hutch Posted January 26, 2008 Posted January 26, 2008 This movie couldn't be more what I paid for if I asked. The final battle scene is INSANE. Lots of fun. One appalling thing. People in the theater I was in brought CHILDREN to the movie. Like 5 year old kids. FIVE YEAR OLDS. Pretty much everybody in the theater had the same reaction as my friends and I. Just stunned disbelief. Quote
UN_MARINE Posted January 26, 2008 Posted January 26, 2008 maybe they weren't expecting the Rambo factor? seriously, the last few action movies i've seen had super toned-down killingsmanship. this movie just rocked/shocked their world! it'll probably be the last goriest, manliest action flick we'll see in this lifetime those people who brought in kids will probably make sure this kind of action is never seen again ...unless they loved every minute of it Quote
Hikuro Posted January 26, 2008 Posted January 26, 2008 Cool so it looks like I wont be going in expecting some sort of watered down piss poor excuse of a rambo flick. Nice! Something ot make up for his middle eastern trip. Quote
hutch Posted January 26, 2008 Posted January 26, 2008 Even the non-redband trailer of this movie gave you a pretty good idea of how bloody it was going to be. I'm actually surprised in some way that this movie wasn't x-rated for violence. Quote
HoveringCheesecake Posted January 27, 2008 Posted January 27, 2008 This was great. I plan on buying it just to watch the kills in slow motion, I mean DAMN. Quote
Vermillion21 Posted January 27, 2008 Posted January 27, 2008 So I get the impression that this is a good sequel in the Rambo franchise then ... Quote
areaseven Posted January 27, 2008 Posted January 27, 2008 Vermillion21 said: So I get the impression that this is a good sequel in the Rambo franchise then ... It's so good, it almost makes you forget Rambo III existed. Some people even think it's better than Rambo: First Blood Part II. Quote
yellowlightman Posted January 27, 2008 Posted January 27, 2008 areaseven said: It's so good, it almost makes you forget Rambo III existed. Some people even think it's better than Rambo: First Blood Part II. Rambo III was awesome. What are you talking about. Quote
aaajin Posted January 27, 2008 Posted January 27, 2008 yellowlightman said: Rambo III was awesome. What are you talking about. not until u've seen Rambo IV. Saw the movie last night and when the movie ended, everyone gave it a standing ovation...the gore scenes were absolutely gore...but some part of it were are bit too cheesy that people actually laughed (like when he said something about "live bla2..." I forgot...) Quote
Hikuro Posted January 27, 2008 Posted January 27, 2008 saw it, loved it. GORE FEST galore. Course it feels like it ends to quickly, but if you want a film that really does get straight to the point, I think this litterally does....get in, get 'em out, kill anyone in your way. Quote
Apollo Leader Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 I saw it last night night and would have to say it was bloody good, emphasis on BLOODY. Regarding the Tall Boy that's laying in the jungle, to my knowledge the RAF mainly used those on German submarine pens and other hard targets in France and elsewhere in Europe and I don't think those made it down to Burma, but I could be wrong. Like Rocky Balboa, this movie sends the series out on a high note. Quote
CoryHolmes Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Apollo Leader said: Like Rocky Balboa, this movie sends the series out on a high note. Don't be so sure. There was a line in my paper yesterday that said they might make another one, based in the States again. Quote
baronv Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Watched Rambo and was surprised to say it was pretty good (a lot better than Alien vs. Predator 2-Fell asleep on that one). Tense action, wished they put some more back story on the mercenaries though. I think this was actually better than Rocky Balboa. Can't believe Meet the Spartans beat this movie in gross over the weekend. Quote
bandit29 Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Meet the Spartans was awesome!!! it was terrible actually but it didn't cost me anything lol Quote
drifand Posted February 1, 2008 Posted February 1, 2008 RAMBO (4)-EVAH!!! What a blast! The action was out of this world. I haven't enjoyed screen violence like this since... KILL BILL, I think. :-) The DVD will be mine, oh yes. Quote
Ratchet Posted February 1, 2008 Posted February 1, 2008 I liked the ending when he finally comes back home to his dad? He(script) should have done that in FIRST BLOOD. Quote
eugimon Posted February 1, 2008 Posted February 1, 2008 CoryHolmes said: Don't be so sure. There was a line in my paper yesterday that said they might make another one, based in the States again. well, stalone is saying this is the last. Quote
mpchi Posted February 1, 2008 Posted February 1, 2008 It did turn out to be a great movie. A lot less commercialized, and actually touching. Not touching in a lovey dovey way, but really made you feel how horrible war can be. When people get shot, you can really feel the pain...every one of them. And you do get to see really how people look like when they get shot & blown to pieces. Its horrifying. So not a flick for someone with a weak stomach. And Rambo himself is a lot less of the cheesy super human we used to know in the earlier Rambo sequels. He is still badass as expected, but he is no longer the one man army that deflects bullets. So like Rambo I, this film also gives us a little something other than the action. But rather than addressing the unfair stereotypical treatment towards the Vietnam vet in Rambo I, this one made us feel the horror of war & slaughter (which something still happens very often today, just that we never see of heard a lot of it, and almost never this up close unless you are a vet yourself with simialr experience). Seeing this movie only getting 34% at Rottentomatoes, I wasn't expecting much before the viewing. But now, I can't believe this film got such a low score, when it made me feel something I've rarely felt, especially in an action movie with minimal plot. I usually don't enjoy gorey movies, but this one actually has a good purpose for having it. When most people flet the movie is too short, it usually means they want more. Great flick! Quote
UN_MARINE Posted February 2, 2008 Posted February 2, 2008 yeah, too bad a big chunk of the reviews are negative. i read some of them, the reviews are mostly coming from the kind of people that hold their hands up to their ears & go "la la la la la..." you know, the kind of people that used to say "Rock & Roll's the devil's work" most of them have never even seen the 1st 3 movies! then they go on about how bad or shallow the movie is. well... it is RAMBO, BY CROM!!! what were they expecting? dialog from Macbeth? and what gave them the idea that this movie wouldn't be all "blood & guts" ? it's funny how the level of killingsmanship offends some of them. meh. there you go kids, the last movie of this kind of awesome. enjoy it, own the DVD's, buy all the merchandise & keep it safe for your kids & grandkids. because you know somebody's gonna put a ban on them Quote
polidread Posted February 2, 2008 Posted February 2, 2008 aaajin said: not until u've seen Rambo IV. Saw the movie last night and when the movie ended, everyone gave it a standing ovation...the gore scenes were absolutely gore...but some part of it were are bit too cheesy that people actually laughed (like when he said something about "live bla2..." I forgot...) "live for nothing or die for something, this is what we do" or something. fluffy, cute, pink and warm from Rambo Quote
Hikuro Posted February 3, 2008 Posted February 3, 2008 The line though it was narrated was pretty similar type of saying he used in Balboa. I dunno if anyone got the same type of ad trailer as I did in my theater about buyign the Ultimate Editions....I managed to find first blood, was a real pain in the ass to find....kid kept looking in R's and I finally went "Dude, if you have EVER paid attention to the franchise, it'd be under F for First Blood....Rambo wasn't used in the title until the sequel as "Rambo First Blood Part II" And bam I found it without him....I just had to look carefully. First Blood really brought back memories for came out to VHS when I was 1, but I think I saw it when I was 3 thanks to my aunt and uncle recording the first 2 movies....I did see the second film in a drive in with my folks, and the third in theaters back in I think 88. I gotta say the character REALLY freakin changed between all 3 films to this one...he became stone. Quote
mriboy Posted February 3, 2008 Posted February 3, 2008 I saw it last week and it was great, it had lots of action and defiantly one of the better ones. I am thinking of going to see it again this week. Quote
HoveringCheesecake Posted February 3, 2008 Posted February 3, 2008 wolfx said: picture Quote
cyde01 Posted February 4, 2008 Posted February 4, 2008 yeah i was surprised by how good this was too seeing as the reviews stunk. Quote
mpchi Posted February 4, 2008 Posted February 4, 2008 Don't quite understand why most reviewers are being quite negative about it. Some even said the actions are bad... and even mentioned they never seen any Rambo movies before LOL. Quote
1/1 LowViz Lurker Posted February 5, 2008 Posted February 5, 2008 The fans on imdb like it, but the critics on rotten tomatoes hate it. Quote
Hikuro Posted February 5, 2008 Posted February 5, 2008 I was listening to the commentary track by Sly for First Blood, course, no mention of Rambo here, but he talked about that during the time the movie was being seen to the public, it was viewed as a right wing political war machine and Sly says "It's the complete oppisite if you truely pay attention to this film. Rambo is going AGAINST the machine, society etc...he's trying to bring it down because he can't assimulate back in" And to this day, Rambo's character is still thought of as the right winged war mongler. Never knew that according to the book, that Sherrif Teasle was a Korean war vet and hated Nam vets cause they got more publicity then his war did...hence why he gave Rambo such a hard time and pushed him to the limit. Also read some rather interesting information on Rambo himself and how he's the oppisite of the movie version. Quote
Warmaker Posted February 7, 2008 Posted February 7, 2008 I saw a "version" of this movie all the way where I'm at. I liked it alot and will get the DVD. It ranks there with First Blood. It's one of those flicks where you really can't wait for Rambo to nail the badguys Quote
mpchi Posted February 11, 2008 Posted February 11, 2008 Yeah, would get the DVD when it comes out too, to finish my Rambo collection. Hope it comes with commentaries and goodies like Rocky Balboa did, so I can get to know more on the thoughts behind the film, and what they go through to make the gory scenes as gory and effective as they are on screen. Probably will still feel a little sick in the stomach though on my second viewing, even though I like the movie quite a bit. Quote
Dr. Z Posted February 14, 2008 Posted February 14, 2008 I went to a Rambothon the night before the official release, we (about 200 people) saw the 4 Rambos one after another. It was an awesome experience. The new Rambo was fantastic, better than I thought it would be. Sly's a machine. Quote
wolfx Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 Just saw it at the theaters. The irony of my country is , they censor the f*** words coming outta the mercenaries but left the gore intact. Weapons-based Questions: WTH gun is attached to that HumVee? Was it firing 10mm GAU rounds or something or is it supposed to do that? I dunno. And is the sniper guy holding a barrett and running around with it? Quote
bsu legato Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 wolfx said: Weapons-based Questions: WTH gun is attached to that HumVee? Was it firing 10mm GAU rounds or something or is it supposed to do that? After looking at some publicity stills, I'd say it was a Browning M2 .50 cal, slightly redressed to resemble some sort of ComBloc piece. Quote
Warmaker Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 A .50 would do a number on a human target. I recall reading an AAR from a N.Guard unit about their gear. They were quite satisfied with the performance of .50 cal rifles in terms of physical and psychological damage. A single shot from a rifle hitting a man in the stomach and sending his upper torso to fall off does negative things for morale. Quote
wolfx Posted February 20, 2008 Posted February 20, 2008 Warmaker said: A .50 would do a number on a human target. I recall reading an AAR from a N.Guard unit about their gear. They were quite satisfied with the performance of .50 cal rifles in terms of physical and psychological damage. A single shot from a rifle hitting a man in the stomach and sending his upper torso to fall off does negative things for morale. No kidding but that doesn't come as a surprise from a rifle that is designed to punch through APCs. I was more surprised of the machine gun on top of that hum-vee gibbing everything in sight. Equally surprised of conscripted army standing their ground. Quote
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