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iPhone or Xbox360 when they came out could be sold for hundreds of dollars of profit.

I really don't get those who try to make money off of $10 toys which would be worth only $5-10 more...

When I collected SW toys past couple of years, I was advised to come to the store every single day if I ever want to see ellusive figures like Scorch and that's a lot of work for such small profit.


Ironhide as the tooth fairy, knocking people's teeth off and handing them a coin. Brutal Charity at its best! :)

Speaking of toys... don't you hate it when you finally have money to buy some, only to find 90% the toys, sans Prime mask and transformer toys guns, sold out for a month or two? Just when I wanted to buy Classics Optimus Prime...

Damn you, Bayformers. Damn you. DX

But on a bright note, I manage to secure the Camaro Concept Bumblebee. Gonna pick it up next month.


It's easy to hate scalpers, but they exists for one reason only: Buyers. If there weren't people out there that didn't buy their overpriced goods then the scalpers would cease to exist. I hate scalpers as much as the next collector, but I think the people who buy it are equally as much of a problem. It makes me wonder though, you never really see anyone on the internet posting about how they bought an item from a scalper for an inflated price. Do they just remain silent because of shame? Or is there some other thing going on where people who buy scalped goods don't generally post on forums? It's interesting to say the least.

It's also interesting that someone, myself for example, will be happy to pay $35 + shipping for a small action figure from Japan (Yamato 1/12 Chirico, I'm looking at you), yet they wouldn't even dream of paying that much for a similar domestic figure like, say, a Marvel Legends figure. Hell, I don't even like paying that much for a really big domestic figure. But now I'm rambling.

I hope that by October 08 Bumblebee is produced in such large quantities that he becomes a totally unsellable shelf-warmer. Every time a scalper sheds a tear over an unprofitable investment, an angel gets it's wings.

  eriku said:
I hope that by October 08 Bumblebee is produced in such large quantities that he becomes a totally unsellable shelf-warmer. Every time a scalper sheds a tear over an unprofitable investment, an angel gets it's wings.

Unfortunately, most of the scalpers would have made their profit by then. Sigh~ I still need that 08 Bumblebee, darn it!

Its very interesting why characters like Prime and Bumblebee are the main feature characters of the movie and almost all kids and collectors would want them over the other sub characters. But based on what I've heard, they are not that outnumbering other ones in a shipped case. Wonder why Hasbro planned it that way in their case arrangement, unless they actually make more money that way since the stores now have to order more cases, just to have a couple more Prime or Bee, in exchanging for getting even more sucky ones on shelves. Though in a drought like this, there is no 'sucky' ones. :lol:

  mpchi said:
Unfortunately, most of the scalpers would have made their profit by then. Sigh~ I still need that 08 Bumblebee, darn it!

Its very interesting why characters like Prime and Bumblebee are the main feature characters of the movie and almost all kids and collectors would want them over the other sub characters. But based on what I've heard, they are not that outnumbering other ones in a shipped case. Wonder why Hasbro planned it that way in their case arrangement, unless they actually make more money that way since the stores now have to order more cases, just to have a couple more Prime or Bee, in exchanging for getting even more sucky ones on shelves. Though in a drought like this, there is no 'sucky' ones. :lol:

The only 'sucky' figure right now appears to be Protoform Starscream. Some Targets look like they wouldn't be able to move that thing if it had a $10 bill stapled to it.

  mpchi said:
Unfortunately, most of the scalpers would have made their profit by then. Sigh~ I still need that 08 Bumblebee, darn it!

Its very interesting why characters like Prime and Bumblebee are the main feature characters of the movie and almost all kids and collectors would want them over the other sub characters. But based on what I've heard, they are not that outnumbering other ones in a shipped case. Wonder why Hasbro planned it that way in their case arrangement, unless they actually make more money that way since the stores now have to order more cases, just to have a couple more Prime or Bee, in exchanging for getting even more sucky ones on shelves. Though in a drought like this, there is no 'sucky' ones. :lol:

They probably did it just to pack everyone evenly, I know the cases with the new Bumblebee has everyone packed one per case. Usually in transformers and many other toy lines, the main characters are packed more than others or overpacked, and tend to shelfwarm. Classics Prime was like that(Classics Megatron was only packed 1 per case), Batman, Superman, Smashblade He man, gold Skeletor(Mattel is notorious for their case packs), Snake Eyes, Duke, Storm Shadow, and many others.

I wonder if the leaders are packed evenly, because recently I went to a crappy walmart and the only leaders they had were 4 Brawls.

Posted (edited)

Found two leader class Brawls at the Walmart here. Also found a G1 style movie Jazz and G1 style movie Starscream at Target. If anyone's interested in them, let me know and I'll grab them. Ultimate Shelfwarmer BB seems to be easy to find around here (too expensive for ghetto kids).

Edited by Metal_Massacre_79
  Metal_Massacre_79 said:
Found two leader class Brawls at the Walmart here. Also found a G1 style movie Jazz and G1 style movie Starscream at Target. If anyone's interested in them, let me know and I'll grab them. Ultimate Shelfwarmer BB seems to be easy to find around here (too expensive for ghetto kids).

PM'd you.

  Matt Random said:
I think Leader Brawl may be shipping by himself. I didn't see any other leaders all three times I've seen Brawl.

This could be as leader prime shiped by himself as well.

Posted (edited)

leader brawl comes shipped by itself. i saw the guy at the store open a hasbro box and take out leader brawl.

Edited by sh002
  Vermillion21 said:
When the hell is Hasbro going to start re-supplying Wal-Mart & Target with TF Movie Deluxes again ??????


This was more than likely probably due to to the fact they were scared that the movie wasn't going to go so well and didn't want to take the risk of ordering a lot more than they can sell. :unsure:

Although i agree with this if they did , I must say at the same time this would really make me ticked off even more :(:angry: that i couldn't get a new V.Class Ironhide , D.class Jazz and a D.class 74 Bumblebee Although not a high priority , I would still like it be available so i can get one later. :(


Altogether now:

Fark you, retailers. FARK YOU!

That's what they get for underestimating (and thus underordering) Transformers, and over ordering crap like Spidey 3 (which is rather hurting Hasbro), Pirates 3 and Star Wars that's rotting on shelves.

Transformers has now passed Pirates 3 in the US box office, and its unlikely Harry Potter will be able to catch up. Both of those films royally kicked TF's ass internationally, though.


Of course the irony here is that we all thought stores were going to have a massive amount of TF toys for a long while because of how the shelves looked when the line first rolled out. Who would have thought that it would go from that to zero so quickly? Well, not really zero since there are so many of those Real Tech things hanging around. A gadget turning into a robot is very cool. A gadget turning into another gadget is a really poorly planned toy idea that never should have made it further than, "That's a terrible idea, Bill, you're fired."

  altermodes said:
This was more than likely probably due to to the fact they were scared that the movie wasn't going to go so well and didn't want to take the risk of ordering a lot more than they can sell. :unsure:

Although i agree with this if they did , I must say at the same time this would really make me ticked off even more :(:angry: that i couldn't get a new V.Class Ironhide , D.class Jazz and a D.class 74 Bumblebee Although not a high priority , I would still like it be available so i can get one later. :(

No the retailers were scared. Blame them. In fact, many of the things blamed on hasbro such as the demise of alternators, hiatus of gijoe 2 years ago, Classics not coming back till next year, are actually the fault of the retailers. Its their fault we can't get 6 seekers at retail.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
No the retailers were scared. Blame them. In fact, many of the things blamed on hasbro such as the demise of alternators, hiatus of gijoe 2 years ago, Classics not coming back till next year, are actually the fault of the retailers. Its their fault we can't get 6 seekers at retail.

:unsure: If this is the case ..... :unsure:

I will be angry at the certain individuals in any of these places that made these decisions. :angry: I must also think at the same time understand their point of view of unable to justify getting more stock. :mellow:

Well whatever the case i just hope they restock the TF:Movie V.class Ironhide and D.class Jazz (Not the Final Battle Version ) at least , If not including the D.class Bumblebee 76 :(

  altermodes said:
:unsure: If this is the case ..... :unsure:

I will be angry at the certain individuals in any of these places that made these decisions. :angry: I must also think at the same time understand their point of view of unable to justify getting more stock. :mellow:

Well whatever the case i just hope they restock the TF:Movie V.class Ironhide and D.class Jazz (Not the Final Battle Version ) at least , If not including the D.class Bumblebee 76 :(

Thats the corporate buyers for you. In a few months I think the last figures you mentioned will become shelfwarmers, so no worries there.


Anyone knows if some company is making or planning to make poseable figures or just more detailed toys from the movie designs?


Hasbro actually just released some wretchedly bad looking fake-Revoltech type non-transformable figures of like, Megs, BB, and Barricade.... they're supposed to be more movie accurate and articulated to make up for the non-transforming, but they look like arse....


cool maybe he'll be in the stores when i'm there. on the other hand this could mean that scalpers will now wait to grab two of them.

  promethuem5 said:
Hasbro actually just released some wretchedly bad looking fake-Revoltech type non-transformable figures of like, Megs, BB, and Barricade.... they're supposed to be more movie accurate and articulated to make up for the non-transforming, but they look like arse....

Damn! I really want a stunning Barricade and a Blackout too.

Posted (edited)
  s001 said:
Damn! I really want a stunning Barricade and a Blackout too.

Well they are stunningly crappy. You should check out some fan customs. Its amazing what a little silver paint can do.

Edited by GobotFool
  Metal_Massacre_79 said:
If you really hate those eBay whores who buy up a ton of products just to make a quick buck, then you'll really enjoy the video of the woman who tried to buy $16,000 worth of iPhones and sell them on eBay. Poetic justice at it's finest!

EDIT: Here it is iPhone + eBay Whore

Ha Ha Ha .... awesome!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

  eriku said:
Every time a scalper sheds a tear over an unprofitable investment, an angel gets it's wings.

Great comment mate.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^

  Fit For Natalie said:
Altogether now:

Fark you, retailers. FARK YOU!

That's what they get for underestimating (and thus underordering) Transformers, and over ordering crap like Spidey 3 (which is rather hurting Hasbro), Pirates 3 and Star Wars that's rotting on shelves.

Transformers has now passed Pirates 3 in the US box office, and its unlikely Harry Potter will be able to catch up. Both of those films royally kicked TF's ass internationally, though.

Tell me about it, WTF is up with all stores having practically NO TF stock??? Dumb ass corporate buyers!!!

Fawk you retailers!!! FAWK you!!!

:angry: :angry: :angry:

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
For those of you who want 08 Bumblebee, no worries, in the revision cases for fall he is in nearly all of them, and in the first revision case, he comes 2xper case!

Man, I hope so .... along with the other TF Movie figures I'm looking for ...


  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
For those of you who want 08 Bumblebee, no worries, in the revision cases for fall he is in nearly all of them, and in the first revision case, he comes 2xper case!

So what, sometime mid september we should see them rolling in?

Posted (edited)
  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
For those of you who want 08 Bumblebee, no worries, in the revision cases for fall he is in nearly all of them, and in the first revision case, he comes 2xper case!

:angry: I am glad someone started to wake up if this is true.

I was hoping to get 2 more B2K8 as my G.mother gave me money to get two for my little brother & cousin which the place i brought it from only had two :mellow:

Edited by altermodes

You know, I was done with TF's. I swore to stick to Gundam and Macross. Then I saw the movie, and HAD to have a Barricade. So I spent 15 bucks on ebay, cursing myself for spending more than 9 bucks on a deluxe, and I would do it again, I loved him! Then, I got lucky on another auction and got V.Blackout and repaint Skyblast for 21.00 shipped. After that, I went and bought Bonecrusher (the only one left at my Walmart), and I like him too! Now, if you think about it, I think that these repaints like "Recon" Barricade, G1 Jazz, Thundercracker, "Rescue" Ratchet (Who looks awesome BTW), and G1 Starscream (who'll end up like the Ultra/Skywarp pack, way too many) are hasbro's way of making up for the people not being able to get a lot of the original figures. While I appreciate it, I still want the originals. I still can't find Ironhide anywhere, and I want him the worst of them all ! So, for someone who doesn't have any except Blackout, Barricade, and Bonecrusher, any recommendations or warnings? I'm thinking if I can't find Ironhide, I may go get leader Brawl.

  promethuem5 said:
Hasbro actually just released some wretchedly bad looking fake-Revoltech type non-transformable figures....

How they hell can you make a non-transforming toy for a Transformers character? It's Transformers for crying out loud, IT'S WHAT THEY DO!

  Metal_Massacre_79 said:
How they hell can you make a non-transforming toy for a Transformers character? It's Transformers for crying out loud, IT'S WHAT THEY DO!

The actual revoltech transformer figures turned out rather nice.


Anyone see the metallic painted movie Ratchet that is, apparently, a Best Buy exclusive? It looks rather nice, although it's always hard to be sure from online photos. I'm glad I didn't get around to buying the regular version (and I would have if they'd been available more than three weeks) because I'll probably go for this one.

I can't find the pics at the moment, they were somewhere on TFW2005 a week ago. There is also a Best Buy metallic Voyager Megs that looks better than the original but is still befouled by his 'ice' trimmings.

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