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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone,

I was in Japan from 10 May to 23 May. Mainly a sight-seeing trip (and to practise my Japanese), but I had the opportunity to visit Akiba thrice and Den-Den Town (in Osaka) once. Bought many toys and modelling materials, most of them of the "OMG this is so cheap in Japan I must buy it" variety. Highlights include the dark Sousei no Aquarion and a couple of Super Robot Wars (Gepenst Blue, Gepenst White, Huckebein, Cerebes (?), Alteisen and Wildwurger) 'bots. SRW bots are for sale by the way, if anyone is interested, drop me a PM. I'll start a sale topic soon enough.

But ... the best bit about the trip was ... the GIRLS!


The link is to my blog, where I've archived the entire trip under the "Japanese" category. Enjoy the pictures of mecha, babes and Japan (not necessarily in that order)!

A teaser ...

IPB Image

Some of my toys- sorry, some of the girls on the trip :)

Mods, posted this here (over "Where to Buy Macross") since I figured I didn't specify exactly where the stuff was to be got. Feel free to move at will.

Edited by shiyao

Argh...so many biigggg photos to load. Could u use thumbnails instead of the downsized full images?

And yes your loot is phat. ;)

Is it really that cheap compared to stuff in s'pore?

  wolfx said:

Argh...so many biigggg photos to load. Could u use thumbnails instead of the downsized full images?

And yes your loot is phat. ;)

Is it really that cheap compared to stuff in s'pore?

Sorry about the pic sizes - I was too lazy to photoshop thumbnails for this one.

Yes, stuff is cheap compared to Singapore.

Gundam MSIA - for as little as 1000 yen each. In Singapore they are usually around 2500-3500 yen.

FIX Figurations - 2500 yen in Japan compared to 6000++ yen in Singapore.

MGs and HGs - these are just seriously, seriously cheap. 800 yen for HGs, 1500 - 2000 yen for MGs ... it's ridiculous.

And not to forget - Mandarake - second hand heaven (Liberty as well) - ridiculously cheap and almost brand new stuff.

Asobit City has some ridiculous deals on the weekend (Sousei no Aquarion for 9800 yen!!!!!).

Transformers, oddly enough, are just as expensive in Japan; Macross stuff fares a little better. 1/60 YF-19 for 13500 yen - in Singapore the current price is 18500 yen.


I can understand how you felt.

Mandarake in Den-Den Town got me rid of all my savings .... 6 Months paid internship in Saidaiji ... and I went to often to Osaka... got no savings but a lot of MG and vf's to come back with


Great blog and insiteful too. some of the info is great as I was planning to do a similar trip next year.

Currently I am in Tokyo and also have a blog of sorts on the go.

I wont post it here as that would be unfair so, if anyones interested youll have to look for it in this section.


falcon14141: It is a disease, this hobby of ours. But oh, if ever there was so benign a disease ...

big F: No worries, go ahead and post the link! I'm curious about anything Tokyo ...

The Duke: Penis Mightier? I don't know what that is, but it sounds like something every man needs ...

Necron_99: Yes, it was a wicked fortnight. And not just the toy bits (although I DID go to a toy shop nearly every day, EVEN in Kyoto) - the sights and the people were amazing too.

Japanese people are so, so polite and well-behaved.


Nice to let those of us who live in Osaka know you were coming. It would have been nice to hook up...and we could have taken you to some of the secret shoping areas....


  shiyao said:

big F: No worries, go ahead and post the link! I'm curious about anything Tokyo ...

my blog

The link to the picture site is my friends site so be prepared for some random stuff I was gonna leave posting images till I get back as posting on someone elses laptop or intrernet cafe with my memory sticks is a pain.


sorry rob - the thought did cross my mind but I was unsure if

(1) I'd be imposing (I'm not really a "major" MW character)

(2) I'd actually make it to Nipponbashi (girlfriend wanted to see temples and poo)

The next time I go, it will definitely be alone, and you will certainly be disturbed. :)

big F: the link doesn't work for me?

  • 2 weeks later...
  shiyao said:
sorry rob - the thought did cross my mind but I was unsure if

(1) I'd be imposing (I'm not really a "major" MW character)

(2) I'd actually make it to Nipponbashi (girlfriend wanted to see temples and poo)

The next time I go, it will definitely be alone, and you will certainly be disturbed. :)

big F: the link doesn't work for me?

Oh the thread is gone ???

  samurai_m said:

Nice to let those of us who live in Osaka know you were coming. It would have been nice to hook up...and we could have taken you to some of the secret shoping areas....


Forget the girls. What's going on in those shopping areas...

  shiyao said:
Hmm .. was it a thread? I thought it was a link to your blog.

Yeah it was a thead with a link to my blog inside. When I get home I will update this thread with the relevant info.

Myk most of my blog involves shoping as this trip was always going to be just shopping and shopping, with a bit of sight seeing bolted on.

Posted (edited)
1) There are no fat people in Japan.

2) Acne, like other diseases such as polio and malaria, has been eradicated in Japan.

13) Japanese girls are 20% head and torso, 80% legs

19) "Crime" is an abstract concept in Japan, invoked by hard-line politicians to garner votes. It is otherwise non-existent.

Are you listing myths about Japan?

Edited by MilSpex
Posted (edited)
  shiyao said:

Japanese people are so, so polite and well-behaved.

You only think this because your just beginning at the language. Once you get better you`ll realise that Japanese people treat each other like poo.

Japanese people are only on the surface polite because they try hard to maintain an image of themselves and their country but in reality they are very cold and distant people. Japanese people think about themselves pretty much exclusively- it's just that what they worry about is what other people think of them, hence you think they are polite.

Shop assistants are paid to be polite but its all an act too.

Come back when you`ve made any real Japanese friends.

Edited by MilSpex
  MilSpex said:

You only think this because your just beginning at the language. Once you get better you`ll realise that Japanese people treat each other like poo.

Japanese people are only on the surface polite because they try hard to maintain an image of themselves and their country but in reality they are very cold and distant people. Japanese people think about themselves pretty much exclusively- it's just that what they worry about is what other people think of them, hence you think they are polite.

Shop assistants are paid to be polite but its all an act too.

Come back when you`ve made any real Japanese friends.

Wow, thats a bit harsh, who's sprouting myths now?


I have lots of Japanese friends, and they're some of the friendliest people I know. They are polite when they don't know you, and when you become friends with them, they'll practically bend over backwards to help you before you even ask.

  MilSpex said:

1) There are no fat people in Japan.

2) Acne, like other diseases such as polio and malaria, has been eradicated in Japan.

13) Japanese girls are 20% head and torso, 80% legs

19) "Crime" is an abstract concept in Japan, invoked by hard-line politicians to garner votes. It is otherwise non-existent.

Are you listing myths about Japan?

1) There are just not so many as in the U.S or U.K but they are there if you look hard enough.

2) Nope still there no more gone than in The rest of the world. Differences in skin makes acne less obvious and its still there.

13) That would make them like mutants. A five foot Jap girl would be almost 3.5ft legs and 1.5ft body. The Jap girls in my Language class are not that they are as widespread as anyother nation as far as hight and build is concerned.

19) Crime is not gone oppertunist crime is not so common as in the U.K or U.S but the whole shady side of Burglary and muggings and of cause gang/oranised crime is all there just below the surface you just have to look.

Who cares anyhow I still love the place.

Oh my blog is http://pfurth.livejournal.com/

Youll not its not complete but the pictures are there well some anyway you just have to look at my friends web page. I will complete it.

Posted (edited)
  Noyhauser said:

Wow, thats a bit harsh, who's sprouting myths now?

I`ve lived in Japan for 3 years total. How about you?

I just get upset when western anime fans see Japan through rose colored glasses as some utopia but once you have lived here for a while and learned the language you realise that Japan has just as many problems as any society. Although different. One of the main ones is "tatemae" which is basically face. Acting a certain way because you`re expected to so other people like you, not because you want to. Another one is almost complete ignorance of the rest of the world and a crippliningly homogenous society.

And by the way. Almost all Japanese girls have very short legs. They just know how to dress and exentuate their legs.

Edited by MilSpex
Posted (edited)

I think that's a generic asian thing though isn't it?

It explains how in lots of anime the character will do the exagerrated donald duck expression of "pointing their nose up at the sky, head turned away from character, with their back straight and proud, and eyes closed to show that you are shameful and that they are above you" ...because they can't give face to you. "hmmph!" It's a form of status. "I'm higher than you so I can't be seen shamefully hanging around people of your kind" sort of thing.

I always thought that was just the creator putting cartoon expression on the character but I've seen asian people do it. hehe

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
Posted (edited)

Well, I can only talk about my own experiences. I never stated the comment as fact which is why I presented it as a question. I don't have japanese friends to verify, but I have heard a bit about the system of "giving face" somewhere. I'm prepared to be corrected for those more knowledge than myself on the topic. :p

I'm sure there are truly polite ones as well as rude ones, but yeah the "generally" term usually means what your own experience was. In some countries you are rude just for not taking shoes off before going into a person's house where it's not a requirement in others. So what might some see as being rude or being well-behaved or polite, could be interpreted as something else.


here we go:



Face is the concept of Mianzi . In Chinese culture, losing face, saving face and giving face is very important and should never be forgotten. A person can lose face as a result of losing his or her temper, confronting an individual or putting them on the spot or acting in an arrogant manner or failing to show appropriate respect.

So when someone says "don't give him/her face", what they mean is don't respect that person, they are not worth your respect etc. I was curious because I thought it was a slang sex term like a blowjob or something lol.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

bwahaha... tokyo alone has what... close 30 million people? I love it when people make generalizations on an entire society and culture based on their tiny sampling of people they come in contact with.

Anyways, I always laugh at this phenomona of "the grass is greener"... you have the europhiles who think europe can't do wrong, la la la, then you have the asiaphiles, who think that east asia is some sort of enlightened uber culture.

Posted (edited)
  eugimon said:

bwahaha... tokyo alone has what... close 30 million people? I love it when people make generalizations on an entire society and culture based on their tiny sampling of people they come in contact with.

But dont forget Japan is one of the most homogenous societies on earth. Tokyo is not like LA or New York or London or Sydney. Theres really only one culture here.

Sometimes it seems like Japanese are part of a hive mind and they know what each other is thinking. Also a lot of foreigners note how Japanese are like robots and will act the same in every situation. For example. EVERY Japanese person I`ve EVER met over a meal has told me "ohashi jyouzu" or "wow, you`re good at using chopsticks". This is not only an ignorant thing to say (Dont they know the whole world has Chinese restaurants) but its robotic the way they ALL automatically say it when they see a foreigner use chopsticks.

And you`ll get over the "all Japanese are polite" myth pretty quick the 5th time an old man cuts in front of you at the convenience store or ATM.

Edited by MilSpex
Posted (edited)
  MilSpex said:

But dont forget Japan is one of the most homogenous societies on earth. Tokyo is not like LA or New York or London or Sydney. Theres really only one culture here.

Sometimes it seems like Japanese are part of a hive mind and they know what each other is thinking. Also a lot of foreigners note how Japanese are like robots and will act the same in every situation. For example. EVERY Japanese person I`ve EVER met over a meal has told me "ohashi jyouzu" or "wow, you`re good at using chopsticks". This is not only an ignorant thing to say (Dont they know the whole world has Chinese restaurants) but its robotic the way they ALL automatically say it when they see a foreigner use chopsticks.

And you`ll get over the "all Japanese are polite" myth pretty quick the 5th time an old man cuts in front of you at the convenience store or ATM.

This is a common misconception... japan has many distinct regions, dialects as well as ethnic backgrounds. Japanese themselves are a mix of koreans, chinese, polynesians and the like and their culture reflects those various influences. Japanese people as result have various physical traits as a result... Simply because the differences aren't as pronounced to outsiders, doesn't mean that they don't see those differences, or use them to segregate and classify each other.

Keep in mind, there are ethnic Koreans and Chinese living in Japan, who have taken Japanese names and for all intents and purposes ARE japanese (born there, speak japanese, etc) but to the "real" japanese, these people are always outsiders. Then there's the attitude people from cities have towards people from rural areas, or just the regional differences.

BTW. it's common in both korean and japanese culture to give deference to those older than you, especially the elderly... so in japan, you're the rude one by not offering the old man your spot in line. :p

Edited by eugimon
  eugimon said:

BTW. it's common in both korean and japanese culture to give deference to those older than you, especially the elderly... so in japan, you're the rude one by not offering the old man your spot in line. :p

haha, thats hilarious because I`ve never seen a Japanese young person give up their seat on a bus or train for an elderly person let alone give them their place in line. Like I said> Japanese only care about themselves and those within their group. Anyone outside of their clique they barely consider human.

  eugimon said:

This is a common misconception... japan has many distinct regions, dialects as well as ethnic backgrounds. Japanese themselves are a mix of koreans, chinese, polynesians and the like and their culture reflects those various influences. Japanese people as result have various physical traits as a result... Simply because the differences aren't as pronounced to outsiders, doesn't mean that they don't see those differences, or use them to segregate and classify each other.

Haha, but it doesnt really compare to a Western city or even many Asian ones in multiculturalism does it?

  MilSpex said:

I`ve lived in Japan for 3 years total. How about you?

I just get upset when western anime fans see Japan through rose colored glasses as some utopia but once you have lived here for a while and learned the language you realise that Japan has just as many problems as any society. Although different. One of the main ones is "tatemae" which is basically face. Acting a certain way because you`re expected to so other people like you, not because you want to. Another one is almost complete ignorance of the rest of the world and a crippliningly homogenous society.

And by the way. Almost all Japanese girls have very short legs. They just know how to dress and exentuate their legs.

My family lives in Kyoto and Wakayama-Ken. I've probably lived there 4~5 years total, though not all in one time. When I live there I'm IN japan, not in an english speaking community, or in contact with any english speakers. While I have a family that lives there, I've also got many good friends, quite a few I made through playing rugby. I go out drinking with them, hang out, go on away trips (ect). If anything I feel more at home at times in that "crippling homogenous society" than I do at my place of birth in North America.

And don't fool yourself, westerners in my perspective are often no better with their understanding of the world than Japanese are. Thats not saying much for either.

Posted (edited)

Most countries are truely not as diverse as the U.S. though.

Japan has more history, more internal tradition, and it's had more time for core fundamentals to reach all it's shores.

The US has a steady stream of immigrants that constantly reshape our demographics. Most (if any) other countries can't claim what the U.S. can in multi-national-culturalism.

That's not to say that the average american has any clue what other countries are like.

I have quite a few friends who live/travel to japan on a regular basis and they say a lot of the things MilSpex is saying.

I remember when I was in japan as a kid, I'd go shopping with my mom, and the shop keepers were constantly saying things like "shop here, those other guys steal from you, don't go there" stuff like that.

As for using large sweeping statements to describe "a people." well.. YEAH. how else are you going to describe a nation? Person by person?

I think most adults can safely understand that that if someone says "japanese culture is very self oriented" that the average adult can understand this doesn't mean every single person right down to their core.

No. It's the same way you can generalize in the US that small towns tend to be friendlier and more talkative than big citys. Citys have their friendly people and small towns have their snobs.. we're adults we can handle a little generalization for the sake of arguement.

Edited by KingNor
  Noyhauser said:

My family lives in Kyoto and Wakayama-Ken. I've probably lived there 4~5 years total, though not all in one time.

Are you ethnic Japanese? I`m coming from the perspective that I`m white and obviously foreign and therefore am the ultimate outsider in Japan.

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