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  Fort Max said:
That hidden weapon, just how much cooler can Dynames get? :lol:

Besides shooting with a peg-leg? As for the skirt missiles....I'll just wait for the designers to stop drawing before I pick up 00 models...


I was thinking about that, I'm really liking the way that CB's Gundams keep getting or showing off little new tricks/equipment. As opposed to something liek Wing or the latter half of Seed where the heroes just blew everything away with the same bit of stock footage.


From Guntoa :

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The meaning of "Nadles". Tiera is now like one big joke to the directors.

In traditional Navajo society nadles sometimes engaged only in pursuits normally deemed appropriate to the gender opposite to the one assigned them at birth, and sometimes they mixed these activities with those considered the proper province of both men and women.


  Shmitty said:
Agreed, everything about the grunts in this show was so realistic, up until that. I don't understand why Sergei would allow a brightly colored machine to be deployed, even if they're supposed to be test colors. It's putting an awful lot of faith in Soma not to get thrashed.

Then again, its Gundam, lol.

Because Sergei is interested in special model sales. Duh....

specially colored models always do better than plain colored models, see Zakus...

Outside of this, I finally saw the episode, and it was good. Gundams are still overpowering, but Sergei is definitely using his brains, I wonder if he can pull out a victory of some type, or if we end up seeing overpowering gundam win purely on capabilities, which would be indication of yet another cop out.

  wolfx said:
The meaning of "Nadles". Tiera is now like one big joke to the directors.

Now, if Tieria's clothes come off...I can see the fan art now.....

  Fort Max said:
Well that explains the missing model no. at least, but was that the suit from the very begining that saved Setsuna?

It's doubtful that Nadles is O Gundam.


Reggae Gundam.....

Somehow I prefer a fat mobile suit compare than a hairy mobile suit.... :ph34r:


It makes me think to the Nobel Gundam

Maybe 00 is a prequel to G instead of UC finally... :p


Episode 10. We can see Kyrios in Id mode this time

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:ph34r: . Also the Reggae Gundam show some move by vaporizing several Tieren, Tieria is frustated since he have to use that mode.


Concerning ep. 10:

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ep10 =

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I'm not so sure how I feel abt this ep. there was tons of action, which made it cool, and the battle was more evenly matched, which is awesome. but I'm concerned with where the series is headed in the future.

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I just don't like tieria and allelu as much as I like lockon and setsuna, even tho setsuna's an idiot.


From the spoilers you guys have posted, it does not sound like a good series at all... couple thta with some wonky looking designs, and I thik the only thing I'll get out of this series is a Tieren kit or two in 1/100 scale...


The Gundam Exia featuring hair with the armor off is sooooo Five Star Stories :)


I'm actually curious to give Gundam 00 a try. It sounds pretty good!

  Mr March said:
The Gundam Exia featuring hair with the armor off is sooooo Five Star Stories :)

I'm actually curious to give Gundam 00 a try. It sounds pretty good!


It's interesting to say the least...There are a few Wing-elements in there, but I would say it's still a bit early to figure where this show is going.


Admittedly it's a Gundam fan site, but Chris G's reviews over at MAHQ are quite good. I've read through all his Gundam and Macross views and we're usually on the same page. Even John from AnimeNation has spoken well of Gundam 00. And I do like the Gundam designs in this latest show, which says a lot. It has me intrigued to say the least. It's worth a try. :)

  Mr March said:
Admittedly it's a Gundam fan site, but Chris G's reviews over at MAHQ are quite good. I've read through all his Gundam and Macross views and we're usually on the same page. Even John from AnimeNation has spoken well of Gundam 00. And I do like the Gundam designs in this latest show, which says a lot. It has me intrigued to say the least. It's worth a try. :)

really? I've been pretty underwhelmed. It started off interesting, but the slow pacing and the lack of likable characters has me quickly losing interest. Pacing isn't as bad as say... sky girls, though.


Likable/unlikable characters are open to opinion, of course. I like Lockon, and I have to admit, like Allelujah's "bad" personality. I have to admit that I actually have a soft spot for sadistic-villainy types.


I'll freely admit that 00 is quickly losing my interest as well. I do give the writers full credit for trying to create a well rounded new world, complete with new ideas & conflicts. The down side is that we're still being "treated" to the same crap that's made the last several Gundam incarnations nigh unwatchable. Sullen-but-oh-so-uber protagonists in their unbeatable mobile suits, doing all they can to pose for the next Bandai HG plamodel commercial. I seem to remember a time when a Gundam pilot had to actually work to win a battle, but ever since Wing every Gundam show has gone down this boring, repetitive path where ridiculously overpowered Gundams (complete with sullen pilots) wade through enemies like they weren't even there. It's like expecting the Harlem Globetrotters to lose a game. ("But the Generals were due!") And don't even get me started on the Exia Gundam.

It's a step in the right direction after SEED, and it's lightyears better than SEED Destiny, but my patience for wasting bandwidth on this show is rapidly dwindling.

Posted (edited)

Well I admit I don't follow Gundam. A few years back I went through a massive Gundam phase that lasted about a year itself. I watched three television series, half a dozen Gundam OVAs and half a dozen more Gundam films. Out of all that, I enjoyed one series enough to remain a fan all these years afterward (Gundam 0080) but other than that, the franchise never did much for me beyond mecha design. So, I just don't keep up with it.

But for whatever reason Gundam 00 looks interesting to me, I like what I've read so far and the mecha designs work for me. I'll give it a try and see how it turns out.

Edited by Mr March

Well, as a big Gundam fan (primarily of UC), I'm still a bit on the fence here. The early episode felt a bit too much like SEED in it's appearance and mecha, but it's staring to explain itself. At least the Gundams are supposed to be more advanced than everything, and not just so because they bear the name, like in SEED.

Personally, with episode 10, I'm starting to like this show more. At least it gave a little depth to some of the pilots that needed it. Allelujah's split adds a nice little bit to him. I also found it amusing the someone on /m/ guessed Virtue's little secret. The hair's odd, but it still looks better than Virtue does. I still don't like Tiera. He's now a total dick, effeminate in appearance, and now he's saying "watashi" in the midst of a mental breakdown caused by breaking proceedure to save a trifle thing like his life. He might be the most unstable of them all in the long run. I do like the suggestion that the pilots are purposely chosen for their foibles. It adds some more intrigue that was lacking. All in all, I'm a bit more compelled to see where this is going.


Dunno what I should think about this show, really: it presents interesting things but seems to waste its potential every time an opportunity appears...

I'm not as much interested and excited as I was when I saw the first eps but I'll keep on watching, just to see where all this goes


I have to agree with Bsu, I'm loosing interest in 00 since episode 9. Gundam 00 are in fact another super robot show, I miss the UC show where a Gundam can be damaged by a mere grunt suit. Just looked at episode 10, the pink Tieren got several direct hit from Kyrios beam rifle, and it still dancing all the way. I quess the show is directed to newer generation like SEED and DESTINY fan while older UC fan must be satisfied with Unicorn <_< .

  Gui said:
it presents interesting things but seems to waste its potential every time an opportunity appears...

this sums up my feelings exactly.

Just looked at episode 10, the pink Tieren got several direct hit from Kyrios beam rifle, and it still dancing all the way.

I think in that scene, Allelujah was purposely using a low power setting on the beam rifle just to screw with Soma Peiris.

  Beltane70 said:
I think in that scene, Allelujah was purposely using a low power setting on the beam rifle just to screw with Soma Peiris.

Hallelujah wanted to "play" with Soma, just like he "played" with the cannon fodder Tieren pilot.

That low-power setting seems to be used a lot...The linear rifles have that capability as well (low-power/higher ROF/less damage vs. high-power/low ROF/more damage).

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