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  flyboy said:
  Mechamaniac said:

Here's an alternative...


Costs 1/5 the price of the working Monsters in Motion version. More metal content, too. Some assembly required...


Yeah, but does it shoot airsoft???

I would gladly pay a little more for a non-static toy. The resin ones look great, but if they don't do a whole lot, then what's thr point?

Posted (edited)

There is an aftermarket conversion kit for airsoft Thompsons. In case you can't read the watermark, I found it for sale at http://www.redwolfairsoft.com


Is this the same thing? It's even possible that MiM is simple selling this kit assembled on a Tokyo Mauri M1, and at a ridiculous profit.

Edited by bsu legato

It looks like it could be the same kit, but redwolf lists their kit for $100 cheaper than Legendshobbies. But wherever they're getting the kits from, MiM is clearly making a killing on every M41A they sell. Then again, they're not exactly known for thier low prices, are they?

  bsu legato said:
It looks like it could be the same kit, but redwolf lists their kit for $100 cheaper than Legendshobbies. But wherever they're getting the kits from, MiM is clearly making a killing on every M41A they sell. Then again, they're not exactly known for thier low prices, are they?

I'm also not sure if the Legends kit shoots something out the grenade launcher like the MiM does.

Granted, even if it doesn't the MiM still isnt worth thousands of dollars more. I wonder why there is so much markup?


Yeah, I just went and reread the MiM writeup on their M41A, and the grenade launcher is based on a (airsoft) Remington 870, just like the film props were. Maybe they're not using a kit and are making the parts themselves. Or maybe they've just recast one of the garage kits that were on the market a few years ago, like SD Studios and GEM productions. Or maybe they've even recast the old Icons prop.


No it is the same kit. When ti first came out it was a thousand and more. But some one picked up the kit and mass produced it. So 400 for the conversion and your looking at close to another 400 for the M1A1.

  Solscud007 said:
No it is the same kit. When ti first came out it was a thousand and more. But some one picked up the kit and mass produced it. So 400 for the conversion and your looking at close to another 400 for the M1A1.

Ahhh, our resident airsoft master arrives... :lol:

Do you know anyone that has that Solscud? Is it worth the cash? Does the kit I posted have the remington parts as well for the grenade launcher?

  Mechamaniac said:
Jesus, that's an A1!!

I haven't seen one of those since basic training! And even then we were phasing in the A2's.

Hey! Mine look just like Chowser's unit's gun!

Coincidence? Hmmmm... Maaaayyyybbbeeeeee.... :ph34r:

(I rarely post pictures of my personal collection so consider this a treat). :p


Posted (edited)

I like A1s. I find that the handguard fits better in my hand than the round one of the A2 and later.

BTW, JsARC, what is that smaller M16 variant there? I'm thinking Colt Commando? Or is it an XM177?

Edited by Commander McBride
  Mechamaniac said:
  Solscud007 said:
No it is the same kit. When ti first came out it was a thousand and more. But some one picked up the kit and mass produced it. So 400 for the conversion and your looking at close to another 400 for the M1A1.

Ahhh, our resident airsoft master arrives... :lol:

Do you know anyone that has that Solscud? Is it worth the cash? Does the kit I posted have the remington parts as well for the grenade launcher?

Unfortunately, the airsoft kit doesn't have a working Remington shotgun/grenade launcher section. The pump action works, but when you pull the grip back, it opens the shell-ejection port to display a shotgun shell! Someone didn't do their research there...

It's the G&P conversion kit for the Marui M1A1 Thompson. It's not quite as accurate as the MiM kit, but it does have more metal parts, and is probably a bit sturdier if you want to lug it out into the field.

I got mine from UNcompany.com

They have the assembled version for $598 (in their "custom AEG" section).

If you buy the parts separately, which is what I did, it's $245 for the Thompson, and $320 for the conversion kit.

(Add $100 for shipping from Hong Kong to the US)


Posted (edited)

That's a pretty damn good deal. Too bad the shotgun/grenade launcher doesn't work, but I'd imagine you could add one in with a bit of ingenuity. But for the price that's a way better deal than MiM's M41A. If Airsoft wasn't so stupidly expensive up here, I'd definitely get one of those kits.


*Drools over JsARC's picture *

Edited by bsu legato
Posted (edited)
  Commander McBride said:
I like A1s. I find that the handguard fits better in my hand than the round one of the A2 and later.

The old A1 series are much lighter and easier to handle than the newer heavy barreled meatwagon A2's... when the military upgraded to the A2 series the rifle added like 2 pounds and lengthened the trigger pull range. To me, the A2's are like shooting the A1's fatter, uglier sister. :lol:

BTW, JsARC, what is that smaller M16 variant there? I'm thinking Colt Commando? Or is it an XM177?

Actually it is sort of both. Seeing as real XM177's are near impossible to find for under about $10,000 I decided to build my own. The upper is a real 1968 XM177E2 barrelled action with the special moderator/grenade launcher ring pinned on the front (the moderator is gutted and pinned in place as per ATF guidelines to keep it legal for me to own). It's wearing an original XM177 metal three position telestock and pistol grip as well as a colt bolt assembly and guts. The only thing non period colt on the entire weapon is the lower receiver which is a early '80s Pac West Arms (also known as PWA) "Commando" pre-ban lower. I had the lower ingraved with US Military markings so it looks just like a real XM177 lower except no prancing pony and no COLT AR15 markings, instead it has the oval PWA logo and says XM177E2 COMMANDO on the receiver along with a PWA serial number series.

As for her big brother above that is 100% colt, Harvey Aluminum build 1967, exact M16A1E1 configuration. Both took me years to track down all the right parts and restore them to pristine brand new shape, the Commando just being finished this year. The A1 series being out of issue for more than a decade and the seeming hatred gun people have for the A1 parts it is getting harder and harder to build out or restore a nice old A1... :(

Edited by JsARCLIGHT
  Lightning 06 said:
my god this thread's still open...

Yep, it's like a VD that no amount of penicillin will clear up. :p

So now that you're "back" from basic, do you have any stories worthy of the Banter thread?

Me? I'm impatiently awaiting the arrival of my brand new Norinco (boo hiss) 1911A1. If it shows up by Tuesday, I can make it out to the range before it gets cold again this weekend. Stupid weather.

Posted (edited)

I cant remember But i thought some one did modify it so it shot gas shotgun shells.

haha better yet maybe some one with convert it to a caw. caws are used in replica grenade launchers like teh M16's ever life partner, the M203 but that work like shotguns. You cram liek 60 bbs or so and they shoot all at once. But they are huge. Like a can of V8 or some other skiny aluminum can drink

Edited by Solscud007

unluckily i didnt get to go to Warrior week, i got separated at the "end" of the 4th week, even though i got on the plane right when my flight graduated.

It turns out i had Scolosis in my back that the MEPS lied to me about, that's why i had to leave, because i was having massive back pain thru the training.

anyways, sorry, no weapon stories at least.

  bsu legato said:
Solscud007, have you heard anything about an Airsoft XM-8 yet?

Ha I wish Im still waiting for a HK MP7 and UMP

  bsu legato said:
Solscud007, have you heard anything about an Airsoft XM-8 yet?

Both Classic Army and Tokyo Marui reps were spotted at the recent SHOT show ( I think that's where it was) taking all the pictures of the XM-8 you could possibly want. Classic Army released a photo of a PC screen showing their preliminary CAD image of their XM-8 replica a few weeks ago. I'm not sure whether TM has officially announced an intent to make an XM-8, but it's generally accepted that it'll be the next Marui AEG. (After the M-14)


An M-14 airsoft? This I gotta see. I know Marui does a great job making plastic look like wood but there is an awful lot of wood and steel on an M-14... I wonder how they are going to pull it off and still keep the "semi-real gun" feel they try to give most of their stuff? M-14's are monsters compared to the small arms they normally make like M16's and AK's.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
An M-14 airsoft? This I gotta see. I know Marui does a great job making plastic look like wood but there is an awful lot of wood and steel on an M-14... I wonder how they are going to pull it off and still keep the "semi-real gun" feel they try to give most of their stuff? M-14's are monsters compared to the small arms they normally make like M16's and AK's.

oh I knew about the m14 for quite some time. I am very anxiuous for that one. Jsarclight have you seen the TM Thompson in person? lots of metal. In fact I think the entire upper reciever is metal. And the faux wood plastic is really really nice.

I think they wil make a UMP and MP7 first. since they were released a long time ago. compared to the XM8


The only "fake wood" Marui I have seen in person is the AK-47 they made years ago... it looks real from about ten feet away but holding it and feeling it says "plastic".

I'm very interested in what the airsoft M-14 will look like as I'm a bit of a fan of the real guns (getting ready to buy one this summer) and they are just so... meaty... that I'm wondering how far Marui can take the illusion of "real" this time. Using the zinc based metals they use in their metal parts really make their guns look accurate but the weight is always the dead giveaway... the wood on the other hand is going to be a hard one to handle as the "true" M-14 carries a fine finished handlaid Hardwood stock. I'm wondering if they are not going to take the easy road and make the gun a fiberglass appearing stock and give it a SWAN rail like the modern M-14 rifles... because one of the big features of the real '60s M-14 is that heavy Walnut stock.

Also, how are they going to handle the action? I've never seen a classic bolted airsoft to know how they do that sort of thing. Will the bolt be able to be cycled or will it just be a large fixed facade mounted to the internal air action? Anyone have any pics or articles about this thing? I'm all interested now. :lol:


Yeah, it would take a crapload of air, or battery power to work the big ass bolt on the M-14!! or the M1 for that matter since it's essenitally the same design.


wow, just shot our SWAT teams new UMPs, and man, those are sweet!

I have a question about either KWA or HFC airguns.

here are two links




anyone have any experiences with either of either of these companies?

My commander is giving me $800 to purchase some training weapons. I was going to purchase Glock Simunition guns, but $800 can't even buy me two at dept. purchase price. and I was really trying to buy 4 guns for use in training. I basically want something that functions like our duty weapon (Glock 22) and I would rather have my people train with guns like their own and I want people getting hit so it's a little more realistic. The last shooting we had, everyone got lucky that the lady was so drunk that she kept hitting our cars and not us. Well, she wasn't that drunk, she was able to reload her shotgun.

After reviewing the tapes from our cars, i noticed two of our officers just standing there out in the open and taking shots (and missing) and i really need to get these old timers retrained. (we fired a total of 17 shots, and she only got hit 9 times, that's bad! i only fired 3 times, and the coroner pulled out 3 black talons, so i know i didn't miss, hydrashoks and winchester's new ranger talon didn't expand at all, that sucks.) but 8 stray shots in a congested trailer park, that's NOT GOOD. 7 officers, 9 hits, 17 rounds fired, that's just horrible. we need more time for training.


Airsoft are nice for toys and for "recreators" but for honest real world training they are not so useful. Most of them are too fragile and underpowered to be used for actual police training and add to that tiny plastic BB's simulate neither the recoil or over the top sensation of being hit. Training with... I hope no one takes this as an insult... "toys" is not the best way to go and may in fact give your boys the wrong training or reinforce incorrect shooting and manuvering tactics. Nine times out of ten there is no substitue for live weapons training. The local SLDPD here in my area has a special training site set up outside of town that has a ton of neat things built out of wood like a modern hogan's alley, a gauntlet, ERT entry training and other ranges and shooting positions. They found out a long time ago that not much simulates the actual act of discharging a weapon so all current officers train with their duty weapons in "realistic" environments. Of course this site was built over the course of a few years with a substantial dollar value attached to it that went right to the taxpayers so it sounds like that is nowhere near an option for your boys money wise.

I myself would say wait and buy the Glock simulators, or if you need to train with rifles buy your team some of the RAM paintball markers. You need something that will be as close to an actual firearm in feel and function as posible... airsoft usualy comes close in looks but as for fucntion and feel 90% of them fall very short of their real world brothers.


For what it's worth....

In the extras section of the deluxe Black Hawk Down DVD, there's footage of the actors training at Fort Whatever with Delta Force, and they clearly appear to fire airsoft M4s at a couple of points. They rehearse entry drills, and you can see the BBs bouncing off the walls. Now the question remains whether those were Delta's airsoft M4s, or rather something that the production company brought with them.


And speaking of Glocks, I recently found this beauty while looking for Glock stuff online (I blame JsARC and Chowser. They're a bad influence on me)


It's not a real Glock, unfortunately. Its just an airsoft, patterned after a fictional Glock that appears for all of ten seconds in Stand Alone Complex.

  Chowser said:
The last shooting we had, everyone got lucky that the lady was so drunk that she kept hitting our cars and not us. Well, she wasn't that drunk, she was able to reload her shotgun.

After reviewing the tapes from our cars, i noticed two of our officers just standing there out in the open and taking shots (and missing) and i really need to get these old timers retrained. (we fired a total of 17 shots, and she only got hit 9 times, that's bad! i only fired 3 times, and the coroner pulled out 3 black talons, so i know i didn't miss, hydrashoks and winchester's new ranger talon didn't expand at all, that sucks.) but 8 stray shots in a congested trailer park, that's NOT GOOD. 7 officers, 9 hits, 17 rounds fired, that's just horrible. we need more time for training.

Well, at the risk of sounding like one of those pinko, anti-gun, anti-authority hippies...

Dead is dead. You don't want to kill her too much, or people will start screaming equality blah blah, and writing songs, and holding hands and candlelight vigils etc etc ad nauseum. If you hit her 3 times, that should have been sufficient providing you hit the right places.

Amadou Diallo comes to mind.

Bottom line is that no matter how much you train, you can't train the gut reaction out of some people to freeze up in situations like that. Most police go their entire careers without having to shoot someone so that really is an extreme situation.

  JsARCLIGHT said:
The local SLDPD here in my area has a special training site set up outside of town that has a ton of neat things built out of wood like a modern hogan's alley, a gauntlet, ERT entry training and other ranges and shooting positions.

Yeah, those training facilities ROCK. When I was in the MP's, I trained with the Montgomery County MD SWAT Team. They had their own little facility set way off in the boonies. All it was was a firing range, and a tire house where we trained with live ammo. NICE. And to top it all off, their standard issue sidearm was a Para-Ordnance P14-45, MMMMMM.


;) i'm was just glad that the trailers we had flyers go into were empty....that was my main concern about the rounds that missed. don't need anymore lawsuits.

a couple of the others guys actually hit her a few times before i showed up and she was still humming along on whatever she was on. it's scary what some people can do when they're determined.

on a lighter note, i was just told i could take all our old confiscated guns and trade them in to our dealer so we can offset the cost of the Glock simunition guns. There is some weird stuff that's been collecting dust in our basement! I think I'm keeping the HK Flare Gun and I'm gonna see if the city will sell me the old P7, it could use some work, but it's neat gun. Gotta find out where/who these guns came from and see where the cases are at, but some of this stuff's been in here before we had a computerized inventory system (circa Oct. 2003 when I made it, sheesh, we're still doing carbon copied paper reports) and the old paperwork's all yellowed and unreadable. But then again, if the owners really wanted their stuff back, they would've made a point to show up in the last 40 years or so.

I hate to think of what guns were/are stored at the old Chief's house....back when he was THE Chief of one other officer and they shared a car, gun, radio (don't know why they had a radio, who else were they gonna call?) :lol: things were different in those days, so I hear.

Someone told me that there are conversion kits for Glocks that are cheaper than the Simunition gun. All it is is the slide half and all we need are spare frames and we've got plenty of spare guns since the city won't hire people to replace those that have left, so that might be a better option. Anyone have any experience with these conversion-kits?

Posted (edited)

A P7...? Damn you're lucky. I'd love to get one of those lil' babies, if they weren't prohibited up here. :(

Likewise, all our cops just cut up and/or melt down whatever "bad" guns they have in storage. That is, after they've picked through the pile for whatever catches their eye.

Edit: After checking, I've found that apparently P7s are NOT prohib up here. I wonder how that slipped thru the cracks?

Edited by bsu legato

ooh, a squeeze cocker, those ROCK!

What model P7?





I used to tell everyone that if you had to have only ONE pistol, the P7 series was the way to go. Of course, you could only have one because they were a grand apiece.

High price to pay for all that technology, but man are they cool.


it's got 2 13 rounds mags :)

i think i might have found another backup gun, might be time to sell the twins (Glock 33s) one of the guys i work with is an HK dealer (that's how I get my HKs cheap), so I'm gonna see if he can get parts cheap, this thing is really in bad shape. when I get in to work tonight, i'm gonna see if it still functions. I didn't have time to really look at it while i was cataloging the rest of the crap.

  Chowser said:
it's got 2 13 rounds mags :)

i think i might have found another backup gun, might be time to sell the twins (Glock 33s) one of the guys i work with is an HK dealer (that's how I get my HKs cheap), so I'm gonna see if he can get parts cheap, this thing is really in bad shape. when I get in to work tonight, i'm gonna see if it still functions. I didn't have time to really look at it while i was cataloging the rest of the crap.

OK, P7M13.

The P7 Series are designated by their mag capacity, so the P7M8 is a 9MM 8 rd capacity, the P7M7 is a .45 7 rd capacity, P7M10, 40Cal - 10rd capacity, and yours, which is a 9MM 13 rd capacity.

This the one?


That's a seriously nice piece, and well worth the bucks whatever they may be.

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