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SO back to TF Animated.

Episode 4 was interesting. It lays alot of groundwork for future story development. I didnt enjoy it as much as the pilot but it seems to be a seedling episode that will grow a forest. So far its not as good as Beast Wars (to me) but its much better than anything since then.


For some strange reason though, CN has decided to skip episode 5 and will air Episode 6 next saturday....there's no plan to air Episode 5 as they'll continue the series from 6....so what's up with Episode 5 that it isn't worth airing?

  Hikuro said:
For some strange reason though, CN has decided to skip episode 5 and will air Episode 6 next saturday....there's no plan to air Episode 5 as they'll continue the series from 6....so what's up with Episode 5 that it isn't worth airing?

According to TV.com, episode 5 has a human villain who turns Bumblebee into a bad guy. Cartoon Network probably figures (rightly) that we'd rather see Dinobots.


saw it on Youtube. Him Grimlock back! :D I like how close David Kaye got to the original Grimlock`s voice while NOT being Gregg Berger.can`t wait for more Dinobots episodes

Posted (edited)

I still need to watch last week's episode. :(

Edit: Just watched last week's episode. I said it before, and I'll say it again: Kids are going to love this.

As for myself, I was thoroughly enjoying that my brain was *NOT* hurting from the continuous insults to my intelligence like it had been in the past three series. Yeah, there's some goofiness, especially with the Archer Bandit and some of Sari's antics/quirks, but the way its written and animated, it just clicks. I'm really liking the way they're portraying Megatron, deadly serious and quite ominous. If he's this much to deal with as a head, imagine when he finally gets his body back. Anyway, someone(Hasbro, U.S. writers, I don't care who!) is finally paying attention to the end product, and it shows.

Acquiring the Dinobot episode at the moment.

Edited by Alpha OTS

The Dinobot episode officially sealed this as a really good TF series for me. Count me among the masses who cried "boo" at the initial design leaks, but the quality of this show is outstanding. Best incarnation of the franchise since G1, hands down.

I love how Grimlock gets his name. :lol:

  crasis said:
I love how Grimlock gets his name. :lol:

I liked it too, it was really clever. :)

I didn't like how the episode started out with all the over the top clumsiness by Bulkhead. As it went on though, it was something of a character growth episode for him, and done well. We've got a new dinobot origin, and holy cow, it's actually good! Probably even better/plausible than the G1 origin too. And is this an ongoing coherent storyline interconnecting the episodes I see? Megatron and the good doctor, I'm enjoying the interplay and manipulation. The way the episode ended had some real depth too and promises of good things to come. :)

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I keep seeing Black Arachnia in the opening credits, and given Prowl's personality so far, I have a strong feeling we're going to see a SilverBolt-ish storyline develop eventually between the two. Not that that's a bad thing. :D

  Alpha OTS said:
I liked it too, it was really clever. :)

I didn't like how the episode started out with all the over the top clumsiness by Bulkhead. As it went on though, it was something of a character growth episode for him, and done well. We've got a new dinobot origin, and holy cow, it's actually good! Probably even better/plausible than the G1 origin too. And is this an ongoing coherent storyline interconnecting the episodes I see? Megatron and the good doctor, I'm enjoying the interplay and manipulation. The way the episode ended had some real depth too and promises of good things to come. :)

  Reveal hidden contents

I keep seeing Black Arachnia in the opening credits, and given Prowl's personality so far, I have a strong feeling we're going to see a SilverBolt-ish storyline develop eventually between the two. Not that that's a bad thing. :D

As to your spoiler comment, I've known about that character for a while now. TFW2005 had some images of his robot mode too (which is very skinny if I recall correctly). I really like how the show is going for the G1 appeal...meaning the transformers don't look like toys, they look like cool robots. If you watch Bumblebee's Transformation, you'll see lots of anime magic, just like the good old days before the computer generated trilogy that made the bots look like clunky toys.


Yeah I hated that look from beast wars. I loved the writing though. If they can just combine the g1 style with the beast wars writing they would have the right combination.

When masterpieces of these characters are made in the future, no one can then accuse the toy of having skinny legs, (like star scream and megatron) because that's how they were in the cartoon.

  David Hingtgen said:
Nobody watched today's ep?

I caught it Sunday, but I also caught a nasty stomach flu, and I've been too busy emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet to post my thoughts.

But yeah, I'll pretty much second what everyone else is saying. When I saw the first promo art for the series, I was seriously turned off. But it looks a lot better in action. And while it is definitely a kids show, it's cleverly written with just enough G1 homages to please older fans.

I was never a huge fan of the Dinobots, even as a kid I only really liked Grimlock. But I thought this was a great episode, and I'm sure I'll be buying Grimlock's toy when it comes out. It'll be fun to compare it with Classics Grimlock.


I'm still waiting for the people on TFW to post a rapidshare or something of the ep bc/ we cannot torrent download at school and wathcing it on Youtube just sucks...

  mikeszekely said:
I caught it Sunday, but I also caught a nasty stomach flu, and I've been too busy emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet to post my thoughts.

But yeah, I'll pretty much second what everyone else is saying. When I saw the first promo art for the series, I was seriously turned off. But it looks a lot better in action. And while it is definitely a kids show, it's cleverly written with just enough G1 homages to please older fans.

I was never a huge fan of the Dinobots, even as a kid I only really liked Grimlock. But I thought this was a great episode, and I'm sure I'll be buying Grimlock's toy when it comes out. It'll be fun to compare it with Classics Grimlock.

It's gonna dwarf classics Grimlock. :D

  promethuem5 said:
I'm still waiting for the people on TFW to post a rapidshare or something of the ep bc/ we cannot torrent download at school and wathcing it on Youtube just sucks...

Honestly, I hope someone either improves the quality of what they've been releasing as torrents or someone else starts posting higher quality ones b/c I'm not impressed with what's been released so far. To be honest, I think the Youtube versions looked better/more synced up than the other ones.


I dunno, just saw the TF Animated episode with the Dinobots, and must say I prefere their original origin.

It was just like that, right?

  Radd said:
I dunno, just saw the TF Animated episode with the Dinobots, and must say I prefere their original origin.

It was just like that, right?

:D Wheeljack always was a stickler for realism.

  Valkyrie Hunter D said:
Anyone else catch the latest 2 Ep.s? Ep. 5 didn't have too much going on, but Ep.7 was a whole lot better. And for now, Lockdown (aka Mecha-Lobo) is turning out to be my fave villain.

Episode 7 was pretty good. Liked the Ratchet background with Arcee. Really liked how that ended too. Surprised even.

Didn't much care for episode 5. Seemed pretty formulaic, and didn't really advance any characterization like episode 7 did. Still miles above the typical AEC episode though.


I wasn't a huge fan of episode 7. I mean, yeah, it had some great characterization, but Ratchet is probably my least favorite character so far, and I'm just not feeling Lockdown either.

5 wasn't great, but I think Meltdown might make an interesting recurring character in the long run.

Still looking forward to them getting back to Dinobots, though.

  mikeszekely said:
I wasn't a huge fan of episode 7. I mean, yeah, it had some great characterization, but Ratchet is probably my least favorite character so far, and I'm just not feeling Lockdown either.

5 wasn't great, but I think Meltdown might make an interesting recurring character in the long run.

Still looking forward to them getting back to Dinobots, though.

Really? Well I think episode 7 was pretty good with a solid story and good action. In addition Lockdown's characters seems pretty interesting as a bounty hunter. I hope more episodes to come are like this.

Episode 5 was well kinda boring and a little too choppy for my tastes.


Lockdown's a unique character if nothing else, and I really love Ratchet... he's such a grumpy poop you can't help but love him... and I agree that ep.5 was def. more choppy and not as great as ep7


Ratchet and Prime are my 2 fav autobots in this series. I liked learning more about Ratchet's background. Didn't no it would be tied to Arcee. He has more reason to kick Lockdown's ass. Lockdown was great except for the voice. I thought he would sound more sinister. Good karma in that episode.

  SuperHobo said:
Really? Well I think episode 7 was pretty good with a solid story and good action. In addition Lockdown's characters seems pretty interesting as a bounty hunter. I hope more episodes to come are like this.

Episode 5 was well kinda boring and a little too choppy for my tastes.

Yeah, really. I don't get you guys talking about how unique or interesting Lockdown is. I dare say he's a little cliche. He reminds me of a bad Star Trek villian. I mean, I'm not saying episode 7 was bad, but that it was far from my favorite so far. And the grumpy old guys aren't really my thing, either. Ironhide was one of my least favorites in G1, Kup was my least favorite new character in the 86 movie, and Ratchet's my least favorite of the new Animated Autobots. Prowl's interesting because he's a dick, Bumblebee's a good modern take on the small, scrappy guy that was his G1 counterpart, Bulkhead is a surprisingly lovable lummox, and Prime is just bad ass. Ratchet's the grandfather I make excuses NOT to visit.


I am the opposite in some ways. I feel like strangling Bumblebee every time I hear him, dislike Prowl's dickish attitude(not only in Animated, but also in the IDW comics, he is compassionate towards the Dinobots which is good, but his personality is the most cliche, of the dickish hard ass lone wolf who eventually warms up to the team and realizes there is no "I" in team yadda yadda, won't be surprised if he hugs everyone at the season finale). I like Bulkhead mainly because of his design, but I don't like how he says "my bad" and comes off way too much as a lummox jock of the team. He is good when he fights though, just destroying everything in his path, or trying too. I don't like his characterization of "hey guys I am f$%^&*( huge and powerful but slow at learning things, please teach me while these humans teach me slang earth vocabulary). Honestly I was expecting him to be more serious. Bumblebee whines too much and doesn't take anything seriously. I'm not expecting him to be like the movie version or g1 version, but he is just annoying! More so than Rattrap was. Yes before any apologist tells me, I do realize he is young bla bla, he will grow, doesn't matter because kids love him and he will sell the show to some of them u huh, whatever. Oh and yes I do know the japanese audience loves the young hero types hence the love for Rodimus, and how Hot Shot was a standard in the armadaverse bla bla bla.

Ratchet has a past behind him, things he regrets, and knows better than most of the team. He just wants to be left alone. He has a more interesting character than the younger bots. He definitely comes through at the end without screwing up as much as the younger bots either. He has something to make up for, which is a good catalyst for him. Prime definitely assumes the role of leader despite his past as well, which I like. I also like how Prime instantly tries something on the spot, and doesn't give up. There isn't much to not like about him.

As for Lockdown I think he is interesting. Most mercs in shows are portrayed as just guys out for blood for money. This guy just wants stuff for his arsenal. He put up a good fight too, and he remembers who he fights, despite fighting a ton of robots. He is persistent, which is a good character trait for him, as it keeps him a threat.


I personally just think for the brief moments we were given, it was nice to see Arcee once more even done by Su Blu, it still sounds the same.

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