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  Wes said:
Wow now I'm pissed about the economy, but I don't get this Microsoft is still very profitable. :angry:

Microsoft Closes Flight Simulator Studio

Microsoft at large is, but the entertainment division that handles their game studios, Xbox, and Zune almost always bleeds money. And there's a big difference between being profitable and maximizing profits.

In any case, it sucks for the developers who lost jobs, but it sounds like the series will continue.


I never knew how much old video games are worth...but I got bored and went on ebay and typed in the names of all the video games I own from NES to PS2 and holy crap people will pay assloads for some games.

Like E.V.O. Search for eden... $60 and up :blink:

So yea if any of you guys have old ass games that are collecting dust sell or I'll buy em :p and my mom said I wasted money all these years :lol:

  bob joe mac said:
I never knew how much old video games are worth...but I got bored and went on ebay and typed in the names of all the video games I own from NES to PS2 and holy crap people will pay assloads for some games.

Like E.V.O. Search for eden... $60 and up :blink:

So yea if any of you guys have old ass games that are collecting dust sell or I'll buy em :p and my mom said I wasted money all these years :lol:

EVO isn't exactly the most common game around. Enix America always was incompetent.

It's also a pretty cool one by most counts(I've never played it), which helps a lot.

eBay's pretty luck of the draw. Prices get inflated horribly sometimes, and sometimes they get massively undervalued.

I hope those 60+ offers are for complete games and not just carts, though.

But yeah... I've got some games worth a few pennies and some worth...a whole LOT of pennies.

And some that were worth a lot more pennies before they got ported/reissued/remade. Chrono Trigger, I'm looking at you!

Posted (edited)
  grss1982 said:
Aliens: Colonial Marines :ph34r:


Too bad there's no P.C. version. :(

Anyways the screenshots so far look promising. I especiallylike the fact that when playing there's no HUD instead you get a "motion tracker." :ph34r:

Isn't anyone interested in these one? :(

Anyways some leaked but blury clips have appeared in youtube:


==> at 0:30, are those sentry guns? :blink:




With those screenies I hope we get to see some very interesting weapons like the "sonic electronic ball-breakers." :ph34r::wacko:



I like to keep this handy for close encounters. :lol:

Tentatively stated for Q12009!!!! ===> http://kotaku.com/5125946/aliens-colonial-...due-before-july

Edited by grss1982
  JB0 said:
But yeah... I've got some games worth a few pennies and some worth...a whole LOT of pennies.

And some that were worth a lot more pennies before they got ported/reissued/remade. Chrono Trigger, I'm looking at you!

Video game prices can be weird. Especially when you're talking with more recent games that have gotten scarce, prices can skyrocket and then when a game gets reissued the prices will fall back down. Not a market I'd want to speculate on, or fool myself into thinking I was "investing" with.

The most expensive game I think I've bought used was about $100 for a copy of Judgement Star Silversword for the Wonderswan, which is admittedly pretty rare but probably not worth $100. Seemed worth it at the time as I was on a Wonderswan kick and trying to pick up all the games I wanted for it, but looking back maybe not the best idea.

  yellowlightman said:
Video game prices can be weird. Especially when you're talking with more recent games that have gotten scarce, prices can skyrocket and then when a game gets reissued the prices will fall back down. Not a market I'd want to speculate on, or fool myself into thinking I was "investing" with.

The most expensive game I think I've bought used was about $100 for a copy of Judgement Star Silversword for the Wonderswan, which is admittedly pretty rare but probably not worth $100. Seemed worth it at the time as I was on a Wonderswan kick and trying to pick up all the games I wanted for it, but looking back maybe not the best idea.

Yeah. Games are REALLY variable when they're still fresh. And calling which ones are going to become valuable is pretty hard to do.

I haven't paid a lot for most of my used games. I think I coughed up 40 for my Chrono Trigger cart at a Funcoland many moons ago, and that's my peak.

Some of them currently have a good bit more resale value than I spent, though.

On a related note, I am pleased to note that my original copy of Lunar 2 apparently did not lose value when the PS1 remake hit.

It warms my fanboy heart.

(It's possible that the game was as out-of-control as Chrono Trigger and Valkyrie Profile were before they got ported, and I just don't know it. But I don't think it was, given I never heard anyone but me speaking of it in religious terms.)


I think emulation has certainly helped (or hurt, depending on how you look at it) the extreme prices of some rare games. Because for 98% of people it's just easier to download a game and play it on your computer than it is to fork out $100+ for some old obscure game. With Saturn emulation now becoming viable I think the market is pretty much being left to the hardcore collectors.


Started playing Mirror's Edge on PC. Really awesome game. I don't know if anyone successfully played the game with PSYHX on though.....my machine always lags when glass breaks so i just turned it off. Pity really since there are alot of added eye candy with the psyhx on.

  JB0 said:
EVO isn't exactly the most common game around. Enix America always was incompetent.

It's also a pretty cool one by most counts(I've never played it), which helps a lot.

I remember when my local flea market was around, that game couldn't be given be given away. Though I've always kinda wanted to throw down the cash for an authentic Terranigma copy, but at over 100+ I've been happy with emulation too.

  mikeszekely said:
Microsoft at large is, but the entertainment division that handles their game studios, Xbox, and Zune almost always bleeds money. And there's a big difference between being profitable and maximizing profits.

Yeah but FS was around forever, I don't see how that can be wrapped into Xbox's failures. And when you outsource you have far higher chances of mediocracy.

  yellowlightman said:
I think emulation has certainly helped (or hurt, depending on how you look at it) the extreme prices of some rare games. Because for 98% of people it's just easier to download a game and play it on your computer than it is to fork out $100+ for some old obscure game. With Saturn emulation now becoming viable I think the market is pretty much being left to the hardcore collectors.

Emulation never really seemed to affect prices much. Remember, Chrono Trigger's peak value was while SNES emulation was being featured in mainstream print media.

On the other hand, the guys that dumped the NES Earthbound game DID have to pay an arm and a leg to the guy that owned the prototype. He was concerned all the ROM images would make his only existing english cartridge(with a game-killing bug) less valuable.

  Wes said:
I remember when my local flea market was around, that game couldn't be given be given away. Though I've always kinda wanted to throw down the cash for an authentic Terranigma copy, but at over 100+ I've been happy with emulation too.

Don't forget that Terranigma has TV type detection, and will ONLY boot at 50Hz.

Despite the fact, if I recall correctly, that it wasn't optimized for 50Hz play, so it runs slower than it should.

It's really rather strange, since almost all TV type detection on the SNES was to prevent the Europeans from importing US games.

And as someone that LOVED Illusion of Gaia(crappy Enix US translation and all), I've always been disappointed that it never made it over here.


so how is Mirror's Edge? I heard about it and the game concept sounds cool. I know it's not your typical FPS at all. Also heard it is not ported so well to the PC, like all ports these days.

  wolfx said:
Started playing Mirror's Edge on PC. Really awesome game. I don't know if anyone successfully played the game with PSYHX on though.....my machine always lags when glass breaks so i just turned it off. Pity really since there are alot of added eye candy with the psyhx on.
  Smiley424 said:
so how is Mirror's Edge? I heard about it and the game concept sounds cool. I know it's not your typical FPS at all. Also heard it is not ported so well to the PC, like all ports these days.

Pretty awesome game actually and very different from the standard fare. Feels like those action movies where you're the lone hero trying to outrun overwhelming foes and they're all trying to shoot at you. Pretty exilarating.

Apart from psyhx not working for me ....the game is great on PC. No problems for me. This is an EA game and IIRC they usually design the game/engine for the PC first and port to other platforms from there.


Did anyone else pick up Afro Samurai? Not by any means the deepest game in the world, but a worthy successor to the Double Dragon/Final Fight genre, without being impossibly difficult like Ninja Gaiden. I'm only a couple stages in, but it's pretty cool so far. Closest experience that i can relate it to is Evil Dead Regeneration, i.e. incredibly fun alt take if you love the story, maybe not so fun if you don't.

Posted (edited)
  mikeszekely said:
Microsoft at large is, but the entertainment division that handles their game studios, Xbox, and Zune almost always bleeds money. And there's a big difference between being profitable and maximizing profits.

In any case, it sucks for the developers who lost jobs, but it sounds like the series will continue.

In general for hardcore flight sim fans (count me in), the years have generally been very lean since 2000. The amoung of good flight sims coming out have been very small. Not like the 90s. Those were some very prime years for flight sim fans. Jane's Longbow, WWII Fighters, European Air War, Falcon 4.0, Jane's F/A-18, etc., etc.

The only thing that stays on the radar is the flight sim community that's churns out updates / mods / unofficial patches for older games. For example, Falcon 4.0 came out in '98 but still goes strong with a great community. They churned out extensive unofficial patches and mods. The game still stands strong today, especially with the fully Dynamic Campaign system it sports. Very few games in all, even today, have a fully Dynamic Campaign.

Lastly, it's a bit old, but I just found this one out: Aliens: Colonial Marines is coming out soon via Sega. Should be hitting PC, PS3, 360 formats. Well, if Hollywood refuses to give me a decent Aliens movie in recent years *cough* laughable AvP series *cough*, then hopefully the video game industry can do us right

(Oops, others have beat me on the Colonial Marines news)

Edited by Warmaker
  yellowlightman said:
I think emulation has certainly helped (or hurt, depending on how you look at it) the extreme prices of some rare games. Because for 98% of people it's just easier to download a game and play it on your computer than it is to fork out $100+ for some old obscure game. With Saturn emulation now becoming viable I think the market is pretty much being left to the hardcore collectors.

Ever mucked around with the MAME emulator for old arcade games, that really rocks.


  taksraven said:
Ever mucked around with the MAME emulator for old arcade games, that really rocks.

Hell yeah!

Sometimes they fall a little flat, though.

Their vector display simulation is far short of what CAN be done.

If you aren't playing Asteroids with real hardware, you should be playing it with AsteroidsGL.


The guy made an effort to model features like the point flare a real vector display has.

He also has fun options to emulate the noise you get from imperfect power supplies and flyback transformers interfering with the audio circuit, so you can tune it to sound like the imperfect Asteroids machine you may or may not have seen as a kid.

I admit to turning the flyback noise up. It gives me a warm fuzzy sensation, since my Vectrex has suffered the same malady since time immemorial.

  JB0 said:
since my Vectrex has suffered the same malady since time immemorial.

Vectrex, now there is a word that summons up nostalgia.


  taksraven said:
Vectrex, now there is a word that summons up nostalgia.


My first game machine, along with a TI 99/4a.

Rockin' it oldschool with Mine Storm and Parsec! Yeah!

  JB0 said:
My first game machine, along with a TI 99/4a.

Rockin' it oldschool with Mine Storm and Parsec! Yeah!

Back in the days of the Vextrex, all I could do was drool with envy and wish I had one. First computer/game machine was a C64 for me. A brilliant little computer.


  taksraven said:
Back in the days of the Vextrex, all I could do was drool with envy and wish I had one. First computer/game machine was a C64 for me. A brilliant little computer.


My dad got the Vectrex when they went on clearance.

And he worked at TI, so there was no question who's side he was taking in the home computer wars.

We've got multiple 99/4a units. And a pair of "p-boxes." Anyoen that owns multiple p-boxes is hardcore almost by definition.

Even a 3.5" disk controller, which is pretty neat. (As I understand the story, it was a planned product that was scrapped when TI exited the home computer business, and the circuit boards wound up being populated with chips and sold by the user group).

  JB0 said:
My dad got the Vectrex when they went on clearance.

And he worked at TI, so there was no question who's side he was taking in the home computer wars.

We've got multiple 99/4a units. And a pair of "p-boxes." Anyoen that owns multiple p-boxes is hardcore almost by definition.

Even a 3.5" disk controller, which is pretty neat. (As I understand the story, it was a planned product that was scrapped when TI exited the home computer business, and the circuit boards wound up being populated with chips and sold by the user group).

Ok, I live in Australia so I need the following words and expressions explained to me....

* TI

* 99/4a units

* "p-boxes"

I guess that my ignorance means that I am not hardcore, but I am willing to learn from the master. ;)


Posted (edited)
  taksraven said:
Ok, I live in Australia so I need the following words and expressions explained to me....

* TI

* 99/4a units

* "p-boxes"

I guess that my ignorance means that I am not hardcore, but I am willing to learn from the master. ;)


TI is short for Texas Instruments.

In the early 80s, they had a computer called the 99/4a.

Units in this case means the computer. Was possibly not the best choice of words.

The "p-box" is a fairly odd accessory, and was a retrofit intended to replace the original expansion scheme.

The original expansion plan for the 99/4 and 4a(which replaced the 99/4 very rapidly) was dubbed the "choo-choo train" approach. There was an expansion port on the side of the system, and add-ons were standalone boxes. You plugged one into the side of the system, and it had a passthrough, so successive boxes could plug into each other. There were no clips or screws to anchor boxes to each other, or to the base computer itself.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm.../Ti994_long.jpg is what a 99/4 looked like fully loaded with speech synthesizer, thermal rrinter, RAM expansion, RS-232 expansion, and disk controller expansion.

(I feel obliged to note that the modem and disk drive are not actually part of the chain, and are connected to the back of the RS-232 and floppy disk controller modules by cables).


It was as unreliable as you think it was.

The Peripheral Expansion Box was the solution. It was a big metal box with a power supply, one floppy disk bay, and 8 card slots in it. It plugged into the 99/4a through a REALLY THICK ribbon cable, and the expansion boxes were replaced by accessory cards that went into the "p-box." With the sole exception of the Speech Synthesizer, which was a really tiny expansion box in the first place.

http://www.ardenwebsales.com/general_store.../ticomputer.JPG is what a fully-loaded 99/4a looks like with a P-Box

Sans thermal printer, because really, who used that?

TI had a very active military business at the time, and it really shows here.

The P-box weighs 50 pounds when empty. Literally. It's made almost entirely of thick steel.

The individual cards were contained in aluminum shells. CAST aluminum, not sheet metal. Probably an eighth of an inch of metal on all sides of the card.

If nuclear war were to break out today, and all life on Earth died except cockroaches, the roaches would take up residence in old p-boxes, and rent the expansion cards out to other roaches.

Sadly, the P-Box came out late in the system's life, and was expensive, so they don't exist in huge numbers.

It was never a hugely successful computer, but it's what I grew up playing with.

And it's WAY sexier than any Commodore!

Edited by JB0

with the release of Resident Evil 5, i want to play the first RE and RE0, (the first one i played was RE2 for PS), i am wondering if you can play the gamecube version on the wii with the classic controller. if not i probably wont buy a used copy of them.

  Murphy said:
with the release of Resident Evil 5, i want to play the first RE and RE0, (the first one i played was RE2 for PS), i am wondering if you can play the gamecube version on the wii with the classic controller. if not i probably wont buy a used copy of them.

I don't think so. I think you need a Gamecube controller. And don't forget the GC memory card!

Posted (edited)

Hell continues to freeze over as many of you know one brave company named atlus decided to release the only possible super robot wars games over here OG1 and 2... but despite all the claims I've heard of the two games flopping they are releasing the DS spin off Endless frontier


Now I'm not nearly as excited for this as I would be say... the PS2 remake of 1 and 2 and the sequel Original Generation Gaiden this just proves that SRW does have a place in NA B))

EDIT- Keep in mind this is NOT a sequel or a real SRW or any kind its a spin off with SRW mechs and characters from other games in it.

Edited by bob joe mac
  bob joe mac said:
Hell continues to freeze over as many of you know one brave company named atlus decided to release the only possible super robot wars games over here OG1 and 2... but despite all the claims I've heard of the two games flopping they are releasing the DS spin off Endless frontier


Now I'm not nearly as excited for this as I would be say... the PS2 remake of 1 and 2 and the sequel Original Generation Gaiden this just proves that SRW does have a place in NA B))

EDIT- Keep in mind this is NOT a sequel or a real SRW or any kind its a spin off with SRW mechs and characters from other games in it.

So close... and yet so far. I would love a PS2 English translated port of OGS. Still, it's heartening to see that they're bringing over what they can.


When I saw this article about Sega's new portable device, I kinda felt sorry for them. Almost thought they were coming back to the console war.

Up Close With SEGA's New Portable Hardware

But this part boggles the mind:

Currently the SEGA VISION is not sold in stores, but only available as prizes in SEGA's UFO Catcher arcade crane machines. SEGA Amsusements Europe is looking to possible sell the device online.


  bob joe mac said:
Hell continues to freeze over as many of you know one brave company named atlus decided to release the only possible super robot wars games over here OG1 and 2... but despite all the claims I've heard of the two games flopping they are releasing the DS spin off Endless frontier


Now I'm not nearly as excited for this as I would be say... the PS2 remake of 1 and 2 and the sequel Original Generation Gaiden this just proves that SRW does have a place in NA B))

EDIT- Keep in mind this is NOT a sequel or a real SRW or any kind its a spin off with SRW mechs and characters from other games in it.

I'm fairly certain, ESPECIALLY now that Endless Frontier's been announced, that they wanted OGs and OG Gaiden but were blocked by SCEA's licensing board.

This shows that A. SRW is profitable for them, B. They haven't had any sort of falling-out with Bandamco, and C. They WANT to do more SRW.

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