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Macross movie trailer...live action

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HOLY COW! they're gonna ruin it! LOL!

j/k i don't mind, i mean they got jennifer(i would chop off my own arm) connelly it. yummy!


they better have the naked shower scene, i wanna see the goods.

Edited by do not disturb
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Not even near to Macross.

I can see the clip from Firefly, Final Fantasy, Independece Day, Pearl Harbor and Stealth......hmmm....no Top Gun? :lol:

He should get some CGI scene from VFX-II or Zero to get a more convincing 'fake' trailer.

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He should get some CGI scene from VFX-II or Zero to get a more convincing 'fake' trailer.

I agree. I've seen this fake Mac trailer a while ago and they could have also used dogfight footage from Mac Zero too.

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No, not cool at at.

Clips cobbled together from recent sci-fi/action blockbusters that happen to feature fighter jets do not a good Macross video make.

Plus anything that features Ben Assfleck, automatically gets two thumbs down.


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Okay, I get it. While there's no resemblance to Macross characters/vehicles whatsoever, I can get the "gist" of the whole thing, to show what the pacing and action might look like if a l.a. Macross were to come to the big screen. While I think that CGI technology has finally progressed to the point where a "real" VF-1 could be put on film without looking like utter fake crap, I am thoroughly conviced in my heart of hearts that if left to Hollywood, any adaptation of Macross would bear no resemblance to the original story/show whatsoever, but rather, turn out as nothing but an unholy, bastardized farce, not even worthy of wiping one's arse with.

And we won't even touch the crap-tastic merchandising whoring that would surely take place...

Still, a small part of me would love to see what would happen if an SFX master like Stan Winston and his studio were to build a 1/1 mock-up of a VF-1 or a Mospeada Legioss. Sure the range of motion would be limited at best, but think of it! what an unGodly kewl terror of a prop it'd make! For that matter, has anyone ever tried to build a mock-up of a Mospeada Cyclone?

Edited by reddsun1
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I think Hollywood would do just fine with Macross simply because they won't have to write around or write in a love story. The only audience that matters, the date audience, already has everything they need. The rest of it would be fine if kept looking like it should.

As far as the trailer goes, I think as a premise for how Macross could look, it worked fine. There's just too many of you here who don't see past black and white.

Edited by Chewie
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Looks like someone made a logo for Macross and then decided he'd throw a bunch of junk before it.

Yet. . . no transforming mecha = not macross.

Just. . . lame.

Sorry. Just one opinion.

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As a fan effort i think its not bad. ;)

Support your fellow Macross fans, you nitpicking misers! At least he didn't put "ROBOTECH...the invasion begins" :p

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On the positive side I think that was a fair representation of how the American Hollywood movie machine would sit on Macross and bounce up and down on it's head. Seriously, that "fake" trailer is beat for beat the kind of summer movie blockbuster full of itself drunk on it's own hugeness fare we're used to. All that is missing from that trailer is a few Wilhelm screams, brief clips of Will Smith or Chris Tucker screaming "daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaym" or something to that effect and the James Horner "ride 'em cowboy" escape the atmosphere processor soundtrack music from Aliens.

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Macross should stay as an anime forever. Part of the reason I like it is that it is set in a world where characters can do things with fictional mecha that don't kill the pilots inside them.

But I do wonder what a cg-infested space war would be like in the style of macross. Where you have people using mecha like the destroids to actually defend earth from aliens. Or have space fighters that can have alternate soldier modes to land onto a planet and fight without changing vehicles.

I mean I like the idea of macross thinking of detail like that, just don't want live action to spoil some of he cool things you gain by being anime with crazy stunts that would be dangerous in real life. Remember when hikaru opens up the cockpit to rescue minmay falling and jumps back in the cockpit? That isn't something a movie audience would find believable.

And then there is the idea that the battroid for its size should weigh something and be heavy. So it will be limited in what it does. No rolling or diving on the ground and fighting like you see in manga or anime. The actions will have to appear slow and heavy for consistency. They can break up a building by crashing into a row of it, unscathed, but they shouldn't move as quick as you see in the anime. (they would be slow like the robots in 8th MS Team or patlabor) But that means making a sacrifice and taking out some of the speed of a valkyrie fight that I like so much in animated form. I think a live action movie would better suit the battletech world.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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