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Please ease my wery mind,

A)Macross (super dimensional fortress) (original TV series)

1)Robotech (the macross saga)

a)edited english dubbed slightly changed script and content (Protoculture,ect)

B) Macross Do You Remember Love (Movie sumarizing the original Macross TV series)

1) Clash of the Bionoids (heavily edited for visual content released in GB)

2) Macross The Movie (English dubbed of the original DYRL)

C) Macross II (japaniese only? no engish dub) (4parts?)

D) Macross Plus (Japaniese and English Dub on DVD)

Ok guys,

Lemme have it, Are thiese in order and are they true, I've been doing research and such to Find the facts. Maybe a topic like this should be "pinned"


Posted (edited)

I think it should be in this order:

1. Macross

2. Robotech

3. DYRL (Macross movie)

4. Clash of the Bionoids (shitty english dub)

5. Macross II (later was found to be illegitamate and an alternate timeline)

6. Macross Plus (the legitimate timeline)

7. Macross 7 (legitimate timeline after Macross Plus)

Please note DYRL and Clash of the Bionoids doesn't really fall anywhere in the Macross timeline as it was suppose to be a "movie within a movie" that takes place in Macross 7.

Confused yet?

Go here for more info:


Edited by rsvictor1976
Posted (edited)

Oh yeah, I've seen Leheads site, its all good.

basically Im looking for unedited english dubs (unlike clash of the.......)

and how the macross series and movies sequence to eachother

A little digging gave me this

SDF Macross (original TV series - 1982)

Macross: Do You Remember Love? (movie - 1984)

Macross Flashback 2012 (music video - 1987)

Macross II (OVA & movie - 1992)

Macross Plus (OVA & movie - 1994)

Macross 7 (series, movie, OVA - 1994)

Macross Zero (OVA - 2002)

I just have to find the "better" dubs if I can of each (the ones that got released)

Edited by pfunk

There aren't any "officially" released dubs of M7 or M0; I doubt there are any of Flashback 2012. As for the movie, I know that there have been more than two different English language releases--though aside from the editing, they may only differ in terms of videotape box design.

In addition to the "Robotech" dub of Superdimensional Fortress Macross, there was a dub done in the Philippines. Also an abortive effort by HG to do SDF Macross "straight", before they decided to edit it into Robotech. Info on both are in this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...&hl=phillipines

Posted (edited)

If you go to http://www.anime.net/macross/production/an..._remember_love/ and search on "English" you come up with the following. (I've edited and rearranged a bit for brevity and clarity.)

Super Spacefortress Macross

Video Tape

115 minutes, color, monoaural, English-dubbed

Victor Entertainment

1987 March 5

Super Spacefortress Macross

Laser Disc

120 minutes, color, digital stereo, English-dubbed, Japanese-subtitled

Victor Entertainment

1987 April 21 (discontinued)

Clash of the Bionoids (North America Release)

Video Tape

90 minutes (edited for content), color, English-dubbed

Best Film & Video

Superdimensional Fortress Macross

Video Tape

115 minutes, color, English-dubbed

Best Film & Video

1995 July 11

Clash of the Bionoids (UK Release)

Video Tape

90 minutes, color, English-dubbed

[Removed box pictures...see next post for why]

Edited by ewilen

I know thiers a DVD for Macross plus, thier selling it in the stores, They are for region 1 and you can play it Japaniese with english subtitles digital dolby or you can play english in std dolby 5.1


I have that version, and I believe that its not edited.....but I could be wrong. Either way, loads of fun to watch for the Major's Clint Eastwood impression.

  ewilen said:
Here's one that's not on the MW main pages. It's probably the full-length version (no edits, or just a few).

Somewhere, out there, there's a subtitled version of DYRL that has minor edits: the zero-gee love scene is slightly edited to get rid of Minmay's nude shot--the editor extended the shot of the showerhead to cover the nude yet keep the timing of the song correct. Also, three decapitations are cut -- The Zentradi being killed by Millia, a UN spacy soldier in the final battle, and the long shot of Hikaru blasting away at Bodolzaa is slowed down to get rid of the closeup of the bullets ripping into Bodolzaa's head. I've seen it mostly because in my misspent youth, that was the only full-length movie I had ever downloaded of the Internet.

Superspace Fortress Macross is NOT edited, although the translations are real iffy. The Kiseki translation is even worse.

(Scene on Earth, where Hikaru and Misa are talking about Hikaru's parents)


Hikaru: He was doing an aerobatic manuver, and he went "zoom, crash!" just like that.


Hikaru: Wow, you change subjects just like an acrobat!

  • 2 weeks later...


heres what I got so far

Macross plus parts 1-4

Macross II the movie

Should I even get Macross II due to the lack in timeline?

How are both of them?

Thanks ,



There's a dub of Macross II the Movie by Manga and I think US Renditions.

I'm not a fan of Macross II.

To me none of the mecha look right (well they weren't designed by Kawamori). I don't love the valkyries in this one, but that's just personal taste, I know there's a lot of people out there who love em!

Character design is Haruhiko Mikimoto.

I liked the music, it has an early 90's-ish kind of feel, and I bought the soundtrack just for the opening song. The opening animation was directed by Masami Oobari (if you've watched Fatal Fury/Garou Densetsu, you'll see what I mean).

As for story... Its alright, nothing outstanding or great. The whole reporter thing wasn't that great of an innovation in my not so humble opinion. ;)

Since I've never heard the original Japanese voices, I can't go screaming about how the dub sucks because the voices are all messed up. But, just on the basis of voice acting it was alright. It wasn't like the old Macross Movie dub (the Best Video corp release, completely unedited) where it sounded like English wasn't the first language of the dubbers. :lol:

"A man aaand a wo-Man? Whats that?! A man aand a wo-Man!" :p

Watch it if your bored, that's all I can suggest. When I first bought it I thought it was a waste of money, but it grew on me, and I occasionally watch it when I'm in the mood for something different, but still Macross.


I have the video (PAL) Clash of the Bionoids and it's basicly DYRL dubbed in English with original Japanese music.

The English Minmay sounds like a nicotine-junkie with a heavy nasal voice, or is it the quality of the tape...? :lol:

Hikaru sounds like a whiny slow-witted kid, it's just awful.

  pfunk said:
How about plus, is that a good one?

Certainly, although I would've liked to see more mech action than that triple soap opera between Isamu, Guld and Myun, the dvd's aren't that expensive, so you can always try them.

  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the bump, very interesting read. Having been of the "Robotech" generation, I understood that it (Robotech) was a combination of three different Anime stories "perverted" from their original story to make enough eppisodes to get a syndication in the US.

Although I (up untill the last few years) never knew the correlation of one "Macross" to the other... Like II being a tangent story and really having no place in the "real" timeline.

Several years ago I came across Macross II in a video rental store. I rented it and I was so disappointed. Now that I have learned its place in things, I wish I could see it again.

Posted (edited)

Flashback 2012? :blink::huh: Thats a new one to me... I still haven't seen 7 yet, but maybe I need to find Flashback... dunno... I wish these were easier to find, I don't personally know any Anime buffs I could borrow it (or anything) from.

Scrolling back up I see pFunk mentioned it, its still a new one to me...

Edited by Southcross
  CAG said:
... loads of fun to watch for the Major's Clint Eastwood impression.

Lebhead described that as "John Wayne on acid" but I personally loved the dub just for the parts with The Major. They made him into a maniac.

  Agent ONE said:
  CAG said:
... loads of fun to watch for the Major's Clint Eastwood impression.

Lebhead described that as "John Wayne on acid" but I personally loved the dub just for the parts with The Major. They made him into a maniac.

Hey now, no ripping on us manics! :angry: Don't mess with bi-polar people!

You know, I don't usually think of Agent when I think of "getting it straight", if ya know what I mean. ;)

  Duke Togo said:
  Agent ONE said:
  CAG said:
... loads of fun to watch for the Major's Clint Eastwood impression.

Lebhead described that as "John Wayne on acid" but I personally loved the dub just for the parts with The Major. They made him into a maniac.

Hey now, no ripping on us manics! :angry: Don't mess with bi-polar people!

You know, I don't usually think of Agent when I think of "getting it straight", if ya know what I mean. ;)

No worries, we are both maniacs... It is those who can't taste the fruit of OUR vision that are lacking in life. I prefer to think of, what many call my "insanity" as a 6th sense. :lol::p

  Angel said:
I guess you really hate Mac 7 bsu! Btw, isn't Mac 0 after SDF Macross unless I'm wrong?

No, takes place before... Have you seen Zero yet!?? :blink:

  Agent ONE said:
  Angel said:
I guess you really hate Mac 7 bsu! Btw, isn't Mac 0 after SDF Macross unless I'm wrong?

No, takes place before... Have you seen Zero yet!?? :blink:

No and thanks.

  bsu legato said:
Thanks for posting that chart Exo, but it's a little out of date. I've done a bit of renovating to it to reflect how things should be.


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