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I agree and I need an online capable game. Other wise I'm just playing with myself and I think you should all watch me. :lol:

  Gaijin said:
We need a PSN friends List.

I'm mikeszekely, same as here, but I don't really have anything to play yet, even though I've had it since July.

Posted (edited)

Ok, to start:

trav54 (Gaijin)




bandit29 (dejrbud)

Gurrenlagann7776 (jwinges)

KeithL78 (Keith)


kamjin (Roy Focker)

I jump onto Warhawk every couple days for a lil while. It's a lotta fun and very simple to play. Just jump in and go!!

Edited by Gaijin
Posted (edited)

my psn name??



| im currently playing r6 trying to make elite, i also have Warhawk, and GR2 so if ya want to play hit me up



Edited by Murphy

I sent clan invites to those of you I saw with Warhawk accounts (I several buddies listed as not players - meaning they haven't bought warhawk or haven't gone online yet). So go to the Community, Clans, and Invitations to see if you got it, cause I don't think it tells you on sign in, etc.


I'll added you as a friend and will join the clan next chance I get to play....that is unless you guys want to start a macrossworld red and blue clans. That might be fun.

I don't play too much. Right now I'm kinda fixated on Heavenly sword.


Clan is old school FPS/simulator stuff. Hmm... says Kamjin is not a player (was trying to send you an invite)... you have Warhawk, right? Have you been online with it yet?

Haven't played since the weekend. Watched Dracula tonight (despite early reviews, it's great PQ for a great movie) and Silver Surfer but hopefully before this weekend, if not before.


Maybe I should change the title of this thread to 40GB edition based on the latest news. 400's still a lot though for a stripped-down version, when the same amount bought the best version of the 360 last year. I'd rather snag a emotion-engined 60GB for below 500.


60GB look like they're still available from Frys when I was there yesterday...


Yup, 60gb versions are still available pretty much everywhere. $500 is still alot to ask...

Posted (edited)

The Ratchet & Clank Future demo is up at the PS store tomorrow. How early do they usually put those things up?

Scratch that, just found out it's been delayed until the 11th...bastards!

Edited by Keith

A few updates to the PSN store

Hey, everyone. It’s time for the PLAYSTATION Store weekly update.


Go! Sports Ski (2.99 US) - Go! Sports Ski is a visually stunning, skiing simulator that harnesses the

SIXAXIS controller.


The Simpsons demo

Bladestorm: The Hundred Years’ War demo


NBA 08 key control play calling tutorial video

Eye of Judgment tutorial video

Other video:

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune BTS

Haze Dev interview

Tekkonkinkreet video

Surf’s Up BD trailer




If they really want to sell PS3's---bring the remaining 60G down to 450 or 400 for Xmas, and put the 40G at below 400---maybe match the $350 360. Of course, no Transformers on Blu-Ray removes a big incentive for me to get a PS3. May just snag an HD-DVD add-on.


PS3 is also a Blu-Ray player. Sony can't undercut their Blu-ray partners by alot or there's going to be trouble. BUT there has been rumbling from the BDA that there's going to be price drops on Blu-Ray players for this X-mas so price drops for the PS3 is possible.


Well, with losing the most-anticipated, highest-grossing movie of their most-desired demographic (Transformers, 15-40 or so) for Blu-Ray----they better come up with some incentives pretty quick if they want to keep up in the format war. You KNOW that when people are buying next-gen players and HDTV's this holiday season---they're all going to be asking "what has Transformers?"

:edit: Ack, it's still below Spider-Man 3 for domestic gross. But it's passed POTC 3.


Metal Gear will be the PS3's savior, I know I wouldn't have gotten one without it.

  Roy Focker said:
I watched the Metal Gear online demo movie. Yeah I want that game.

Me 2. MGS4 and MGO is right at the top 'o the list.

  David Hingtgen said:
Maybe I should change the title of this thread to 40GB edition based on the latest news. 400's still a lot though for a stripped-down version, when the same amount bought the best version of the 360 last year. I'd rather snag a emotion-engined 60GB for below 500.

The "stripped" PS3 still is "more value" of a machine than the Premium 360.

Larger HDD, Wi-Fi, Blu-ray, etc.


Couldn't care less about HD size/space, Wi-Fi means nothing to me, and with my most-wanted movie not on Blu-Ray----PS3 doesn't have much to offer me at this point. I WAS going to buy a HDTV, PS3, and watch Transformers. Now, I'm thinking I'm going to buy an HDTV, and a 360's HD-DVD add-on, and watch Transformers.

  Gaijin said:
The "stripped" PS3 still is "more value" of a machine than the Premium 360.

Larger HDD, Wi-Fi, Blu-ray, etc.

But the Wi-Fi blows; after having it drop every 3-5 minutes, I got so fed up with it that I ran a wired connection. The larger HDD would be great if Sony actually gave us something to do with it (ala Microsoft's Video Marketplace). And all the perceived value in the world doesn't make up for the fact the best exclusive games have been, so far, either Xbox 360 (Gears of War, BioShock, etc) or Wii games (Super Paper Mario).

That's not to say that the PS3 won't have good exclusives. There's still Metal Gear Solid 4 on the way, and I bought a PS3 banking on an eventual God of War 3. But Microsoft's got Mass Effect coming, and Nintendo has their stable of first party goodness, so Sony's still playing catch up for top-tier exclusives. We can talk about Blu-ray and what not, but when push comes to shove, it's really the exclusives that separate the 360 and the PS3 in the eyes of the gamers.


Well the worst kept secret is out

40 gb PS3 for the UK and price cut on the 60gb.

40gb has no PS2 backward compatibility, 2 USB slots and no memory card reader.



40gb has no PS2 backward compatibility?!!! :blink: ;;; I thought PS2 games were going to be software emulated when they took it out Emotion chip... I don't get it, why can't the 40GB version play PS2 games

  mikeszekely said:
But the Wi-Fi blows; after having it drop every 3-5 minutes, I got so fed up with it that I ran a wired connection.

Your mileage may vary. I've been running wireless since day 1. No dropped connections ever.


My PS3, while it has never really been "used" on the game front yet, has never once had an issue connecting to my WiFi or maintaining a connection. I was watching Dawn of the Dead on Blu Ray last night and it was chirping away on the WiFi like a bandito... what it was doing is beyond me but it was linked for 2+ hours and the little WiFi light never went off.

  dejr8bud said:
40gb has no PS2 backward compatibility, 2 USB slots and no memory card reader.


Wow, no PS1 or PS2 compatibility. I understood why Sony removed the Emotion Engine in favor of the cheaper software emulation, but the removal of software emulation is a little unsettling considering the software emulation was "completed" earlier this year. My only guess is that the software emulation released was not as accurate or all-encompassing as Sony originally advertised and shelved it because the development needed to bring it up too speed would cost too much in the long run.

If this PS3 is ever released in the US, you can count on Microsoft trumpeting the backwards compatibility of their Premium 360. How many bullets can Sony shoot into their feet?

  TheLoneWolf said:
Wow, no PS1 or PS2 compatibility. I understood why Sony removed the Emotion Engine in favor of the cheaper software emulation, but the removal of software emulation is a little unsettling considering the software emulation was "completed" earlier this year. My only guess is that the software emulation released was not as accurate or all-encompassing as Sony originally advertised and shelved it because the development needed to bring it up too speed would cost too much in the long run.

If this PS3 is ever released in the US, you can count on Microsoft trumpeting the backwards compatibility of their Premium 360. How many bullets can Sony shoot into their feet?

From reading the Gamestop article, I thought it was said that the PS3 would maintain PS1 capability, but considering that the PS2 has been their biggest success so far and with the software emulation covering so many PS2 titles to begin with, I can't see why they're doing it.

If I decide to change my mind on the PS3, I better go out and get the 60 GB version quick!


PS One games will still work according to the article. I think a few years from now the loss of PS2 games on the PS3 won't be that big of a deal. I'm glad I have my 60gb though ^_^ Hopefully it will last like my launch PS2 has.

I doubt Microsoft would do anything. They have enough problems fixing busted consoles.

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