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Just saw 7 myself, I liked it. My feelings towards the episode pretty much sum up my feelings towards the series. It has it's problems, but aside from some pacing issues it's better written than anything since Beast Wars.

Still, those pacing issues and other problems keep me from being all that in to the show. I'll catch an episode now and then, but it's not something I'm eagerly awaiting each new episode. Take this episode, the Ratchet back story with Arcee and all that was a great idea, but the way it was delivered crippled the impact. Yeah, Arcee lost her memory, but...I just didn't get the sense of loss that they were trying to convey. It wound up falling flat. You also never really got a sense that having pieces ripped off like that is supposed to hurt as much as the dialogue and actions are trying to get across. I realize it's a kids show, but I've seen other kids shows aimed at much the same demographic still manage to get across things like that much better. Like the 90's Batman animated series, or even G1 Transformers (though I will not go so far as to say G1 was a better show, as it certainly has not aged gracefully).

This new show does have one thing in common with the original show that I notice every episode I've seen. It seems like there's an idea of a much bigger, better story just below the surface, that hasn't quite made it into the final production. I really got that sense rewatching the first few episodes of G1, though this show seems to already have that feeling more consistently. I dunno if that makes it better, or more frustrating.


I was pretty blown away by that episode, I thought all the charcters were good in it especially Ratchet (who I already liked and wanted to know more about). Great fight animations, particulary between Prowl and Lockdown. Good voicing all around and some very good writing.

I'm always amazed/distraught when I enjoy something so much and then come on the internet and see other people say it nothing for them. I wonder if I'm just easily pleased*...

*Has enjoyed all of animated so far and plans on buying all the toys*

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
I am the opposite in some ways. I feel like strangling Bumblebee every time I hear him, dislike Prowl's dickish attitude(not only in Animated, but also in the IDW comics, he is compassionate towards the Dinobots which is good, but his personality is the most cliche, of the dickish hard ass lone wolf who eventually warms up to the team and realizes there is no "I" in team yadda yadda, won't be surprised if he hugs everyone at the season finale). I like Bulkhead mainly because of his design, but I don't like how he says "my bad" and comes off way too much as a lummox jock of the team. He is good when he fights though, just destroying everything in his path, or trying too. I don't like his characterization of "hey guys I am f$%^&*( huge and powerful but slow at learning things, please teach me while these humans teach me slang earth vocabulary). Honestly I was expecting him to be more serious. Bumblebee whines too much and doesn't take anything seriously. I'm not expecting him to be like the movie version or g1 version, but he is just annoying! More so than Rattrap was. Yes before any apologist tells me, I do realize he is young bla bla, he will grow, doesn't matter because kids love him and he will sell the show to some of them u huh, whatever. Oh and yes I do know the japanese audience loves the young hero types hence the love for Rodimus, and how Hot Shot was a standard in the armadaverse bla bla bla.

Ratchet has a past behind him, things he regrets, and knows better than most of the team. He just wants to be left alone. He has a more interesting character than the younger bots. He definitely comes through at the end without screwing up as much as the younger bots either. He has something to make up for, which is a good catalyst for him. Prime definitely assumes the role of leader despite his past as well, which I like. I also like how Prime instantly tries something on the spot, and doesn't give up. There isn't much to not like about him.

As for Lockdown I think he is interesting. Most mercs in shows are portrayed as just guys out for blood for money. This guy just wants stuff for his arsenal. He put up a good fight too, and he remembers who he fights, despite fighting a ton of robots. He is persistent, which is a good character trait for him, as it keeps him a threat.

Honestly, I think it's good that people like you can watch it and like it, but for completely opposite reasons. I mean, it's a fact of life that not everyone likes the same stuff, but even with different tastes we can find something to like in TFA. That says a lot about the quality of the show's writing and the amount of character that's already been demonstrated in each of the characters (something that Bay's film, for all it's explosions and detailed CGI models, completely failed to do).

  mikeszekely said:
Honestly, I think it's good that people like you can watch it and like it, but for completely opposite reasons. I mean, it's a fact of life that not everyone likes the same stuff, but even with different tastes we can find something to like in TFA. That says a lot about the quality of the show's writing and the amount of character that's already been demonstrated in each of the characters (something that Bay's film, for all it's explosions and detailed CGI models, completely failed to do).

QFT! But, I don't think Bay is too concerned about giving his characters character. He only seems to esteem sh!t talking, explosions, and action sequences. Only Prime had any sense of character in the movie, and, honestly, I didn't even really care for his dialog, as much as I liked hearing Peter Cullen again. It's a shame that a movie called Transformers focused so little on its title characters. I wish it had been more like TF:A, as the writers are at least trying to invoke some of the characterizations and details from the original show, which is more a nod to us old guys from the 80's. They didn't have to do this; I think Hasbro knows its true audience, but changed the wrapping enough to appeal to today's kids as well. So far, while it does have its quirks, the show is pretty good. Are the characters cliched? Sure, but try finding a show without them. IMHO, most animated shows revolve around established cliches. Personally, I think it's the best TF show since Beast Wars/Machines. I found every Japanese incarnation of the franchise utterly unwatchable, just teeth grindingly terrible. Still, there's a part of me that still wishes they'd gone with the JL/Superman/ Batman:TAS look and writing style. JL had some rather mature writing at times, and decent plots. It's one of my all-time favorite American animated shows. My final thought is, thus far it seems as if some of the Decepticons are being written as smart, capable enemies, so I'm hoping the show doesn't become a typical "see how the bad guys make really stupid decisions/actions/comments and proceed to get their asses handed to them shamefully the minute the good guys show up" show, much like most American animated shows. <_<


I agree wholeheartedly that Ratchet is def. the most interesting character right now... but I like that Prowl's a dick, bc/ it plays up the classic image of him as a by-the-book prat to a new degree. BB's about what I would expect, and I do like him better than G1 BB, who was just an idiot sometimes, and I don't even consider the movie BB as a 'character' bc/ the term implies development and personality...


So far animated has been great. Episode 7 was awesome! SO far Ratchet,Bulkhead and Prowl have gotten some charicterization episodes now we need Prime and Bee to get some treatment.


I want to see some more DECEPTICONS. Seriously---the bad guys are always far more interesting characterwise, despite their often limited screentime. G1--Megs and SS, even Rumble and Shockwave. BW----yeeeeeessss.

I fear the show will quickly become "Autobots animated, and those bad guys who occasionally show up".

Why was JLU/BTAS etc so good? Good villains who are fleshed out, and not merely punching bags for the well-developed heroes.

Why was the premiere of TF Animated so good? Starscream.


I haven't seen a lot of this series yet, but what I have seen I've liked better than any of the previous TF shows. I like the Bulkhead toy so much that I actually bought a loose one off Ebay yesterday. I'm assuming it's a test shot or a sample, but it's painted and actually only ended up costing twice the amount of what he'll be retail. I've never bought a test-shot or pre-production toy before, so I figured what the hell.

Posted (edited)

Saw the dinobot episode. Grim...-lock grim...-lock grim...-lock :D

Grimlock wasn't really dumb in g1 though. He just sounded dumb because of the damaged speech which made him sound primitive like a caveman. Hopefully they let him be more "strategic" in this toon where they show him leading the team of dinobots rather than as a bunch of individual attackers doing their own thing separately. Bulkhead already fills the the dumb tough guy role. (ie like what ironhide was for the car robots in g1 but in this case with grimlock style clumsiness and seeming-unintelligence)

I fear the show will quickly become "Autobots animated, and those bad guys who occasionally show up".

Decepticons are rare though. Remember they lost the great war and it is mentioned at the start "I thought they were all destroyed?" and ratchet says "they were defeated not destroyed" so it makes each villain seem more mysterious to the younger generation of inexperienced autobots. Note how prime has to learn about them through history docos?

This may give more time for us to get to know each autobot better rather than have groups of robots killing each other at once like g1. I actually like that they are taking it slower. If you look at megatron's size he is way more powerful than any one individual autobot so it wouldn't be fair if the autobots fought 1 to 1 as they are not seasoned 'warriors' yet. (still learning to fight as a team) It seems that Prime will gradually learn to be a hero rather just be a hero right from the start that everyone relies on for help to win fights for them. It makes him seem more vulnerable too rather than a legend. And when the other older autobots think so lowly of him it brings an interesting twist: put a bit of rodimus inside him so that he disobeys orders from the top and thinks for himself and takes a risk. (which is what leaders sometimes might have to do by taking their own initiative rather than just relying on someone else to tell you what to do who isn't always in a position to respond intelligently to the unique situation and immediate danger in front of you)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

I do want to see more decepticons but i like this way better. It is like the Sith in Star Wars, they were few are far between but when they came they took people out constantly.

  kanedaestes said:
I do want to see more decepticons but i like this way better. It is like the Sith in Star Wars, they were few are far between but when they came they took people out constantly.

[starwars rant]

in the original trillogy, darth was a sith through all three movies, the empereor showed up in movie2 and remained till the end of movie3, luke wasn't a jedi till movie three, and obiwan died in movie1 and gosts don't cont as jedi. Yoda, while powerful, was content to sit in the mud and tell luke not to go help his friends while they were in need. Not very jedi like, while he retained jedi powers, i don't think it's fair to call him a true jedi at that point in the lore... so, where i'm going with all this is that the Sith, especially in the OT, were far more represented than the Jedi, and a HELL more influential. especially if you take the view i did that luke was on his way to becoming a sit, had vader not stepped up to the plate. So in the end, the full fledged Jedi, wussed out and turned into ghosts (obiwan utterly willingly so) while the fate of the universe ultimately rested in the benevolent "hand" of a sith. deal with it. *

* Note: EP1-3 ommited on grounds of personal self respect

[/starwars rant]

Posted (edited)

The sith were hiding though so it makes them rare in the PT.

Same with the cons in TFA. They are like the rogue zentradi and supervision army :D

Female autobots were rare in G1. They were thought to be extinct. So maybe it's the decepticons turn to be thought extinct?

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

Well the whole point was that the sith were already in control and someone had to rise up to oppose them and brinbg them down to bring balance to the force. Although real balance in anything requires some equality on both sides of the fence so having no sith isn't what i call a balance. In the NT the sith were hiding but when they made their presence known it was devastating. Like how Starscream stole the show in the pilot/ movie. Since we have all these autobots the decepticons will be more effective in the context of the show when they arrive. And even better since i mentioned a word with their name would be to actually see Devastator come up and cause all hell.


This weeks episode is another supervillian ep but after that we will see

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which should be awesome.

  mikeszekely said:
Checked Cartoon Network's schedule. Seems today's ep (which I haven't seen yet) is the last new episode for awhile.

Actually, the episode next week is a repeat, then it's a new episode (at least as far as normal airing goes) b/c Total Meltdown was skipped and only available on demand or via people pirating it to Youtube. So it's not really all that long of a wait for a new episode. From other boards, it's supposed to be more new episodes for all of February after that one repeat.

  protostar8 said:
Actually, the episode next week is a repeat, then it's a new episode (at least as far as normal airing goes) b/c Total Meltdown was skipped and only available on demand or via people pirating it to Youtube. So it's not really all that long of a wait for a new episode. From other boards, it's supposed to be more new episodes for all of February after that one repeat.

Well, call me a pirate, but I saw (as I'm sure many of us did) Total Meltdown.

I hope you're right about the schedule. Are they planning on finishing the season in the normal time frame (ie, new season starts in the fall)? If they are, we should have mostly new episodes until spring. But if they're on an unusual schedule (ala South Park) we're actually halfway through the first season. From what I've heard, 109 is a Halloween episode... I'd hate for them to actually air it around Halloween (unless it was a repeat by then).

Man, I know Hasbro plans their lines way in advance and it's probably too late for them to change their minds on it, but I wish they'd realize that no one wants more movie repaints and start getting Animated toys into stores. Hasbro complains that lines like Alternators and Titanium didn't have cartoons to support it, but I don't think having a cartoon and no toys is any better.

  mikeszekely said:
Man, I know Hasbro plans their lines way in advance and it's probably too late for them to change their minds on it, but I wish they'd realize that no one wants more movie repaints and start getting Animated toys into stores.

Me too mate ....



Finally caught up with the series I don't think any Canadian networks are showing it so I had to DL... oh well.

I actually like Megs as the mystery man pulling the strings, but scientist guy is pretty naive to not put the dots to together and figure out that talking head-dude is a bad guy. And it'll be more fun when he finally gets a new body, and comes back to lead the Decepticons. I do like how Starscream was powerful enough to take on the whole team as well...

So since Optimus already died and came back to life in the pilot... does that mean we're going to not get a dramatic death and return out of him later? Not that he can't die more then once he died and came back twice in G1 (three times if you go by Japanese continuity).

Honestly I hope Optimus gets some kind of point system for all his visits to "The Matrix/Well of Allsparks/All are one/Heaven thing"

anyway I had misgivings about this series even after the pilot, but I do like it.


The new episode was a little formulaic with yet another superhuman, but it was done well. The little touches with the plot were what made it good: ie Megatron's aim to create a new body, and the supersuit's long term effects on the human. I'm sure the kids will love the explanation of where Bumblebee's thrusters came from too.

Posted (edited)

Two other things I liked: the liquid metal was called Destronium, paying homage to the Japanese name for Decepticons, i.e. Destrons; and Sari sulking; it's not explicitly stated that he separated them, but seeing her watch BB unhappily from Prime's cab, after Prime made him remove his jets, was golden.

Edited by M'Kyuun
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Allright, I'm all caught up on the episodes including Sound and Fury.

Nice easter eggs with Daniel at the Birthday Party and Kremzeek on the video monitor.

Nice to see Soundwave again, although I think he's getting a bum deal becoming a Scion LOL. They've got the voice similar, but there's something not quite right.

I think maybe it's that his pitch doesn't ever seem to drop. Guess it was more than just voice modulation. IMO, nothing can beat the classic Frank Welker performances as Soundwave.

I've seen Prime, Prowl and Bumble all have their battle masks active so far. I don't recall Ratchet or Bulkhead with them, did I miss it maybe?

I thought the last episode with the Blackarachnia origin was pretty awesome. And the Lockdown episode where Ratchet had the flashback with Arcee was pretty good also. It was cool hearing Arcee's original voice.

Wasn't a huge fan of the mech designs at first, but they've grown on me.

I'm enjoying the show, only thing I dislike is the human character designs.

Edited by chowyunskinny
  chowyunskinny said:
only thing I dislike is the human character designs.

Same here, except for the cop who is an obvious NYPD Blue Cipowitz parody. He cracks me the hell up every time I see and hear him.

Posted (edited)
I do like how Starscream was powerful enough to take on the whole team as well...

Me too but I don't like how they introduced the dinobots too early. Like they weren't really needed, just that they thought it would be cool to have them in the cartoon with nothing to do, you know what I mean? I think if they had introduced the dinobots as an answer to the decepticon's superior firepower or experience in fighting (from the previous war?) then I would like them more.

I want the dinobots to be made out as uncontrollable monster robots who don't take orders from weaker robots and are very stubborn and hard to control. Not as the "cute pet"/light humor robot as we saw in the animated movie. But as a primitive caveman warrior who is used to proving their worth through brute force and ability to take heavy abuse. (so they are not likely to worry about wrecking the place or endangering the humans the way the car robots would since they are so single minded about fighting - I mean think about it: they can create earthquakes with thier feet, and this wouldn't be acceptable to humans who might get injured by that. But it might be a necessary evil if it saves more lives by defeating the decepticons)

Because of this lack of discipline (and because they see themselves as seperate from the carbots and want autonomy from them) the dinobots would be called in only as a last resort and then that's it. You leave them alone as wild animals on an island with other beasts. They are too dangerous to have on normal mission where you need teamwork and co-operation. By showing them so early, you weaken the introduction to them. They should instead of introducing them immediately, had an episode where the autobots are getting hammered and losing the fight; are forced to retreat, and it is believed that if they just had more power they could stand a better chance against the veteren decepticons. The dinobots are introduced to answer that problem and the lesson would be that power alone isn't enough if you can barely control it. (which is where the decepticons use that weakness against the autobots in the form of tricking the dinobots to fight against them just like in g1. Due to that one incident, autobots never call on them until there is no other option, or if there is some way to motivate them to come along for the fight: ie promise of many fun things to crush and destroy which makes it easier to persuade them to help :D)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

I'm five minutes into the first episode of Season 3 and Holy Crap!

Transformers Season 3 on youtube

Ironhide, Brawn, Rodimus, Cyclonus, Oil Slick!

Blackout and Strika are Huuuuge.

Awesome so far.

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LOL, Perceptor talks like professor Stephen Hawking

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Edited by chowyunskinny
  chowyunskinny said:
LOL, Perceptor talks like professor Stephen Hawking

That's because he is actually voiced by Stephen Hawking. ^_^


Oh man poor Blurr, I didn't think they would actually do that too him! I hope he returns...

Blackout looks cool, wish he had his movie colors though. Had no idea Cyclonus had swords, AWESOME! One of the first Rodimus's that I didn't mind too, I dig the bow.


  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Oh man poor Blurr, I didn't think they would actually do that too him! I hope he returns...

Had no idea Cyclonus had swords, AWESOME! One of the first Rodimus's that I didn't mind too, I dig the bow.

Yeah me too, I found him less annoying than the G1 Blurr, cooler design too.

That part where Cyclonus took out Brawn and Ironhide was dope. Rodimus's bow reminds me of Hank the Ranger's weapon from the old Dungeons and Dragons cartoon :)

I'm really, really pissed that this is the last season. I love this show. Dammit I want an Omega Supreme toy! And pretty much every new character they debuted in this episode.

I liked how Oilslick uses Cosmic Rust as a weapon, nice tie in to his story in the IDW comic.

I'm really, really pissed that this is the last season. I love this show. Dammit I want an Omega Supreme toy! And pretty much every new character they debuted in this episode.

Me too! Freaking Omega Supreme man...if made, it will possibly be the best Omega Supreme figure ever made(which considering that the Energon version is the most articulate, isn't a hard feat to accomplish).


I just start watching this series via streaming sites....so what happened to StarScream clones? I lol when one of his clone is a female, Starscream got a girly side? :lol:


They showed what happened to 2 of the clones in the Season 3 opening episode (I posted a link to the episode parts on Youtube in my earlier post).

As for the female clone, I read that the colors are based off of the Japanese transformer Overlord who was the combined form of a female and male Decepticons

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