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  David Hingtgen said:
Yeah, but I doubt I can get my 5 bucks back from BestBuy (they'd probably ask for the pre-order bonus back!)

Oh, I guess I read your post wrong. I thought that you had a pre-order at Gamestop and decided to buy it from Best Buy instead.

There are gonna be way to many good games this holiday season for Xbox 360 and Wii. But that's a good thing. :lol:

  protostar8 said:
There are gonna be way to many good games this holiday season for Xbox 360 and Wii. But that's a good thing. :lol:

Not for all of us. :(


I don't know about you guys but I went to TRU this Saturday and tried to get in on that "Buy Two Get One Free" game sale they had going before it ended. My local TRU was pretty much empty... All they had where crap games. I asked the clerk about the missing titles I wanted and after some discussion between us he pretty much fessed up that that store was not actually "sold out" but that they in truth had some, but they were not putting those games out on the shelves until the "sale" ended. I thought that was kind of underhanded and I went up front and spoke with a manager, who told me the underling was "wrong" and that "all they had right now was on the shelves".

It just seemed strange to me that a huge chain store would not have some of the most popular games in stock when all their competitors did. On my way home I stopped at Best Buy and they had all three of the games I wanted in spades... I tend to believe that clerk and not the manager.

Also, this is off topic but what is the deal with TRU these days anyway? The whole store looked like it was either on clearance or on sale. Are they going under or just trying to stay afloat?

  JsARCLIGHT said:
I don't know about you guys but I went to TRU this Saturday and tried to get in on that "Buy Two Get One Free" game sale they had going before it ended. My local TRU was pretty much empty... All they had where crap games. I asked the clerk about the missing titles I wanted and after some discussion between us he pretty much fessed up that that store was not actually "sold out" but that they in truth had some, but they were not putting those games out on the shelves until the "sale" ended. I thought that was kind of underhanded and I went up front and spoke with a manager, who told me the underling was "wrong" and that "all they had right now was on the shelves".

It just seemed strange to me that a huge chain store would not have some of the most popular games in stock when all their competitors did. On my way home I stopped at Best Buy and they had all three of the games I wanted in spades... I tend to believe that clerk and not the manager.

Also, this is off topic but what is the deal with TRU these days anyway? The whole store looked like it was either on clearance or on sale. Are they going under or just trying to stay afloat?

My friend works at TRU, you can actually get a voucher for games that aren't there or are unreleased (within 90 days), you pay for them up front and then bring your receipt in once the games come in stock. My friend who works there applied his discount on top of the buy two get one free and is using it to get a couple of newer games that are being released in the next 90 days.


Well that wasn't the case at this store. They pretty much gave me the "we ain't got 'em so pound sand" response. No rainchecks, no nothing. According to them this sale was for "in stock items only" and if it wasn't on the shelf, "they didn't have it".

I'm not sure why I even go to that store... they never have anything.


At the Toys R Us I stopped at last week, most of the good games were in the big glass case where the extra stock would go while most everything out on the shelves was "crap" or older stuff. At least the good games were viewable and buyable, but I think they were trying to increase the chances that the other stuff would be bought off instead by the more casual buyer who wouldn't bother to go look at the glass case.


This TRU that I was at had no "shelf items" for the new systems. All the 360, PSP and PS3 games where behind glass in a big case behind the checkout counter. The rest of the "entertainment zone" area looked half empty and was mostly full of kiddie electronics and DVD players. The glass case that held the games was also actually half empty and most of the games were in the wrong spots. It looked like when they "sold out" (wink wink) of a title they just moved the one next to it into it's slot, making it look like they "never had that other game" to begin with. Unless you practically leaned over the counter and read the small print on the shelf labels you'd never know they even stocked certain games. Add to that the "Buy Two Get One Free" signs were only on the older system's game shelves... those signs were narry to be seen on the glass cased items.

In the long run this place reminded me why I don't shop at TRU.

Posted (edited)
  JsARCLIGHT said:
This TRU that I was at had no "shelf items" for the new systems. All the 360, PSP and PS3 games where behind glass in a big case behind the checkout counter. The rest of the "entertainment zone" area looked half empty and was mostly full of kiddie electronics and DVD players. The glass case that held the games was also actually half empty and most of the games were in the wrong spots. It looked like when they "sold out" (wink wink) of a title they just moved the one next to it into it's slot, making it look like they "never had that other game" to begin with. Unless you practically leaned over the counter and read the small print on the shelf labels you'd never know they even stocked certain games. Add to that the "Buy Two Get One Free" signs were only on the older system's game shelves... those signs were narry to be seen on the glass cased items.

In the long run this place reminded me why I don't shop at TRU.

That's a shame, the TRU's in my area are very well organized, in fact, the one my friend works at just got renovated and expanded. My only complaint with TRU, is they're not cheap anymore, they're way more expensive than Target and Wal-Mart for most items.

Edited by emajnthis

Mass Effect has just gone gold and all the articles say that there'll be a Collectors Edition at participating stores. Does anyone know which stores are participating in this? I can't find a list anywhere.


JsARCLIGHT, thats pretty shady on the part of that TRU you went to. From what I understand, TRU is feeling the heat from Wal-Mart and Target undercutting them price wise on toys. I've notice too that the TRUs I've been to seem to be going out of business, or give off that vibe.

Mass Effect is really tempting me to get a XBOX 360, but I'll probably wait until Black Friday, Christmas to see if there will be a good deal on a 360 or PS3


Finally beat Dynasty Warriors: Gundam last night and got all 1,000 points. Took it back to the local store I bought it from almost two months ago and got almost $35 in store credit. Not too shabby. :)

BTW, who would be interested in a bunch of us playing Halo 3 online sometime soon? I've played with MilkManX and some of his relatives once and also Bobepatt. It would be interesting to see how a bunch of us would act as a team.


I don't know about the rest of you, but I personally hate the d-pad on the 360 controller. My disdain was cemented when I played Street Fighter 2 on XBL Arcade, I had such a difficult time doing simple QCF and charge moves. I gave it some time figuring it's just a learning curve, but after a few weeks I still felt the d-pad was inaccurate.

Instead of paying $70 for a stick, I replaced the 360 d-pad with the d-pad from the old Xbox1 S-type controller. It's a perfect fit and was easy to do, no soldering or glue required.

But be warned, in order to replace the d-pad you'll have to disassemble your 360 controller which will void its warranty. The 7th screw to remove is covered by the SKU, so you'll need to remove or punch through the SKU to unscrew it. Your white controller will also look a little odd with a black d-pad, but hey. B))


Thats awesome Lonewolf.

I just use an arcade stick myself but that is a great idea for some of the other XBLA games.

I am always down to play some Halo 3. We should make a MW Halo 3 night.


Played Stranglehold and halfway through. Definately a rental only game. Combat is fast and furious and bullet time is pretty much the same as max payne except you get the "Tequila Bomb" counter to do super moves with. Despite the "cool things" you can do in the game, you can never do it as cool and flawless as they showed it to you in the previews. Later levels become too intense for you to worry about style over practicality. You have to stay behind cover and MOVE alot. Be on your toes. Screw style....try to survive.

3/10 for me.


The list has been updated.

  Apollo Leader said:
Looks like it's time for a new 360 thread! :p Downloaded Rush'n Attack last night. Nice to have the flame thrower that was absent in the NES version. :D

And as a few have suggested below, I am going to start a master list of everyone on macross World who is on Xbox Live. I'll update the list as more post to this thread. The name on the left will be Macross World ID's while names on the right will be their Live alias:

Apollo Leader - Apollo Leader

Chowser - Sarge051

Mechafan - TechGhostR6

BoBe-Patt - bobe patt

Sephiroth - Sephiroth017

MilkManX - MilkManX

Dante74 - Lorenzo74

David Hingtgen - Xenogears Id

Valkyrie - Valkyrie2036

Axelay - Silent Scope EX


Oihan (Oyan) - Ashmedai

Alpha OTS - Qaztab

Fort Max - Angst O Tron

mikeszekely - Pharaohman

eugimon - eugimon

Mechafan - TechGhostR6

VT 1010 - ROU21


I've been thinking about a MW Halo 3 tournament myself but I think it would be a little difficult for us non US based players unless it was sometime during the day in the weekend.

So if you guys are planning to do a game sometime during the weekend let me know and I'll gladly join.

  TheLoneWolf said:
I don't know about the rest of you, but I personally hate the d-pad on the 360 controller. My disdain was cemented when I played Street Fighter 2 on XBL Arcade, I had such a difficult time doing simple QCF and charge moves. I gave it some time figuring it's just a learning curve, but after a few weeks I still felt the d-pad was inaccurate.

Instead of paying $70 for a stick, I replaced the 360 d-pad with the d-pad from the old Xbox1 S-type controller. It's a perfect fit and was easy to do, no soldering or glue required.

But be warned, in order to replace the d-pad you'll have to disassemble your 360 controller which will void its warranty. The 7th screw to remove is covered by the SKU, so you'll need to remove or punch through the SKU to unscrew it. Your white controller will also look a little odd with a black d-pad, but hey. B))

If I know I'm going to be playing something like SF II Turbo or Fatal Fury Special, I'll hook up my Hori DOA4 stick. Kind of odd that not to many others have taken the initiative to make a good analog arcade stick for the 360.

  Dante74 said:
I've been thinking about a MW Halo 3 tournament myself but I think it would be a little difficult for us non US based players unless it was sometime during the day in the weekend.

So if you guys are planning to do a game sometime during the weekend let me know and I'll gladly join.

In my own case, even on the weekends, I typically play in the evening until late at night. What is the time difference there in the Netherlands compared to the US Midwest? About 8 or 10 hours?

  Apollo Leader said:
Kind of odd that not to many others have taken the initiative to make a good analog arcade stick for the 360.


Overall, I'd say it's a niche market for arcade sticks. But I think the primary reason is that all 3rd party controllers have to pay royalties to Microsoft. There are also a lot of other annoying stipulations involved with the licensing, but I think royalites are still the main culprit. As for some companies that've reverse engineered their own controllers into working on the 360, I've heard rumors that MS has sent out (and will continue to do so) dashboard updates that locks out these unlicensed controllers.

  Apollo Leader said:
In my own case, even on the weekends, I typically play in the evening until late at night. What is the time difference there in the Netherlands compared to the US Midwest? About 8 or 10 hours?

It's about 7 hours so i'd have to get up real early or go to sleep real late in order to play with some of you. I read this thread occasionally so if you guys are planning an online Halo 3 session, I'll just have to see if I can join in the fun. ^_^

  Apollo Leader said:
If I know I'm going to be playing something like SF II Turbo or Fatal Fury Special, I'll hook up my Hori DOA4 stick. Kind of odd that not to many others have taken the initiative to make a good analog arcade stick for the 360.

Has ANYONE made an analog arcade stick for the 360?

And would there really be much point? Most of the games you need analog for aren't well-suited to

arcade panels.

  eugimon said:
Well, there's this monster: http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2007/10/24/ar...-stick-for-360/

but at that price, you better LOVE your fighting games.

That's a digital stick, just like the Horis are.

I picked up Hori's Fighting Stick EX2 the other day.

DOA4 stick with less boobs.

Seems to work pretty well, though I've yet to actually connect it to my 360. Random MAME shooters seemed more fun than WARTECH!!1111 Senko no Ronde.

  JB0 said:
That's a digital stick, just like the Horis are.

I picked up Hori's Fighting Stick EX2 the other day.

DOA4 stick with less boobs.

Seems to work pretty well, though I've yet to actually connect it to my 360. Random MAME shooters seemed more fun than WARTECH!!1111 Senko no Ronde.

ah, so it is. I guess I should have paid more attention when reading about the stick options.


Updated... again! :D

  Apollo Leader said:
Looks like it's time for a new 360 thread! :p Downloaded Rush'n Attack last night. Nice to have the flame thrower that was absent in the NES version. :D

And as a few have suggested below, I am going to start a master list of everyone on macross World who is on Xbox Live. I'll update the list as more post to this thread. The name on the left will be Macross World ID's while names on the right will be their Live alias:

Apollo Leader - Apollo Leader

Chowser - Sarge051

Mechafan - TechGhostR6

BoBe-Patt - bobe patt

Sephiroth - Sephiroth017

MilkManX - MilkManX

Dante74 - Lorenzo74

David Hingtgen - Xenogears Id

Valkyrie - Valkyrie2036

Axelay - Silent Scope EX


Oihan (Oyan) - Ashmedai

Alpha OTS - Qaztab

Fort Max - Angst O Tron

mikeszekely - Pharaohman

eugimon - eugimon

Mechafan - TechGhostR6

VT 1010 - ROU21

Beltane70 - Beltane0070


Yeah, I'm down for a MW Halo 3 session. Just let me know. I'm always on. ^_^


...and again!

  Apollo Leader said:
Looks like it's time for a new 360 thread! :p Downloaded Rush'n Attack last night. Nice to have the flame thrower that was absent in the NES version. :D

And as a few have suggested below, I am going to start a master list of everyone on macross World who is on Xbox Live. I'll update the list as more post to this thread. The name on the left will be Macross World ID's while names on the right will be their Live alias:

Apollo Leader - Apollo Leader

Chowser - Sarge051

Mechafan - TechGhostR6

BoBe-Patt - bobe patt

Sephiroth - Sephiroth017

MilkManX - MilkManX

Dante74 - Lorenzo74

David Hingtgen - Xenogears Id

Valkyrie - Valkyrie2036

Axelay - Silent Scope EX


Oihan (Oyan) - Ashmedai

Alpha OTS - Qaztab

Fort Max - Angst O Tron

mikeszekely - Pharaohman

eugimon - eugimon

Mechafan - TechGhostR6

VT 1010 - ROU21

Beltane70 - Beltane0070

Ishimaru - Ryvann

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