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Macross 25th Anniversary! New TV series coming!


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What if it's some kind of side story? That would, most likely, mean they'll use existing VF designs, which would be kind of dumb from a marketing point of view. (As in no new toys/ model kits etc. to release upon the masses.)

Wow, I just answered my own question didn't I?... :mellow:

Personally I wouldn't mind if there was an OVA that followed the members of a CF squadron during Space War 1. That'd be great.

But seeing that they want a brand new singing idol, I'm going to guess that this takes place after M7.

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Well there is one obvious media that everyone has overlooked. A NEW GAME!

The Gundam franchise has already released a new game for the PS3, there is no reason why Big West wouldn't do the same...

As for SK, I'd like to see him direct, design mecha and even collaborate on a new story outside his usual circle of firends. The best collaborations are by teams who have differing points of view.

Such differing points of view tend to keep the story honest and fresh, because either writer has to "justify" their contribution to the story as opposed to a group of "yes men" agreeing with whatever one comes up with.

I agree that his solo writing efforts within the Macross universe as of late have been a let down. Ironically outside of the universe he shows quite a bit of talent and uniqueness in his stories.

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Zinjo, doesn't the new copyright mean that something more than a game is coming? That's an honest question, I thought the copyright indicators always indicated new animation judging from the other years referenced.

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I'm ALL for the SK designs and having his hands off the story. Just make sure these new designs feature less anime magic and big, well connected joints - hint, hint.

As for the timeline, going along with one of the expeditionary forces would be cool, if done right.

(no, they find the horrible force that destroyed the protoculture. It's called "Robotech" and they have to destroy it before it re-writes over and changes their history)

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Zinjo, doesn't the new copyright mean that something more than a game is coming? That's an honest question, I thought the copyright indicators always indicated new animation judging from the other years referenced.

Not sure, but games need to be copyrighted too... ;)

If we look at the facts as we know them:

1. Kawamori is currently writing / directing a non-Macross film for the Genius Party anthology series.

2. Only Victor has been mentioned in the press releases and the call for singing talent.

It doesn't exclude new animation, but it doesn't confirm it either.

The VF-X game series had original music written for the games and new talent singing it.

IMHO, it is a possibility that another Hi Def game is nearing completion for the new PS3 and singing talent is needed to do the music tracks for the game as some new pop idol.

When one looks at the vids and screenies of the new Gundam game, it isn't a huge stretch for Big West to want to showcase transforming fighters ala Macross Zero style on a new console that can support such high end graphics.

As with everything it all pure speculation, but to me it seems to be the most likely, considering what we know.

The only other possibilities are what sketchly mentioned, CGI animated sequences backed up by new music or Kawamori giving his royal ascent to another writer to pen a series in the Macross universe.

Anything is possible these days... :p

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It happens to the best & even George Lucas realized that sometimes you got to take a back seat and let others drive the car. ;)

Lucas is a prime example, IMO, of why the 'then watch something that isn't Macross' philosophy doesn't do it for me.

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Courtesy of Google's Engrish-to-jibberish translation

That made almost absolutely no sense...but seeing "makurosu" somewhere in that gibberish was heartening :)

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I'm not trying ti be very optimistic, but having the macross main site rework, getting this vage makuruso article and Grahams mystery all sign to something possibly big on the way, oh yeah!!

So, if its a new macross project, if they're just casting, how long would it take for it to be released

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I'd laugh if all that came out was a drama cd series then all the english speaking fans would be screwed over, and only those of us who know Japanese could enjoy it. :lol:

Seriously let's recap the "wishlist" I've seen in this thread.

--A Remake

Seriously we have two versions of the original story already, the TV series and DYRL, and I don't think an Alternate Universe story would go over well with Macross Fans, there's no precendent for it (and no Macross II dosn't count, as it wasn't originally ment to be another universe). Macross Dosn't have Gundam's fanbase and even Gundam is devided into the die hard "UC" onlys and the ones who actually like the AUs. I think this isn't very likely. And I don't think any Macross fans want to see, "It's Macross except this time Hikaru is named Hiro and Breetai is named Zechs, and there are 5 space ships instead of one..."

--A Sidestory

As far as a Space War 1 side story goes, I don't really see where you'd take it. If there was a lot of different ships out there or if Earth had been more involved in the action sure why not, as it stands if it was set during the original series the bulk of it would have to be after the battle with boldolza's fleet, ala Robotech Battlecry. Cause there's simply no breathing room in the confines of space war 1. Again this is another thing that you have to realize is different in Gundam. In gundam you've got all these different space colonies and earth to set stories, so you can do "The war in South America", and also you can tell the story from both Zeon and Federation sides. Where as a story from the Zentradie point of view would lack a lot of hummanity, and if your stuck telling the story on the Macross... well it goes where it went and did what it did. We know all the major battles in the war, and showing them from a different cockpit of a differeint pilot worrying about a different girl, isn't going to make it any more exciting.

A space war 1 side story is even less likely then a Space War 1, remake.

Some story in the Macross 7/Plus timeframe, is deffinitly possible though. It dosn't have to be a side story but could have a couple of nods.

--A Video Game

A video game has a lot of potential especially if it has multiplayer online... and it's a lot more easy to do a SW1 sidestory in, cause people don't mine replaying they're favorite battles. But why can't there be an animation and a game? If this is a major project I don't think, just another Macross game is going to ammount to much.

--The Ulitmate conclusion of the Macross Saga

It would be interesting, I would love to see the Megaroad return, or the Supervision Army which we hear so much of but never see... I'm not saying it's totally impossible but me thinks we won't see some ultimate "grande finale".

My guess is if we see an animation it will be something different, though a new TV series or OVA that continues things would be great.

Edited by lord_breetai
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Lucas didn't hand off the writing, just the directing. At all points in time, he was still in control of the story. Major difference there being, Lucas was "never" able to believably direct people. Kawamori, regardless of whether you agree with his plot lines or not, always produces interesting well plotted out characters.

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If we look at the facts as we know them:

1. Kawamori is currently writing / directing a non-Macross film for the Genius Party anthology series.

I think it's wrong. Kawamori is currently working on Uragiri no Tsubasa, an Aquarion OVA sequel. I think the Compendium meant he has already worked on "Space-Time Wars".


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I think it's wrong. Kawamori is currently working on Uragiri no Tsubasa, an Aquarion OVA sequel. I think the Compendium meant he has already worked on "Space-Time Wars".


Nope, the annoucement came down about Genius Party sometime in November or December, very very recently. He may have done some new mecha designs for Aquarion, but he is working on his own story currently.

Lucas didn't hand off the writing, just the directing. At all points in time, he was still in control of the story. Major difference there being, Lucas was "never" able to believably direct people. Kawamori, regardless of whether you agree with his plot lines or not, always produces interesting well plotted out characters.

Sorry bud, but Lucas only wrote the outline for ESB, he was involved with producing the Indiana Jones movies at the time and didn't have the time to do both.

When he didn't like how ESB went over budget and he essentially screwed his chances of getting Speilberg to direct ROTJ by leaving the Director's Guild, he ended up directing Return himself.

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A Dukey of course... :rolleyes::p


I suspect this project is different from the Kissdum and Jenius Party ones.

Kawamori probably doesn't handle the direction, storyboarding and mechanical designs to the same extend as with Zero and Plus.

Didn't he state somewhere he was 'tired' of revisiting Macross?

He's free to change his mind of course, and I think it'd be stupid to not reconcile yourself with the product your most famous for.

After all, he's in his late forties, so I expect him to do so in some degree.

The chance that other talent will be more involved with Kawamori restricting himself to creative direction is very likely IMO.

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For those who continue to believe that Macross is and always has been a one-froating-head show, I'd like to point out that Kawamori didn't really assume any direct creative control until DYRL. SDF Macross was mostly directed by Noburo Ishiguro, with the "scenario" credits going to Ken'ichi Matsuzaki, Noburo Ishiguro, and Sukehiro Tomita. And ultimately, it's because of SDF that most of us are here in the first place. Would something written or directed by any of these men somehow be any less "Macross?"

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For those who continue to believe that Macross is and always has been a one-froating-head show, I'd like to point out that Kawamori didn't really assume any direct creative control until DYRL. SDF Macross was mostly directed by Noburo Ishiguro, with the "scenario" credits going to Ken'ichi Matsuzaki, Noburo Ishiguro, and Sukehiro Tomita. And ultimately, it's because of SDF that most of us are here in the first place. Would something written or directed by any of these men somehow be any less "Macross?"

My feelings exactly.

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I'm pesonally quite hopeful for some new Macross animation. I don't care so much if its a sequel or a side story as long as its a full length series. I really loved Mac+ and Mac 0 (except for the WTF ending with Shin :wacko: ) but they seemed so rushed. The animation was excelent but I think that 4 episodes just isn't enough to get any real character development and relationships going whilst leaving enough time to showcase those oh-so-nifty valks in some serious action.

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