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  Warmaker said:
The bonus characters just don't sit right to be mixed in with this game. Spawn? Darth Vader? Yoda? Whatever crack the developers and marketing guys were using must have been some good s**t.

I'll second Samurai Shodown would have been a far better fit, but more along the lines of SNK vs Capcom games. SS characters used weapons, so it's not a far stretch for SC.

Speaking of the versus series, how come I never heard this level of bellyaching over any Cyclops vs. Chun Li matches? Soul Calibur's "story" has always been half-assed at best, and Vader/Yoda are bonus characters. Bonus as is they don't have anything to do with the game, they're not trying to screw with whatever passes for Soul Calibur canon, they're gifting us with the bonus of playing one or two characters as something different. If people are that offended, don't play as Vader or Yoda.

  mikeszekely said:
Speaking of the versus series, how come I never heard this level of bellyaching over any Cyclops vs. Chun Li matches?

Probably because it was advertised as such; X-men vs Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom 1 & 2. Plus Capcom was at least smart enough to make the Street Fighter super moves look like mutant super powers, exaggerating them a bit so the theme worked. But even then, there was a bit of bellyaching back when they were released. I know I complained that I wished they just would have just done a proper Marvel Super Heroes sequel instead of these half sequels. Although that is usually Capcom's m.o. with just about every fighter they've done.

And It's not so much that I'm bellyaching about this as I am pointing out that this effort would have been better used elsewhere (ie: Star Wars Calibur). Neither character will be a selling point for me. I'll more likely avoid them than use them.

  Alpha OTS said:
Probably because it was advertised as such; X-men vs Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom 1 & 2. Plus Capcom was at least smart enough to make the Street Fighter super moves look like mutant super powers, exaggerating them a bit so the theme worked. But even then, there was a bit of bellyaching back when they were released. I know I complained that I wished they just would have just done a proper Marvel Super Heroes sequel instead of these half sequels. Although that is usually Capcom's m.o. with just about every fighter they've done.

And It's not so much that I'm bellyaching about this as I am pointing out that this effort would have been better used elsewhere (ie: Star Wars Calibur). Neither character will be a selling point for me. I'll more likely avoid them than use them.

Well, I'd love a Star Wars fighter that played more like Soul Calibur than MoTK, and maybe that'll happen later. But I'm guessing the SC team was busy finishing IV. And in the mean time, they got Vader in my SC. I think it's all in good fun.


Star Wars in a fighting game feels stale, especially if done traditionally (3d or 2d). The reason being is that the weapons the main characters use can be widely different... and YES, there is more to Star Wars combat than lightsabers and the force.

So, here's a crazy Star Wars Fanboi's, rather random idea.

How about Star Wars but with a sort of Virtual On scope and control? It makes sense since you do have a few flight capable characters, namely Jango & Boba Fett and some character types that flew. The Virtual On controls would be perfect for them.

Jedi Characters don't fly but they can get a few perks, depending on the character.

You could include a wide range of characters, Jedi, Non-Jedi, even troopers and droids to fill out the roster. Really, a Star Wars "fighting game" that cares to include multiple eras for a big free for all has a huge possible range of characters.

Just as cool as the possible characters are the stages. Streets of Mos Eisley, Kamino, etc., etc.

Posted (edited)

Just as a note, I don't see the toned-down lightsabers as an issue.

The lightsaber has NEVER been treated remotely accurately in video games.

  lechuck said:
I find this horrible, sticking Sci-Fi characters in a fantasy universe. And what's with Lucas stooping so low.

I thought he was a lot more anal in what way his Star Wars stuff is used?

This IS the same Lucas that made all the books, comics, and video games canon.

If it's sales they are after they could stuck Musha Gundam in there, it's BANDAI NAMCO afterall.

Sales would be tenfold and they wouldn't even have to worry about how the game does in other territories.

Or any of the jilion other Namco characters.

Apparently they were looking at Mister Driller as a bonus character for SC2 at one point.


Man, the mix is so bad. That's like watching an episode of Star Trek with Picard on the bridge, the Enterprise

stuck in a hopeless situation surrounded by a fleet of Romulan Bird of Preys, then suddenly the camera focuses

on the rearward turbo lift and out walks McGyver with his swiss pocketknife. Builds something out of Geordie's

Visor, Data's head and Riker's communicator to help Picard and spares a couple of secs to tells Worf he hates Bath'leths.


As opposed to the episode where Barclay created a neural interface in the holodeck and wired the entire ship directly into his brain.

Or the one where Wesley Crusher rebuilt a broken data, who proceeded to use flashlights to cure the crew of alien brainwashing.

But the best fitting would of been Samurai Showdown which then also serves as tribute.



Edited by JB0
  Warmaker said:
How about Star Wars but with a sort of Virtual On scope and control? It makes sense since you do have a few flight capable characters, namely Jango & Boba Fett and some character types that flew. The Virtual On controls would be perfect for them.

Hahaha, nthey wouldn't be perfect at all. Virtual On's controls make some sense because they're robots. Putting distinctively machine -like controls onto a person is unnecessary and silly. Kind of like saying they should make a game based on The Flash using a racing game engine, because he runs really fast,

  yellowlightman said:
Hahaha, nthey wouldn't be perfect at all. Virtual On's controls make some sense because they're robots. Putting distinctively machine -like controls onto a person is unnecessary and silly. Kind of like saying they should make a game based on The Flash using a racing game engine, because he runs really fast,

Just as the joystick and __ number of buttons makes sense for human movement and fighting in Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, Tekken, Samurai Shodown, etc.?

Movement is movement. Attacks are attacks. Executing some sort of attack does NOT require a Shoryuken-like joystick movement to perform.

As for Star Wars, it can work for the various characters, but right away it would be absolutely perfect for the flyable ones like both Fetts and Commander Cody. The image of Jango Fett using his jetpack to dash backwards to put distance between himself and a Jedi while blasting away fits perfectly.

  Warmaker said:
Just as the joystick and __ number of buttons makes sense for human movement and fighting in Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, Tekken, Samurai Shodown, etc.?

Movement is movement. Attacks are attacks. Executing some sort of attack does NOT require a Shoryuken-like joystick movement to perform.

But the whole point of Virtual On is it's a crude approximation of a common anime mech control scheme.

I agree it's uniquely suited to vehicles. Robotron and clones are pretty much the only time you'll ever see twin-stick human controls, and they're fundamentally different than the "tank" controls of Virtual On.

Not to say twin-stick can't work for human play, but not as implemented in VO.

Having one stick control motion while the other controlled aim has worked well for shooters, as an example.

As for Star Wars, it can work for the various characters, but right away it would be absolutely perfect for the flyable ones like both Fetts and Commander Cody. The image of Jango Fett using his jetpack to dash backwards to put distance between himself and a Jedi while blasting away fits perfectly.

You can do that with a single stick. Double-tap backwards.

VO-style twin sticks aren't any better for flight than a single stick. The control scheme is still 2-axis motion + jump. It just makes you turn around before you run in a direction unless you use your boosters.


Oh well. I'm just saying that there's more to fighting game controls than the same 2 systems that are used by practically every one of the genre.

There's got to be more variety to fighting games than down, down-forward, forward + A

  Warmaker said:
Oh well. I'm just saying that there's more to fighting game controls than the same 2 systems that are used by practically every one of the genre.

There's got to be more variety to fighting games than down, down-forward, forward + A

You're talking crazy talk!

  Warmaker said:
Oh well. I'm just saying that there's more to fighting game controls than the same 2 systems that are used by practically every one of the genre.

There's got to be more variety to fighting games than down, down-forward, forward + A

There's down, down-forward, forward+A WITH PURPLE HAIR AND BOOBS!


Anybody know if there are any differences between the PAL and US version of Final Fantasy XII (I know I'm late for the party)

And does the PAL version have a 50/60hz switch or was sqenix lazy again.

Reason I'm asking is because one one of the family members are in the US at the moment, they could bring back a copy.


BTW, has anyone seen the recent stories about N64 Goldeneye on XBLA? Apparently Rare has it virtually complete along with online play (sweet!), but the hangup right now preventing it from getting released is because of Microsoft and Nintendo not being able to reach an agreement on it. Hopefully something can be reached so this classic can show up on BOTH XBLA and the Wii's Virtual Console.

  Black Valkyrie said:

No they don't but well ya..

If they don't include them in the story mode I'll be ok but I don't see that happening.

I hated Heihachi in the PS2 version of SC2. Its just didn't feel right at all. Especially since I use him alot in Tekken..he felt handicapped/broken.

I thought the SC franchise would get back on track after a somewhat disappointing SC3. But with the lame Wii game and now this...ack but I'll still buy it lol.

  Apollo Leader said:
BTW, has anyone seen the recent stories about N64 Goldeneye on XBLA? Apparently Rare has it virtually complete along with online play (sweet!), but the hangup right now preventing it from getting released is because of Microsoft and Nintendo not being able to reach an agreement on it. Hopefully something can be reached so this classic can show up on BOTH XBLA and the Wii's Virtual Console.

I would expect Electronic Arts to be the problem.

They currently have the rights to James Bond games.

Nintendo doesn't own the Goldeneye title, design, or code base.

Their opinion of the issue is as relevant as it was to FFAnthology, which is to say it isn't at all.

  dejr8bud said:
No they don't but well ya..

If they don't include them in the story mode I'll be ok but I don't see that happening.

I hated Heihachi in the PS2 version of SC2. Its just didn't feel right at all. Especially since I use him alot in Tekken..he felt handicapped/broken.

See, that's why I thought he wasn't that bad of an addition. Not having a weapon, he *should* feel handicapped/broken. Plus being a Namco character, his aesthetic didn't clash at all with the existing cast.

And watching that SC4 trailer, yes, the Star Wars guys don't fit at all. I was into it up until the Darth Vader breath which I felt pulled me abruptly out of a Calibur World I was enjoying. A lightsaber pressing up against a sword, and the Force used to deflect a sword blow really doesn't help sell it either. That's my .02 anyway.....

Maybe Yoda and Vader are unlockables that you can avoid unlocking, and will therefore stay completely out of the story mode. :)

  yellowlightman said:
Goldeneye would be cool, but Perfect Dark would be way, way better.

Goldeneye works fine on the N64, Perfect Dark doesn't. Having it playable with a good frame rate would be really nice.

PDark also has the advantage of being unencumbered by licensing issues.

Though after PDZero, they may not be anxious to draw people's attention back to it.

  JB0 said:
PDark also has the advantage of being unencumbered by licensing issues.

Though after PDZero, they may not be anxious to draw people's attention back to it.

Except unlike PDZero the original Perfect Dark was actually GOOD. Even today there are things that PD did well that modern FPS games don't. Unfortunately, going back and playing it on the N64 sucks because of the technical issues.

  yellowlightman said:
Except unlike PDZero the original Perfect Dark was actually GOOD. Even today there are things that PD did well that modern FPS games don't. Unfortunately, going back and playing it on the N64 sucks because of the technical issues.

But MS might not want to remind people that the name wasn't always associated with crap. :p


Now now. Perfect Dark Zero wasn't crap. I thought PDZ was actually okay, and if it was released under any other name about any other characters, it'd be remembered as a decent shooter that doesn't quite measure up to Call of Duty or Halo.

PDZ's big problem, though, was that it also failed to measure up to the original. As yellowlightman pointed out, there are things that the original did well that modern shooters just don't. Better secondary features on weapons, better weapons in general, better indoor maps, etc. Even with all the hype surrounding Halo, my first thought after playing it was, "It's good, but it's no Perfect Dark."

Bottom line, and I think I speak for a number of people when I say this, is that if they announced the original Perfect Dark on XBLA tomorrow, I would be out buying MS points today.


I do hope that Goldeneye XBLA does see the light of day, but I would also really like to see Perfect Dark on XBLA, too. Never had the chance to fully play then just the first few stages. Some other titles from Rare like the original arcade Killer Instinct and the arcade Battletoads would also be nice.

  mikeszekely said:
Now now. Perfect Dark Zero wasn't crap. I thought PDZ was actually okay, and if it was released under any other name about any other characters, it'd be remembered as a decent shooter that doesn't quite measure up to Call of Duty or Halo.

Ah. I haven't played either, so I just took people's word that Zero sucked.

PDZ's big problem, though, was that it also failed to measure up to the original. As yellowlightman pointed out, there are things that the original did well that modern shooters just don't. Better secondary features on weapons, better weapons in general, better indoor maps, etc. Even with all the hype surrounding Halo, my first thought after playing it was, "It's good, but it's no Perfect Dark."

I really WILL have to play PDark some day.

That was one of the things that impressed me about Dark Forces and company. Though tha alt modes covered the entire spectrum, from "totally different weapon" to "utterly useless gimmick."

  JB0 said:
Ah. I haven't played either, so I just took people's word that Zero sucked.

I really WILL have to play PDark some day.

That was one of the things that impressed me about Dark Forces and company. Though tha alt modes covered the entire spectrum, from "totally different weapon" to "utterly useless gimmick."

One of my favorite FPS moments was when one of my friends came over to play Perfect Dark. He was probably better than me, but my brother wanted to play too, and he was just meat. I quickly realized that if I wanted to win, I simply had to kill my brother more than my friend killed either of us. So, my friend ducked into this one room that only had one door... I'm guessing he must have had some plan for doing me in after I went in. But I had a laptop gun... basically an assault rifle that you can set up as a remote turret. A remote turret that I stuck on the wall opposite the door. B)) I set off to kill my brother while he had to figure out how to get out of the room without getting killed. What made the whole situation even better was he ultimately decided to just die, figuring that he could afford to give me the kill, but he happened to respawn in the same room.

I was also notoriously creative when it came to finding places to put proximity mines. They'd find a few (decoys), shoot them from a distance, think they were safe, and walk right into the real trap.

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