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Star Wars: Force Unleased

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Another Jedi game.

The reaction against Star Wars Galaxies proved to LucasArts that the vast majority of the fans don't want anything else. The whining and crying that it was too hard to become a Jedi in Galaxies was just pathetic, especially since the game wasn't supposed to have them in the first place.

While this game looks like a great deal of fun, don't expect any non-Jedi game to come in the future.

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Another Jedi game.

More increasingly overpowered Force abilities.


Overpowered based on what, the movies?

I remember a little guy named Yoda saying something about size mattering not. What is to stop someone using the Force finding new ways to use it?

While I agree yeah, blegh, another Jedi game, big deal. There have been just as many games that weren't based on Jedi as there are ones that are.

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Ok, that definitely qualifies. (Haven't seen trailer yet, been doing other things on Live)

::edit:: watched trailer. That IS too much. He should be able to take down Vader and Sidious simultaneously with that kind of power. If anyone could stop an ISD, it'd be Revan. And Revan can't. (Though semi-canonically, Revan stopped the Ebon Hawk from lifting off)

I must admit I am very fond of the reverse-hold saber. Been wanting to see that for a long time. (Asajj Ventress only ever did it for parrying with two sabers really, not as a primary single-saber style)

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Ok, that definitely qualifies. (Haven't seen trailer yet, been doing other things on Live)

::edit:: watched trailer. That IS too much. He should be able to take down Vader and Sidious simultaneously with that kind of power. If anyone could stop an ISD, it'd be Revan. And Revan can't. (Though semi-canonically, Revan stopped the Ebon Hawk from lifting off)

I must admit I am very fond of the reverse-hold saber. Been wanting to see that for a long time. (Asajj Ventress only ever did it for parrying with two sabers really, not as a primary single-saber style)

Really, when did Revan stop the Ebon Hawk from lifting off... for the life of me, I can't remember it, and KOTOR is one of my favorites.

Yeah, this guy was way too powerful, i mean, apprentice, how about Vader calling him MASTER. The funny thing though, why was this guy killing storm troopers... should he be on the same side as them?

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Well it's in the title, Vader could do it he just never unleashed the force power within him to do it.

And it seems like his apprentice is going against the empire, so I'm guessing this is part of Vader's failed plan to take control of the Empire.

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Screw Lucasarts game division for being lazy about a lightsaber Wii game.

Took it right out my head.

They are probably focusing on one game at a time I bet, the Wii version would be next or they probably already started on it.

(Notice how in the yahoo page it's not available on the Wii.)

Edited by Ishimaru
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Its not for PC, who cares.

DING!!! Exactly my thoughts.

And I have to agree. Stopping a ISD? Nope. No friggin way. I dont care what anyone says. If I didnt see Yoda, Vader, Palpy, or anyone else do something similar or near it, it can't happen.

Unless of course they are saying that Qui Gon found the wrong "chosen one". :wacko:

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Most of the powers shown in the trailers are pretty standard Jedi fare from the movies. They've just been increased in strength to "superman-esque" proportions. From the development diary videos, they basically got a lot of approval from Lucas himself so I'm not really all that concerned about "hey, they can't do that!" The prequels themselves significantly increased the powers of the Jedi over the original trilogy. ANd if you listen to any of the DVD commentaries/features, Lucas originally had grander, more fantastic plans for many of the Jedi sequences but had to pull them back for budgetary/practical reasons. I'm not really concerned with the over-the-top powers shown in the trailers. The thing is called The Force Unleashed...obviously, you know what to expect :)

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Ok, the ISD in the beginning, we don't even know what that is. Nothing in the gameplay footage shows him being THAT strong. Otherwise there'd be no reason to play, we could do anything. But again, not for PC (funny, mine is more powerful than any gaming console), so who cares?

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But again, not for PC (funny, mine is more powerful than any gaming console), so who cares?

Ordinarily I'd be disappointed as well. But I will own an X-Box 360 to finish off the Halo series anyway. And given current prices, I've decided to wait until next year to purchase it anyway. So 2008 will be a good year :)

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Gotta agree that it doesn't interest me much if it's not for PC. I'm not dishing out several hundred dollars for one of the latest gaming systems. :p

The force powers seem way over the top. That "apprentice" makes Yoda, Palpatine, and Vader look like noobs when it comes to force powers. Hell, if anyone, I could have seen Anakin doing stuff like that in the prequel trilogy and losing the ability to use that much of the force when he got "disarmed" (haha, funny! :lol: ... :) ... :mellow: ). And it did make me feel more like I was watching something like a modification of the Matrix with Star Wars skins. Seems morel like they're going for a Clone Wars approach to the way Force Powers are handled.

In which case, I would like to see a force crush power, like what Mace Windu pulled on General Grievous in the last episode of Clone Wars. :) I want to squeeze the chests of people until they pop! :D

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Really, when did Revan stop the Ebon Hawk from lifting off... for the life of me, I can't remember it, and KOTOR is one of my favorites.

One of the writers of KOTOR wrote a "female lightside" epilogue for Revan and posted it online. In it, she stopped the Ebon Hawk from leaving. That's why I said semi-canon. It's not in the game, but "the guy who made the characters" wrote it as a follow-up.

:edit: Found it, here you go--- http://www.kotorfanmedia.com/?p=937

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My point is, that they are practically suggesting that if Jedi/Sith can be this powerful, then whats stopping a ravingly psycho mad Sith from just using the force to blink out life from existance?

Well, obviously he didn't, so I'd say its pretty clear its not what you think it is.

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Overpowered based on what, the movies?

I remember a little guy named Yoda saying something about size mattering not. What is to stop someone using the Force finding new ways to use it?

While I agree yeah, blegh, another Jedi game, big deal. There have been just as many games that weren't based on Jedi as there are ones that are.

The Force was strong in the movies.

But you didn't have Jedi smashing starships (Clone Wars cartoon) and such in the movies.

As for Yoda, the only bit of exception I give him was that he was a 800+ YEARS OLD Jedi Master, Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Nobody else save Sidious could possibly face against his power and ability. Not every Jedi / Sith who think's they're the s**t has such levels of power. As for believing other Jedi / Sith are all badasses? No, they weren't. What we see of the main and major Jedi / Sith characters were the cream of the crop, the best of their respective sides. Anakin, Mace, Obi-Wan, Sidious, Yoda, etc. And even then, Jedi still were massacred, i.e. Order 66, by good old fashioned betrayal, deception, and a healthy dose of blaster fire to the back... or chest. You had Jedi Council Members looking dumbounded when they were betrayed by their Clones. For all that supposed power, for all that supposed "wisdom," for all that supposed "connection with the Force" in all living things, it didn't stop the Jedi from being massacred by mere mortal Clones and Droids. Even Master Yoda couldn't see through Sidious' old fashioned deception, manipulation, treachery until it was too late, despite 800 years of living, despite centuries of being a Jedi Knight and Master, despite being Grand Master of the Order for God knows how long.

As for others bringing up Star Wars Galaxies? Please. I played it. I was there when Jedi WERE powerful but very rare and very much hunted, and very capable of dying for good (i.e. Permadeath after 3 deaths). When people whined for "More Force Pow3rz!1!!" and the game went downhill FAST. The ones who were Jedi at the time didn't like what happened to their once prestigeous class.

(Disclaimer: I left SWG after the "NGE Disaster" for those in the know)

My gripe still stands about Star Wars games leaning towards Jedi. It happened to Star Wars Battlefront. SWBF1 was all about the regular fighting forces. It had problems, but I still had great fun. SWBF2? The inclusion of Jedi began and a really interesting set of feature removal from the original game. Star Wars Galaxies? Long ago, before Jedi-fication, we had 250k-300k subscribers, with lots of people all over the place, and Jedi were practically unseen. Today? Jedi all over the place compared to other "professions" at the time. And you'll be lucky to find more than a handful of players onscreen at the "hubs" of the game.

As for someone bringing up the notion that Jedi gaming is all we're going to see for a long time? That's true. And that's unfortunate, since the Star Wars universe is very, very rich in other things. There is more to Star Wars than Lightsabers and the Force.

Give me back a good, modern version of the X-Wing series of games anyday.... give me back TIE Fighter... and don't bring that Rogue Squadron / Leader trash, either.

The only good thing about Force Unleashed? That it's not set in the Prequels era. Finally a bit of minor imagination from Lucasarts.

Edited by Warmaker
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i agree on bringing back the Xwing series of games. They were SO much fun :)

Republic Commando was the last good Star Wars game (That came out after KOTOR2 right?). before that, shootwer wise, I liked the Jedi Academy series. Dark Forces, DF2, jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy....all awesome.

KOTOR and KOTOR 2 also kicked ass.

So i say bring this one on! Looks good, looks fun! Ill play it!

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This game looks great, just in stretching the high definition envelope if nothing else. Course, I've always liked Jedi/Sith and think they're fundamental to the game?

Star Destroyer? "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force." Some of the novels had Luke's Jedi Academy pushing out multiple Star Destroyers beyond their system IIRC... I never took it that The Emperor and Vader didn't have such power, but that they were more discrete with it's use, at least for the more grandiose stuff. Or those that saw such things "forgot" it (or died soon after witnessing it), or they somewhat in the know anyway (the Emperor's stooges/advisors, Royal Guard, Hands, etc).

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Well, you play Vadar's apprentice and use the Dark Side extensively...

yet the trailer has you fighting storm troopers and apparantly assaulting a star destroyer, so maybe there's more to the story then you can sum up in a sentence.

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