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I think you've completely misinterpreted my post. I actually really liked the work Working Design did and it's a pity they are gone because they brought together are really great product and generally worked closely with the original team. In fact they worked in partnership to bring dual shock support to Lunar which was/is great.

Fact remains though a lot of the dialogue (superfluous or not) they changed and generally made more light hearted or more "western". Some people don't like that, me I don't really care.

I have quite a few of WD's releases and Vanguard bandits might actually be my favourite even above the Lunars.

  bluemax151 said:
I think you've completely misinterpreted my post. I actually really liked the work Working Design did and it's a pity they are gone because they brought together are really great product and generally worked closely with the original team. In fact they worked in partnership to bring dual shock support to Lunar which was/is great.

Fact remains though a lot of the dialogue (superfluous or not) they changed and generally made more light hearted or more "western". Some people don't like that, me I don't really care.

Sorry. There's a lot of anti-WD sentiment these days, and I tend to just assume now.

Speaking of changes... the whole "play Alex's harp to reawaken Luna's memories" thing was actually added for the US, then backported to the Japanese remakes. In Japan you just ran up the ramp and took the hits.

I have quite a few of WD's releases and Vanguard bandits might actually be my favourite even above the Lunars.

Vanguard Bandits is mean to me. The bad ending was awesome... until I realized my save was too late to recover from it. :(

I never claimed to be good at SRPGs.

I like Alundra a lot.


I'm the one who spews WD hate, F-YOU WORKING DESIGNS, AND F-YOU IRELAND (vic, not the country).


No worries :D

I've played through Vanguard Bandits both ways and found the experience very rewarding. The game is pretty unforgiving though and even by PS1 standards the UI is archaic so it takes a lot of patience that honestly I'm not sure I even have for it anymore. At the time the actual attack animations blew me away and somewhat killed the tedium of moving little pieces on a grid but that's pretty much standard fare these days.

  Keith said:
I'm the one who spews WD hate, F-YOU WORKING DESIGNS, AND F-YOU IRELAND (vic, not the country).
That's suprising, since Working Designs closed their doors a few years ago.
  Einherjar said:

there bringing crash back... really? well frak Activision and frak Robert bowling! Crash is a piece of poo, bring back some good maps like Bloc and Chinatown. also fart 1200 points for a map pack.

and while we're on the subject of stuff that can go suck it, BF2's multiplayer demo was a piece of poo too.

  Wanzerfan said:
That's suprising, since Working Designs closed their doors a few years ago.

I know this is hard for you to understand sometimes, but some of us have been around the internet for quite a while. To put it in much simpler terms, I've been spewing hate at WD's since they decided to start dubbing the battle voice in games (Lunar SSSC). And then there was the whole Rayearth intro song fiasco (if you knew how bad the first version of it was...). But as a young pro-Macross, anti-dub/robotech fan, they're "charming" re-write style & overflow of pop-culture references in general got pretty tired fast. Not to mention their obscene delays.

Plus, I never forgave them for "forgetting" what the code was to unlock the cutscenes, including the un-used ones, in Vay.


Vic's personality and work ethics aside I doubt any of the titles working design released stateside would have been brought over here any other way (It didn't used to be even half as easy as it is now to get imports). So I'm at least thankful for that regardless of perceived quality. Isn't Vic still in the industry now? Worked on the new Blaster Master or something?

All this talk reminded me to edit the final duel video I took for vanguard bandits a while ago. I made a save right before the final blow years ago but now I have a dazzle so I can do something with it actually.


bit of personal news... I FINALLY finished Bioshock 2 (Life got busy and I had to take a break from gaming :rolleyes: )

definitely a better game than Bioshock 1, ending was actually really satisfying. I got the happy ending, very heartwarming. now I need to do an evil play through. I'm also liking the multiplayer although it has a distinct CoD4 feeling to it.

Now though I really wish someone would make 1/6th scale figures for Bioshock. I want a really big Delta,

  Reveal hidden contents

would be awesome too.

Honestly there aren't enough high end toys for video games. I find it highly disappointing that Hot toys or some other company hasn't done a 1/6th master chief or anyone from MW2.

the RE4/5 figures were pretty cool, how about some other properties.


A couple different companies (none of them were HT) were slated to release high end 1/6th scale Master Chiefs but they all dropped the ball. I wouldn't buy one personally but I'm sure there's a market for something like that. Halo is Microsoft's equivalent of the DS, it's a license to print money after all.

I'd like to see some RE Darkside Chronicles HTs. They've even released RE1-3 on PSN so there's some opportunity there to jump on some nostalgia.


been playing bfbc2......loving it.

at first i thought the game was shitty but after you upgrade your weapons and perks, it gets better

definitely would recommend this game if youre frustrated with mw2


Oh my God, Infinite Space is amazing.

It's like Legend of Galactic Heroes meets Captain Herlock in videogame form! If you have any plans to do things other than playing this game, I recommend not getting it.


It's as if millions of gaming geeks all squealed with girlish glee and suddenly fainted.


Kotaku seems to be guessing that the 3D will work like this game:

Where you tilts the device and the camera can sense how you're tilting it.

I'm thinking it might work more similar to this Wii head tracking demo:

Instead of using a sensor worn on your head, it could just use the camera in the handheld to see where your head is relative to the screen. So moving your head would change the perspective on the screen. Much more immersive.


Also, is it wrong that the first thought that popped into my head at the 3DS news was, "I CAN'T WAIT FOR AN INFINITE SPACE SEQUEL ON THIS!"?


You know, I'm glad that they are working on new tech, but 3-D is going to continue to suck for a long time while they work on trying to "solidify" the images. You know how 2D looks so crisp and clean and sharp, 3-D images all, and I can't think of anything that looks nearly as good as a quality 2-D image, looks fake and "thin" and poorly defined for lack of a better way to put it. It's probably going to take three generations of major improvement before I'd even consider dropping a quarter on a 3-D product aside from a cheap hand-held video game system.

I think you'd have to be a lunatic to drop 4 grand on one of these current 3-D TV's with no serious content right now and 1st gen tech. I'm generally an early adopter, but this particular round, I've seen what they have to offer and I don't find it an improvement over the quality of image I'm seeing on old tech.

That being said, Nintendo's Hand Held is probably perfect for me to dip my toe into the pool because I know I'll replace it 5 times as the tech improves and won't be out several thousand dollars.


I swear, it's like I went to bed one night, and when I woke up a bunch of industry people were obsessed with 3D.

I'm not paying extra for it at the movie theater, I'm not buying a new TV and some ugly-ass glasses to watch 3D movies at home, I'm not buying a new monitor and video card to get 3D on my computer, and unless Nintendo comes out with a killer app for it, I'm not buying a 3DS (just like I didn't buy a DSi and won't buy a DSi XL).


If the only thing about the 3DS was the 3D effect then that would make it the DSi with a new box. (See the speculation on the 3D effect above.) However, word is that it will have much better graphics than the DS. The screens will be bigger, with a negligible gap between them. An accelerometre. Some random Iwata comments suggest it may also have a constant online connection, like the Kindle, for buying downloadable games and possibly online multiplayer. And apparently it will make you a thousand times more attractive to the opposite sex.

How much of that is true we'll probably see at E3.

If the 3DS does head tracking, like I suspect it will, that will be huge. Even if not used for some gimmicky gameplay element, the effect alone just potentially adds so much to the visuals.


Honestly, I'm surprised more people aren't gushing over Infinite Space here. It's easily one of the best games I've played on the DS.

  Radd said:
Honestly, I'm surprised more people aren't gushing over Infinite Space here. It's easily one of the best games I've played on the DS.

I keep hearing a ton of great things about it, but I've been busy with Battlefield Bad Company 2, God of War III, Pokemon SoulSilver (guilty pleasure), and Gundam Assault Survive. It's going on my list of things to do, but I doubt I'll get around to it soon.


3D sucks. Even if they were equal price at the theater, I'd pick the 2D version of the movie.

Hmmn, crisp, bright, colorful image----or a blurry, dark, washed-out image that seems to be kinda "floating".


meh, I didn't have an HD anything until a couple years ago, I can go back to a lower res screen for good 3D for stuff like games.

3D for a shooter (where crap is moving so fast anyways) would be fun. Granted, I'm not going to pay more for it though.

  David Hingtgen said:
3D sucks. Even if they were equal price at the theater, I'd pick the 2D version of the movie.

Hmmn, crisp, bright, colorful image----or a blurry, dark, washed-out image that seems to be kinda "floating".

Avatar didn't seem to have that problem. That was pretty much the one thing that impressed me about that movie.

Even so, that doesn't apply at all to the method of 3D the 3DS is likely going to use. Head tracking and tilt sensing methods wouldn't have any of the visual blurryness issues that come with 3D tricks that rely on special glasses and whatnot. It fools the eye by changing the on-screen perspective based on the position you look at the screen from, or the angle you hold the device at.

It's a really great, and horribly underused trick.

Like the head tracking demo above showed, it's limited in usefulness for a home console (the image only looking correct to the person whose head is being tracked), but for a portable like the 3DS it would be a perfect fit.

  Radd said:
Avatar didn't seem to have that problem. That was pretty much the one thing that impressed me about that movie.

Even so, that doesn't apply at all to the method of 3D the 3DS is likely going to use. Head tracking and tilt sensing methods wouldn't have any of the visual blurryness issues that come with 3D tricks that rely on special glasses and whatnot. It fools the eye by changing the on-screen perspective based on the position you look at the screen from, or the angle you hold the device at.

It's a really great, and horribly underused trick.

Like the head tracking demo above showed, it's limited in usefulness for a home console (the image only looking correct to the person whose head is being tracked), but for a portable like the 3DS it would be a perfect fit.

Avatar still wasn't quite as detailed/clear/sharp as a 2D movie, but the 3D helped compensate for the lack of resolution. The most significant part of Avatar 3D was how unobtrusive it was. It didn't feel gimmicky and obnoxiously in-your-face as most 3D films have been. It suited that particular type of movie (Sci-fi/Action w/ lots of Special Effects), in that it helped with the immersion--not, "OOOH, LOOK AT ME!! I'M POPPING OUT OF THE SCREEN!!" It actually added depth to the image. I feel that if it's done right, 3D for games can actually work well--though it has to be applied with tact and subtlety. Infact, the 3D Glasses for the Sega Master System aren't as bad as some may think for most of the games. Either way, no matter how good 3D gaming becomes, it will never top the Virtual Boy! :lol:

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