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Ace Combat 6:Skies of Liberation for XBOX360!

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I personally doubt we'll ever see anything with new polygons. (Which is the only thing I'd pay for).

Hmmn, new team battle. But you gotta pay? C'mon, maps should be free.

I'd probably entertain buying some of these new planes if they grouped them together into packs. The pricing structure as is is simply absurd. I don't know what they're thinking.

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Why's the freebie always a Scarface plane? I liked Ace Combat 2, but they're giving us pretty boring free paints and charging out the cornshoot for the cool paints. Like David said, I'd pay more money for new planes, but new paints? Especially since half the paints we can see by replaying old Ace Combat games.

Still... it would be kind of nice to see the Mobius emblem on my tail in HD...

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I pretty much know for a fact that I've got a 360 for christmas. So I'm gonna get the game at some point in the next week or two...thing is I dunno if I wanna buy just the game or the bundle...I enjoyed playing the last one that came with the stick and throtal ALOT for the PS2, so I'm kind of thinking of going that route.

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I pretty much know for a fact that I've got a 360 for christmas. So I'm gonna get the game at some point in the next week or two...thing is I dunno if I wanna buy just the game or the bundle...I enjoyed playing the last one that came with the stick and throtal ALOT for the PS2, so I'm kind of thinking of going that route.

The stick and throttle work great for me, since the High-G can be enabled simply by holding down a button while moving, where as on the regular controller, you have to hold down both throttle buttons simultaneously to initiate the High-G turns. Its a great feeling using the stick and throttle, as if you have your own arcade setup, only at home instead of having to go to the mall. Thats the way I see it(reminisces about air combat 22 from the mid 90's).

The planes I use online now primarily are the following:

F-16C Historic Windhover, Mirage 2000, F-14D, F-15E, & Typhoon. Windhover is a challenge to fly, so its fun. There was a cocky CFA-44 guy today that kept trashtalking and spamming his EML. It was fun taking him out 4x in my Historic Windhover Falcon. ^_^

*BTW, I found out that the durability on the upcoming F-22 Mobius 1 scheme from the 12/20 DLC got shafted hardcore. It may look godlike to the Ac4 fanboys, but it is the weakest F-22 so far).

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well, as of today I have Ace Combat 6! :D :D

only done 3 or 4 missions so far, so i am an amateur it's true, but i just wanted to stop by and see if people here play together? 22 pages is a lot to shuffle through though, so can i just get a quick show of who plays online? And what level i should be at before i join your venerable ranks?

Also incidentally, i guess u need gamertags or something to find each other. mine is ScreamManOz.

i should add Im a major noob to xbox gaming, so be gentle if i dont know what the hell Im doing.

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well, as of today I have Ace Combat 6! :D :D

only done 3 or 4 missions so far, so i am an amateur it's true, but i just wanted to stop by and see if people here play together? 22 pages is a lot to shuffle through though, so can i just get a quick show of who plays online? And what level i should be at before i join your venerable ranks?

Also incidentally, i guess u need gamertags or something to find each other. mine is ScreamManOz.

i should add Im a major noob to xbox gaming, so be gentle if i dont know what the hell Im doing.

There's a bunch of xbox live gamer tags in the xbox thread, although I doubt most of them have this game. Mine is "Qaztab", but lately I've been mainly playing this offline to get all the various medals/achievements.

As for when you should try online, try it anytime. People fly completely different from the ones in the game, which are easy to nail in comparison. Fighting online will make you a far better campaign player.

Speaking of which, I'm going for the attacker medal and the flying fortress level is ridiculously easy with an A-10 armed with RCL's. Even on Ace difficulty, by the time the Strigons show up, I've taken out two of the smaller fortresses and am focusing on the third. By the time Strigon gets their wits about them that they should focus on me, I ally cover and sometimes ally assault them, and they never get anywhere near. Factor in the super machine gun and the superior yawing ability of the A-10, and it's even more-so a piece of cake.

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Yes, Mission 9 with RCL's is super-easy, especially with the A-10 and it's huge load of them. (Su-33 has very few of them, Typhoon has a few more) It's not so much how many it has total, but how many rockets per salvo.

I made my "attacker medal" run also my "no damage" run. Not TOO hard, though mission 12 and 13 took a bunch of tries. Tornado's your best bet IMHO, but a Strigon or Typhoon would ALWAYS get just one little bullet in you...

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Finally finished the campaign last night. Is it just me, or is Shamrock the unluckiest wingman in Ace Combat history? And, oh, yet another example of unrequited love between an AWACs and a pilot in Ace Combat. Is this what its like in real life?

"Viper Zero-Three-Tango-Niner, sending you strike co-ordinates now, you big stud." :)

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Can someone recommend to me a place where I might find information about all of the downloadable content? I specifically want to know the capabilities and differences between each of the planes. I haven't bought any yet, and I don't intend to unless I know what the heck I'm buying beforehand.

Oh, wait a tick. Someone kindly pointed out to me that the Japanese AC6 page has almost exactly what I'm looking for.

Change the content via the links on the left side.

Edited by Axelay
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Finally finished the campaign last night. Is it just me, or is Shamrock the unluckiest wingman in Ace Combat history? And, oh, yet another example of unrequited love between an AWACs and a pilot in Ace Combat. Is this what its like in real life?

"Viper Zero-Three-Tango-Niner, sending you strike co-ordinates now, you big stud." :)

Actually, Chopper got it worse than Shamrock.

Seems like the only worthy DLC download this time around will be the team battle mission.

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Honestly, many of us (in the US at least) got it weeks/months ago and played online for many hours and pretty much did all there is to do already. I've got dozens of hours online, but am pretty much 'done' with the game for the moment. Shin's still on, but he's the only US-based player from MW I know of that's still online regularly.

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Resurrecting an older thread. Didn't feel like clogging the XBox thread with posts on this game.

Anyway, I'm playing this now. I've gotten up to mission 8 since Christmas, and was just wondering -- how the heck are you supposed to get S on mission 1? I've tried it with the Big Bird (F-14D with XLAA -- sweet!) and even with the flying tricycle (Mirage 2000 with XMA4), both times I could get rid of the targets quite fast (Mirage beats out the Tomcat here, that bird is fast!) but apparently not quite fast enough for an S-grade.

Same for mission 2; I would head out and splash the BUFFs, but never could get better than an A grade. Anyone?

I've also been dropping into online games. I think I'll avoid any game with CFA-44 for now -- had a very brutal and unfriendly game where the host took it exclusively -- but it was otherwise quite fun. Most people take the most advanced fighters possible, mainly F-22s and Su-33s. There were at least a couple of matches where I took the F-14 with XLAA and just stood off to engage, and that got me over 10K points per match. When the conditions are right, the extended range of the XLAA can have a massive impact on a game.

But, today I just had a match where I took a Mirage 2000 with XMA4 (with 2 Tornados IIRC) against 2 quite good F-22s, and walked away with 13K points. It was really amusing, really, because I kept getting splashed by QAAMs, but managed to get used to fighting against the tech edge and knocked at least 5 F-22s down. It's interesting to note that the F-22s would disappear off the Mirage's radar every now and then, reflecting on the stealth of the plane. I supposed that's how sometimes we can get sniped without ever seeing the aircraft.

The scoring criteria for games is amusing too. When I traded my F-14 with an F-22 -- and I can do that very often when things go wrong -- my team would lose 750 points while gaining 3K+ points. I hate to think of the exchange rate for a Mirage 2000 vs. an F-22. That's a very big incentive to take low-tech fighters, as long as you have sufficient SP weapons to level the playing field.

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AC6 scores C-B-A-S based purely on POINTS/KILLS. Kill everything. Doesn't matter how long it takes. Kill 'em all is what it comes down to. At the higher levels, you actually are fighting the clock in a way, because when you beat an operation (sub-mission) and the stage goes to the "second half" of the mission, the other operations "close". So for max points, fly around and do like 90% of each operation, then finish one---that's worth far more points than simply concentrating on one operation and only getting points from that one. But that level of strategy isn't needed until the higher difficulties. Simply killing everything on a standard set of operations is enough for most.

As for online--yup, it's all scaled about how advanced the planes are to each other. F-16 taking down an F-22 is worth big points, and vice-versa.

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Not exactly the most brilliant of game strategy, but if that's what the designers want...

I find a A-10 with FAEs about the most efficient way to do ground missions. Find a good cluster, lob one in, and pick up what's left. Cruisers burn well that way too, oddly. XAGWs are nice too, but I hadn't quite mustered the RCL yet.

I supposed the best way is to work east to west or vice-versa and just nail everything in, leaving just enough to keep the mission running.

Online -- I don't understand why people like to fly F-22s or Su-47s so much. I did try them but didn't like them; prefer a faster or more long-ranged platform, and don't really see the need to dogfight when you can nail them at 30K range.

It's really an odd feeling, when you are 20K feet up, in the clear blue, looking down on a bunch of advanced fighters squirming around at 2K feet, and then hitting the release for 4 XLAAs. KA-blooie. :p

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Ahh drat...somehow i had the impression that Melissa was Talisman's wife. >_<

Remember the movie sequence towards the beginning of the game where Melissa was walking out of town during the evacuation? She walked by a crashed jet fighter that was her husband's.

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Remember the movie sequence towards the beginning of the game where Melissa was walking out of town during the evacuation? She walked by a crashed jet fighter that was her husband's.

Yeah but i thought it can't be true cause i'm still flying and i'm alive. She must've been mistaken since she can't really make out the logo. :lol:

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Shamrock isn't the unluckiest wingman in AC... in AC zero your wingbuddy (the one after pixie) just gets blown up, period :p

I think Chopper had it worst. With PJ you never really find out what happened after taking the shot meant for Cypher. With Chopper, you knew he had no way out and rode it all the way down. It did suck for PJ though, right after getting engaged and all.

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I think she made it out clearly that the plane belonged to her husband on the cenematics.

I got to play it online for a bit....didnt do that well. Gotta admit, I hate ppl who go into circles all the damn time...takes forever to kill someone.

I mostly just scored hits on containers for one game session....got like 4th place outta 6 on my team or something....guess an SU-37 isnt my type of plane.

if anyone wants to add me im HIKURO1983

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Yeah well, I just finished off my first campaign. Still need to go back through to mop up a few operations, but some thoughts:

Story's particularly weak, not because of the plot element -- those are fairly standard -- but because it doesn't really involve the player. Shamrock's got a part, Melissa got a part, but Talisman (the player) doesn't really have anything to do with the approach the backstory took. Disappointing, really.

And they really should have killed off Shamrock. Not only did he

severely irritate me in Mission 12, his death would have made the story stronger.

Mission 13 was quite a walkover until part 2, when

the CFA-44 shows up. Annoying because I can't seem to tag him, then I realised the whole point is to nail him by calling Allied Attack on him. Let's see you dodge 20 missiles, you irritating little twit...

Still, getting an S for this mission might be a tad hard because of his drones. Incidentally, how does one unlock the CFA-44? It didn't unlock for me at the end of the campaign.

Mission 14, I managed to get 99 out of 100 targets.. irritating, and got an A for that. Didn't really had time to fight all those fighters. I was in a F-14. Good for taking things out from far away, but not very good for close-in fight. Might try again with a Typhoon with XLAAs.

Mission 15, oh man, it's such a clique mission.

Not only did it have a doomsday weapon, but it had not one, but two -- oh wait, if you count Shamrock's run it's

THREE -- trench runs.

It's a bit ridiculous. Did it in an A-10 with FAE, and it was fairly easy, but I suspect RCLs or even XAGWs would make it simpler..

Anyway, anyone tried to fly along King's Bridge yet? I'm not saying under it, I'm saying along it, just above the road. Very tricky, particularly because of the reconstruction work, but can be done -- tried it with a Typhoon but not enough yaw to make it reliable, did it with an A-10 but still tricky to get over the damaged portion.

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Mission 13 was quite a walkover until part 2, when

the CFA-44 shows up. Annoying because I can't seem to tag him, then I realised the whole point is to nail him by calling Allied Attack on him. Let's see you dodge 20 missiles, you irritating little twit...

Still, getting an S for this mission might be a tad hard because of his drones. Incidentally, how does one unlock the CFA-44? It didn't unlock for me at the end of the campaign.

When Pasternak starts calling in more drones, he'll flash red on your radar. At that time, he's easier to hit because his plane obeys the laws of physics. :) (We're well past the spoiler point on this, aren't we?)

You have to beat the game on Hard to get the CFA-44.

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i played my first game last night as well. online play is tricky, especially since....i dunno id want to have some fun with it and sorta roll play a bit u know? I know when Im playign on my own i mumble "Fox 2" when i fire missiles, calmly announce RTb whjen going for a landing field, that sorta stuff. the people i managed to find online were all silent and grumpy.

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i played my first game last night as well. online play is tricky, especially since....i dunno id want to have some fun with it and sorta roll play a bit u know? I know when Im playign on my own i mumble "Fox 2" when i fire missiles, calmly announce RTb whjen going for a landing field, that sorta stuff. the people i managed to find online were all silent and grumpy.

Its cool i know how you feel you try to make it deeper than a HALO free for all and people just act like drones. :lol:

Tell ya what when I get back in town I'll be looking for ya and we can try a couple sortes

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"I got to play it online for a bit....didnt do that well. Gotta admit, I hate ppl who go into circles all the damn time...takes forever to kill someone."

Thats the rule in dogfighting, to outmanuver your adversary.

But yes sometimes the cheap tricks buy you time.

Just think in 3d and it gets easier to score those kills.

Edited by DARKWIND
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AC6 is only easier because they added the "I WIN" button with the insane ally stuff :p

Like half the time when I was sick of the mission I just said "ah fuggit" and just held down on the d-pad and waited for the "mission accomplished" text to show up

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What I find annoying about the Allied Support is that it's often telling the friendly AI to do their job. I mean, I have to get Allied Defense because Shamrock apparently really, really sucks at protecting your six, and I have to get Allied Attack because the friendly AI can't seem to hit the broadside of the barn with anything short of a rocket salvo.

The enemy AI seems to be a lot more accurate (ground AI at least), and in the air they tend to work a lot harder to stay together...

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