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IMHO, any electronic item should be able to go 6 hours at 70 degrees ambient. 4 hours isn't at all uncommon when I'm playing a new RPG (or Ace Combat). Don't think I've ever done six STRAIGHT, but 3+3 with a 30-60 minute gap between isn't unheard of. Or 2+2+2. It's hard to find 6 hours in a day to play period IMHO. But systems should be able to take it. I know every other system of mine sure can, and not get any warmer than when it's only been used for 30 mins.

Guess I'll just hope mine lasts until the new CPU/board comes out.

  David Hingtgen said:
4 hours isn't at all uncommon when I'm playing a new RPG... ... Don't think I've ever done six STRAIGHT, but 3+3 with a 30-60 minute gap between isn't unheard of. Or 2+2+2.

I just KNOW that I'm gonna be putting in time like that when Mass Effect comes out. Yes, I still blame you for this. :p


Here's a Heads up for you guys.

In this sunday's Kolhs ad there is a ad for 30% off all video games. Even though my local one's don't carry PS3 titles, the circuit city I go to honored the ad and gave me 30% off of heavenly sword and Dynasty warriors gundam. I didn't even have to fight for it...also the kid checking me out says "Nice find...I guess I'll have to get some game with this too."

I'm sure it would work for 360 too. Here you go Halo Fans.

  CoryHolmes said:
I just KNOW that I'm gonna be putting in time like that when Mass Effect comes out. Yes, I still blame you for this. :p

Yeah! And don't forget the recently revealed "hot alien lesbian sex".

  David Hingtgen said:
Mwa ha ha. I was wondering if you'd heard.

I looked away as soon as the article said "SPOILER ALERT". But now I've gone back and read it all and I stand by my original assessment: ... damn you.

  Chowser said:
I believe it was new, it looked new. Unless they were relabeling refurbs with a new manufacture date or sticking them in new cases. I will check it to see what team built it when my son gets back home with the unit. That might make it more clear when it was built.

It was made 08/15/07. My Halo edition was made 08/06/07. That scares me now. But after speaking with my son this morning (the unit still will not power up), I am wondering if it was heat related as usual. He says he and his ex-step-father were playing for over 6 hours and the room was hot (dummies didn't turn on the a/c because it was 70 degrees outside) when the system RRODed. He immediately turned it off and it was hot to the touch. I'll look at it some more when he gets it home.

Unacceptable. The whole 360 RROD thing is the worst electronic product defect in history. EVen the original PS1 and 2 were no where near the levels of this. Falcon ones or nothing. That's assuming the Falcons actually don't die in weeks like the originals.


Halo 3 reviews are rolling in. Looks like it's living up to it's hype. The more I see about the Forge mode, looks like that's going to be loads of fun.

This afternoon I paid off the remainder of what was owed on my Legendary Edition and I picked up a Master Chief t-shirt (seems to be styled off of the Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction album cover) and another Halo 3 faceplate (comes with a system skin). Will be back to Gamestop tomorrow night. :)

  Apollo Leader said:
Halo 3 reviews are rolling in. Looks like it's living up to it's hype. The more I see about the Forge mode, looks like that's going to be loads of fun.

This afternoon I paid off the remainder of what was owed on my Legendary Edition and I picked up a Master Chief t-shirt (seems to be styled off of the Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction album cover) and another Halo 3 faceplate (comes with a system skin). Will be back to Gamestop tomorrow night. :)

Snippets from the 1up review that I found very interesting:

"New modes like the zombie-survival Infestation and twists on old favorites --"


"Co-op play starts off as another known quantity, but turn on a new feature called campaign scoring, and all of a sudden, the main story-driven game becomes an arcade-like experience. Campaign scoring lets players work together and pool points from kills (with bonuses for headshots, grenade sticks, etc.), or they can compete by going for individual high scores (but they still must work together since team kills deduct points)."

I wish I wouldn't have read those snippets. I could have waited for the Halo 3 hype to die down before buying, but now I'm really interested. Sounds like they really paid some attention to the non deathmatch co-op aspects.


Oh, I haven't read ANY of the recent reviews---I'm trying to avoid everything possible from now until release. But the hot alien lesbian was mentioned in an article that was purely about how/why it got a Mature rating. Also, I highly suspected it would be the case based on previous Bioware games, and how the species was described in the prequel novel.

And Penny Arcade had a comic: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/09/19


Finally talked with my son, total time the 360 was running before it RRODed was 18+ hours. I wrapped it in a towel and stuck it in the freezer for 5 minutes. Let it thaw out and it seems to be working now. This one is still quieter than my Halo edition 360. Today, I stopped in to see if a just stolen 360 was brought it to be pawned off (which it wasn't) and checked to see if my H3 Legendary was paid off and got a nice surprise. The district manager was in and knocked off 15%, so they took the excess and threw it on my Ace Combat preorder after knocking that down some too. I get the employee discount now! Woot!!!! 15% off everything! And if I buy a used game, I can just use the Edge card and it's 25% off. Guess I'll be doing most of my shopping there now instead of trying to price shop! It was a nice thank you for me and one other guy since we've gotten so many people to come in and buy stuff.

  Chowser said:
Finally talked with my son, total time the 360 was running before it RRODed was 18+ hours. I wrapped it in a towel and stuck it in the freezer for 5 minutes. Let it thaw out and it seems to be working now. This one is still quieter than my Halo edition 360. Today, I stopped in to see if a just stolen 360 was brought it to be pawned off (which it wasn't) and checked to see if my H3 Legendary was paid off and got a nice surprise. The district manager was in and knocked off 15%, so they took the excess and threw it on my Ace Combat preorder after knocking that down some too. I get the employee discount now! Woot!!!! 15% off everything! And if I buy a used game, I can just use the Edge card and it's 25% off. Guess I'll be doing most of my shopping there now instead of trying to price shop! It was a nice thank you for me and one other guy since we've gotten so many people to come in and buy stuff.

Very nice. :) Just hoping my refurb unit doesn't go wacko on me in the next 24 hours! :p


Okay, in another 8 hours I'll be out at Gamestop getting things squared away for my Legendary purchase of Halo 3. Then I got to wait outside the store for another 2 hours... and it's forecasted an 80% chance of rain or thunderstorms tonight and this is a Gamestop that's at an outdoor strip mall. :p

So who else will be getting it tonight or sometime tomorrow or this week?

Posted (edited)

I'll be getting it the day after tommorow when it hits the streets here in the Netherlands.

I played Halo 2 today for a little while to see if I still "had it". I can assure you that I am in dire need of some practice. :wacko:

Edited by Dante74

I'll be standing in line at the Gamestop in my area 2 hrs before midnight. This will be the first time I've ever stood in line for a video game; Halo 3 seems worth it though.


I'm unsure of whether or not there's going to be a line to get into my store, the midight opening is only for pre-orders (this marks the longest time I've ever pre-ordered a game, almost five months), so I'll be meandering in around 23:30 or so. If there's a line, I doubt I'll stand in (though I will come prepaired just in case I have a fit of insanity).

  David Hingtgen said:
Also, if you spend all night in line, you'll miss the season premiere of Heroes.

You make that sound like a bad thing, though :p

Any idea if Mass Effect will ship with a Collectors Edition?


Well, I wasn't going to get Halo 3, but a friend of mine couldn't decide between the Collector's Edition and the Legendary Edition, so he bought both, came over, opened the Legendary, took out the actual game box, stuffed the Collector's Edition inside in it's place, and gave me what essentially amounts to a regular edition with a black box instead of a green one.


just got home with the legendary edition. i'll open it tomorrow, time for bed. you'd think that i'd open it and look at it after spending $110 on it. but nope, I'm here surfing before I go to bed. my cat better run, she's going to get a helmet stuck on her head in the morning!



I didn't arrive to the store until a quarter till midnight. Not sure of the exact number of people, but there was quite a few even though it was raining pretty good (I had an umbrella :p ). Got my receipt and went back outside. They made us get into two separate lines: one for regular and one for those getting the Legendary and Collector's Editions. At midnight, they started to let a small group from each line go in. Things went pretty quick. I was home by a quarter till 1:00. Will open either when I get home from work or I'm going to take it to work and open it so all my coworkers can stare at its awesomeness. ;) Can't wait to play it Tuesday evening. :)


What is it about the Wii that's making you want something else? It would be better to save up and buy a 360 in addition to your Wii than to dispose of the Wii altogether. Besides, what are you gonna' play with when your 360 dies out on you?

  myk said:
What is it about the Wii that's making you want something else? It would be better to save up and buy a 360 in addition to your Wii than to dispose of the Wii altogether. Besides, what are you gonna' play with when your 360 dies out on you?

Agreed, and please note that myk typed 'when', not 'if', cause it will eventually go kaput.


Here's the helmet next to a controller for size comparison

Back to Oblivion or should I start H3??? j/k

4 hrs of sleep is not enough!



I told myself that I wasn't going to wait, I wasn't going to wait, I wasn't going to wait... I ended up waiting in line for almost an hour and a half. I was shocked at the amount of people there, and that was just for pre-orders! (as it turns out, that one store had more than 250 pre-orders for H3 of various types). So I didn't actually get back until 2am or so and have spent the last three hours playing the game. So pretty. So very, very pretty. Some frantic action and funny dialog from Master Sargent Johnson. My all-time favourite move is ripping gun turrets/plasma turrets out of the ground and just mowing down those Covie sons of battyes!


I picked my copy up this morning at gamestop, funny thing was there was a guy there asking if they had any copies left (he apparantly didn't pre-order) and the kid behind the counter says, " What makes you think there would be any left? This is HALO, just the biggest game, no, MEDIA release EVER!"


I wonder how many Halo fans got stymied by a malfunctioning 360 when they finally got home...

  myk said:
I wonder how many Halo fans got stymied by a malfunctioning 360 when they finally got home...

Is it wrong that that is what I thought was happening the first time I saw that "Mountain Dew Game Fuel" commercial with all the fan boys screaming? :ph34r:

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