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  wolfx said:

Why can't they use real life actors and FMVs like Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan war though, instead of the 3D CG characters.


I actually preferred the CGI ones. Made me feel a bit more like I was playing Area 88: The Game. :)

  wolfx said:

I personally never played any of the AC games, so you could say i started from AC0. heheh...does it follow some sort of storyline or something?

That said, i really love fell of AC0 and especially the moosik. The pseudo sci-fi in AC is awesome as well. Laserz lol! :lol: Which reminds me I have to yet to finish the game in all ratings to get that whatchamacallit plane...falken?

All the AC games are loosely connected. 6 follows the storyline set in 4, although the only thing it really shares it the beginning with the meteor impact, and while 4 is directly after the impact, 6 is several years after 4, in 2015.

5 was somewhere in between, and of course 0 was in 95 which was before all of this. Nonetheless the maps are for the most part the same, each game just takes place in a different region and time.

3 was the futuristic one but the US version sucked because all the anime cut sequences and almost the entire story was cut. The japanese version could be played in different character point of views but in the US version you play as a character that you don't really get to know much about.

My favorite super plane was the XFA-27, and then the X-02. Its funny, in the storyline, the X-02 is written as an F-14 Tomcat replacement since the super hornet is not up to par!

Your name in 6 is Talisman, which sounds cool to me.

Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted Today, 12:26 PM

Your name in 6 is Talisman, which sounds cool to me.

That is a cool call sign for the hero in the new version, it kind of stands out.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:

All the AC games are loosely connected. 6 follows the storyline set in 4, although the only thing it really shares it the beginning with the meteor impact, and while 4 is directly after the impact, 6 is several years after 4, in 2015.

5 was somewhere in between, and of course 0 was in 95 which was before all of this. Nonetheless the maps are for the most part the same, each game just takes place in a different region and time.

3 was the futuristic one but the US version sucked because all the anime cut sequences and almost the entire story was cut. The japanese version could be played in different character point of views but in the US version you play as a character that you don't really get to know much about.

My favorite super plane was the XFA-27, and then the X-02. Its funny, in the storyline, the X-02 is written as an F-14 Tomcat replacement since the super hornet is not up to par!

Your name in 6 is Talisman, which sounds cool to me.

Then there is Ace Combat X, set in two small nations on the southern Osean continent in 2020. The journalist Albert Gennet(sp?), who was a character in AC5, was the one telling the story as it happened.

Posted (edited)

The only thing i am mad :angry: about is the AC series is going every which way on its platforms. :wacko::unsure: And i can not keep up buy buying more and more expensive platforms especially when buying macross,mospeeda (or good rt equivalents ) and transformer items as well.

Other than that it looks like a superior version at this time graphic wise at least. :wub::)

Now It may look like i maybe getting a Xbox360 now. :wacko::unsure::(

Edited by altermodes
Posted (edited)

Is there any confirmed news on whether AC6 is gonna be XBOX360 exclusive or cross platform?

Would kinda suck to have to buy into two consoles to get my AC and ZOE fix...

Edited by Akilae
  SpacyAce2012 said:

My point is, that sooner or later, I going to have to upgrade. My first PS2, which I've had for years, finally gave up the ghost (and it's been a damn good one) early last month. Fortunately, I had one of the newer compact units, which I received as a gift Christmas before last, stored away as a back-up.

But you know the old saying. "Nothing lasts forever". And I have a sneaking suspicion that the PS2 won't enjoy the longevity that the PS1 did, once Sony gets the PS3 on the right track (the issues sorted out).

buying a new ps2 and xbx360 is still cheaper than buying a ps3 :p

  yellowlightman said:

I've never played an Ace Combat game in my life, so I'm wondering.. how arcadey is it? Seems like it has a lot of interest from plane buffs, but I'm guessing a hardcore sim wouldn't work very well on consoles.

It is fairly "arcadey" in the fact that no matter what you do your pilot will never black out, and the fact that all of the planes carry an inpossable amount of total armament. The flight engine however is the best I have seen in a game. Story lines are good for a way of keeping your interest, at least the first time through. B))

  Loner said:

Shattered Skies stage still has the best song in AC. I wish a remake of AC4 would appear on the 360 at some point.

Best song to me was "fire youngman" from AC2, which is also my fave AC and had the best soundtrack.

There are very few hardcore flightsims on consoles, the best being Aerodancing(DC aerowings, PS2 Aero Elite Academy) and Energy Airstrike(first 2 on ps2, OVERG on 360). OverG seems to have the flight dynamics and realism of aerodancing but with unique HUDs/cockpits and working cockpit displays, something both aerodancing and ace combat lack.

gamesradar.com has a weeklong feature on ac6. Today was interview day. Yesterday was new screenshots, and tomorrow is a review of what the ace combat design team thought worked and didn't work in past ace combats.

And Ace Combat zero seemed very "Area 88" like. Watch the original OVA or read the old manga then play through it, you'll start seeing some inspirational similarities :D

  wolfx said:

The whole mercenary thing duelling at the round table?

Nope. Thats just one thing. The F-20 knight scheme, which is similar to Shin's from Act III. The whole mercenary thing. The fact that your fighting for a country that might get overran later on. The whole ace style guage. A friend turning on you. Your force supporting a much larger main force, but you still getting the dirty work. The tunnel missions. Actually I think a the whole ace combat series has area 88 inspiration, the whole tunnel and mountain things seem so inspired by the mission in act III where Shin has to lead the team through a mountain pass and afterwards escort the strike formation as they are jumped by harriers.

  wldr said:
Story lines are good for a way of keeping your interest, at least the first time through. B))

There needs to be a plot beyond, "fly here, shoot this, this, this, and all the enemy badguys that have the misfortune of getting in the way of my missles"? :)

  CoryHolmes said:

There needs to be a plot beyond, "fly here, shoot this, this, this, and all the enemy badguys that have the misfortune of getting in the way of my missles"? :)

That would be nice, but I have yet to see one that does. Have you?


I currently have AC5 and AC0. One good thing about playing it over and over is unlocking all that can be unlocked. I still have been unable to unlock the special aircraft on AC5. On AC0 is unlocking the special stage upon completing the game on soldier ranking. I do hope that AC6 will be available on the playstation. I do not want to fork over another 600 bucks on a system for one game. Any word on an AC0 soundtrack relase date yet?


I read that there is going to be a version of this game bundled with a flight stick for $150. I'm not 100% sure this is true though.


Heh, seeing how systems like the Wii allow us to transpose our faces onto video game characters, maybe we can have a squadron photo with all of us in it...


I would probably get AC6 for my 360 if it doesn't come out on PS3. OverG fighters blew chunks.


According to the Japanese site it is a Xbox 360 exclusive.

Personaly I thought over G was ok and would like to combine it with elements of Macross for the PS2 to create the ultimate realistic Macross game.

  myk said:

Heh, seeing how systems like the Wii allow us to transpose our faces onto video game characters, maybe we can have a squadron photo with all of us in it...

I dread to think who would get to pick the callsigns though...! :lol:

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