Mechamaniac Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 OK, It seems that weapons questions come up pretty frequently, and therefore, I'd like this to be a place where those that can....teach, those that can't...learn, etc. SOME RULES If you are anti-gun, please read only, don't hit us with tons of rhetoric. Noone is forcing you to read this. Let's not have any talk about violence here, nor any advocations of violence. Let's keep the thread civil, and to discussions of mechanics, or aesthetics if possible. OK, so, that being said, this thread is for the weapons nut inside all of us...let's face it, somewhere deep down inside, we've all dreamed of strapping on an arsenal of weapons in a zip, snap, click, cha ching, movie scene, and walking out strapped with weapons, and a rippling, properly oiled torso. BTW - I have had TONS of weapons training, both in the Army, and civilian police world (and both ) so I feel I'm pretty well qualified to discuss this. So, here goes.... My real life favorites....and why..... AK-47 - simple, works all the time, durable as all hell, fires a real bullet. Colt (Springfield etc) 1911A1 - See above. HK G93 - built like a brick shitehouse, fires a real bullet. Sturmgewher 43 - Grandfather of the H&K. FN-FAL - Successor to the all encompassing BAR. M1921A1 Thompson - Man's weapon, not for the faint of heart, or light of loafer. All time favorite. M60 - The PIG, as affectionately called by anyone of us who ever had to hump it through the bush. A tried and true stolen design. (MG42). Sci Fi Favorites Mmmmm M41A Pulse Rifle. The Bat'Leth - Though I would undoubtedly trip over my own big assed feet, and impale myself. Edged Weapons The Katana - Long time student of Iaido here, so I love them, and know how to use them. Lochabre Axe - BRUTAL! The Kurgan's Sword from Highlander - Though it could not practically be made to work, it's cool anyway.
GobotFool Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Lightsaber! actually I always fancied the rifles from alien too. Can't say I know enough about Real world weapons to have a favorite.
UN Spacy Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Real life favorites? -H&K MP5 -I am also a fan of the most overrated handgun (the Desert Eagle Magnum) -da AWP (damn you Counterstrike) -Minigun (Predator and T2 Minigun scenes were great) -Thompson Sub Machinegun (circa early 1940's) Sci-Fi/Fantasy -Blade's Glaive -also a fan of the Aliens Pulse Rifle (the sound is so B) ) -Double Edged Light Saber -Mek'leth
Weaseldancer Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Edged Weapons: Long sword - well balanced, reponsive feels like a live thing in your hands. War spear - just something about it that I really like.
JsARCLIGHT Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 (edited) [Clarence Bodiker] Guns! Guns! Guns![/Clarence Bodiker] My personal collection: - Glock 21 - Glock 27 (brand new!) - WWII 1911A1 - Colt SP1 (first series AR15) - Colt SP1 Carbine (looks like a XM177 with a custom built moderator) On my "to buy" list: - Springfield M1A Scout rifle - M96 Expiditionary Rifle - Springfield XD9 Subcompact (it's so cute!) My favorite guns that I've shot: - M16A1 and the Colt 639 Commando (AKA the loud mouse) - Mk249 SAW Squad Assault Weapon (easier to handle than the pig for us "lightwieghts") - H&K MP5K Pistol Being a "gun nut" myself I've been around a lot of them and shot a lot of 'em. Most of them do the same thing as a lot of others so my personal favorites stem from the ones I've been able to handle the easiest. Edit: DOH! I always get the Mk249 SAW mixed up with the Mk23 SOCOM... I have no clue why, I'm just a retard. Edited October 14, 2003 by JsARCLIGHT
Daishi3500 Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 (edited) guns are cool Edited March 8, 2005 by Daishi3500
gnollman Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 (edited) No guns for me. Bladed Weapons Viking Sword, early migration period Scot claidheamh mór (claymore) War spear, Viking thrusting type Danish Axe Katana Fantasy Weapons Lightsabers (anyone who doesn't list these is lying...) M-41A1 Pulse Rifle M78 Phased Plasma Infantry Gun (also from Colonial Marines, not shown in Aliens movie) Bolter (Warhammer 40K) Shuriken Catapult (ditto) Caster (Outlaw Star) Spelling's a killer.... Edited October 14, 2003 by gnollman
Warmaker Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 (edited) The only gun I own right now is a USP45 which I adore. I plan on getting a MIL-Spec 1911. No fancy stuff/add-ons for it, just whatever the US military used back in the day. My Dad owned one long ago and I had the pleasure of shooting it as a kid at the range. Despite what some say of it, I like the M16A2. Light and because of thorough training in the USMC with it I'm comfortable with it. Still, I wouldn't mind going to 7.62mm for a battle rifle. The only other weapons experience I have are the following from boot camp and MCT (Marine Combat Training) from way then. - M249 SAW- The one I had to carry jammed alot. Then again, all these weapons alotted for training are worn like an old whore. - M60E3- It was alright. Get a good stable position and even a 135lb person like me can keep it fairly stable. I'd like to try the M240G that replaced the '60 as the Corps' GPMG. From some of the guys coming back from Iraq, they had nothing but good things to say of the 240G. - Mk.19 40mm Grenade Launcher- Felt cool but I'll be damned if I lug around anything of that behemoth. I joined in '93 and the Sgt. giving the class on this was a Gulf War I vet. He said their Humvee broke down in the middle of nowhere so he and his 3 buddies dismounted the Mk.19 and lugged this bas**rd back to camp... with the ammo! I felt exhausted just hearing of the story! - M203 40mm Gren.Launcher- Didn't get to fire it enough times <_< Also, in the manuals at the time there were 40mm flechette rounds for the thing. It'd be a good idea to bring those back... - M2HB .50 Cal HMG- If there's any doubt, Ma Deuce it out I say. She's heavy for sure but Ma Deuce will take care of you. Was an absolute joy to fire. Since I'm a PMI and now a Staff Sergeant I get to qualify with the M9 pistol. Let's just say I wish to leave no comment on this POS weapon. I also like the M1 Garand which I tried from a friend. I love the thing but the .30-06 ammo does get expensive, especially for a semi-auto rifle. Edited October 14, 2003 by Warmaker
ShadowerV2 Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Katana, Ninja-To Shurikens Staff Ah and Light Saber AND BLADES'S SWORD!!!
Isamu Atreides 86 Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Real life faves: M1 Garand AK-47 M-14 M1860 Army Revolver Fantasy Faves: Crysknife (dune) M-41 (aliens assault rifle) GU-11 gun pod Stormtrooper Assualy Blaster Terran Marine gun from Starcraft ( i forget what they were called)
JsARCLIGHT Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Warmaker said: Despite what some say of it, I like the M16A2. Light and because of thorough training in the USMC with it I'm comfortable with it. You are among friends with me! I prefer the lighter and handier M16A1 to the newer A2 block models though... I've always found the A1 to be a nice handly lightwieght effective rifle. I prefer the carbines like the loud mouse and the XM177 but they are just sooo freaking loud! Even with hearing protectors on those things give me a headache... makes me wonder how Delta runs those things in close quarters.
Golden Arms Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 (edited) 3 section staff chinese sword-- Tai chi sword with tassels of course sai katana pair of silver desert eagles thompson sub machine gun--- Bonnie and Clyde hk mp5 HK G3A3 fantasy/scifi etc. duncan's kataana from Highlander Vash's angel arm wolverines claws green destiny klingon sword like weapon that worf had in TNG Tenchi's sword in tenchi Muyo movie Edited October 14, 2003 by Golden Arms
Mechamaniac Posted October 14, 2003 Author Posted October 14, 2003 Warmaker said: Then again, all these weapons alotted for training are worn like an old whore.- Mk.19 40mm Grenade Launcher - M203 40mm Gren.Launcher - M2HB .50 Cal HMG- Was an absolute joy to fire. Since I'm a PMI and now a Staff Sergeant I get to qualify with the M9 pistol. Let's just say I wish to leave no comment on this POS weapon. DOH, how could I have forgotten those!. About the training weapons, the first time I qualified in the MP's, it was on an old (and I mean OLD) M1911A1 made by Remington-Rand. If you held it in your hand, and shook your hand back and forth, you could hear the upper slide assembly rattling back and forth on the frame rails. Horrible. M203 was cool, but not as cool as the MK19. Best thing about the MK19 was that you could cut loose 10 rounds, and they were so slow that you could watch them lob themselves downrange, and since they are grenades, 10 seconds later ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE, where they hit. I qualified with the M9 Beretta, and I think it is a fine weapon in design, however, 9MM is a worthless cartridge. Give me the Beretta 96FS in .40 and I would be happy.
TwinkiePlatter Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Favorite Sci-Fi weapons: Seburo CX (hoping to get an airsoft one someday) Luke's first Lightsabre Arucard's Casull Longslide Automatic Favorite Real Weapons: Naginata My Recurve Longbow Hand-and-a-Half Sword
Hurricane29 Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Aliens pulse rifle, my favorite ever Aliens smart gun, its powerful Shotguns
Isamu Atreides 86 Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 TwinkiePlatter said: Favorite Real Weapons: My Recurve Longbow i took archery as a kinesiology in college. we used the recurve type bow and i loved it. about how much does one cost? i'd love to get one, unfortunately, i can't shoot for crap. but hey, its fun!!
Noriko Takaya Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Great! A subject I love! Oohrah! Guns that I love and which I have actually shot (In the Marines): M16A1 M16A2 M-79 grenade launcher M203 grenade launcher M1911A1 M2 .50 calibre machine gun M60A1 machine gun M249 SAW M-14 M224 60mm mortar Dragon Weapon System SMAW rocket launcher AT-4 rocket launcher M72A2 LAAW rocket launcher 105mm main gun on an M60A1 main battle tank (We didn't have the Abrahms yet. At the time I was going to reenlist in armor and was going to tank school.) Sorry for the bragging... By the way, here's a pic of my favorite. It was, after all, what I carried as a grunt until the day I got out.
Graham Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Used to be heavily into IPSC shooting (stock guns, not race gun crap), but had to stop due to financial reasons. Used to own the following firearms: 1) Glock 17 9mm. 2) Glock 21 .45ACP. 3) S&W 745 .45ACP. 4) Combat customised Remington 870 12 ga. shotgun. 5) S&W 629 6.5" .44Mag. Used to work in a gunshop/shooting range for 5 years, so had a chance to shoot a lot of firearms. My favorite guns 1) S&W 5" .45ACP pistols, i.e. models 645, 745, 4506 & 945. So reliable and point well for me. 2) Full size Glocks, especially the 21 and 17. Mine never jammed in over 10,000rds. 3) S&W N frame revolvers with 4", 5" or 6" barrels in .357mag, .45ACP and .44 magnum. 4) 7.62 FN FAL, what I used during my service. 5) 7.62mm G3 rifle. 6) Sig 550 & 552 rifles. Not a fan of the 5.56mm round generally, but these things are pure class. Quality through and through. The best 5.56 assault rifles ever. 7) Browning Hi-Power MK.III. John Browings only good pistol. Benelli M1 and M3 Super 90 shotguns. My least favourite firearms 1) Beretta 92 series. Fits my hand poorly and is too bulky for a 9mm. 2) All 1911 style pistols. I've tried em all, all brands stock and custom even from America's top gunsmiths and they are all jam-o-matics due to the poor feed angle, fragile components and lousy internal extractor and magazine design (especially the hi-cap frame designs). I've seen more failures to feed with 1911 type pistols than all other types/brands of pistols put together. I would never ever trust my life to one. 3) M16A2. Far too heavy and has the worst designed most uncomfortable grip ever designed. Plus reliablity in adverse conditions is not too great. The earlier lighter M16A1 was much better IMO. 4) H&K USPs. The compact is ugly. the full size version is oversize. I shoot with a high thumb (thumb on top of safety) and when shooting from cocked & locked I've sen too many people draw and press the safety down too far and go into decock, thus slowing down the first shot. Embarassing in a match, could be fatal in a self defence situation. 5) H&K MK.23. That gun is a joke. Designed by committee, so oversize. Never gets used by all accounts. Graham
kensei Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Ones that I own: Katana Bokken (I know it's wood but still dangerous, remember Mushashi?) Jo (my favourite, hard wood, nice smooth finish and not too thick not too thin, good weight too, was very lucky to get it) Bo (slight alteration for my height) I really want a Tachi and a naginata!
kensei Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 UN Spacy said: -Double Edged Light Saber Light sabers have edges?
Noriko Takaya Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Here's a pic of me shooting the M60A1. Oh, the memories...
Mechamaniac Posted October 14, 2003 Author Posted October 14, 2003 And here's a pic of me firing my beloved 60. I was playing OPFOR that day, hence the East German Fatigues, and International Terrorist look. I got in trouble for lighting up a Humvee, apparently, the Lieutenant inside didn't like me standing in the middle of the road blasting away at them
Commander McBride Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 What is is with this board? Everyone mil or ex-mil seems to have lugged an LMG!
Murphy Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 fav real gun (never fired then in real life, but use them in Rainbow6 or ghost recon) HK G36K M4 Carbine um that all cuz i know nothing about guns except that i like things that go boom
Opus Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Commander McBride said: What is is with this board? Everyone mil or ex-mil seems to have lugged an LMG! Not me, I was company marksman. M-14 all the way.
Graham Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Murphy said: fav real gun (never fired then in real life, but use them in Rainbow6 or ghost recon)HK G36K M4 Carbine um that all cuz i know nothing about guns except that i like things that go boom H&K G36 is a very reliable rifle, but the trigger pull leaves a great deal to be desired . Also, the optical sights on the version which has the dual stacked sights are pretty piss poor IMO. Tiny field of viw, plus to use the upper red dot sight, you have to break your cheak weld. Graham
Yohsho Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Man how did anyone come up with the idea for this thread. Firearms: SOCOM MP5 M4 Carbine P-90 Colt 1911 Smith & Wesson M39 Glock 19 PSG-1 *Note:* Since I live in Canada I have never shot any of these guns Edged Weapons: Katana, Tsurugi Broadsword Claymore Glaive, Nagita *Note:* All I have is a Bokken and a Shotto Fantasy Weapons Vash's Gun Alucard's Casul and Jakal Light Saber Any of Chloe's knives from Noir Cervantes' Soul Edge Xianghua's Soul Calibur and Kenshin's Sword dammit can't remember anymore I want!
1st Border Red Devil Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Quote What is is with this board? Everyone mil or ex-mil seems to have lugged an LMG! Im only a real military experience (Ive never seen the Elephant...only heard him faintly rumbling in the distance) Anyway.... Real Firearms 1.) S&W .40 cal (gotta get one someday) 2.) Remington 1863 Army .44 Single Action Revolver (nothing like a heavy pistol...if it doesn't can always hit someone with it.... ) 3.) Any of the Lee-Enfield SMLE's (single most produced weapon in the world IIRC...even beating out the Kalashnikov). I love 'em eventhough they're heavy as hell. 4.) M1 Carbine (backup WWII weapon...nice and LIGHT compared to the Garand) 5.) Volcano Arms Henry Repeating Rifle (seen the devastating effects of dismounted cavalry armed with these puppies at a few reenactments) 6.) Great War 12-gauge Trench Shotgun (got to fire one once....nice weapon...might add it to my WWII impression) Fantasy Weapons 1.) Rebel Alliance A-280 Heavy Blaster Rifle 2.) Colonial Marine Pulse Rifle 3.) The Lightsaber....all purpose can opener and bad guy killer! 4.) Monocle/Cyclops Battloid Beam Rifle from Southern Cross/Robotech 5.) Nu Gundam Beam Rifle from Char's Counterattack As for my trusty Enfield .577 rifled-bore musket, I must say, without a doubt, it is an absolutel pain in the ASS to clean.
Opus Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 1st Border Red Devil said: As for my trusty Enfield .577 rifled-bore musket, I must say, without a doubt, it is an absolutel pain in the ASS to clean. Yeah but you get to say the greatest term in musketry, nipple-prick.
1st Border Red Devil Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Opus said: Yeah but you get to say the greatest term in musketry, nipple-prick. Heh... its actually Nipple Pick...its what is used to clean all the shmutz and other crap from just inside the nipple where the percussion cap is fitted. Alot of black powder residue builds up in the pan beneath the nipple. We also have a Nipple Wrench (really..we do...).
91WhiskeyM6 Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 I'm in the U.S. Army myself(Medic) and I have fired various weapons, but you guys scare the hell out of me. Remind me never to piss you guys off
Mechamaniac Posted October 14, 2003 Author Posted October 14, 2003 91WhiskeyM6 said: I'm in the U.S. Army myself(Medic) and I have fired various weapons, but you guys scare the hell out of me. Remind me never to piss you guys off Screw that, is it hard to be mobile with 10 pound balls of steel?, that combat medic thing is suicide if you ask me, and anyone that can do it scares the hell out of me .
pfunk Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 Current haves; Kimber Custom SS Eclipse .45acp 4.5" bushingless barrel Synthetic remington 12ga 870 pump 3.5" mag "ouch" Wish list; Anaconda DE .50 (the price on the ammo has finally gone down) (no not the gold plated) Ruger .308 (not sure what model yet) Ruger M-14 varmit,, i likes bushmaster too
bsu legato Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 (edited) My "babies"... My Christmas list: P08 Luger 1851 Colt Navy (repro) 1873 SAA, 5 1/2" bbl M1 Garand Yugo M59 1st model SKS 1847 Colt Walker Edited October 14, 2003 by bsu legato
kanata67 Posted October 14, 2003 Posted October 14, 2003 (edited) bunch of gun loving nutcases I'm ex-navy so I got to shoot a 22 pistol in boot camp once Anybody still active mil? Anybody still active mil work near planes? The reason I ask is I need another one of the "remove before flight" ribbons that attach to the landing gear pins. 5 feet long with please. I don't need the pin itself... just the ribbon. In fact... if somebody has any desire for pins from an 18... Don't ask why unless you can help me out That said, I have played with just a few firearms... some of them even legal to own in this country. I know myself and try to stay away from fire-arms as I would likely end up shooting my x-box or some other inanimate object that pisses me off. As such, things like heavily modified ak-47's end up with friends who have use for them... not that I don't enjoy going through a few thousand rounds every once in a while. Kinda sad the gun that goes with my silver bullets is not in my house-hold. Explosives are a different matter as I actually have a use for them. Searching local streams for shark teeth and assorted fossils it occured to me one day that there had to be a faster way to erode stream banks to get to the nifty fossils I just knew were a few feet down than using a shovel for hours. Amazing how much earth a properly placed charge can move . I have a few friends who are bad influences on my already warped being that showed me how useful a shrapnel charge over a shell bed can be when fishing... just make sure the fibreglass boat isn't near it when it goes off else it's a wet ride home bailing as fast as you can. favorite gun... as in one I would actually spend money aquiring... Navy colt revolver with swapable chambers. Who didn't love the eastwood spaggeti westerns? I belive bsu legato knows the gun I'm refering to. favorite fantasy gun... cerebral bore from turok .... tell me that wouldn't be fun as hell in a shopping mall a holy handgrenade could be cool though p-38 space modulator? Then there are the sharp pointy things... I like bathlets but I don't consider them, or anything else I have dropped on my foot, fantasy. I have a side business selling pointies and I am in the habit of only stocking stuff I don't mind getting stuck with . The business made a whopping $68 last year but I managed to add a lot to my "demo" collection and a few from there have made the next step into my personal collection [ie not for sale]. From paki steel to chinese stainless to toledo steel that I sell to masonic swords from the 1800's, swords that have survived blade on blade contact, and assorted other cool pointies that I collect... my place has to much crap in it. Just another of my osessions . I mention stuff periodically in my trade post, but have been pretty bad about taking pics as that involves cleaning all the crap off my table. So anyways... I get to play with a variety on non-gunpowder related weapons and trained much when I was younger. In my personal collection things that I love... Ninja to 39 1/2" inches long with a 24 1/2" blade and 14" handle. My personal sword... The one that flows in my hand and has survived blade on blade with a much heavier full tang katana with only a few tiny nicks in it's stainless full tang sharpened by dremmel. the sword I would take into battle and will carry on my back should armageddon ever come. The Origin is unknown as it was bought years ago from a strange man who got it who knows where. The sword the cops gave back to me [loooong story ] Its is light enough for me to happily have a normal handle ninja to with a slightly bent handle in my left hand as a "shield". All I can say is it dances. I highly recomend a full tang katana, though mine has bigger nicks in the blade than the ninja to despite being the heavier of the two by far and also being stainless. Mayhaps it had to do with the edge angle or something? The katana can definately hack up some stuff when well made with a nice edge. my harpoon... "don't make me poon you!" "car 14... please respond to a possible harpooning??" The fun you can have . It was also a gift... I know strange people 26" with 17" blade full tang to style. Basically a honed piece of steel with a tanto like edge and a wrapped handle that I find ideal for yard work and walking through swamps where critters lurk. Bo staff. Again... a well made one is impressive. The weapon I spent the most time training with and my personal one can, and has, go through a car door and break concrete. the klingon blade on the right of the photo... spend a couple hundred hours using any blade clearing swamp land and you develop a feel for it, this one for worked well at kudzu removal for me throwing cards are fun I'm having my one double zatochi extended to 5' so I can use it as a staff proper... though they are fun the way they are too. my 5 foot ribbon like keychain. it's friggin evil and can break cinder blocks. My want list... I really want a nice rapier. The french were a world power for a reason, right frenchy? Lord knows how many french survived an arm slash while an opponent with a poked spleen died a slow death. "whats a spleen? I don't know but it ozes green when you poke it with a pointy... let me show you" lol . I had a damn nice one but a friend wanted it more than me and was better with it. chinese "hook" swords [pair] I just sooo want to play with them. a titanium bo staff another harpoon... never know when you might need two My wife works at bear so I really should be stocking up on some bows... mayhaps a crossbow for christmas Edited October 14, 2003 by kanata67
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