promethuem5 Posted November 30, 2007 Posted November 30, 2007 Wow, they both look alot better than Prime and Megs (little less Dreamwave puffy)... I'm def. down for both. I agree tho that SS's neck is a bit funky looking. I'll tell ya what tho, I woulda loved to get Hot Rod over Rodimus...
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