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If you had to make a list of the best and worst of the 1/48 line what would it be? I haven't been paying much attention to macross for a few years now. I now come back and find many colors of the 1/48 and the QC is still a hot topic on the mw forums. So I have to ask, what is the best and worst and why? (I have to admit, my question is making me feel like I'm beating a dead horse, sorry if I am)


QC isn't really much of an issue with the 1/48 line anymore, so it all comes down to individual taste.

Personaly, I like the V-1S Focker and the CF the best, and I don't actually dislike any of the paintscheme, but Hikaru's VF-1A would be on the bottom of my to get list.

Posted (edited)

The best color scheme for the 1/48 line of yamato for me would be the vf-1j hikaru. This color scheme is iconic as far as macross is concerned. The worst in my opinion would be the angelbirds. I know it's canon and all and is colored that way since it's part of a flight demonstration team , it's just that the way it's painted makes it look kinda circus like. I was thinking if yamato was gonna release a repainted valk, they should have been the tv vf-1a max and kakizaki ones. But of course, my being a completionist, I still got the angelbird to complete the 1/48 line. Just my two cents.

Edited by rowlund

Yeah...the QC is kinda homogenous now.....there is no difference there. It's now your colour preference.

Posted (edited)

top to bottom... hmm better looking to the not so boodiful... note non-canon and canon makes an impact on my list.

CF 1A and Hik, Max, Millia 1Js are at the top

Then Roy, Hiks 1S, Angel Bird, Kakizaki's 1A, Max 1A, Hik's 1A... Stealth, Low Vis 2, and Low Vis 1.

Stealth, Low Vis 2 and Low Vis 1 are non-canon. So in my books they should not be put before the others.

Low Vis 1 was dead last, even though debatably it looks the best and most unique, it's was limited run,

and no one can just go in and buy it anymore. Plus it's non-canon.

QC issues? Don't exist with any of my 1/48's (5 in total) and mostly were ironed out after the first couple of lines.

So there. pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffttttttttttttttttttttttttt...

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

All the VF's are pretty much the same now.

Honestly, I like every paint scheme.


Except for the Angel Birds one.... I'm getting a 1d kit soon and will convert the Angelbirds into a custom 1D instead of having that eye-sore on my shelf.


BEST: The Hikaru VS-1S, it's the only DYRL that has the better gummy DYRL pilot. I'm not sure if Kakizaki has one but c'mon... Kakizaki 1A vs. Hikaru 1S? It's Hikaru hands down. I havent bought the newer ones but I think most of those come with the TV or the Low Viz pilot.

WORST: Pre-Max DYRL 1A's... with the nosecones that fell off.


QC are minor now of days for the 1/48 VF-1. Common QCs still exist are crooked skull on tail fin. A new QC pop up in the recent reissues but is not common is that the tabs at the back are missing resulting in having to use the extra white piece when attaching FPs on. These were on the VF-1A and VF-1S Hikaru.

Best 1/48 will always be any with the 1S head for me.

Posted (edited)

Agree that the worst were the pre-1st edition Max DYRL VF-1A valks. The best DYRL valks are the 1st edition Max -1A and the 2nd edition Roy -1S, which both have the design fixes and straight tailfin skulls.

People seem to say that the Stealth VF-1J consistently has the least QC issues, and it also seems to have pretty tight fitting parts.

Edited by ghostryder
  ghostryder said:
Agree that the worst were the pre-1st edition Max DYRL VF-1A valks. The best DYRL valks are the 1st edition Max -1A and the 2nd edition Roy -1S, which both have the design fixes and straight tailfin skulls.

People seem to say that the Stealth VF-1J consistently has the least QC issues, and it also seems to have pretty tight fitting parts.

The LV v1 was unbelievable too.


While the original hikaru 1a had its problems, I noticed that the seams are the cleanest and fit of the parts the best out of the various 1/48s I own. later renditions have problems like seam lines on the knee-caps.


I really don't like the woodland colors...other than that, I love all my 1/48's...ya, the ones with the falling appendage kinda sucked because they had a few more problems...but all were fixed down the line.


its a matter of taste but from worst to best...

angel birds is probably my least favorite. i know a lot of people love this scheme and i guess its okay but the battroid mode is ugly.

next would be any of the DYRL valks. the 1S roy is a classic but the rest is kind of meh in the flare dept.

from there, all of them are equal but the LV1 and LV2 are probably my favorites since they resemble real fighter paint schemes.


Worst is Hayao's DYRL scheme... they screwed up his head laser. I love the unique paint schemes like the Angelbirds, VF-1A LV (1 or 2), Stealth (kinda drab) and the TV VF-1J team. The DYRL schemes are all meh with the exception of Roy's since it has so much sentimental appeal. From a QC stand point, my CF-1A and Angelbirds 1A had the worst, my Stealth had the best but I agree with everyone else that it's just a crapshoot and they're all pretty similar.

  marx said:
If you had to make a list of the best and worst of the 1/48 line what would it be? I haven't been paying much attention to macross for a few years now. I now come back and find many colors of the 1/48 and the QC is still a hot topic on the mw forums. So I have to ask, what is the best and worst and why? (I have to admit, my question is making me feel like I'm beating a dead horse, sorry if I am)

i think you should just go ahead and buy just 1 of them. whichever one you think is the best looking.

you wont be disappointed. judge for yourself its worth getting the rest. I'd stay away from the 1/60 Mac Zero

line for right now until things get better.


Things to look out for and be extremely careful with on any 1/48 VF1 for the sake of longevity (both the collector and the toy) are:-

1) the BP8 Battroid backpack hinge - sometimes they come moulded with inconsistent plastic thickness for the rings. Sometimes you'll even catch that the hinge already has stressmarks on the rings fresh out of the box.

2) the intake/hip blocks socket - watch out for hairline cracks. Again, due to inconsistent plastic thickness for that part and further made worse after rubber seepage occurs. The rubber seepage will be followed by paint chips from the hip metal ball joint that will bloat and expand the plastic parts inside the intake/hip blocks socket resulting in ever increasing stiff movements when you pose it, and ultimately you get hairline cracks.


Wow, thanks for all the replies. I have a 1S Hikaru. My problem with it is the air brake. It flops and it has even fallen off many times. Is this common for all?


It's not common, but it has happened before. Use a hair dryer to soften the plastic, compress the hinge part while the plastic is soft, then you might get it to secure and not flop so much.


The other thing to keep an eye out for (especially on some of the earlier releases....if they're still around) is the crooked tampo'ed skulls on the tailfins.


My favorite is still the first Low Visibility VF-1A. I just like the realistic color scheme with the exception of the gunpod being white.

Next would be the VF-1J, then the 1S, and last is the other 1As.

Color schemes that I don't particulary like are the Angel Birds, Low Vis. ver. 2, and Stealth 1J. I'd rank the Max and Millia Super 1Js just above these.


all good advice about the 1/48 line

also stay away from the 1st run of the 1/48 - most boxes will have velcro flaps -

the point is that the nose cone tends to fall off and the wing flaps too


My fav is the Low Visibility version 1, with Macross Zero pilot.

Second is DYRL Max VF-1A.

The rest are "whatever" for me. :p Except the stealth, which I think looks cool now, but haven't bought.


M&Ms VF-1J and the LV1 Vf-1A are trading places on the 1st and 2nd on my list. VF-1S Roy got on my 3rd. VF-1A Max, Stealths, and Angel birds were next. I liked them all though. None were really my least favored. Then again, I am a VF-1 series nut.

  Godzilla said:
I liked them all though. None were really my least favored. Then again, I am a VF-1 series nut.

I busted out my Hikaru 1S from it's 6-month display pose and remembered just how sturdy and fun to transform 1/48s are, compared to more recent releases (VF-0...ugh). They are still the king of transforming TOYS, IMO.

  ghostryder said:
....remembered just how sturdy and fun to transform 1/48s are, compared to more recent releases (VF-0...ugh). They are still the king of transforming TOYS, IMO.

quoted for the truth!

  ghostryder said:
I busted out my Hikaru 1S from it's 6-month display pose and remembered just how sturdy and fun to transform 1/48s are, compared to more recent releases (VF-0...ugh). They are still the king of transforming TOYS, IMO.

2nd'ed. AND, at least you know with the 1/48, 6 months later, the arm won't suddenly fall off.

  eugimon said:
AND, at least you know with the 1/48, 6 months later, the arm won't suddenly fall off.

Ha Ha Ha


Least favourite paint scheme for me is the Angel birds and LV2 ...


TV Max "J" is the absolute best.

VF-0A is the absolute WORST.

  eugimon said:
psh, the 0s is by far the worst release.

Agreed. There is a huge improvement all round with the release of the VF-0A CF, but the best one is the VF-0A Shin Kudo, due to the fixed arms.

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