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  badboy00z said:
I don't think it was Weaver's men that kidnapped Sarah. The bald guy who kidnapped Sarah worked at the factory in the desert and Weaver blew it up. I believe that the guys that captured Derek, the guys that attacked the light house, and the terminator that attacked the Weaver resident were John Henry's "brother"'s men. It tried to hack John Henry but failed so it retaliated. That's why the men had a picture of Savannah on their phones. It was there next target. A terminator was sent to do the job because humans are taken out easily.

Like others have said, I think Weaver is on the "good" side. I don't see the contradicting evidence at all. Sure she was ruthless but her actions were to stop the evil Skynet.

Uh... No one captured Derek. I think you mean Sarah. But even so, if that's the case, Weavers former employees, including the now-dead-bald guy who implanted the tracker into Sarah, must have switched employers after Weaver tried to kill off her own men. This seems highly improbable to me, especially because they all went into hiding to escape Weaver's wrath. Keep in mind that Weaver is also a machine, and would be just as capable (if not more) at tracking them down than John Henry's brother.

The sudden switch of employers, as well as hired hitmen, formerly employees of Weaver, who work alongside machines? That's too much of a stretch for me.

  Dobber said:

Yea I said that, but I couldnt remember the source. You got it though. I'm not sure if its completely confirmed although apparently the source is reliable. Wait for the official announcement I guess, but don't be too heartbroken about it :(

  Cent said:
Uh... No one captured Derek. I think you mean Sarah. But even so, if that's the case, Weavers former employees, including the now-dead-bald guy who implanted the tracker into Sarah, must have switched employers after Weaver tried to kill off her own men. This seems highly improbable to me, especially because they all went into hiding to escape Weaver's wrath. Keep in mind that Weaver is also a machine, and would be just as capable (if not more) at tracking them down than John Henry's brother.

The sudden switch of employers, as well as hired hitmen, formerly employees of Weaver, who work alongside machines? That's too much of a stretch for me.

Yea I said that, but I couldnt remember the source. You got it though. I'm not sure if its completely confirmed although apparently the source is reliable. Wait for the official announcement I guess, but don't be too heartbroken about it :(

Are you forgetting the part where Derek got tazed and was taken some where? Cameron had to go rescue him remember??

I don't think those people at the desert factory are/were Weaver's people to begin with. I believe there are 2 factions involved. Why would Weaver go massacre her employees after hearing the transmission that John Henry picked up? All that message said was "someone got shot. We have to relocate." or something like that. If she wanted to cover her tracks, she'd help them move. Why would she risk losing all the work that was done there?

There were no switch of employers IMO. The people at the desert factory, the men that attacked the light house, the men that captured Derek and tried to kill Cameron and the ones who captured Sarah are working for John Henry's "brother".

Posted (edited)

Okay, true. Derek was tazed, but that was for like 5 minutes and Cameron was there in a flash, so I really didn't think too much about it.

However, the factory out in the desert were Weaver's people. John Henry picked them up because he caught unprotected audio feed:

"Zeira corp has obtained control of 7% of the world's coltan reserves. I've been scanning available sources for the keyword Coltan and I've detected this audio transmission on an unsecure line," says John Henry.

Ziera Corp IS Weaver's company (You can see the logo in their elevators in Episode 21.) And I think its safe to say that John Henry detected the transmissions by routing through Zeira Corp's own facilities, as we've seen him do before. As Weaver gets up to leave, John Henry asks Weaver 'What are you doing?' as either a question about what she intends to do (slaughter everyone) and also as a question towards her ultimate objective behind gathering so much Coltan. The other thing is, if the source of the audio is NOT anythign to do with Ziera Corp, then how does Weaver figure out where its from? John Henry never discloses it to her before she leaves. Weaver KNEW where the plant was already, she just didn't know about the security breach.

Also, another hint, although possibly weaker, is that when Weaver shows up in the factory, the workers who notice her don't freak out. They either know who she is, or think she's one of them. I got the feeling that it was because Weaver employed them, so they knew who she was. However, it could be that they just think she's one of the employees, since they don't seem to address her as Weaver. I wouldn't really place a lot of weight on that, but the rest of it seems to hold together.

Also, I think the main reason why Weaver would have destroyed her own facility was because she knew the location was compromised (someone got in and shot one of her employees). Since the company was deliberately set up to not be traceable back to Ziera Corp (it was called some heat and desert ventilation company), she had to make sure that every possible lead back to Ziera was cut. This is also why she was so pissed off when one of the employees that were presumed dead was not found. That bald man that got away, faking his death, was clearly not in her memories as being one of her victims, so she knew he survived and was trying to hunt him down.

Edited by Cent

I read the spoiler, if it's like that, I tihnk then I'll be pretty happy with the show ending....not completely happy as a few things left me going "Wha....that's just........bull" but it seems it'll be pretty cool. Is this only going to be an hour? or will it be a two hour finale like season 1?

  Hikuro said:
I read the spoiler, if it's like that, I tihnk then I'll be pretty happy with the show ending....not completely happy as a few things left me going "Wha....that's just........bull" but it seems it'll be pretty cool. Is this only going to be an hour? or will it be a two hour finale like season 1?

Only 1 hour. It was hoped that this would be a season finale, not a series finale, but not all shows can get a 2-hour series finale or an entire half season to wrap-up plot lines with style and grace.

  taksraven said:
Not always horrible, the X-Files got 9 seasons.


Oh, don't get me wrong. I followed the X-Files RELIGIOUSLY ^_^

But consider how many sci-fi shows have crossed Fox's path, and how they ended up. The X-Files was (and I still believe, IS) the only sci-fi show Fox took great care of.

  azrael said:
Only 1 hour. It was hoped that this would be a season finale, not a series finale, but not all shows can get a 2-hour series finale or an entire half season to wrap-up plot lines with style and grace.

Less than hour if you take out the commercials. Probably around 40-42 min <_<

Maybe the blu-ray/dvd set will have an extended version... :unsure:

  Warmaker said:
Oh, don't get me wrong. I followed the X-Files RELIGIOUSLY ^_^

But consider how many sci-fi shows have crossed Fox's path, and how they ended up. The X-Files was (and I still believe, IS) the only sci-fi show Fox took great care of.

Fox can pick good Sci-fi shows it just doesn't know what the hell to do with them once they have them.

  Roy Focker said:
Fox can pick good Sci-fi shows it just doesn't know what the hell to do with them once they have them.

to be fair Fox doesn't know what to do with any of their shows. Even hit shows like House and Bones they shuffle around subject to schedule shenanigans to make room for American Idol.


I read the spoilers, but what i'm about to say next shouldn't really be a surprise...

T-1000's are described as being indestructible by any known means... only vulnerable to freezing and melting ala Terminator 2. But you know... that's not quite true. It's been said before that the T1000 in T2 started to show increasing signs of irreparable damage after getting into numerous firefights with the T-800. He started acting strangely and exhibited twitchy movement, as if certain parts and joints were damaged. I think the consensus was that the T1000 is very resilient to damage, but is still hurt by explosives and sufficient concussive force, despite that it can put itself back together. It just isn't the same as it used to be though. With enough damage, you may be able to incapacitate it permanently.

I read the spoilers, but what i'm about to say next shouldn't really be a surprise...

T-1000's are described as being indestructible by any known means... only vulnerable to freezing and melting ala Terminator 2. But you know... that's not quite true. It's been said before that the T1000 in T2 started to show increasing signs of irreparable damage after getting into numerous firefights with the T-800. He started acting strangely and exhibited twitchy movement, as if certain parts and joints were damaged. I think the consensus was that the T1000 is very resilient to damage, but is still hurt by explosives and sufficient concussive force, despite that it can put itself back together. It just isn't the same as it used to be though. With enough damage, you may be able to incapacitate it permanently.

A little hard to point out though unless you've watched the uncut version...and you really don't see anything until they get to the steel mill which the heat could of been the real cause of the T-1000's performance.

Scenes where his hand mimicked the color and texture from grabbing a saftey guard rail, or when walking down the metal walkways his legs were taking the shape and texture of the grated walk ways, and being melted into the floor when he was imitating Sarah Connor (Interesting to note, that wasn't CG'ed, that was really Linda's twin sister...I never knew that until sometime ago)

  Cent said:
I read the spoilers, but what i'm about to say next shouldn't really be a surprise...

T-1000's are described as being indestructible by any known means... only vulnerable to freezing and melting ala Terminator 2. But you know... that's not quite true. It's been said before that the T1000 in T2 started to show increasing signs of irreparable damage after getting into numerous firefights with the T-800. He started acting strangely and exhibited twitchy movement, as if certain parts and joints were damaged. I think the consensus was that the T1000 is very resilient to damage, but is still hurt by explosives and sufficient concussive force, despite that it can put itself back together. It just isn't the same as it used to be though. With enough damage, you may be able to incapacitate it permanently.

You could cripple, or destroy the T-1000 by hitting it with a thermight, or White phosphorus grenade like when the T-800 used a 40 mm grenade on the T-1000 which incapacitated it for a short time. This would cause catastrophic damage.

Posted (edited)

Yea exactly. T1000's really arent all that indestructible. I wouldn't be surprised if the Plasma Rifles of the future (which seem to disintegrate metal and flesh on impact) would also deal significant irreversible damage to the T1000s. And has no one in the future designed hand held EMP grenades? They did use a EMP bomb in one episode, but it was supposedly huge... Any small ones? Or hell, we know from TTSC that high electric voltage can disable Terminators... Anyone got a lightning gun? :D

John Connor should be sending his engineers into the past to start developing powerful anti terminator weaponry well in advance -_-.

Edited by Cent
Guest sh002

so did sarah connor actually talk with weaver?

  Warmaker said:
Oh, don't get me wrong. I followed the X-Files RELIGIOUSLY ^_^

But consider how many sci-fi shows have crossed Fox's path, and how they ended up. The X-Files was (and I still believe, IS) the only sci-fi show Fox took great care of.

Fair enough. I guess my point would really be that sci-fi gets a rough deal across the board. Nobody in the TV industry ever takes it too seriously. (Thats why there is little cerebral sci-fi TV with cinema normally being the home for intelligent SF.)



Good episode tonight. Most of the spoilers I posted were wrong lol. :) silly internet

The ending raised a few questions though. I can't see this coming back for a full season. Maybe a half season or a two hour wrap up movie.

Posted (edited)

My theory, in spoilers just in case. =)

  Reveal hidden contents

Edited by Chewie
  Chewie said:
My theory, in spoilers just in case. =)

  Reveal hidden contents

  Reveal hidden contents

  Chewie said:
My theory, in spoilers just in case. =)

  Reveal hidden contents

I was thinking about something like that too.

  badboy00z said:
Also when they jumped into 2007 in the beginning, that already removed T3 from "cannon" right?

not necessarily, they could have ended the series by jumping them back to where they started. I guess the show could possibly explain the liquid/endo hybrid as well.


Great show, sad to see it go. Hopefully the writers will be able to post what they planned for the show if they had the chance to end the series properly.

  Hikuro said:
Agreed, but yeah, what bs of a spoiler :p atleast we got some endo eye candy

Endo eye candy as well as exo eye candy. :D This season(series?) finale makes me wish this was a movie. A rated 'R' movie. :p

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