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  UN Spacy said:
Did they factor Terminator 3 into this?

The series spins off from T2. T3 follows it's own timeline as the Salvation-series of movies will follow T3. The SCC series goes in a different direction than T3 so it's in its own timeline.

  grss1982 said:
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I watched the leaked pilot a few months back and I didn't really pay attention to what they aired on TV. Which scene are you referring to?

Posted (edited)

I specially liked the bullet proof couch... :rolleyes:

It wasn't terrible, but there's no way to claim it was good either. If this series becomes the "Terminator of the week show" it's going to get old fast.

Edited by mechaninac
  mechaninac said:
I specially liked the bullet proof couch... :rolleyes:

It wasn't terrible, but there's no way to claim it was good either. If this series becomes the "Terminator of the week show" it's going to get old fast.

The bullets went through the couch or recliner that Sarah was hiding behing, but yeah I couldn't but help think that wouldn't those bullets have hit her?

As for the "Terminator of the week" potential, I was reading an article last night over at Entertainment Weekly's site and in the article one of the producers said that they were wanting to avoid that.

All in all, I enjoyed it and will most definitely be watching the rest of the series. Too bad 24 wasn't on along with this. :(

  Keith said:
Melodramatic trash,....

Agreed. It's garbage. The first 45 minutes were boring rehash and the last 15 minutes were general WTF'ery that has turned it into a freaking extremely lame arse time-travel show, because now if they don't always use the BFG9000 to kill off the Terminator's you can only go "Huh? What? Why don't they just build another one? Or send back a fat Terminator with a BFG in it's guts?".

It completely took me by surprise when I found out that Mother was getting married and has been turned into a creepy son loving Shota-con. :wacko: And people think the 3rd movie was junk.... :rolleyes: Well this is what happens when you get a clueless fanboy writer/director/producer thinking they know best.

I'm seeing this tank just as fast as "Drive" did. :mellow:



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Posted (edited)

I've got to agree, the "BFG9000" and the time machine [TM] in the back vault were lame as hell... the TM was specially cliché. Given that nothing other than flesh and flesh enclosed equipment can time jump, wouldn't the gun, the TM, and the remains of the Terminator be left behind for the authorities to find, at least in some form? I know that the idea of time travels is supposed to introduce all sorts of paradoxes, but to have such a major plot hole* in the pilot just strikes me as lazy writing.

* = I'm assuming that the story will completely overlook what was left in the vault, and that the trio's re-appearance in 2007 will be handled as a complete surprise and mystery to everyone who was pursuing them back in 1999. If that is the case, this show will tank fast.

Edited by mechaninac

I thought the show was good for what it is, a sci-fi t.v. show on a t.v. show budget. Pretty fair amount of action throughout, I do wonder how many terminators will be sent to capture the mom & son if it will be one constant Terminator or a whole bunch of them. It would have been nice to see the mom's boyfriend and the cop age a bit after a 7 year jump forward since they look the same still. Will see how the show continues with Ep. 2 and hope it doesn't slow down into a formulaic spy/action wannabe like the reimagined Binoic Woman show.

Posted (edited)

Another episode is on tonight after Prison Break.


Who lines there couch with kevlar?

John: hey JMom, i just picked up some more kevlar at War R Us. What should we do with it?

Sarah: Line the couch with it.....

John: Shouldn't we stash them around the house, just in case we need to put one on quickly in case of a suprise attack?

Sarah:Do what I say If you want to live!

John: Okay ! calm down......freak

Edited by Roy's Blues

Saw last night episode and I enjoyed it. Wasn't great but then again I didn't have any expectations. In fact I forgot it was even coming one until I turned to the channel as it was starting. Quick question though, what was the year they were suppose to be in before the time jump at the end of the episode? I missed it if they said it.

  azrael said:
I watched the leaked pilot a few months back and I didn't really pay attention to what they aired on TV. Which scene are you referring to?

It was the starting dream sequence that Sarah had of a terminator that shot up the whole school and later killed John. He comes from somewhere and fires a single shotgun shell , throws the shotgun away, then takes out 2 SMGs to mow down the law enforcement.


I watched this last night and will probably watch part 2 tonight. OK overall. Not great, but it met my "sci-fi show based on a film concept, but on a much lower budget" expectations.

  bsu legato said:
It starts off in 1999, which I though was a decent enough setting. That doesn't explain their decision to move the story forward to 2007, though.

save money on props. no need to go all last century..

Posted (edited)

I thought nothing non-organic could "time travel"? how did that metal skull go through the time travel thing?

Edited by Gunbuster

I *somehow* saw this all the way where I'm at :ph34r:

Anyways, I felt neutral about it. I'm curious to see how this goes with the story, especially with the Terminators. Is it going to be the same one chasing them all the time? Hope the flesh regenerates, otherwise there's no infiltration going on. If they send Terminator after Terminator every episode or two, it lessens the dangerous feel they bring. If it's the same Terminator week in, week out that can't catch them, then it's just an "incompetent Terminator."

As far as Summer Glau's Terminator, I'm guessing her model is merely an offshoot of the 800 series. Still machine underneath with flesh covering. Just "sized and built" differently from the classic, hulking 800 series that Arnie's is from. Nothing like the 1000 or T-X series where they had that liquid metal thingie. But when it wants to, it "acts out" its role better than previous Terminators we've seen.

  bsu legato said:
For those who saw the premiere and the leaked pilot a few months ago, were there any appreciable differences between the two?

They completely changed the actor for her 'husband' in 1999, now he looks armed forces-esque, same dialogue tho. When Sarah gets John from school in the dream, she now finds him alone in a library instead of a full classroom. The ending doesn't have her stashing the guns in the walls, just shots of the three of them going into the house.

I liked the T3 'you died of cancer in 2005' continuity sidestep, but the continuity in the Terminator mythos has never been clean, especially with the new movies going on their own timeline...

As far as Summer Glau's Terminator, I'm guessing her model is merely an offshoot of the 800 series. Still machine underneath with flesh covering. Just "sized and built" differently from the classic, hulking 800 series that Arnie's is from. Nothing like the 1000 or T-X series where they had that liquid metal thingie. But when it wants to, it "acts out" its role better than previous Terminators we've seen.

I just watched part 2 and I'm inclined to disagree. First, when Summer says she's different she steals a potato chip from John and eats it. What the heck is a Terminator doing eating anything? I think the implication is that she's more advanced. Also, when the Terminator scanned her in this episode she came up as "Unknown cyborg - evade" which seems to indicate she's a hybrid. Also, when Summer is heading toward the freedom fighters' apartment she's asked if she knows them and her response is "They've seen me." My guess, admittedly just a horrible guess at this point, is that she's a captured (or rebuilt) Terminator by the humans with human-added improvements.

Question, I thought you couldn't take metal through time. How the heck did that Terminator make it through without its flesh?? Also, the whole angle where it went and reclaimed its head was just terrible. Thank God it was a small fraction of the show but c'mon, that whole bit sucked. At least it tells you why pieces of it weren't found in 1999 though.

  jenius said:
I just watched part 2 and I'm inclined to disagree. First, when Summer says she's different she steals a potato chip from John and eats it. What the heck is a Terminator doing eating anything? I think the implication is that she's more advanced. Also, when the Terminator scanned her in this episode she came up as "Unknown cyborg - evade" which seems to indicate she's a hybrid. Also, when Summer is heading toward the freedom fighters' apartment she's asked if she knows them and her response is "They've seen me." My guess, admittedly just a horrible guess at this point, is that she's a captured (or rebuilt) Terminator by the humans with human-added improvements.

Question, I thought you couldn't take metal through time. How the heck did that Terminator make it through without its flesh?? Also, the whole angle where it went and reclaimed its head was just terrible. Thank God it was a small fraction of the show but c'mon, that whole bit sucked. At least it tells you why pieces of it weren't found in 1999 though.

But how did the body go from the bank to the dump? And why were the cops just standing there while the terminator pounded on the bank vault for 5 minutes?

Posted (edited)
But how did the body go from the bank to the dump? And why were the cops just standing there while the terminator pounded on the bank vault for 5 minutes?

Yeah, the body makes even less sense than the head flying through time. When they materialized in 2007 there should of been a ton of debris everywhere if that stuff could make it through time and maybe there was and that's why we saw the garbage crews there. I'm guessing the idea behind it in the show is that the body would have been picked up by the garbage crew (a truck) at the construction site (don't ask me how) while the head was taken for a souvenir. Still, I coulda sworn the rule was you can't take anything with you and bits and pieces of a Terminator would definitely count as something as would other wreckage from the bank "heist." As to the Terminator leveling the vault, I believe (again, making excuses for crappy writing) the idea was the Police had assumed a position where they were going to attempt to negotiate and then stood back in awe. Just so there's no confusion here, this is all crappy, I'm just trying to fill in the truck-sized holes.

So far, I do find it a bit entertaining. I wonder if they're going to try to play up a love angle between John and Summer eventually. John sent his cyborg lover back in time to teach his lonely self a thing or two? Nice! Summer grabs him "Come here, you like it like this, let me show you."

Edited by jenius
Posted (edited)

Welcome to Macrossworld, we don't care about entertainment but reality of the entertainment. Head flying thru a portal of time that nothing none living can go thru, NO PROBLEM! We bring it up! Whole terminator body showing up in a dump yard and no one questioning it? NO PROBLEM! We bring that up too.

Huh what's that? We ruined your entertainment, I knew we got a cookie for something.

K'mon.....it's a TV show >_> you don't expect EVERYTHING to make sense from a network that honestly just wants to make money and raitings do you?

In either case, I enjoyed the first 2 episodes, I had a feeling Chromarti wasn't down for the count and I'm glad he isn't. Sure, it's a bit odd to have his head flying thru a portla, then again, he might of had enough skin left that he could pass thru. His body in a dump yard is rather odd and not into some advanced lab being studied. Maybe the authorties took it as some kind of a joke, afterall the FBI does know she thinks machines from the future are out to get her....some whack jobs will go pretty far to stage their hoax.

But agian, I REALLY like the fact that there are "Sleepy Cell" terminators carrying out their own little missions to eradicate the resistance in the past.

Edited by Hikuro
  jenius said:
Yeah, the body makes even less sense than the head flying through time. When they materialized in 2007 there should of been a ton of debris everywhere if that stuff could make it through time and maybe there was and that's why we saw the garbage crews there. I'm guessing the idea behind it in the show is that the body would have been picked up by the garbage crew (a truck) at the construction site (don't ask me how) while the head was taken for a souvenir. Still, I coulda sworn the rule was you can't take anything with you and bits and pieces of a Terminator would definitely count as something as would other wreckage from the bank "heist." As to the Terminator leveling the vault, I believe (again, making excuses for crappy writing) the idea was the Police had assumed a position where they were going to attempt to negotiate and then stood back in awe. Just so there's no confusion here, this is all crappy, I'm just trying to fill in the truck-sized holes.

So far, I do find it a bit entertaining. I wonder if they're going to try to play up a love angle between John and Summer eventually. John sent his cyborg lover back in time to teach his lonely self a thing or two? Nice! Summer grabs him "Come here, you like it like this, let me show you."

Maybe there was a cut scene where the bank blows up or something after they time travel out? I was kind of confused because River says they're in the same 'where' just a different 'when' yet clearly they're not in a bank vault. So maybe the bank blew up and they just carted the debris away and no one noticed the 6 foot tall robot skeleton and then it conveniently just sat around on top of the trash heap for 7 years?

I like the show, despite the giant plot holes... well, I'm just happy whenever there's new sci-fi programming on the tv.

Though, i wish they had shot it in 16:9 and given it the HD treatment. Bones and House looks great so I was sad to see that this show didn't get the same love from Fox.


Wait, it's not in HD? It's certainly widescreen and says "HD presented by DirectTV" during the intro. Am I missing something?

I do believe that when Sarah shot the BFG it blew up the bank, or the vault at the very least.

  Hikuro said:
In either case, I enjoyed the first 2 episodes, I had a feeling Chromarti wasn't down for the count and I'm glad he isn't. Sure, it's a bit odd to have his head flying thru a portla, then again, he might


  jenius said:
Wait, it's not in HD? It's certainly widescreen and says "HD presented by DirectTV" during the intro. Am I missing something?

I do believe that when Sarah shot the BFG it blew up the bank, or the vault at the very least.

Hmmm, I guess I tivo'd the wrong channel then... sucks for me. :(


Ya its in HD. Last night's episode... it was alright. Why the body was in a dump for 7 years is beyond me. You'd think it would be in a lab somewhere. Oh well I have I watched plenty of Sci-fi shows with plot holes worse than this, no big deal. Maybe they'll explain it next week.

Posted (edited)

lol....sounds like episode 2 makes less sense than the 1s. Ah well.....wheee.

I like it here where we dissect entertainment. :lol:

And about Cameron's model number, i think its still a T-800/850 but a different model skin (Arnie is 101). Function: seduce horny resistance men and "interogate" them in the process. Comes with natural lubrication. :lol:

Edited by wolfx
Posted (edited)

The Terminator girl seems to know a lot of intimate details about John's life such as the Wizard of Oz story reading by his mom in Spanish. Seems like a bit of info that didn't need to be given to a Terminator. I'm guessing if she is different maybe her memory was downloaded from John Conner's future wife or girlfriend.

Edited by baronv
  baronv said:
The Terminator girl seems to know a lot of intimate details about John's life such s the Alice in Wonderland story reading by his mom in Spanish. Seems like a bit of info that didn't need to be given to a Terminator. I'm guessing if she is different maybe her memory was downloaded from John Conner's future wife or girlfriend.

or.... she IS his future wife/girl friend!!! :blink: DUH DUH DUH :lol::rolleyes::ph34r:

The Terminator girl seems to know a lot of intimate details about John's life such s the Alice in Wonderland story reading by his mom in Spanish.
You mean Wizard of Oz.

or.... she IS his future wife/girl friend!!!
We can make her stronger, faster, more sleek and sexy with a 90 day factory warranty!

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