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This week's episode was pretty good. Looks like the magazine spoilers are turning out to be true.

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Posted (edited)

Hey Guys and Gals!

I've been watching the 00 episodes and I was wondering if you guys can provide some insights on some inquiries.

Are the Meisters pilots as good as Kira, Shinn or Amuro? All four of them got worked on eps 15.

Was Gundam Seed Destiny too unrealistic?

I get excited when new armored suits are introduced.

For me, I still consider the ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam with Kira as pilot to be the strongest suit. What do you guys think?

Edited by doodler7
Are the Meisters pilots as good as Kira, Shinn or Amuro? All four of them got worked on eps 15.

I don't see a point in comparing, each pilot is good in their own way.

Was Gundam Seed Destiny too unrealistic?

My answer, I wish we could take the film negatives and all things related to making Destiny and throw it into the inferno of hell....that was a HORRIBLE show. Besides your questions to vague, Gundam is unrealisitic in general yo :p

get excited when new armored suits are introduced

:mellow: uh huh..... :unsure:

For me, I still consider the ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam with Kira as pilot to be the strongest suit. What do you guys think?

Sure, who wouldn't pick a suit that has god like abilities and piloted by a brat?


Yeah, well alright....how about the fascination with teens piloting these gundams and evas and all other mechs. At that age the "brat" aspect will always be present.

Wow, Seed is that horrible to some of you huh?


I quite enjoyed watching SEED, and I actually thought Destiny was better. However, both shows are hollow on the inside, trying very hard to be something they can't - which is the original Gundam series. 00 is an improvement in that its going in its own direction; I don't like every element of 00 but the series background is much more developed than anything we saw in SEED. The other trouble I have with SEED is that Tomino had already shown how to take Gundam in new directions without betraying the spirit of the original, and that was Turn-A. And we hated him for it (until actually seeing Turn-A), and got SEED as a result... :rolleyes:

  doodler7 said:
Are the Meisters pilots as good as Kira, Shinn or Amuro? All four of them got worked on eps 15.

Apples and oranges.

Was Gundam Seed Destiny too unrealistic?

Unrealistic? When has any anime been realistic? :blink:

For me, I still consider the ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam with Kira as pilot to be the strongest suit. What do you guys think?

I find it very pointless to compare MSs from various Gundam productions. Not to mention in a Gundam 00-specific thread.

Yeah, well alright....how about the fascination with teens piloting these gundams and evas and all other mechs. At that age the "brat" aspect will always be present.

Wow, Seed is that horrible to some of you huh?

I never found the aspect of teens piloting gundams attractive unless the storyline explained it. In 0079's case it's because experinced soldiers were getting killed and the war was esclating to the point the drafting age got younger. Similar situation with Macross.

In EVA, I don't think it's explained but there was a reason underaged teens to pilot them.

But yeah, I hated Destiny, it could of been good and was for a while, but it just went so down hill.

Posted (edited)
  Hikuro said:
I never found the aspect of teens piloting gundams attractive unless the storyline explained it. In 0079's case it's because experinced soldiers were getting killed and the war was esclating to the point the drafting age got younger. Similar situation with Macross.

In EVA, I don't think it's explained but there was a reason underaged teens to pilot them.

But yeah, I hated Destiny, it could of been good and was for a while, but it just went so down hill.

in EVA, only kids born during sometime near the 2nd impact (who are the last generation of humans born because after that conception was impossible) were potential EVA pilots. Everyone in Shinji's class were pilot candidates. Yui Ikari, Shinji's mom could pilot the EVA due to some genetic thingy though.

For Gundam 00, only kid pilots so far are Nina, Setsuna and that enhanced human girl. For Setsuna he was probably selected for his upbringing. Nina...nobody knows what the Trinity siblings' agenda is.

Anyway on Ep 18, more revealed on Team Trinity that they are just Gundam "Bootlegs". The question now is, was the Haro left on the abandoned ship purposely left there by CB and Veda to be part of the grand scheme of things? Is Veda now useless since its data seems to have been compromised by Nina. (I lol-ed that Triela got a shock that he can't access his lover computer) And there seems to be a super computer that rivals Veda, named Ragna/Lagna, probably a reference to Ragnarok? (groan....again?)

Edited by wolfx

i enjoyed the episode as well. the series took a couple turns for the worse in some earlier episodes, but this episode was definitely a good one. i esp. liked the hospital scene. very dramatic.


This series just gets better and better. Graham is my new favorite pilot. Someone needs to get this man a Gundam or at least a machine that is equal in technology. He could very well take a number of the current gundam pilots all at once at the rate he's going. He's at the point now, in terms of overall character, he's on the level of Char and Zechs. At least that's the feeling I'm getting when I read people talking about him and I can't disagree. I have to say I think he's now the top pilot in the series but Setsuna's upcoming battle could change that.

The scene with Louise and Saji was great drama wise. I like the characters and I never cared for the Trinitys but I dislike them even more after what Neena did. I can't wait till she is killed.

  Effect said:
This series just gets better and better. Graham is my new favorite pilot. Someone needs to get this man a Gundam or at least a machine that is equal in technology. He could very well take a number of the current gundam pilots all at once at the rate he's going. He's at the point now, in terms of overall character, he's on the level of Char and Zechs. At least that's the feeling I'm getting when I read people talking about him and I can't disagree. I have to say I think he's now the top pilot in the series but Setsuna's upcoming battle could change that.

The scene with Louise and Saji was great drama wise. I like the characters and I never cared for the Trinitys but I dislike them even more after what Neena did. I can't wait till she is killed.

I initially thought that the three new gundams was too many, but the storyline is getting better, looking at the spoilers that was posted, I'll actually be sorry (I think) when this show goes on hiatus.

We'll have to wait to see how things are handled, they're building up a nice sense of mystery, I just hope they keep it up. The plan hopefully won't be more secret dictator type stuff.

As for the Trinity, I'm starting to like them actually, nice psycho villains, a bit of a reminder of the three EA pilots in SEED, except they might last longer. Glad to see they're just on strings, but I'd like to see the puppet master soon, may be at the end of the season as the suspense build for next season.


i don't think graham is as cool as char was, but in terms of piloting skills he is depicted as being the best in double 0 bar none.


I haven't commented in a while. Having seen 18, I agree that this show has improved considerably. Most of the characters I've warmed up too, and the addition of the Gundam Thrones really helps push things forward. Thankfully, the "Wing remake" rumors were sadly mistaken.

The last few episodes, especially, were great. I agree that Graham has become a very noble character. Heck, while I never cared or Louise and Saji, even i was shaken up a bit by what happened to her. Before they felt rather pointless, but thanks to the Thrones, they've been put to great effect. Finally it's moved away from a Gundam slaughter fest. Maybe they can salvage Tiera for me as well. Though that one characters death came in the most generic of times.

I was rather shocked by Nena's actions, though it was hinted that she was more of kilter than Johan. Love or or hate her, she's definitely going to be interesting.

Oh, and I can easily say I enjoy this way more than SEED. The look early on made it feel similar, but from the superior character and mecha designs, to the much more engaging (if slow to develop early on) plot, it beats SEED hands down in my book. though, to be fair, I've only seen about ten episodes of SEED, and a handful of Destiny. 00's just way more appealing to my tastes in Gundam though. It's not perfect, but it keeps improving.

Fortunately, Code Geass will make the season 3 wait bearable.

Posted (edited)

for me this series has once again achieved shiznit status. it might not necessarily be the best gundam series, especially for the fanboy, but it is definitely a better anime series than any other gundam. in other words, it doesn't have the cool characters (char), rivalries (char v. amuro) or ms (anything UC post OYW and pre F91) that other gundam series have, but it has incredible, incredible screenwriting. far beyond any other gundam series and a lot of other anime series as well. it's not perfect, it's had its low points and there are a few cheesy moments. in fact, it's still possible for the writers and directors to screw this up. hopefully they don't because right now i am really impressed with this show. with the last 2 shows and the arrival of the thrones, i don't think anyone could make the claim that this series lacks a plot now.

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Edited by cyde01

Nice episode, except the unneeded Louisse-music-video-as-if-she's-dead.

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Posted (edited)

I agree about the music video, but OTOH, it seemed to point out that someone will be looking to get even with the Gundams for ruining his & her future together. ;)

Oh, and about the last scene on this episode...

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Edited by godfather
  godfather said:
Oh, and about the last scene on this episode...
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Here's a theory. If TRIAL SYSTEM is able to control any gundam/mobile suit connected to Veda, and assuming that to use GN Drives there will be a hidden link with Veda.....I can see a Scholenberg "JUST AS PLANNED" moment when he activates the TRIAL SYSTEM and controls ALL the MS in the world to destroy Earth, the true aim of Celestial Being.

  azrael said:
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what the hell is a TD blanket anyway??

  wolfx said:
Here's a theory. If TRIAL SYSTEM is able to control any gundam/mobile suit connected to Veda, and assuming that to use GN Drives there will be a hidden link with Veda.....I can see a Scholenberg "JUST AS PLANNED" moment when he activates the TRIAL SYSTEM and controls ALL the MS in the world to destroy Earth, the true aim of Celestial Being.

Or worse. To control it ...


Is that what those things were....? ^_^;;;;

Things are getting interesting, though I diagree that the writing is that good. It still has a ways to go in chara development and does pull the usual cliches. ("CB's true purpose is.....!!!!!! BOOM")


ok fine. i'm not saying that the writing for gundam 00 is that good. i'm saying the writing for most other anime shows including gundam shows is that bad.


I disagree there too, but to each their own. Nothing personal. 00 is interesting, and handles its faults better as it progresses. At least they've ditched the pointless characters for now. Now that Saji and Louise have been handled, maybe it's time they salvage Marina. At least, when they pull her back in.

It does have rivalries too, it's just going low key on them for now. Heck, the 2nd OP sequence highlights them. Though the main one is a bit more personal than most. Speaking of which, what happened to Patrick anyway? he fell off the face of the earth, it seems.


I'm glad that Gundam now have their rival (throne siblings),

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I think that Lockdown is gonna bite the dust soon.

  Morpheus said:
I think that Lockdown is gonna bite the dust soon.

Hmmm....i see where you're getting at but I can't tell for sure yet.

It does seem like death flags were launched last episode.


Another uber Gundam appear:

From Gunota:

Gundam 00

GN-X - New model MS equipped with a GN Drive, 10 of which were each given to the Union, AEU, and HRL. First appearing in episode 20,

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. Design by Kanetake Ebikawa


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Guess those rumors I saw heading toward the end of this season are coming close to being true.

  azrael said:
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Guess those rumors I saw heading toward the end of this season are coming close to being true.

And also bye bye

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