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first of all I'm new to this fantastic forum but I've been a robotech/macross fan since I was a kid.

I'm also new to collection and I wanted to buy myself either a 1/60 or 1/48 yamato Valkyrie.

I've had a look at the many pictures and reviews around (big thank you to macrossworld) and I've got a couple of questions:

1) Do you need to remove any part of the body when transforming from fighter to gerwalk to battloid on the 1/48 valkyries and 1/60?

If so is there any version that doesn't require physically detaching parts to transform?

2) Which one would you buy? :p

I found a good deal on hlj for the 1/48 VF-1A Hayao Kakizaki, but the color isn't that great.

On the other hand I heard of the cone/flaps issues of the early 1/48 yamato revisions and it's quite difficult to identify the revision on current valkyries on sales on ebay.

Perhaps I should just grab the one I like close my eyes and press pay ehheheheh :)



Posted (edited)

Hi, welcome to the boards...

Most of your questions can be answered with a quick search on the topic, or by looking at the toy reviews on the main page :) basically what it boils down to is the 1/60 has some parts removal/swapping, while the 1/48 has none (except the intake covers and optional alternate hands.) And the loose nose cone issue on the 1/48 really only applies to the 1st release Hikaru DYRL VF-1A, as extra tabs were retroactively added to the mold after that.)

Edited by promethuem5
  promethuem5 said:

Hi, welcome to the boards...

Most of your questions can be answered with a quick search on the topic, or by looking at the toy reviews on the main page :) basically what it boils down to is the 1/60 has some parts removal/swapping, while the 1/48 has none (except the intake covers and optional alternate hands.) And the loose nose cone issue on the 1/48 really only applies to the 1st release Hikaru DYRL VF-1A, as extra tabs were retroactively added to the mold after that.)

thanks prometeus, I presume the real player video tutorial on macrossworld showing the transfomation (with detatchment of the legs) only referred to the 1/60 then....

I had a look at the reviews, but still I got more confused with such an amount of informations all at once.


Posted (edited)
  luckyluca said:

2) Which one would you buy? :p

I found a good deal on hlj for the 1/48 VF-1A Hayao Kakizaki, but the color isn't that great.

On the other hand I heard of the cone/flaps issues of the early 1/48 yamato revisions and it's quite difficult to identify the revision on current valkyries on sales on ebay.

Perhaps I should just grab the one I like close my eyes and press pay ehheheheh :)



Welcome to the wonderful world of Macross World :lol:

Pretty much it's a matter of what you're willing to pay for. A 1/60 is a fine to toy to start any collection, but the 1/48 line pretty much outclasses it in all areas. You can get a new 1/60 MISB for about $50, while it's pretty hard to find a 1/48 for less than $100.

Personally, I wish I would've forgone the 1/60s and headed straight for the 1/48s. As for the color scheme, thats all up to you, if you really like the VF-1A Hikaru or Max rather than the Kakizaki, it won't be that much more. Heck, this is your first toy, you can treat yourself to your fav.

Edited by RDClip

Hi Luca! There is a big 1/48 sale on www.toy-wave.com. I recommend you to visit the site. Ken (a.k.a. toyman) is really trustworthy, I made a few purchases from him and all of them went great. Hope the tip is useful :) Good luck!


i'd get any VF-1 1/48, its awesome in everyway, you really can't go wrong with this one.

i'd pick up atleast one of the 1/60 valks(with the removable legs) just so you can have one to scale with some of the newer 1/60 valks like the VF-0, YF-19 and upcoming SV-51.


thanks for the warm welcome.

I didn't see the newbye pinned thread until now...ehehe.

I'm almost certain I'll be getting a 1/48, possibily either a standard stealth (found one at half the price of the super stealth), or myria (too expensive) or hikaru... we'll see.

THe only doubt is with the stealth; it seems the fast packs sold separately are a different colour than the fast packs bundled with the super stealth.

Thanks again


Posted (edited)

Go the 1/48. Best vf-1 toy so far.

Only thing are the chicken hands which are the archilles heel of the toy. The wrists can sometimes be a little limp. But overall this is better than the 1/60. The releases based on the TV series come with fixed pose hands though.

The 1/48 comes with lots of gimmicks and details. So it looks good as a display and if you like to look upclose. If you get the fast pack set, individual micro missiles are included, and you can put them into the fast packs. Same with the GBP armor. Gimmicks, details, (pilot, cockpit, hands) better headsculpt, and tightness of joints (no floppy limbs or hips, and uses clicky ones to be able to support its own weight even with the gbp armor) seem to be the main points for me.

Plus it is light for its size (well without FP at least) so battroid mode isn't so scary to pose. The last thing you want is for it to crash of the desk to a hard surface and something snaps under the stress. (happened to my 1/72 yf-21 which broke the head laser. That design has tiny feet though)

I think also it will hold its value for long time being that it is the best toy so far of the vf-1.

The thing that got to me was how the legs detached on the 1/60. I feel as if a toy should be forced to stay as a single perfect transformation and not be swapped or or have parts detach unless they have to. Had the vf-0 been swapping parts, I don't think I would be interested and would have prefferred buying a model of three modes. Toys should be PT imo.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

I'm really going for the 1/48!!!

VF-1 but still a bit unsure about the model;

I like the VF-1J stealth but I could probably only afford the non-super (no fast packs).

Or perhaps the VF-1A Hikaru but it would be a bit more expensive.

Thinking about it I would be tempted to get the stealth with separate fast pack (in a second time) but correct me if I'm wrong the optional fast packs would be a different color than the super stealth's fast packs.

again macross rules!

I wonder if there'll ever be a macross real action movie :rolleyes:



  1/1 LowViz Lurker said:

Go the 1/48. Best vf-1 toy so far.

Only thing are the chicken hands which are the archilles heel of the toy. The wrists can sometimes be a little limp. But overall this is better than the 1/60. The releases based on the TV series come with fixed pose hands though.

The 1/48 comes with lots of gimmicks and details. So it looks good as a display and if you like to look upclose. If you get the fast pack set, individual micro missiles are included, and you can put them into the fast packs. Same with the GBP armor. Gimmicks, details, (pilot, cockpit, hands) better headsculpt, and tightness of joints (no floppy limbs or hips, and uses clicky ones to be able to support its own weight even with the gbp armor) seem to be the main points for me.

Plus it is light for its size (well without FP at least) so battroid mode isn't so scary to pose. The last thing you want is for it to crash of the desk to a hard surface and something snaps under the stress. (happened to my 1/72 yf-21 which broke the head laser. That design has tiny feet though)

I think also it will hold its value for long time being that it is the best toy so far of the vf-1.

The thing that got to me was how the legs detached on the 1/60. I feel as if a toy should be forced to stay as a single perfect transformation and not be swapped or or have parts detach unless they have to. Had the vf-0 been swapping parts, I don't think I would be interested and would preffered buying a model of three modes. Toys should be PT imo.


Watch the TV series, then DYRL? movie, and pick your fav valk and there you go.

1/48 all the way, and as do not disturb mentioned you should pick up a nice

cheapy 1/60 VF-1 to display with the other 1/60 Valks that are coming up,

i am sure you will want them eventually if your a fan of the Zero and Macross Plus Valks. ;)


Kind of a followup question, does anybody have any comparison shots between the 1/60 VF-0 and a 1/48 VF-1? Or a 1/60 YF-19 and a 1/48? I've tried searching and haven't been able to come up with anything. I'd like to see how they compare standing next to each other, but I've only got 1/48's.

Posted (edited)

Ok, the best one, i am telling you, is the vf-1s 1/48. GET THAT ONE. Also, the vf-1j is second best, get the regular white one, or get the black stealth one if you preffer. I have all 3 of them, but the nicest is vf-1s.

With the FPS, i find the vf-1j looks better with any of the fps. However, if its your first, you dont need the fps, just get the valk!!!

Edited by Arthurius


I have to be extra careful with prices, otherwise I would end up buying the whole lot!

I've narrowed down the choice to one of these:

super stealth (with fast-strike parts) (aaajin)

stealth (half the price as the above, way too convenient, but hey it lacks the fast pack! (evilbay)

vf-1a mass production unit (very convenient pricewise) with additional separate fast packs (aaajin)

to be honest for the same price of a super stealth I could get my hands on a normal stealth + 1/100 konig monster on ebay....

what do ya reckon?

is that me or it seems the stealth looks sleek and more metallic-realistic than the mass production unit and rocker-hikaru's ?



  ruskiiVFaussie said:

Is it your fav valk? Get your fav valk first! Your first 1/48 should be iconic for you.

What do you want a Konig monster for?

which one is my fav valk?

I guess anything with fast packs :)

regarding the konig I just love the gerwalk mode I first saw in robotech battlecry in the intro...

I like the design a lot but I'm a bit put off by what it seems to be a bad color scheme used.

the customized painted one is 100000000000% times better :)


anyway my most favourite valk would be the orbit one which is only available as half custom half kit.....

It reminds me a lot of early nasa/kubrick 60-70' space design with a twist :lol:


you have lost me lol, out of ALL the valks available in 1/48 (assuming this is what your after) and after watching "Robotech" out of all of them which is more precious to you?

You know, something you can walk by and see it displayed and your eyes get all watery and anime kawaii like.


The "monster" you saw in Battlecry would be the Mac II Monster, not the Koenig. The Koenig is significally different. And variable. Cannons are shorter, can change into three modes.


ok you got me there!

at least this simplyfies things as I will remove the koenig from the list :)

regarding my favourite valk, imagine it as a function with two variables, my taste and my wallet :D

in other words my taste must vary depending on my wallet capabilities :rolleyes:

  ruskiiVFaussie said:

The "monster" you saw in Battlecry would be the Mac II Monster, not the Koenig. The Koenig is significally different. And variable. Cannons are shorter, can change into three modes.

  luckyluca said:

ok you got me there!

at least this simplyfies things as I will remove the koenig from the list :)

regarding my favourite valk, imagine it as a function with two variables, my taste and my wallet :D

in other words my taste must vary depending on my wallet capabilities :rolleyes:

As with us all :(

Just after you spend a bunch on you first valk, just try really hard not to go on ebay or the for sale section here, or you may be tempted to gouge yourself for more money (like i often do ^_^ )

Posted (edited)
  luckyluca said:

ok you got me there!

at least this simplyfies things as I will remove the koenig from the list :)

regarding my favourite valk, imagine it as a function with two variables, my taste and my wallet :D

in other words my taste must vary depending on my wallet capabilities :rolleyes:

Sale on for 1/48 Valks at HLJ.com

here's a quick find on HLJ, 3 Valks on sale for cheap. Too bad they took off the VF-1A Hikaru, that'd be a nice starter...

1/48 VF-1A Hayao Kakizaki Yen 11,840 = $99 USD

1/48 VF-1A Angel Birds Ver Yen 11,840 = $99 USD

1/48 VF-1A Low Visibility Ver. 2 Yen 11,100 = $ 93 USD !

Pretty good value there!

Also know of an Ebay seller (bought off him so i do recommend ) he has a Hikaru VF-1S and

a VF-1A Cannon Fodder for sale, both at $109 USD.

> coolmanshop <

I'd go the Cannon Fodder for first Valk. Not the normal white colour some people are bored with. And the CF is tight as.

Anyone else want to help this chap out? That's the best i can do. :p

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

I checked out so many different pics of many 1/48 yamato, and some of them (not custom!) seem to have better darker thinner panel lines than others.

...or is it just the photo?

Do you know if some variants of vf-1 have better finishing than others?

and to this regard, being the v1-a cannon fodder the latest yamato 1/48 release, does it have better finishing than any other?

ok, now you can start throwing rocks at me :lol:



The only Yamato VF-1 that has any factory-applied panel lining is the original Low Visibility VF-1A (the gray one). Any difference you see in the panel lines in pictures is merely a lighting effect. All of the valks (except the Low Viz) have the same level of panel lining, which is none whatsoever :p. Also, the VF-1A cannon fodder is not the latest release, I believe that honor goes to either Kakizaki's DYRL VF-1A or the Angel Birds VF-1A

  luckyluca said:

ok you got me there!

at least this simplyfies things as I will remove the koenig from the list :)

Don't do that, as the 'Koenig is a great concept and a cool toy as well. If you appreciate variable vehicles you'll want to get it at some point...

Posted (edited)

If you are a fan of the tv series flightsuit get the brownie cannon fodder.

If you like the spacesuit in dyrl get the kakizaki. (maybe at some future date this becomes rare or hard to find or something because people always go for the popular characters. But I doubt it)

The fast packs look a little different in the tv series and movie. So maybe depending on what you like better then that can help you determine what is best for you.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

Yeah I'm a big fan of the macross tv series and I'm getting the cannon fodder version from Coolman.

Thanks a lot

I've also found a valkyrie stand now far from where I live so I think I'll grab that one too. ( I like the combination of beige / darkblue )

I'm already thinking of panel lining it with a staedtler pigment liner 0.05 :lol:


Posted (edited)
  luckyluca said:

Yeah I'm a big fan of the macross tv series and I'm getting the cannon fodder version from Coolman.

Thanks a lot

I've also found a valkyrie stand now far from where I live so I think I'll grab that one too. ( I like the combination of beige / darkblue )

I'm already thinking of panel lining it with a staedtler pigment liner 0.05 :lol:


Thanks for the 'Thanks'. :) Coolman won't let you down, fast shipping too.

Now that you got your valk, you need to get some Strike FP's!!!!

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

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