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  Einherjar said:
Crap, now I really can't buy it after investing on the games on UMD. If the Go surpasses the PSP 3000 in the future, Sony better find a work around for older owners. It makes all the games I bought less useful now.

What work around? It comes loaded with 16 gigs of flash memory, you can buy a 16 gig memory stick for your 3000, and use it just as you would a go.

Posted (edited)
  Black Valkyrie said:
Since it doesn't support the UMD, so whats is the storage medium, just down load ?

Probably..that seems to mre or less be where portables are heading.

I honestly would not get upset or worried about that right now, the PSP GO isn't supposed to supplant the PSP 3000. Yet, anyway.

Edited by Letigre
  Keith said:
What work around? It comes loaded with 16 gigs of flash memory, you can buy a 16 gig memory stick for your 3000, and use it just as you would a go.

Just a theoretical event; if the Go somehow becomes the standard PSP system, what happens to all the UMD games and movies I bought if I can't play them on it? Will I have to buy them again as a download if they move even further away from the medium?

  Black Valkyrie said:
Since it doesn't support the UMD, so whats is the storage medium, just down load ?


From what I've read, yeah. You either buy PSP games via the PS3 or PC PlayStation store. You know, sort of like you can already do. The PSP Go will have 16GB of internal flash storage.

Just a theoretical event; if the Go somehow becomes the standard PSP system, what happens to all the UMD games and movies I bought if I can't play them on it? Will I have to buy them again as a download if they move even further away from the medium?

That's the real question, isn't it? I don't have a huge library of UMD games, but I don't want to have to buy them all over again. Sony hasn't said one way or another how that's supposed to go, although I'd like to see a program similar to Warner Bros. recent HD-DVD/Blu-ray upgrade. Maybe send Sony the UPC's from the UMDs, and have them send you back codes to download the same games.

I wonder how easy it'll be to get imports on the PSP Go? Not too hard to create a Japanese PSN account, but how many accounts can the PSP Go be synced to? And if you're buying stuff, not just downloading demos, could a Japanese PSN account be banned for having a US billing address?

  anime52k8 said:
oh you just know they will. and it still has only one analog stick... gay.

Of course it only has one analog stick.

It's a PSP with no disk drive. Not a PSP2.

Anyways... I never really saw much use for a second analog stick in a most situations. Yes, it's good for some things, but it's also one of the first controls I'd scrap if I were trying to free up some space(Really, I'd scrap BOTH analog sticks, but Sony didn't ask me).

  Einherjar said:
Just a theoretical event; if the Go somehow becomes the standard PSP system, what happens to all the UMD games and movies I bought if I can't play them on it? Will I have to buy them again as a download if they move even further away from the medium?

What about keeping your current PSP, not buying a PSP Go, playing your UMD's on your current PSP, and downloading newer content to a memory stick?


Final Fantasy IV sequel out now! (In NA; I think our EU friends have to wait until Friday.)

I'll definitely be blowing the dust off my Wii for this one. Final Fantasy IV is my all-time favorite in the series, and 800 Wii Points (or US $8.00) is a pretty good price, even if it is a port of a mobile phone game, and even if it is the first of episodic content.

  mikeszekely said:
Final Fantasy IV sequel out now! (In NA; I think our EU friends have to wait until Friday.)

I'll definitely be blowing the dust off my Wii for this one. Final Fantasy IV is my all-time favorite in the series, and 800 Wii Points (or US $8.00) is a pretty good price, even if it is a port of a mobile phone game, and even if it is the first of episodic content.

I was expecting something.... different.


Well, I went ahead and downloaded it. Not sure how much gameplay the initial $8 gets you, but the game is pure definitely FFIV. I only played for a little bit, because my wife will be home soon, but the game opens on a Red Wings airship, complete with music.

As far as DLC goes, there's one bit available now for another $3.00/300 Wii Points, called Rydia's Story. Once downloaded, it's accessed from a different menu, so I'm not sure what the game's ultimate structure is. Right now it looks like a main game, and DLC side-stories.


The game description alone is pure win:

"Splosion Man™ (Twisted Pixel Games/Microsoft): Fools they were, to tread where knowledge should stay forbidden. For what emerged was not a man - it was a Splosion Man. "And all who saw him were sploded, for he was the fire and they were but meat." Able to splode himself at will, the Splosion Man launches his way through levels, an uncontainable force. From Twisted Pixel Games, developer of the award winning The Maw™, Splosion Man will keep you on your toes as you play through more than 50 single-player levels and 50 multiplayer levels."

  mikeszekely said:
From what I've read, yeah. You either buy PSP games via the PS3 or PC PlayStation store. You know, sort of like you can already do. The PSP Go will have 16GB of internal flash storage.

That's the real question, isn't it? I don't have a huge library of UMD games, but I don't want to have to buy them all over again. Sony hasn't said one way or another how that's supposed to go, although I'd like to see a program similar to Warner Bros. recent HD-DVD/Blu-ray upgrade. Maybe send Sony the UPC's from the UMDs, and have them send you back codes to download the same games.

I wonder how easy it'll be to get imports on the PSP Go? Not too hard to create a Japanese PSN account, but how many accounts can the PSP Go be synced to? And if you're buying stuff, not just downloading demos, could a Japanese PSN account be banned for having a US billing address?

the psp go is not replacing the psp. all of the articles on google news talking about it said that the sony has confirmed a 10 lifespan for its hardware and that the psp go will be sold along side the psp. sony also said that there will be different games for both systems. all the reporters are saying that psp go is aimed at those ppl who buy games on their iphones and ipod touches.

  DJ Loe Kee said:
the psp go is not replacing the psp. all of the articles on google news talking about it said that the sony has confirmed a 10 lifespan for its hardware and that the psp go will be sold along side the psp.

Given they're quoting some of Nintendo's "DS is a third pillar" statements VERBATIM...

But then. the DS was new hardware. PSPGo isn't.

Posted (edited)
  aerocombatpilot said:
I know this seem hopeless, but has ANYONE heard ANYTHING about ACE COMBAT coming to PS3? :blink:


But think of it this way, it's gonna be multiplat anyway, it's just a matter of "when".

Edited by shiroikaze

Yep, there are rumors of an unconfirmed AC game, the story goes like this:

-Country A invades Country B in a surprise attack

-Country B counterattacks but then A uses its omgwtf superweapon to pwn B's air force so they retreat to some little corner of the map

-Country B slowly crawls its way back up

-B destroys A's superweapon

-B captures back all of its territory and invades A

-As B approaches A's capital, ... yep you guessed it, A has another superweapon

-You fly down some death star like trench to destroy A's final superweapon, then fly off into the sunset and AWAC's goes "war is bad mmmkay?"

/sarcasm off :lol:

Anyways, the only AC I want to see and play is a remake of AC3, the gimped non-JP version still angers me to no end.


Anyone else just now start having issues with WMV at Gametrailers.com? Trailers I watched just hours ago now look funky---like there's a "ghost" of the image in a different color an inch to the right. (also, a vertical shake) Looks the same as when trying to play something with a codec that "sorta works" but not very well. I'm having to use Quicktime for everything there now. I sure didn't do anything to my player or codecs between noon and now, so I'm blaming them...

  David Hingtgen said:
Anyone else just now start having issues with WMV at Gametrailers.com? Trailers I watched just hours ago now look funky---like there's a "ghost" of the image in a different color an inch to the right. (also, a vertical shake) Looks the same as when trying to play something with a codec that "sorta works" but not very well. I'm having to use Quicktime for everything there now. I sure didn't do anything to my player or codecs between noon and now, so I'm blaming them...

Probably wasn't encoded properly, right now Gametrailers is doing site maintenance.


gran turismo psp won't have the function where you can buy car parts for your car and make it faster.


does this mean that every car will come with aftermarket parts already added? does this apply to changing your tire type too (racing, sport, medium, hard, soft, ect.)???

  grss1982 said:
Saw the trailer. Looks like we get melee weapons (e.g. chainsaw (ala GOW?) and a Frying Pan). Hope we get air support :p seeing as their were a couple of F-18's in the trailer bombing the zombies to the stone age. :ph34r:

It feels too quick for them to release a sequel... pay full price for the original game and pay full price for what is essentially expansion-like content. :(


New SEGA console??????

"With the Nintendo Wii hitting retail and gaining worldwide superstardom of the likes never witnessed SEGA SAMMY once again immediately got to work on another system with orders from the boss himself Satomi-san. This system shall be a HD casual console and is designed to compete with the successor to the Wii. The design of the system FGN can officially confirm was finalised in late 2008, it's arcade variant goes by the name "RINGEDGE" the specifications of the system are as follows.

The chosen CPU is the Intel Pentium E2160 Allendale 1.8GHz Dual-Core Processor, the GPU of choice is the Shader Model 4.0 compliant 9600GSO with 384 MB GDDR3 RAM, System memory measuring 1GB DDR2-800. Other features include an onboard HD audio DSP, 32GB SSD, standard DVD, and WiFi connectivity. SEGA SAMMY plans on shipping the system with two controllers, a motion sensing remote and one which looks similar to the Saturn 3D controller. One for casual gaming the other for non-casual. To top this off SEGA SAMMY shall be using a stripped down version of Microsoft's Windows Embedded Standard 2009 for ease of development. This particular version differs from the standard version where only the DirectX functionality is included, the standard edition costs $90 per shipping device. As SEGA SAMMY's version doesn't include the non gaming features SEGA SAMMY has managed to get a hold of the OS for less than half of that cost.

SEGA SAMMY plans on launching the system in time for the holiday season of 2010 for no less than $200 and no more than $250. The company doesn't plan on publically acknowledging the project this year, thus an official announcement won't take place until 1H 2010.

Stay tuned for part 2 of our world exclusive where we shed light on SEGA SAMMY's consumer plans for the "RINGWIDE"


  shiroikaze said:
It feels too quick for them to release a sequel... pay full price for the original game and pay full price for what is essentially expansion-like content. :(

I don't know if there's any truth to it, but there was a rumor going around that the first game is going to be included in the sequel.

I'm still surprised how quickly a sequel is coming. I love the game as is, but I only hope they make it more of a complete package this time.

Posted (edited)
  Alpha OTS said:
I don't know if there's any truth to it, but there was a rumor going around that the first game is going to be included in the sequel.

If that's the case, anyone who bought Left4Dead 1 won't probably be left out of the dark then... but I'm not holding up hopes that high though.

Edited by shiroikaze

Here's some funny Half-Life Machinima (spoilers):

"Follow the thoughts of Dr. Gordon Freeman, a 27 year old physcist and neurotic individual."

Which inspired a second version

"Follow the thoughts of Mr. Barney Calhoun, a black mesa security guard and neurotic individual."

And yet another version

"A chronicle of the innermost thoughts of Adrian Shephard, a 22-year-old Army Corporal and cowardly individual."

There better be a Half-Life Decay version coming up.

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