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Posted (edited)

I've heard more consistent poor reviews of Mp3 Soundwave's sound quality than iPod Prime... and all I really need the setup for, like I said, is as an iPod dock-charger and basic enough speakers to use as an alarm clock... I don't listen to music out-loud much ever (I prefer my surround sound headphones on my computer, which configure nicely to 7.1 without the .1...) so having amazing quality isn't a big deal for me. Couple in the decent setup with a great Prime figure (altho I might pick up some ReproLabels to spice up the bot mode a bit) and it's fine for me...

EDIT: I still wish they'd release a stripped down MP3 Soundwave as a Classics figure or something without the electronics... I want that freakin figure.

Edited by promethuem5

sorry for the stupid question but is/was there a WST starscream?

i saw one thats clear and another that looked gobot-ish but wasn't certain if either fell into the actual WST line.

  do not disturb said:
sorry for the stupid question but is/was there a WST starscream?

i saw one thats clear and another that looked gobot-ish but wasn't certain if either fell into the actual WST line.

There certainly is. I actually have an extra floating around somewhere. If you want it, and if I can find it, it's yours.

  eriku said:
There certainly is. I actually have an extra floating around somewhere. If you want it, and if I can find it, it's yours.

cool dude, please let me know. :)


thats exactly what i was planning on doing.

i own the WST/MP prime, WST/MP megs and looking to pick up WST/MP SS.

hopefully my connect comes through with the walmart SS cause the nearest walmart is literally HOURS away from me.

  do not disturb said:
cool dude, please let me know. :)

I'll look tonight. I got it as part of a lot two years ago and it went directly to 'storage', and is very small, so it may take me a while to find it. I will let you know though. :)

  do not disturb said:
cool dude, please let me know. :)


thats exactly what i was planning on doing.

i own the WST/MP prime, WST/MP megs and looking to pick up WST/MP SS.

hopefully my connect comes through with the walmart SS cause the nearest walmart is literally HOURS away from me.

If he doesn't come through with your WM SS let me know; my local WM had 10 of them, and i'm sure they'll get more for the holiday season, only problem is, i won't be up in NY till christmas time. But if you want some insurance let me know and i'll go back on the hunt for an extra one for a christmas delivery.

  meh_cd said:
I don't think stores are getting any more in after this initial shipment.

you think so? I only say that because the one wal-mart that ran out of them quick (in a neighborhood that's a bit more snobbish) had two shipments and ran out basically the next day after each shipment. I purchased mine from a lower income area wal-mart (which i think is the trick) and they had a whole shelf full of them.



i'm gonna contact my dude today and i'll let you know ASAP.

i'm just guessing but he probably hasn't had much luck finding otherwise i would've heard from him by now.

anyway, let me confirm with him first and i'll let you know.


let me know whenever, i'm in no rush.

thanks to everyone for all the info.

my TF knowledge is that of the 80's cartoon, nothing beyond it.


If your other connects fall through, let me know, i might have another one left from my first batch. i'll probably hit walmart again tomorrow (need to buy formula), so i'll pick up anymore they have left. doesn't hurt me since i can always return them since i'm at walmart at least twice a week.



Wait a minute, you guys are telling me that Wal-Mart has WSTs? In the same section as the rest of the Transformers? I gotta go look for them.

  Chowser said:
If your other connects fall through, let me know, i might have another one left from my first batch. i'll probably hit walmart again tomorrow (need to buy formula), so i'll pick up anymore they have left. doesn't hurt me since i can always return them since i'm at walmart at least twice a week.


ha, theres too many nice guys here. :D

if its not any trouble, please pick one up for me.

OH is closer than both FL and DC areas so shipping would be cheaper.

if i end up with more than 1 of them, i'll just dish it off here or ebay.

i don't want to stick to anybody.


It's also kind of fun to look for these kind of things, especially the MP SS because most people aren't finding them in the regular toy aisle, they're being found in the sporting goods and other weird random places, makes things a bit more satisfying when you actually find it.

  mikeszekely said:
Wait a minute, you guys are telling me that Wal-Mart has WSTs? In the same section as the rest of the Transformers? I gotta go look for them.

nah, we're talking about WM(walmart) SS.

i asked if a WST SS was ever made is all.

  emajnthis said:
It's also kind of fun to look for these kind of things, especially the MP SS because most people aren't finding them in the regular toy aisle, they're being found in the sporting goods and other weird random places, makes things a bit more satisfying when you actually find it.

thats because of people like me.

sometimes i want to buy a bunch of multiples but don't have enough cash in hand, so i end up stashing them in various places throughout the store. i usually stashed lego sets inside the big plastic tubs in housewares. :D

  do not disturb said:
thats because of people like me.

sometimes i want to buy a bunch of multiples but don't have enough cash in hand, so i end up stashing them in various places throughout the store. i usually stashed lego sets inside the big plastic tubs in housewares. :D

LOL, I actually have an extra MP SS, but like i said i won't be up in NYC until Christmas for delivery, plus the extra one i have is already opened and cleaned up (weathering is terrible on the MP SS), which is why i'm going to try and find you a minty one. It's no sweat off my back 'cause just like Chowser i have kids and have to frequent wal-mart for diapers and the like.

  do not disturb said:
nah, we're talking about WM(walmart) SS.

i asked if a WST SS was ever made is all.

Oh. I guess I was reading through too fast and got excited. Glad that's cleared up. I actually despise my local Wal-Mart. Not because I'm anti-Wal-Mart or anything, but because my local WM sucks. The parking lot was poorly designed, it's always packed, even at the odd hours, people drive like idiots in said parking lot so I've had more close calls and near misses in that parking lot than anywhere else, and on nights and weekends it becomes the local hangout for redneck Fast & the Furious wannabes who think they're bad ass because they put neon and a fart can on the rustiest hunk of crap '92 Civic they could find and wear wife beaters when it's 40 degrees outside. All things being equal, I skip it for the Target down the road. The only reason I'd been in Wal-Mart at all lately was because I was looking for MP Starscream.

  emajnthis said:
LOL, I actually have an extra MP SS, but like i said i won't be up in NYC until Christmas for delivery, plus the extra one i have is already opened and cleaned up (weathering is terrible on the MP SS), which is why i'm going to try and find you a minty one. It's no sweat off my back 'cause just like Chowser i have kids and have to frequent wal-mart for diapers and the like.

yo santa wannabe,

whats up with you and your x-mas delivery? you know theres these businesses that specifically ship out parcels to various locations throughout the country. in otherwords you can give the reindeers the night off and leave your sled in garage. j/k :p

anyway i just got word it was a no go from my florida connect so if you're going there tonight and see one, definitely pick it up for me. even if chowser scoops one, i'll just have 2, no biggie. :D

  do not disturb said:
yo santa wannabe,

whats up with you and your x-mas delivery? you know theres these businesses that specifically ship out parcels to various locations throughout the country. in otherwords you can give the reindeers the night off and leave your sled in garage. j/k :p

anyway i just got word it was a no go from my florida connect so if you're going there tonight and see one, definitely pick it up for me. even if chowser scoops one, i'll just have 2, no biggie. :D

I was thinking of bringing some of my wife's ho ho ho's up with me this year since one of them has family in Jersey, but if i need to leave the jolly's back in DC, then so be it. B)) I'll stop by Wal-Mart later tonight to see if anythings left.

  emajnthis said:
I was thinking of bringing some of my wife's ho ho ho's up with me this year since one of them has family in Jersey, but if i need to leave the jolly's back in DC, then so be it. B)) I'll stop by Wal-Mart later tonight to see if anythings left.

ho ho ho indeed! i've seen some pics of your wife's friends on AP. you should definitely bring me one of those for christmas, i've been a very good boy.....or a naughty boy if thats her thing. :D


After tinkering around for some time with MP SS, I have to say that it's a lot better than I thought it'd be. The only lame part about it is the rear landing gear, but I guess I can't expect anything more with so little room to work with. And it's gonna stay on the stand in alt. mode anyways, so that's just a minor quibble. There is some slop with the weathering, but I could clean that up easy. As for the nose cone, it's gonna stay silver. After seeing the previous pic with the blue nose cone, the silver's looking a lot better. Thanks to cschell for hooking me up!

After all this, I have actually ended up with an extra MP SS. I'm willing to sell this with no markup, just sales tax and shipping, so if anyone's interested, just let me know.


Someone posted this pic on the allspark:


I found him last weekend. The weathering/carbon doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as I thought it would. I was reading all the posts on how to remove it, but now I think I'll keep it as is. He's really a nice figure, and seems like much more worth the money/risk at $50.


i'll be getting another movie deluxe 08 camaro bumblebee mosc if anyone still needs one. also anyone know when the alternators rodimus will start getting cheaper?

  sh002 said:
also anyone know when the alternators rodimus will start getting cheaper?

I wouldn't hold my breath. I'd expect the price to go up, especially with it being an exclusive of sorts, and rare Alternators seem to hold their value if not appreciate even more especially since the movie.


so many ko reissues coming out in the future like metroplex, devastator, remaining dinobots, and gnaw. too bad real ones aren't being made.

Posted (edited)

Got my MP SS today... I think the Takara version still had an overall better build-quality, but I do really like this figure, and the Hasbro one is the one I'm actually going to play with...

EDIT: Tfed to jet mode, and yeah, the Takara one definitely fit together better overall... it's not bad, just not amazing. There's alot less gaps and such in jet mode on the GreenScream (the backplate that makes up the center fuselage has some funkyness going on in jet mode and doesn't seat quite right, resulting in either a gap behind the cockpit, or one towards tail... not sure if somehting needs to be sanded down a bit or what. The weathering's not too dark on mine, so I'll probably just leave it. I think I'll strip the nosecone tho.

Edited by promethuem5

How much does MP SS go for at Wal Mart? THey had several at Frank & Sons today ranging from 70 to 90. Takara Skywarp is 80-90 at the same Vendors. I buy frequently from these guys so would realistically be looking at 70 for Hasbro Starscrem and 75 or so for Skywarp... Also if someone could compare the QC and materials... I'm expecting the Hasbro to be cheaper and less (if any) die cast similar to the Prime/MP1... I definitely prefer the G1 colors (which I didn't get the Takara SS and I hate being a guinea pig for a first release) but Skywarp was my very first transformer back in the day....


MP SS @ Walmart are listed at $48.88. With cost of tax + shipping, it would probably range from $60-$70. I've been selling them for $53 + shipping.


MP SS sells for $53 total with tax at Walmart. It's 49.98 retail.

  Uxi said:
How much does MP SS go for at Wal Mart? THey had several at Frank & Sons today ranging from 70 to 90. Takara Skywarp is 80-90 at the same Vendors. I buy frequently from these guys so would realistically be looking at 70 for Hasbro Starscrem and 75 or so for Skywarp... Also if someone could compare the QC and materials... I'm expecting the Hasbro to be cheaper and less (if any) die cast similar to the Prime/MP1... I definitely prefer the G1 colors (which I didn't get the Takara SS and I hate being a guinea pig for a first release) but Skywarp was my very first transformer back in the day....

It's the exact same mold with different colors. The die cast isn't changed.

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