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Assassin's Creed is really repetitive. It's graphics are great but the gameplay gets pretty old after the 1st few missions. It's a shame they couldn't have put the depth of Oblivion in there, for example. DMC4

  Uxi said:
Assassin's Creed is really repetitive. It's graphics are great but the gameplay gets pretty old after the 1st few missions. It's a shame they couldn't have put the depth of Oblivion in there, for example. DMC4

it's GTA:Medieval. :rolleyes:


Pixel Junk Monesters: Def buy it... we plowed thru the campaign this weekend, but there's loads left to do (gotta get perfect scores and finish the other island branch...) It's super fun tho.


The dual shock3 I think is coming out here in the spring. I just bought the JP version. Didn't want to wait that long. Some PS3 games already support it.

After hating the demo, I bought Burnout Paradise..I'm glad I did. Its great. The new free world system works for the most part. The racing and stunts is intense. Going online is seamless. Dual Shock 3 works quite well. The new showtime mode is kinda lame compared to the old crash mode. And well there's DJ Atomica...ugh

The demo doesn't do the full game justice.

  jwinges said:
Get this...

So I get Rock Band PS3 for x-mas and like most my guitar stops working correctly after a few days. I call EA (since they are doing support...I hate EA). They send out an guitar within 5 days that looks like some refurbashed, scratched up POS. I call EA back and they say they will send another but this one sits on a shipping dock for a week or so. After numerous attempts of sitting on hold (for 40 minutes per attempt) trying to get the right person at EA I decide to call Harmonix direct.

Harmonix steps in and gets me one of the head support folks at EA. This guy totally hooks me up. I end up with:

-5 guitars (I have to send 1 back)

-Madden 08 (too bad they shipped me the 360 ed)

-NHL 08 (too bad they shipped me the 360 ed)

-Need for Speed Burnout

-An extra drum pedal (I'm going to hook them both up at once)

I'm awaiting an e-mail back about the wrong versions they sent but the guy is so cool he'll probably just tell me to keep them and send me new ps3 one's to boot. At least that's what I'm hoping happens.

I also gave him some feedback about the rosters for NHL asking them to get them right and offered a goalie mini game suggestion that the developers said they might look into using.

Moral of the story...if EA jerks you around call harmonix to get better support from EA.

Rock on!

When my guitar for the 360 edition of Rock Band pooped out, I filled out the stuff online for getting the shipping box. Get the box a few days later and I shopped the guitar off that evening. A week later I get another empty shipping box, but this time there's an empty PS3 Rock Band shipping box inside. :unsure: I called EA to explain the situation and a few more days later I finally got my new guitar. After that got settled I called EA again regarding the free game offer, but no one I talked to seem to have any idea about what I was talking about. Guess I should have called Harmonix instead. :p

BTW, maybe we should rename this the PS3 40GB thread since it looks like Sony is going to be giving the 80GB version the boot, too.


Let me guess-Sony wants people to BUY PS1 & 2 games online for the PS3 rather than allow them to play those same games from their library? If that is the case then I can understand their need to nickel and dime PS fans, but why shrink the HD? They can't be saving that much money from installing a 40g versus an 80g.

Also, are they canceling the features that the current 80g model has over the 40g, such as the wi-fi and all of that other jazz?

Why are they doing this?

  myk said:
Let me guess-Sony wants people to BUY PS1 & 2 games online for the PS3 rather than allow them to play those same games from their library? If that is the case then I can understand their need to nickel and dime PS fans, but why shrink the HD? They can't be saving that much money from installing a 40g versus an 80g.

Also, are they canceling the features that the current 80g model has over the 40g, such as the wi-fi and all of that other jazz?

Why are they doing this?

maybe this will replace the 80gb? just a rumor.

According to Ars Technica, Sony has some big plans for a PlayStation 3 refresh, starting with a phase-out of the 80GB model. According to an "inside source" -- which Ars claims has been consistently right on video game-related predictions -- the console-maker's new plot is starting to take shape, holding fast to a two-SKU approach on packages, upping the hard drive capacity on systems, and including the Dual Shock 3 controller. The new bundles will take the high / low road, with the source stating that the 40GB model will remain on shelves, while the 80GB, Spider-Man 3-inclusive system will disappear, only to be replaced with a 120GB or 160GB configuration. Of course, right now these are just words on a screen, though in light of Best Buy's recent stock changes, there certainly is an air of movement over at Sony.



this is a retarded tactic, imo. Keep changing the hardware every few months... good way to entice people who are on the fence to make the jump, sony.

  Alpha OTS said:
Any news on Ace Combat for the ps3? Is it or isn't it coming?

It's still supposed to be coming. No one knows how long the timed exclusive was for.

Posted (edited)

Devil May Cry 4 gets an 8.5 from 1up


That's about what I expected.


Macross still has an influence lol

I wanted to have a transforming, multi-purpose firearm in Dante's arsenal... In its final form I wanted it to transform into something that would be even bigger than Dante himself. I was thinking about Gundam when I asked for this. I also wanted the weapon to shoot out a lot of small missiles, kind of like some of the fighters in Macross.


Edited by dejr8bud
  Black Valkyrie said:
Does the 40GB can play PSOne games ?

The 40GB can play PS1 games, but no PS2 games.


Playing through Devil May Cry 4. Much easier than 3 but not a cakewalk like 2...along the lines of the first.

  Gaijin said:
Playing through Devil May Cry 4. Much easier than 3 but not a cakewalk like 2...along the lines of the first.

I picked up the 360 version, as there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two, and all things being equal I prefer the Achievements that the 360 version will dole out. I really liked the demo, but I haven't started the actual game since I bought it because I want to finish Ratchet and Clank (which I picked up around Christmas, but just started maybe two weeks ago).


For those of you like me who have always lamented the PS3's downright lame brained non inclusion of an IR remote sensor, here is a quick brief review of a product I found that works like a charm for us "home theater" PS3 users:

The schmartz.com PS3IR+PWR accessory.

Effectively what this little guy is is a small USB IR reader with a few additional twists that allows you to use an IR remote control with your PS3. How it works is you first install a wired copper lead to your power button which is then covered by a nice decal that resembles the button (it doesn't look as bad as it sounds). This wire is connected to the PS3IR+PWR USB device which you plug into one of the forward facing USB ports on the PS3. After some basic rigamaroo with setup (it's essential that you have a PSP paired to your PS3 and you enable remote connection) and tucking the wire out of the way you are ready to go.

The PS3IR+PWR controls the PS3 like a champ. It can turn the unit on and off, navigate, play and pause and do most every function a remote can perform. The only real function it CAN'T do is eject the disc. If you have a super nuts univeral remote like I have programming it is fairly straightforward... you just program it with PS2 or Sony DVD remote codes and bam, works like a charm.

All in all this little guy is not exactly cheap (the power unit is $50, but they sell another cheaper one that doesn't control the power on/off) but it more or less "fixes" the one area the PS3 falls down in and really lets it step up and join the rest of your expensive home theater devices as a member of the IR chain. It used to bug me to hell and back that every other piece of equipment in my rack was controllable from my universal remote and could function in concert with the other items at the mere press of one button... except the PS3... but now it can.

So if anyone is like me and wants better controllability out of their PS3 for home theater use, this little PS3IR+PWR gizmo from Mike at schmartz.com fills the bill.

  mikeszekely said:
I picked up the 360 version, as there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two, and all things being equal I prefer the Achievements that the 360 version will dole out. I really liked the demo, but I haven't started the actual game since I bought it because I want to finish Ratchet and Clank (which I picked up around Christmas, but just started maybe two weeks ago).

Lemme know how the load times are on the 360 one. The PS3 one is fast (like 2 secs) but requires a mandatory HDD install. I know the 360 one has load times but I want to know how much of a difference it made.

  Gaijin said:
Playing through Devil May Cry 4. Much easier than 3 but not a cakewalk like 2...along the lines of the first.

Ya me too. DMC 4 isn't the ballbuster that 3 was. DMC 4 is good. Gameplay is solid but the game as a whole really doesn't offer anything new.


Acoording to Penny-Arcade, load times on both versions are similar, as in "very short". The PS3 IS faster, but nothing to write home about.

  David Hingtgen said:
Acoording to Penny-Arcade, load times on both versions are similar, as in "very short". The PS3 IS faster, but nothing to write home about.

That's pretty much what I heard. I mean, I know that the pain-in-the-butt really long install on the PS3 sucks, and I'm not sure there's much pay off, but it's still a one time install. I don't think I would have been unhappy with the PS3 version, and the 20 minute install didn't dissuade me from that version. I've just sort of got used to thinking of the PS3 as my DVD/Blu-ray player and my Xbox 360 as my game console of choice. No disrespect intended to either.

In any case, I'll post on the load times later, but like I said, before I start DMC I want to finish Ratchet & Clank.


20 minutes? :unsure:

Never heard of an install taking that long.

My 360 OTOH is getting a nice layer of dust. The PS3 just feels so much more polished and integrates with the 7.1 setup flawlessly. The main thing is that I never fear the Red Circles of Doom like I do with the 360, which feels like Russian Roulette before asking for the coffin delivery.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
For those of you like me who have always lamented the PS3's downright lame brained non inclusion of an IR remote sensor, here is a quick brief review of a product I found that works like a charm for us "home theater" PS3 users:

The schmartz.com PS3IR+PWR accessory.

Read good reviews of it at AVS. I have the Nyko and it works flawlessly with my Harmony 720. I usually power up the PS3 by putting either a game or movie in anyway and almost always eject the disk and hit power when I'm there picking it up. Hopefully Sony will allow mapping of the PS button one of these days.

  Uxi said:
20 minutes? :unsure:

Never heard of an install taking that long.

My 360 OTOH is getting a nice layer of dust. The PS3 just feels so much more polished and integrates with the 7.1 setup flawlessly. The main thing is that I never fear the Red Circles of Doom like I do with the 360, which feels like Russian Roulette before asking for the coffin delivery.

it's a 5 gig install. 20 mins isn't too bad for an install of that size. I guess the BD drive was just too slow to stream off of.

I do agree with you, and so does my wife, the UI for the PS3 just feels much more polished. My wife actually gets frustrated with the 360's UI.

Posted (edited)
  Black Valkyrie said:

Yeah, that's been floating around for awhile. You'll likely see a slimmer, cheaper version soon eventually. Like the slim PS2, but even quicker this time around.

Edited by Gaijin

Lost Planet for the Ps3 will require an install as well (Another capcom game), they say it install the entire game (around 5-6GB) and only uses the disc to check for the game (like a PC). there are also talks about Hot Shot Golf could have an install as well.

anyway, anyone know when Sony will officially release the Dual Shock 3 in North America?

  Gunbuster said:
Lost Planet for the Ps3 will require an install as well (Another capcom game), they say it install the entire game (around 5-6GB) and only uses the disc to check for the game (like a PC). there are also talks about Hot Shot Golf could have an install as well.

anyway, anyone know when Sony will officially release the Dual Shock 3 in North America?

I suppose its easier to do an install then to find creative ways to stream off the disc.

  eugimon said:
I suppose its easier to do an install then to find creative ways to stream off the disc.

Perhaps, and I guess I don't mind an install here and there, especially if it's optional. But I don't want to see Capcom (or anyone else for that matter) make a habit of mandatory installs. If I wanted to spend 20 minutes installing a game, I'd have been a PC gamer.

  Gunbuster said:
anyway, anyone know when Sony will officially release the Dual Shock 3 in North America?

Probably happen sometime in March.

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