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Okay, so that awesome figure of Simon and Lagann appears to be called a "High Impact Lagann Model," and is currently backordered on HLJ:


Thing is, I can't find this thing anywhere else! Do any of you guys know where to track one down (for a reasonable price)? This toy is pure win, especially since it's in scale with the upcoming trading figs.

Edited by crasis
  eriku said:
Does Konami make those Bouso Shinki figures? This new Yoko's sculpt really reminds me of those. And that naked, boobless pictures is really creepy. :ph34r:

Yes they do. Generally the body system is called MMS (Multi Movable System, IIRC) which I feel isn't that great since it has alot of trouble standing on its own feet and the body proportions are always the skinny-type.


MMS Yoko ALREADY discontinued at HLJ.com? Good thing I ordered mine at the last second.


Item is out of stock and the manufacturer has discontinued it. We don't expect to get any additional stock for the forseeable future.

Out-of-stock items are displayed with squares (in-stock items with circles). Black squares with a "jolly roger" skull and crossbones indicate items that we have no stock of, and that have been discontinued by the manufacturer.

  UN Spacy said:
MMS Yoko ALREADY discontinued at HLJ.com? Good thing I ordered mine at the last second.


Same here. Think I might have been the one that snatched the last one, or second last from their pile. While I still haven't watch the show, I am pretty excited about the trailers and clips I've seen. Eagerly waiting for the upcoming ADV DVDs.


So I've decided to rewatch Gurren Lagann, and along comes episode 4 and well, did we ever find out just WTF was going on with the animation and art there? I remember the mess that happened because of it, but was it ever explained why they just, well... make it look like crap?

  mpchi said:
Same here. Think I might have been the one that snatched the last one, or second last from their pile. While I still haven't watch the show, I am pretty excited about the trailers and clips I've seen. Eagerly waiting for the upcoming ADV DVDs.

I suggest that you watch at least 3 episodes before you buy a single disc and even then it doesn't get to the point of showing you the amount of dickery that Gainax pulls with the show.

  Duke Togo said:
So I've decided to rewatch Gurren Lagann, and along comes episode 4 and well, did we ever find out just WTF was going on with the animation and art there? I remember the mess that happened because of it, but was it ever explained why they just, well... make it look like crap?

What happened is they brought in Osamu Kobayashi (director of Beck, Paradise Kiss) and gave him a lot of creative freedom -- he directed, storyboarded, and animation-supervised the episode. Personally I thought it was absolutely atrocious but things will get back to normal by episode 5. I'm just saying in advance before this thread inevitably heads in that direction -- it's not a sign that animation production has moved to Korea -- it's not an indication of Gainax running out of money or whatever. It's just they gave a certain animator a lot of creative freedom for one episode.

Which lead to:

4-27-07 (4:45AM EDT)---- Gainax Director Takami Akai Resigns Over Mixi Diary Commentary

One of Gainax's founding members, Director Takami Akai has announced his resignation after comments he published in his Mixi Diary were scrutinized by fans for being "discomforting". He was a producer and prominent force behind Gainax's latest animation, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann which started running on Japanese TV this month. Akai published his resignation on the Gainax website on April 27th. He's well known as the creator of the popular "Princess Maker" girl grooming simulation games. The comment in question lashed out at alleged criticism of Gurren Lagann made on 2ch with some rather graphic language. A wave of fan comments subsequently poured into the main Gainax blog indicating they had collectively been insulted. Akai posted an apology along with his resignation, saying that there was no room for an excuse to his actions. His mixi diary was open to the general public. His name will disappear from the credits of Gurren Lagann from the 5th episode, scheduled to broadcast on the 29th. He expressed heartbreak at leaving the staff of the show after having been intimately involved on the production for over 5 years. Akai has his own company titled NineLives and is married to mangaka Kimiko Higuchi.


Yeap. And remember that dream sequence episode in Eureka 7? That's him too.

  wolfx said:
Yeap. And remember that dream sequence episode in Eureka 7? That's him too.

I don't remember a dream sequence in Eureka Seven, are you sure you're not thinking of that dream episode from Aquarion?


I haven't had time to go back and rewatch, but I recall rather enjoying the style of episode 4, and being rather put off by all the negative comments slung its way, and being incredibly put off by the drama that unfolded over in Japan because of it. Then again, I also rather liked the animation in Paradise Kiss so...

  Fort Max said:
I don't remember a dream sequence in Eureka Seven, are you sure you're not thinking of that dream episode from Aquarion?

Dang I think you're right. It was Aquarion. :lol:

But Eureka 7 also had buncha dream sequences that weren't of the trippy strange-art kind when communicating with the Coral.

  wolfx said:
Dang I think you're right. It was Aquarion. :lol:

But Eureka 7 also had buncha dream sequences that weren't of the trippy strange-art kind when communicating with the Coral.

*smacks forehead* Of course I remember those now you've mentioned them, I musta just been focusing on that art style.

The American television channel Anime Network has begun streaming Gainax's hit series Gurren Lagann with English subtitles for free online. Gurren Lagann's streaming is part of the official opening of Anime Network's broadband service today. The streaming also launches Anime Network's First Look effort, which brings new series onto the Internet that have yet to be released on North American home video. As one new episode of Gurren Lagann is added each week, at least two archived episodes will remain online for people who missed a week.



I can't help but wonder how many people won't even bother buying the R1 disc's.... :unsure:


I'm still getting the R1 discs.

....and this is a very good move to keep the American fans interested.


This will most likely improve sales, instead of hurt them. I don't quite approve of translating "Who the hell do you think I am?!" and "The Gurren Brigade" as "Who do you think I am?!" and "Team Gurren". They may as well edit out Kamina while they are at it...


Considering I'd MUCH rather watch a series from my couch rather than my office chair, I'll probably watch the first couple episodes streaming online and then just wait patiently for the DVDs. And besides, I like to own stuff. :)


They won't stream the whole series for free, would they? Seems too good to be true.

I'll watch a couple episodes, see if its as good as people say. If so, I'll still collect the DVDs. A 6-Disc release is actually very good already.


Just watched the streaming Episode 1. I'm sold. This is a very awesome intro episode jam packed with a lot of action and great animation. Looks like I have a new cool mecha series to follow. ;)


"Great Dimensional Waterfall"? "Team Gurren"? "We stick to our crazy guns, and kick reason to the curb?"

  Duke Togo said:
This will most likely improve sales, instead of hurt them.

Given how it's 5+ months behind the original ep1 show date the potential for improving sales, pre-empting subbers, is long pass. Now it is still at the same existing 'break even' sales that they've been complaining about.

As UNSpacy said I'll keep the existing American fans interested... at least the ones who care enough to buy it.


Hmm, I suggest everyone write into ADV about fixing that subtitle script, there's still plenty of time to fix it before release.

  Keith said:
Hmm, I suggest everyone write into ADV about fixing that subtitle script, there's still plenty of time to fix it before release.

What's the most efficient way of contacting them?


There's a feedback option on the page that has the stream itself, and they also have a customer service form on their main website (advfilms.com).


Oh my....and under 4000 yen to boot! I wonder if this is part of their SUGOI line, which I think currently only holds Granzort.

Still not as exciting or drool-worthy as a SOC release, but better than what is currently available.


I'm not doubting that it's a model, but does it say that it is somewhere on that pic? Seeing as how Kotobukiya also makes toys, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a ready-to-go figure. If it really is a model, bleh, I'll keep dreaming of a SOC version.

  eriku said:
I'm not doubting that it's a model, but does it say that it is somewhere on that pic? Seeing as how Kotobukiya also makes toys, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a ready-to-go figure. If it really is a model, bleh, I'll keep dreaming of a SOC version.

It is a plastic model unfortunately. It is a "partially painted multi-color kit" to be exact.


Damn it, all that gallery does is reinforce my desire to own that Simon and Lagann figure set. Where the heck can I buy one of those???

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