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  dejr8bud said:
PS One games will still work according to the article..

Interesting. According to this article the new PS3 will be missing both PS1 and PS2 compatibility. I guess we'll have to wait for an official word from Sony.


The new PS3 will be unable to play PlayStation 1 and 2 games, has a reduced number of USB ports, from four to two connections, and no slots for memory cards. It goes on sale from 10 October.

At this point, I may just buy a "spare" PStwo (a silver one) when they're on last final clearance for 50 bucks at Toys R Us a few years from now, to ensure perpetual ability to play my fave games.

Xenogears, Valkyrie Profile, Suikoden 2, Final Fantasy 9---stuff I plan to replay every once in a while until I die.

  David Hingtgen said:
Couldn't care less about HD size/space, Wi-Fi means nothing to me, and with my most-wanted movie not on Blu-Ray----PS3 doesn't have much to offer me at this point. I WAS going to buy a HDTV, PS3, and watch Transformers. Now, I'm thinking I'm going to buy an HDTV, and a 360's HD-DVD add-on, and watch Transformers.

Actually Michael Bay debated that he would not do the sequel movie if they did not place it on Blue-ray.

Read off of some random electronics magazine at the doctor's office the other day.

So hopefully they will listen..

  Ishimaru said:
Actually Michael Bay debated that he would not do the sequel movie if they did not place it on Blue-ray.

Read off of some random electronics magazine at the doctor's office the other day.

So hopefully they will listen..

He got bitch-slapped by his masters over at Paramount. He's now singing the HD-DVD praises.

  mikeszekely said:
But the Wi-Fi blows; after having it drop every 3-5 minutes, I got so fed up with it that I ran a wired connection. The larger HDD would be great if Sony actually gave us something to do with it (ala Microsoft's Video Marketplace). And all the perceived value in the world doesn't make up for the fact the best exclusive games have been, so far, either Xbox 360 (Gears of War, BioShock, etc) or Wii games (Super Paper Mario).

That's not to say that the PS3 won't have good exclusives. There's still Metal Gear Solid 4 on the way, and I bought a PS3 banking on an eventual God of War 3. But Microsoft's got Mass Effect coming, and Nintendo has their stable of first party goodness, so Sony's still playing catch up for top-tier exclusives. We can talk about Blu-ray and what not, but when push comes to shove, it's really the exclusives that separate the 360 and the PS3 in the eyes of the gamers.

Maybe something's wrong with yours. My Wi-Fi works fine...never had it break or drop a connection.


I had to tinker with my wireless settings to get an acceptable performance. IIRC in the very beginning it might been less stable than desired as well (despite being in the next room from the wipe just on the other side of the same wall). The ultimate fix was to change to a channel not being used by anyone in the vicinity (12 IIRC) on the WAP and ever since it's been 90% and stable as can be with excellent speed. Supposedly this has been improved in later revisions (80GB and most likely the upcoming 40GB).


You know, I finally find a game I want to buy for the PS3 only to discover that the PS3 version of the game has received "the shaft".

I wanted to get the HL2 "Orange Box" for my 360 but thought to myself "hey... they are releasing it on the PS3 as well... maybe I'll give the Playstation a chance to play something other than Blu Ray's"

Nope. Orange Box comes out next week for PC and the 360... but the PS3 version does not hit shelves until mid December.

Whisky Tango Foxtrot, Over? :angry:


It's just upsetting to me that "every other" "platform" gets this game "now" while the PS3 has to wait two more months. "Why?" I say to myself. What makes the PS3 version of this game "different"? You'd think with the crap selection of games that the PS3 has that Sony themselves would be trying their darnedest to get this thing released at the same time as their "competition".

I really wanted this game on the PC but I'd probably have to upgrade my desktop even more to play it... I figured I had two very expensive consoles sitting there that were getting "equal releases" and that I'd give them a shot, only to discover the PS3 release for some reason is delayed. I'm not a "brand loyalist" by any means I just have had this hankering lately to do something other than watch movies on my PS3... and it just seems like Sony and their PS3 gaggle are going out of their way to put me off buying their games. So now it looks like the only game this PS3 will be getting in the next 12 months that I won't be buying for the Xbox instead is Gran Turismo.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
It's just upsetting to me that "every other" "platform" gets this game "now" while the PS3 has to wait two more months. "Why?" I say to myself. What makes the PS3 version of this game "different"? You'd think with the poo selection of games that the PS3 has that Sony themselves would be trying their darnedest to get this thing released at the same time as their "competition".

I really wanted this game on the PC but I'd probably have to upgrade my desktop even more to play it... I figured I had two very expensive consoles sitting there that were getting "equal releases" and that I'd give them a shot, only to discover the PS3 release for some reason is delayed. I'm not a "brand loyalist" by any means I just have had this hankering lately to do something other than watch movies on my PS3... and it just seems like Sony and their PS3 gaggle are going out of their way to put me off buying their games. So now it looks like the only game this PS3 will be getting in the next 12 months that I won't be buying for the Xbox instead is Gran Turismo.

At least it's just a delay shaft, as opposed to to crappier version shaft. There doesn't seem to be a lot of "equal releases" on both systems; one version is often clearly better, and even if they are the same, I've made it my policy to go for the 360 version because, as David pointed out, you get meaningless Achievements.

I can honestly say I bought a PS3 for three reasons, and only three reasons.

1.) Blu-ray.

2.) The eventual release of God of War III.

3.) Because, at heart, I'm a tech junkie and couldn't stand the fact that there was a shiny new console out there that I didn't own.


You can't blame sony for 3rd party release delays, unless it's an approvals issue. Besides, better a delay,than another Madden 08.

  mikeszekely said:
I can honestly say I bought a PS3 for three reasons, and only three reasons.

1.) Blu-ray.

2.) The eventual release of God of War III.

3.) Because, at heart, I'm a tech junkie and couldn't stand the fact that there was a shiny new console out there that I didn't own.

I bought my PS3 just for reason #1 really.

BUT I have always assumed that at some point some game was going to be made that I'd want to buy for this thing... I just think I was expecting "that game" to show up a lot sooner than now. It's kind of sad really... to own a "game console" that has no games. I'm a game player deep down and I just find it a tiny bit disappointing that every month I'll be walking the games section in Best Buy looking at games and when I leave I'll always seem to have one or two Xbox games on my future shopping list but zero PS3 games. It makes me wonder what other people with my game tastes feel like owning a PS3 who don't like watching movies. :unsure:


Just when you thought Sony Europe couldn't ram it up your a** any higher.

The 60GB PS3 is going to be completely phased out in SCEE territories and

replaced ONLY with the 40GB version. :angry:


So anybody that buys a PS3 later and still wants to play PS2 games will have to

have 2 consoles under their TV.

So lets sum up Sony's/SCEE's PS3 strategy for the year

- 5 month delay

- of course more expensive than USA or Japan

- no emotion engine in our 60GB PS3s

- a bunch of pathetic games

- a "Value" pack that still nobody could afford

- a 40GB PS3 stripped of almost everything

Man and I thought floppy valks made me mad. :angry:

  promethuem5 said:
Why do video-games hate Europe?

Because they make more money in the USA and Japan market. Europe is third rate, we get the poo stuff and we pay more for it. The 40gb version still expensive, sony hoping people would pay more for less features AGAIN! Also Europe is made up of different languages and television formats, that games companies are just too lazy to invest, convert or translate, which is why we don't always get the same games as the USA. I will be getting a PS3 in the future, but right now its too expensive even for the future budget version. I'll probably get one when the PS4 comes out. :lol:

  Keith said:
You can't blame sony for 3rd party release delays, unless it's an approvals issue. Besides, better a delay,than another Madden 08.


But you can blame Sony for lack of worthwhile 1st party software, for lack of competitive pricing because they were busy cramming Blu-ray down our throats, for arrogantly assuming that everyone was going to rush out and buy it simply because it has the name "PlayStation," taking for granted the fact that dominating the industry one day does NOT guarantee domination in the future (otherwise, we'd still be playing Atari consoles), or general lack of some other function to set the PS3 apart from the 360.

Don't get me wrong... I know a lot of people, including people on these boards, never owned an Xbox, due to its lack of Japanese software, and bought PS3s figuring that Sony would maintain dominance in Japanese software or even gaming in general. And I know some of those people held off on buying a 360, and some of them bought the PS3. And to those people who own a PS3 and don't have a 360 or a Wii, they're not screwed. There are good games out for the PS3, and there are more great games coming.

The problem, though, is that a lot of people did buy 360s, and a lot of the good games for the PS3, present and future, will also be 360 games, so even with a price drop, there's not a lot of incentive for 360 owners to pick up a PS3. And for those who have held off on both, the 360 still has more better exclusives. Lair and Heavenly Sword just aren't holding up against Halo 3, Gears of War, BioShock, Forza 2, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, etc. Metal Gear Solid 4 looks great, but so does Mass Effect, and how is Sony really supposed to catch up when we don't get a must-have exclusive for two years after launch, which was already a year behind? The Red Ring of Death can only deter so many people as long as Microsoft's fixing them, and they've got the games.

Posted (edited)

Meh, Ratchet & Clank Future is out at the end of the month, and if TGS was any indication, that should be the start of good things coming on the PS3. Besides, if I recally correctly, the 360 also didn't have a lot of hot titles its first year out, no system does.

Edited by Keith
  Keith said:
Meh, Ratchet & Clank Future is out at the end of the month, and if TGS was any indication, that should be the start of good things coming on the PS3. Besides, if I recally correctly, the 360 also didn't have a lot of hot titles its first year out, no system does.

The 360 launched with Call of Duty 2 and PGR3, both of which were better than any of the PS3's exclusives so far, and Gears of War came out just under a year from launch. And while I'll give you that a console doesn't have a lot to go on during that first year, the PS3 will be two by the time MGS4 or Final Fantasy XIII come out. And while I've been hearing good things about Ratchet & Clank, I don't see it moving systems the way Gears of War did.


The PS3 launched November of last year, MGS4 will be out in March. How does that makei t 2?


Gears of War sucks. I couldn't stand trying to play it.

The only tempting games for me were Lost Planet and Chrome Hounds. The former is available for PC and the latter isn't that good from what I hear.

The PS2 isn't obsulete. Just like DVD. Nobody NEEDS any of this high tech garbage.

  Keith said:
The PS3 launched November of last year, MGS4 will be out in March. How does that makei t 2?

Because I highly doubt MGS4 will actually arrive in March. If it does, though, so much the better.


Did you watch the TGS trailer? Metal Gear looks damn near done, and it's already had 2 delays, so I'm inclined to believe the March date. Hell, I highly suspect it was Kojima who forced Sony to settle that rumble deal so it could be included in the game.


Well 40gb for Japan now too and more

Sony's holiday strategy plans for Japan have been revealed, and they appear to be similar to those in Europe and Australia. The Japanese will be getting the brand-new 40GB PlayStation 3 model on November 11, the first anniversary of the PS3 in the region. Prices for the 20GB and 60GB models will be reduced on October 17.

The new model, which had been rumoured for several weeks before its official announcement, is two USB ports short of the 60GB premium model. It also lacks a memory card slot and is not backward compatible with PlayStation 2 games.

In Japan, the 40GB model will cost ¥39,980 (approx. $341), and will come in a choice of two different colours: standard black and the new ceramic white. On November 11--the same day the 40GB model goes on sale--the Dual Shock 3 controller will also become available.

The Dual Shock 3 was announced by Kaz Hirai at this year's Tokyo Game Show, and the new controller will feature both motion-sensing controls and a rumble function. The new wireless controller will cost ¥5,500 ($47) and will also be available in black and ceramic white.

The first 200,000 people who buy a PlayStation 3 in Japan after October 17 will receive a free copy of the Spider-Man 3 Blu-ray movie.

Just before the launch of the new SKU, Sony will be dropping the price of the 20GB and 60GB versions of the console, both of which are still on sale in Japan. The new prices will come into effect on October 17 and will be ¥44,980 ($383) for the 20GB version, and ¥54,980 ($469) for the 60GB model--a ¥5,000 ($43) drop for each.


Posted (edited)

I received the free blu-ray movies today, curiously they were shipped from Buena Vista, from the same state as me :blink: , and it's taken this long. So in total, (sent July 23rd, received October 9th) you figure out the time span :p .

Edited by VF-2SS-BloodPhoenix
  VF-2SS-BloodPhoenix said:
I received the free blu-ray movies today, curiously they were shipped from Buena Vista, from the same state as me :blink: , and it's taken this long. So in total, (sent July 23rd, received October 9th) you figure out the time span :p .

What a coincidence! I sent in for mine around the same time you did, and mine came today too!


I'd be interested to know what movies the two of you chose as yours seemed to take quite a while to ship.

I picked Corpse Bride, Chicken Little, Babel, Transporter 2 and Resident Evil and received mine in just over 4 weeks.


Ceramic white? I want the silver one they showed a couple years back at E3. All my home theater gear is silver and a silver PS3 is all I want. If it's a gimped 40GB, that's fine... I'll put my 160GB in it... well more accurately, think I'll skin it and put the silver skin on my original unit and move the gimped one to the bedroom...

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