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I am cross posting this to both the 360 and PS3 threads. Just a few questions about Dynasty Warriors Gundam.

1) When I played through as Amuro, I continued playing as him over and over again in order to get the 30 Pilot Level and the all skills achieved achirements. During the process, I maxed out the Gundam, Zeta, Mark II, and Char's Gelgoog. After doing that, I've gone through and played as Char and I almost have Kamille's missions beat (BTW this all being in Official Mode). When I started out with Char's Gelgoog while playing with Char, it looked like the Gelgoog was eqipped with all the accessories that I earned for it while playing as Amuro. Same for the Mark II and Zeta when I played with Kamille. So do items earned by other pilots carry over to the other characters?

2) No hide nor hair of Sayla Mass. Was this because of the death of her voice actress a few years ago in Japan? Didn't Bright Noa's VA (also the voice of Kaifun on Macross) die before this game was made, but yet he's in the game???

Props to Bandai here in the US for rehiring so many of the voice actors for many of the Gundam series. It was nice to have the actors from the TV series and Char's Counterattack now properly dub their characters (namely Char and Bright) for the Zeta portions of the game unlike what happened with the Zeta DVD release.


Not sure, seeing as Sayla has always been present in the Gundam Vs games. Though aren't the actual characters in DWG limited as is? Is Lala even in it?


Well. I'm playing through on Hell mode in Heavenly Sword. I've made it to whip-tail thus far. I hope beating Hell unlocks something like a new outfit at the very least. Anybody in here play Lair yet? Does it suck as bad as everyone says?

  Keith said:
Not sure, seeing as Sayla has always been present in the Gundam Vs games. Though aren't the actual characters in DWG limited as is? Is Lala even in it?

Lala is in the Solomon stage when you play as either Amuro or Char. Virtually all the major characters are present in their respective scenes so it just seemed odd that Sayla got axed especially at the end of Solomon because of her distracting Char he nearly killed her in turn nearly getting him killed which of course resulted in Lala's death.

  Apollo Leader said:
I am cross posting this to both the 360 and PS3 threads. Just a few questions about Dynasty Warriors Gundam.

1) When I played through as Amuro, I continued playing as him over and over again in order to get the 30 Pilot Level and the all skills achieved achirements. During the process, I maxed out the Gundam, Zeta, Mark II, and Char's Gelgoog. After doing that, I've gone through and played as Char and I almost have Kamille's missions beat (BTW this all being in Official Mode). When I started out with Char's Gelgoog while playing with Char, it looked like the Gelgoog was eqipped with all the accessories that I earned for it while playing as Amuro. Same for the Mark II and Zeta when I played with Kamille. So do items earned by other pilots carry over to the other characters?

2) No hide nor hair of Sayla Mass. Was this because of the death of her voice actress a few years ago in Japan? Didn't Bright Noa's VA (also the voice of Kaifun on Macross) die before this game was made, but yet he's in the game???

1.) As far as I know, a pilot and his skills (which affect your overall stats) carry over to any Mobile Suit you use, and any Mobile Suit parts or experience earned carry over to any other pilot that uses it.

2.) I doubt it's because of any deaths. If they wanted the character to be in the game, they'd have used a sound-alike. They probably didn't feel like making a Core Fighter unit, so there was no point it including her, even at Solomon.

Props to Bandai here in the US for rehiring so many of the voice actors for many of the Gundam series. It was nice to have the actors from the TV series and Char's Counterattack now properly dub their characters (namely Char and Bright) for the Zeta portions of the game unlike what happened with the Zeta DVD release.

I wouldn't know. I watched the whole of Gundam, from the original TV series to SEED Destiny, in Japanese, so I played the game in Japanese. ;)


On Heavenly Sword, it's actually really cool to watch the extra "making of" videos. I ended up watching all of'em last night in a row!

Posted (edited)

If you haven't already, head on over to the Kojima Productions site, the new MGS4 & MGSPO+ trailers & info are up.


Slight spoilers which are revealed in the trailer:

  Reveal hidden contents

BTW, the Dual Shock 3 has now been officially announced. it'll hit Japan around November, and the U.S. early next year. Developwers have already been given access to it, and it's already being incorperated into games as early as the new Ratchet & Clank (& MGS 4 as well, can't help thinking Kojima had something to do with Sony finally settling the court case).

The only thing that could possibly make me more excited, would be the MGS4 demo popping up on the playstation store in the near future. Things are definately looking up.

I think I already knew Phil Lamarr played Vamp at some point, but it didn't hit me until now. Considering his part in Pulp Fiction, it's extremely funny that he can survive even headshots in MGS :)

Edited by Keith
  dejr8bud said:
Previously released games like Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm & Warhawk will be updated via a Playstation update for rumble. What about Riiiiidge Racerrrrr 7?


ps3news.com is reporting a new mouse pad set up for first person shooters. Intereseting.

They also have newest sales forcast saying that the PS3 will outsell the 360 by 2008 and maybe the wii by 2009

They also have newest sales forcast saying that the PS3 will outsell the 360 by 2008 and maybe the wii by 2009

That sounds overly optimistic.


PS Store update. Sega Rally Revo demo for me. maybe the new loco roco game


Hi, everyone. Just wanted to give a quick update on what’s new in the PLAYSTATION Store this week. Let’s get straight to the good stuff with four new demos:

• Skate

• NBA 08

• Sega Rally Revo

• Stuntman: Ignition

We’ve also released a new downloadable game, LocoRoco Cocoreccho!, for $6.99. In addition to several new wallpapers, we’ve also posted up some great trailers and videos – everything from GT5 Prologue to Ratchet and Clank Future to Devil May Cry. /quote]


  Keith said:

Slight spoilers which are revealed in the trailer:

  Reveal hidden contents

BTW, the Dual Shock 3 has now been officially announced. it'll hit Japan around November, and the U.S. early next year. Developwers have already been given access to it, and it's already being incorperated into games as early as the new Ratchet & Clank (& MGS 4 as well, can't help thinking Kojima had something to do with Sony finally settling the court case).

Would have been more interest if the monkey's owner was Deiter (Mike Meyers) from Saturday Night Live's "Sprockets" skit; Deiter would be telling Solid Snake, "Touch my monkey, TOUCH IT!". :lol:

Also, good to see the PS3 is no longer "gimped". Of course who didn't see it coming that the Sixaxis with rumble would be named Dualshock 3?

  Keith said:
That does sound overly optimistic....but then that MGS trailer is just so cool!

Oh, don't get me wrong, MGS looks like a fantastic game and it's sure to drive some hardware sales. I just don't think after Microsoft has their Halo boost and Nintendo has their Smash Bros. boost that it's going to make a difference when worldwide sales have the Xbox 360 and Wii both ahead by more than double the PS3's sold.

And if anyone's wondering, the combined numbers from the NPD, Enterbrain, and GFK through the end of July in the US and Europe and the end of August in Japan put the worldwide sales as follows:

Wii: 9.02 million

360: 8.8 million

PS3: 3.7 million.

I don't know how much margin they leave for error, though.

I think a lot of people still want to predict a win for Sony because they've dominated the industry for so long, they just expect the trend to continue. But if that were the case, we'd be gaming on Atari consoles.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
Hopefully the Dual Shock 3 controller weighs something... my chief complaint with my PS3 is that the controller weighs nothing. It feels weird in my hands it's so light.

The reason for the featherweight controller was the lack of rumble. The Dual shock 3 should have all of its heft back.


I think I'm just used to the Xbox 360 controller... not only is it beefy due to its size and rumble feature but the MS rechargeable battery packs that I use add a lot to it's weight as well. That 360 controller is a barbell compared to the PS3 controller.

I vastly prefer the layout and "feel" of the PS3 controller though. All those hours logged on my ancient PS1 and my PS2 have conditioned my hands to that layout. Once it gets some beefy weight to it, it will be perfect.

... now I just need a game to play on the system that isn't a downloaded demo. :ph34r:


I am seriously considering splurging for a PS3 at Christmas time... a kid on my floor has Resistance and just finished Heavenly Sword and they are both incredible looking and playing... and besides, MGS4 is simply going to be amazing.


Nobody's commenting on Tokyo Game Show stuff??? Anyways:

The Last Remnant. Looks must-buy to me. It's Kingdom Hearts without the Disney stuff.

White Knight--definite maybe. Xenogears-esque in that it's a mix of normal party fighting, and giant mecha fighting.

Interesting---this year I'm buying all 360 stuff, next year looks to be all PS3 stuff (including buying a PS3).


So will the dual shock 3 still be sixaxis? It would be a shame to loose that capability for future games just to add rumble.

Also do you think they make a guitar hero guitar that you insert the sixaxis like the wii mote on the wii version of the guitar? I hope that makes sense :blink:


I don't mind that the sixaxis controller is light. I don't even miss the rumble. In fact, I didn't realize how trivial rumble was until getting my ps3. I see a LOT of geat games coming out for ps3 next year - my video game magazines have been full of them. For some reason I got an issue of GAMEPRO in the mail. WTF? I didn't know they published this mag anymore. I looked through it and my gawd, it is seriously dumb. It's like it's being run by a bunch of junior high kids - aw screw it, I'm not even going to get into the details. Just dumb. Did gamecrazy switch from egm to lamepro or something?

Back to what I was saying. I'm really looking forward to Fallout 3. It looks sooooooooooOO cool. It'll probably be out before Metal Gear, and Resident Evil by the way.


I hate rumble with a passion. And I hate heavy controllers. (I don't like feather-weight either, but rumble often seems to double the weight) I removed the rumble packs from my 360 controller entirely. I seriously considered removing them from my PS2 controller but thought it might affect it and didn't want to re-solder the wires. (On the 360 they just use plug-in connectors--easily put back in if needed)


I was hoping we'd see the batarang... instead, the Dual Shock 3 looks like a SIXAXIS with rumble. :(

The games look cool, but that was to be expected...

  David Hingtgen said:
Nobody's commenting on Tokyo Game Show stuff??? Anyways

You mean aside from the Dual shock 3 & MGS 4? :)


MGS 4 isn't really "new"---we already have had a ton of stuff over the last few months. But I'd never even heard of Last Remnant until today, and White Knight was but a single trailer before.

  dejr8bud said:
I'm glad the rumble is coming. I'll probably wait for a Logitech controller though. I really like rumbling for racing and shooters.

Logitech already has a controller out for the PS3 with rumble, but it lacks motion control. It looks almost identical to the Cordless Precision controller for the PS2. I own it myself. Whereas the CP controller for PS2 was clearly superior to the Dual Shock 2 in every conceivable way, the jury's still out for me on their PS3 controller, because it has a few flaws.

+Solid controller

+Better play on the face buttons

-Isn't actually BlueTooth; works with a USB dongle

-Can't turn the console on with it

-No Sixaxis motion function makes it useless for some games


To be honest, the one thing I keep thinking back to rumble for as actually caring about (or that I actually notice) is the AP sensor in MGS... I always use it and always find it critical.

  promethuem5 said:
To be honest, the one thing I keep thinking back to rumble for as actually caring about (or that I actually notice) is the AP sensor in MGS... I always use it and always find it critical.

It's not critical, but I get more enjoyment out of racing games and FPS with rumble.


Heads up.

In this sunday's Kolhs ad there is a ad for 30% off all video games. Even though my local one's don't carry PS3 titles, the circuit city I go to honored the ad and gave me 30% off of heavenly sword and Dynasty warriors gundam. I didn't even have to fight for it...also the kid checking me out says "Nice find...I guess I'll have to get some game with this too."


Anyone looking to join a small Warhawk clan? If so, send a Friend request to Uxi

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